MTL - Hello 1983-Chapter 1072 wolves attack

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  Chapter 1072 Attack of wolves

  Liu Qingshan opened the car door and got out. The night wind outside made him feel cold.

  The temperature difference between day and night here is already very large, and the night in September is a bit chilly.

  Seeing that Little Six was also sleepy, and wanted to follow her out, Liu Qingshan hurriedly carried her back to the car seat: "Don't go out, there are wolves outside!"

  When Xiao Liuzi heard this, his little eyes immediately became energetic.

  Liu Qingshan closed the car door, and saw that Li Tie and Li Tieniu had also come out of the car, and Li Likun led several drivers, all holding long wrenches, and gathered together.

   "Boss, it seems that someone has encountered wolves, should we go over and help?" Li Likun reported to Liu Qingshan.

   "Let's go over and have a look." Liu Qingshan asked the others to get in the car first, leaving only three of their seniors outside.

  Li Likun started three large trucks to meet behind Liu Qingshan and the others.

  The bright headlights illuminated far away, and soon, Liu Qingshan and the others saw green dots flickering in their field of vision, which were the eyes of the wolves.

   "There seem to be quite a few wolf cubs here." Li Tieniu grumbled, then moved his hands and feet, apparently preparing to do a big job.

  Wild wolves, which are extremely terrifying in the eyes of others, he can't look down on, unless the number reaches a certain level, if there are ten or eight, then it is not a problem at all.

  Liu Qingshan was fully alert, he did not dare to underestimate the wolves, this kind of animal has super survival ability.

  During the journey, Liu Qingshan roared: "Get in the car!"

   "I haven't had enough yet." Li Tieniu yelled, and then said, "So many wolves!"

  In the field of vision, there are at least dozens of pairs of green light spots shaking.

  There are too many wolves, and they basically attack from all directions, and no one can resist them.

  The three of them each chose a car and got into the cab. Then, a pack of wolves appeared in front of the car and passed by in a flash.

  Liu Qingshan found that the wolves he saw were all thin, but their fierceness was even stronger than the wild wolves in the forest of his hometown.

   Maybe, these wolves have really eaten people.

  Because there are some old herdsmen in the pastoral area, they have to perform sky burials after they die.

   "It's really fierce, boss, move it!" Li Likun was also in Liu Qingshan's car, and he also felt the ferocity of the wolves.

   As soon as the voice fell, I felt the driving building shake, and the driver quickly reported: "It may be that the wolf bit the tire!"

   "I have to bump out these wolf cubs today!" Li Likun was also a little annoyed, he didn't expect the wolves to be so fierce.

  When I ran this line before, I heard people say that the tires of the car were bitten by encountering wolves while driving.

   Li Likun only thought of it as listening to the story, but he didn't expect to share it tonight.

   Soon, the other two trucks were also on the ground, obviously with their tires bitten.

  Amidst the roar, Li Tieniu rushed into the lights in front of the car and kicked a wild wolf away.

  Liu Qingshan gave Li Likun a warning, and got out of the car to help.

  The three brothers leaned against each other, each responsible for their own front, and quickly brought down a few invading wolves.

   Probably also felt that the three of them were hard-headed, and the wolves no longer appeared, but Liu Qingshan could feel that they were all lurking in the darkness, ready to launch a deadly attack at any time.

   Bang, there was a muffled sound.

  Liu Qingshan turned his head to look in the direction of the truck, and then realized that the gunshots came from another direction.

   Just in such a daze, a wild wolf rushed towards him, and Liu Qingshan slapped him on the forehead.

  The wolf has a famous tofu waist with a copper head and an iron brain, so this wild wolf rolled twice on the sand, then got up again and burrowed into the darkness.

   "Listening to the sound of gunfire is like homemade foreign guns."

   Li Tie said expressionlessly, a cold light flashed in his hands, and a wild wolf fell in front of him, with blood gushing out from the neck.

   "It's just a matter of sewing a wolf fur mattress." Li Tieniu couldn't help laughing when he saw that there were three dead wolves on the ground.

  It is said that the wolf fur mattress has a miraculous effect. If you sleep on it, if there is a sudden crisis, the wolf hair on it will explode, waking up the sleeping person and serving as a warning.

  Liu Qingshan looked at the place where the gunshots came from: "Get on the off-road vehicle and drive over to have a look."

  Off-road vehicles are more flexible than trucks. As long as you don’t stop, you don’t have to worry about the tires being bitten.

  The three of them quickly returned to the off-road vehicle and drove past side by side.

  In the Gobi Desert, although there are no roads, there are roads everywhere.

   After driving for two kilometers, I gradually saw a grass-green jeep in front of me. There were dozens of wild wolves surrounding the car. Several wolves were standing on the carport, tearing the canvas with their fangs.

  Liu Qingshan and his car lights shone in the past, all of them were ferocious wolf heads, which made people's scalp numb.

   Li Tie and Li Tieniu drove an off-road vehicle and went on a rampage, feeling a bit like a tiger joining a pack of wolves.

  Their car is not Bu Peng's, and there is a thick bumper in front of the car.

   There was a wolf howl in the distance, and the wolves retreated like a tide, disappearing without a trace in an instant.

