MTL - Heavens: Be a New Man-Chapter 1164 Sun Wukong's apprenticeship

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"Brother Dao, you have completely gotten rid of the way of heaven. In this real world, it is not suitable to stay, otherwise the poison of old time and space will bring new cause and effect sooner or later." He Xie warned.

"Pin Dao also has this intention." Zhenyuanzi said, "Pin Dao once opened up a virtual world, and just went there to practice and break through the realm. He Daoyou, in these five village views, there are spiritual thoughts left by Pin Dao, When fellow Daoist He needs a poor Daoist, even if you crush this divine sense, the poor Daoist will perceive it."

"Okay, Daoist brother, go ahead, all kinds of things in this world will be handed over to me." He Xie smiled.

Zhen Yuanzi bowed his hands again, and then the whole person slowly faded, and finally turned into a vortex, completely disappearing from this world.

Since then, He Xie has become a veritable and unique Zhenyuan Daxian in the prehistoric world.

As for the ginseng fruit tree in the courtyard, it became the treasure tree of his life that he refined.

This tree is the most causal, it is poisonous to others, and it is a hot potato, but for He Xie, it is beneficial and harmless.

"With this status, I have the capital to make arrangements for this great calamity." He Xie smiled with satisfaction and went out.


Outside the door, two boys Yingying bowed and bowed very respectfully. They get along with Zhen Yuanzi day and night, but they still don't realize that the master has changed his face and changed his face completely.

"The breeze is bright and the moon is bright, and the poor road travels around, and the return date is uncertain. The two of you are optimistic about Wuzhuangguan, don't be slack." He Xie ordered.

The two Daoists looked at each other in surprise.

"Master, the Buddha on Lingshan sent an invitation a few days ago. Master, what kind of Yulan Bon party are you going to go to..." Qingfeng hurriedly reminded.

"I know this, so I don't need to say more." He Xie waved his hand.

The two boys stopped talking for a while.

Before He Xie left, he picked a few ginseng fruits, and then summoned Xiangyun, who flew away in the fog.

Dongsheng Shenzhou, proud of the country, Huaguoshan.

It has been some time since the ape of the heart was born. On the surface, it is unrestrained and free, but in the dark, there is actually a Buddhist master who secretly takes care of the arrangements. Everything you do and say has a certain amount.

In the daytime, this ape is playing around, but at night, the various bodhisattvas and the three Buddhas are taking turns in battle. Carefully investigate to ensure that the monkey has no secret hand from the powerful saint, and is not involved with the great sun. limit.

On this day, the three Bodhisattvas, Guanyin, Puxian, and Manjushri, plus an old mother from Lishan, the four of them investigated the heart ape, and they figured it out, but it was time for the monkey to go abroad to learn art.

"Sage Bodhi has already taught this hozen." Manjushri said, "but he can't easily leave the Xieyue Sanxingdong Cave of Fangcun Mountain in Lingtai, so this hozen has to go to the teacher to learn the arts in person."

"The mountain is high and the road is far away, there are too many variables," Puxian Bodhisattva shook his head, "The great cause of traveling west must not be lost, otherwise you and I will become people who should be calamified. There must be someone to take care of the ape all the way."

"The sky is impermanent, and the number of calamities is fixed." Guanyin Bodhisattva said, "Xinyuan is destined to be full of surprises and dangers, so you don't need to worry too much. However, you do need some guidance. ."

"Good." The other three nodded in unison. The four of them bowed and saluted each other, and their bodies faintly disappeared in place.

None of them noticed that at this moment, He Xie was standing not far from them, smiling faintly, watching this scene.

In the Water Curtain Cave, the Monkey King was playing with the monkeys. Suddenly, the old ape beside him was shocked, and the light in his eyes flashed, but it was the old mother Li Shan who was already on the body of the old ape.

The old ape wept and sighed, which attracted the eyes of all the monkeys. The Monkey King was displeased and asked why.

The old ape wiped his tears and sighed: "Your Majesty doesn't know anything, although you and I are now in the blessed land of Xianshan, the ancient cave and the Divine Continent, not under the jurisdiction of the unicorn, not under the control of the phoenix, and not under the restraint of the human king, and we meet every day. Free and easy, but undecided, when I think about this, old monkey, I am frightened and terrified."

The Monkey King was ignorant and naive, and couldn't see the old ape's flaws at all. Hearing this, he asked subconsciously, "What is it that makes you so afraid?"

The old ape said: "Your Majesty, you and I will always be old and **** one day in the future. Once we die, we will go to the **** and suffer from the pain of all things sinking. There will be no joy today. When the old monkey thinks of this, how can we not be afraid. ?"

When the monkeys heard the words, they all squeaked incessantly, and their faces showed fear.

The monkey king also scratched his ears and scratched his cheeks, his face full of distress: "This, how is this good?"