  Liu Qingshan also secretly breathed a sigh of relief, the pressure brought by the wolves is really great.

  The off-road vehicle drove to the front of the jeep, and Liu Qingshan and the others got out of the car. Good guy, the two tires on one side are all flattened, and the car body fell to this side.

  The carport was also torn open several times. It is estimated that in a while, all the people in the car will have to enter the wolf's mouth.

  Four people got out of the jeep, a little old man with a goatee, and the rest were three young people, bowing to Liu Qingshan and the others.

  Looking at their clothes, they are not local herdsmen, but they have an accent here.

   "As long as it's okay." Liu Qingshan looked at the three young men with guarded faces, so he turned back and got into the car without asking any further questions.

  When he returned to the station in the off-road vehicle, Liu Qingshan was taken aback again, only to see Xiao Liuzi got out of the car at some point and was healing a wild wolf with his little hands.

   This wild wolf was stabbed by Li Tie's military thorn, but it didn't hit the vital point, so it was still alive.

   "Liu Zi, why are you still saving the wolf? You haven't heard the story of Mr. Dong Guo and the wolf?" Li Tieniu was a little dissatisfied. They killed the wolf just now, but the little Liu Zi was lucky enough to save the wolf.

   "Brother Tieniu, on the battlefield, we still have to rescue the wounded."

  Xiao Liuzi had her own reasons, applied medicinal powder to the wound of the wild wolf, and wrapped it with gauze several times, then clapped her little hands: "Okay, you can go!"

  The wild wolf bared its teeth at her and struggled twice. Then Xiao Liu stuck out his tongue and untied the rope tied around the wolf's legs. The wild wolf limped and disappeared into the night.

  Liu Qingshan didn't say anything, rubbed Xiao Liuzi's head, led her into the car, and continued to sleep.

   Li Likun also arranged for the drivers to take turns to stand guard. As for the bitten tire, he had to replace it with a spare tire tomorrow.

  Drowsy and sleeping until dawn, Liu Qingshan went out and walked around. The place where he fought with the wolves yesterday was a mess, but the corpses of the few wolves that were killed had disappeared.

  On the sand, only a few pools of blood were left.

  Looking into the distance, there were a few men beside the jeep, skinning wolves.

  Li Likun and the others also woke up, started to change tires, and prepared breakfast.

  At this time, the drivers all have first-hand car repair skills, because when taking the exam, not only the driving skills are tested, but also the ability to repair cars.

   Not long after, the old man with the goatee brought two men over, put a few wolf skin tubes on the ground, and expressed his life-saving grace to Liu Qingshan and others again.

   Liu Qingshan looked at this old man, although he was dressed in rustic clothes, but after experiencing the catastrophe last night, he was still calm and calm, obviously he had some knowledge.

   "Old man Liu Shiquan, thank you for your generous actions. A little care is not enough to repay your life-saving grace. Please accept it."

  After the old man introduced himself, he took out a small cloth bag from his arms. After opening it, the items inside glistened in the morning sun, and it turned out to be a piece of gold jewelry.

  Liu Qingshan waved his hand: "Old man, you are too polite, this thing is too precious, I dare not take it."

  He can basically determine where this group of people came from.

  The young people behind the old man immediately looked at Liu Qingshan with unfriendly eyes.

   Liu Shiquan squinted his eyes, and then put the things back. His shriveled cheeks grinned, and he suddenly smiled:

   "Our village is still dozens of miles away from here. How about sending us a ride after you have done a good job?"

   "Grandpa Ten, let's..." A strong man hesitated to speak.

  Liu Shiquan waved his hand: "Although the old man was born in a remote village, he also knows noble people. You are the leader of the million-dollar village, brother Liu Qingshan, right?"

  Liu Qingshan actually didn't want to have any more interaction with this group of people, they were not serious at first glance, they must be a group of tomb robbers.

  Just as he was about to refuse, he heard Liu Shiquan continue to say: "To be honest, the old man's house has a few good things left by his ancestors. Brother Liu, you have a private museum, maybe you can use it."

   Even if you know this, you must have read the introduction in the newspaper.

  A period of time ago, when Liu Qingshan exchanged for the national treasure female history admonition picture, there was a lot of publicity in the newspapers.

  After listening to Liu Shiquan's words, Liu Qingshan couldn't help but feel that the things in the old man's hands must be unusual.

  Think about it, with these well-trained veterans on our side, plus their three brothers, there is nothing to worry about. Taking a step back, Li Likun and the others still have guys.

  So he nodded with a smile: "Okay, then we'll pay a visit."

   "Haha, good, it just so happens that the old man also has the opportunity to thank you for your kindness."

  Liu Shiquan cupped his hands, and then yelled at the young people behind him: "Bring those wolves back, and improve the food for the cubs in the village."

   "Grandpa, can wolf meat be eaten?" Little Six was a little curious.

   "It's similar to dog meat, but children can't eat more, just satisfy their cravings."

  Liu Shiquan looked at Xiao Liuzi, and then slapped his hands vigorously: "Haha, okay, it turns out to be a little genius doctor. Brother Jiu can be saved now!"

  (end of this chapter)

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