The old ape said: "Nowadays in the three worlds, only the Buddha, the immortal, and the holy are the three who can escape the cycle of reincarnation, live and die, and live with the heavens and the earth. , living in seclusion in the fairy mountain of Gudong, you can look for it. If the king can travel around the capes, travel far and wide, visit the real immortals, and learn to be immortal, not only can he escape life and death, but also help me to live forever. In the future, we big guys Then you can rejoice every day for eternity and eternity."

When the monkeys heard this, they all scratched their ears and scratched their cheeks.

The Monkey King slapped the table abruptly, and shouted with a long smile, "Okay! I'll go to sea tomorrow, learn from it and come back with immortality!"

The monkeys cheered in unison.

Early the next morning, the Monkey King was sent off by a group of monkeys, made a bamboo raft, and floated away into the sea.

Seeing the Monkey King go away, the old ape couldn't help showing a knowing smile, and said lightly, "This step is done!"


A gust of breeze blew, and Li Shan's mother had already left the body, and the old ape returned to his usual silly appearance.

In today's world, Shanghai is not very peaceful, let alone wind and waves, there are many fierce beasts and monsters in the sea.

Although Xin Yuan was from an extraordinary background, he didn't have much ability at the moment. If he wanted to travel far across the ocean, he would undoubtedly die.

But in the void above the bamboo raft of Xinyuan, Manjushri held Dinghaizhu in his hand and escorted Xinyuan all the way along the bamboo raft. This little bamboo raft not only did not sink in the rough sea, but was stable as a rock.

Along the way, fish, shrimp, melons and fruits rush to the bamboo raft from time to time, offering offerings to satisfy hunger and quench thirst.

After more than half a month, the heart ape came ashore, but unknowingly drifted to the boundary of Nanzhanbuzhou.

In midair, Manjusri Bodhisattva smiled: "Very good, the water journey is complete, Samantabhadra, I'll see you next."

With that said, the figure of Manjusri Bodhisattva slowly faded away.

Xin Yuan abandoned the raft and went ashore, unaware that the waves behind him suddenly rolled violently. Between the turbulent waves, countless strange-shaped monsters greedily stared at his departing back, but shrank back and watched him leave.

Xin Yuan reached the shore, and when he saw the fishermen returning from fishing, he went to ask for directions, but he was so frightened that these people threw their baskets and threw their nets and ran in all directions.

Heart Ape was inexplicable and didn't know why, but he followed suit, and soon he found clothes, put them on his body, and staggered into the market.

Above the void, Samantabhadra Bodhisattva strode forward, transformed into a mortal, and followed behind Xin Yuan with a smile.

After all, it is an ignorant monkey. This ape wanders the streets and alleys, wandering around in the world, recklessly, and has been humiliated by the eyes, and it has been more than ten years in a flash.

Samantabhadra Bodhisattva, who had been observing him secretly, was completely relieved. This monkey should not be possessed and fake, it is accurate.

At the moment, Samantabhadra Bodhisattva used a method to guide Xinyuan out of the city and went straight to the deep mountains outside the city.

This way, I went over mountains and mountains, but before I knew it, I passed the boundary of Nanzhanbuzhou and arrived at Xiniuhezhou.

Seeing this, Samantabhadra Bodhisattva smiled sincerely, nodded slightly to the distant mountains, and then faded away.

His mission is now complete.

What Puxian Bodhisattva didn't notice was that just after he left, Xin Yuan, who had been ignorant to move forward, suddenly stood still and looked back suddenly in the direction he left, with a dazzling light in his eyes.

His eyes are shrewd, where is he half ignorant?

"Master, the bodhisattva who killed this day is really patient, and he actually followed me for ten years!" Xinyuan said bitterly, "If it wasn't for Master, you woke me up at the beginning, I'd be afraid that my disciple would have been kept in the dark. Here, being led by the nose of this group of hypocritical guys, suffer all the calculations!"

As soon as the voice of the ape fell, the figure of He Xie slowly appeared beside him.

"Wukong, after ten years of hard work, you are quite calm." He Xie praised, his eyes full of satisfaction.

Sun Wukong is the person who deserves to be robbed in this world, the son of destiny, who integrates thousands of cause and effect, and is the initiator of this catastrophe.

With such an important role, how could He Xie not cut off Hu's hand in advance?

With his understanding and control of cause and effect and the rules of time and space, even if he wants to hide from Hongjun, it is not impossible, let alone a few Bodhisattvas?

As early as when Sun Wukong first went to sea, He Xie used his supernatural powers to directly replace Sun Wukong, and let him see the intervention and guidance of the bodhisattvas to him, so that Sun Wukong believed that his life all along was actually strictly taught in the West. under monitoring.

He Xie didn't hide anything, and directly told Sun Wukong most of the truth, including the fact that he was the ape of the Buddha.

Sun Wukong was suddenly full of disgust and disgust for these Buddhas and Bodhisattvas who had begun to count on him before he was born, and arranged his life.

And for He Xie, who told him the truth and rescued him from the sea of ​​misery, he was full of gratitude.

The two took what they needed, and they hit it off immediately. The relationship between master and apprentice was immediately established. He Xie still named Xin Wukong as Sun Wukong, and passed on his magical powers.

For more than ten years, Sun Wukong has been practicing in He Xie's sword world. In addition to He Xie, Huangfu Jian also often teaches him.

At this moment, Sun Wukong has already cultivated to the realm of Taiyi Jinxian, and he is only one step away from becoming Da Luo.

"Master, your apprentice has already learned a lot of skills from you, why do you want your apprentice to worship that Lao Shizi Bodhizi as your teacher?" Sun Wukong complained.

"There is a reason for being a teacher." He Xie smiled, "The son of Bodhi is the sage of Zhunti back then, the leader of Western sects, if you can learn some of his skills, it will be good in the end, at least you will be able to forge a share. cause and effect."

Of course, the reason why He Xie asked Sun Wukong to go to Bodhizi was not only to establish this cause and effect, but also because he needed to hide behind the scenes for the time being, at least after the Ullambana, before he could reveal his purpose.

Therefore, for the time being, he cannot let Guanyin and others see that something is wrong.

"Wukong, I will seal your cultivation, so that you will be the same as when you left the mountain." He Xie said sternly, "Take you down the mountain when you become a teacher, and you will automatically unlock the seal of being a teacher and restore your cultivation. Remember. , if someone instigates you to do what the Monkey King is, just beat him to death!"

"Teacher wrote it down." Sun Wukong knelt down and kowtowed three times to He Xie.

Over the years, He Xie has told Sun Wukong what supernatural powers are.

And Huangfujian told Sun Wukong what rules are.

Sun Wukong's temperament is still rebellious, but when faced with He Xie, he does not dare to make a fool of himself.

At the moment, the master and the apprentice bid farewell.

He Xie rode through the clouds and fog, showed his figure halfway, and went straight to the direction of Xitian Lingshan.

The Buddha's Obon Festival is about to begin.

Here Sun Wukong said goodbye to his master, and before he took a few steps forward, he heard someone singing in the forest.

If it were the previous Sun Wukong, he would be ecstatic at this moment, but now he is full of sneer and mockery, scolded and made a fool of himself, and went straight to the sound.

When I got closer, I saw that it was an old woodcutter.

Sun Wukong used He Xie Chuan's eye-wisdom technique to take a closer look. The woodcutter in front of him was covered in golden light, sitting on a lotus platform. Who wasn't Guanyin Bodhisattva?

"The bald-ass Bodhisattva of the Western Heavens, unite to coax my old grandson, each of them should be damned!" Sun Wukong was furious in his heart, but he pretended to be surprised and shouted: "Old immortal! I finally found you!"

The woodcutter seemed to be taken aback. The axe in his hand fell to the ground with a "dang" sound. Looking back, he hurriedly clasped his fists and said, "Don't dare to do it, don't dare to do it! I'm just a clumsy guy who chops wood, and I don't have enough food and clothing. , how dare you be the word immortal?"

Sun Wukong stroked his palm and smiled: "You are not a fairy, how can you sing the tune of a fairy?"

The woodcutter smiled and said, "To tell you the truth, it was taught to me by a real immortal. The immortal was next to my house. He saw my housework and troubles in daily life. When he taught me that I was troubled, he often used the song just now. , one is to relax the mind, and the other is to relieve difficulties.”

Sun Wukong asked, "Then tell me, where does the immortal live?"

The woodcutter said: "Not far, not far. This mountain is called Lingtai Fangcun Mountain, and in the mountain there is a three-star cave with a slanting moon, and in that cave there is a **** named Subhuti Patriarch. You follow this path and go south for seven or eight miles. Far away, it's his home."

Sun Wukong looked extremely happy, bid farewell to the woodcutter, and hurried to the direction pointed by the woodcutter.

When his back disappeared from the sight of the woodcutter, the woodcutter slowly faded his smile and frowned slightly.

For some reason, he always felt that something was wrong, but he couldn't figure out why.

"Master Next, it's up to you..."

Sun Wukong successfully found the mountain gate, entered the cave, and met Patriarch Bodhi.

He obeyed He Xie's orders, did not dare to make mistakes, knelt down and kowtowed to study.

Bodhizi swept Sun Wukong several times with his spiritual consciousness, but he didn't notice any abnormality, so he let go.

After falsely questioning him, Patriarch Bodhi let go and accepted Sun Wukong.

"You are a hozen that eats pine cones. I'll take a surname from you and teach you your surname. The hozen character has gone to beside the beast, but it is a man, a son is a son and a son, which is in line with the basic theory of infants, and I will teach you a surname.' Sun' stop."

Sun Wukong listened to the blink of an eye, and asked expectantly: "Master is merciful, since you have a surname, give me another name!"

The son of Bodhi said: "There are twelve characters in my sect, which are the twelve characters of 'Great Wisdom, True Like Nature, Haiying Wuyuanjue', assigned names, and you are the right character for enlightenment. From today onwards, you will be called Sun Wukong Bar."

Sun Wukong was dumbfounded, and he immediately respected He Xie like a god.