MTL - Hello 1983-Chapter 1073 Be careful when you go out

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  Chapter 1073 When going out, be careful

   "Here, the one in front is our village. The official name is Liujiawan. The common people are used to calling it Kushuicha."

  Liu Shiquan sat in the car and led the way. A small village appeared in the earth-yellow tones ahead, with sparse earthen houses and a few sparse trees.

  The trees are the same as this small village, dry and lifeless.

   Several dirt dogs ran out along the sandy road, barking at the convoy.

   Li Likun organized a convoy and stopped just outside the village. He also has rich experience in long-distance running. It is better not to enter such a strange village.

  Liu Qingshan got out of the car and followed Liu Shiquan and others into the village. Two native dogs were still barking and rushed up fiercely.

  Just as Liu Shiquan was about to yell, he saw the two dogs with their tails between their legs, turned around and ran back to the village.

  Recalling that these people were able to fight wolves, Liu Shiquan understood why these dogs were scared away.

   Entering the village, Liu Qingshan and his party felt that this place is really poor, even poorer than when Liu Qingshan's hometown did not contract production to each household.

   At least there is a lot of land over there, so you don’t have to worry about being hungry.

  The ravines here are criss-crossed, the sandy soil is barren, and it is difficult to plant some crops, and it is not certain whether the seeds can be recovered.

  Liu Qingshan noticed that there was no one in the village that erected a TV mast.

  In this era, this thing is basically the most direct benchmark for measuring the local living standard.

  Not to mention the TV antenna pole, even the electric pole, Liu Qingshan didn’t see it, only saw the iron wire pulling the radio.

   A few little dolls ran out, most of them were barefoot, looking at Liu Qingshan and his party foolishly.

   "Shy, shy." Xiao Liuzi made a face at a little boy, and even his **** was bare, you can wear crotch pants.

   "Greeting to the adults in the family, go to the car outside the village to get the meat." Liu Shiquan yelled.

  The children heard this, and immediately ran back, shouting as they ran: "Split the meat, split the meat!"

  The second house in the village is the mud house of Liu Shiquan's family.

  The yard is clean, no chickens, ducks, geese, dogs, nothing.

  The door of the house was not locked, and he opened the door directly to enter the house, and the house was clean. Liu Shiquan introduced himself: He has no daughter-in-law, no children, and his parents passed away since he was a child, and the only elder brother is clean.

   laughed at himself and said, "I simply chose the wrong name. I shouldn't be called Liu Shiquan, but Liu Shique."

  In the room is an earthen kang, with two old small cabinets on the top of the kang, a few benches on the floor, a wall clock on the wall, and an old radio speaker hanging on the door. The furnishings are as simple as that.

   "Sit down, Brother Liu, you all sit down, our village is a little poor, please bear with us."

  While letting the guests go, Liu Shiquan ordered the young man who came with him to boil water, and asked another to invite the village chief and bring some tea by the way.

   Not long after, the village head came, also a half-grown old man named Liu Shier, and Liu Shiquan and the others were uncles and brothers.

  Seeing Liu Qingshan, Liu Twelve slapped his thigh vigorously, and two clouds of dust popped up: "Your baby is the Liu in the newspaper, what's the matter with Liu?"

   "Uncle Village Chief, my name is Liu Qingshan." Liu Qingshan went up to shake hands with Liu Twelve.

  The head of the village nodded vigorously: "You baby is so powerful, you can make it out of a million-dollar village. Tell me, what is it all about?"

  He obviously saw a huge gap. They are in a difficult situation. When the accounts are settled at the end of the year, everyone still owes the team money.

  Liu Qingshan sat there chatting with them. He knew that the development model of Jiapigou would definitely not work here, and it was useless to talk about it.

  The only thing that can be a little inspiring is: Only by adapting measures to local conditions can we get rich.

  However, it is really difficult to develop here, with inconvenient transportation, limited resources, and extremely barren land.

  They were chatting in the house, but the villagers all flocked outside the village, looking around the big trucks and SUVs.

   And the broken jeep was also dragged back together, almost falling apart.

   Liu Shiquan said on the road that this time it was a loss. After a long trip, he borrowed an old jeep from a friend in the county.

  Those skinned wild wolves, one for you and one for me, will be divided up soon.

  Xiao Liuzi couldn't stay in the house, so he ran out to play with the children in the village.

  She also took out a handful of ham sausages from the car, and each child shared one.

   "It's not tasty, I can't bite it." A snot-nosed baby shouted.

   Little Six Kaba Kaba has small eyes: "You don't know how to peel the skin, the red plastic skin on the outside is not edible!"

  The children giggled, then bit open the wrapper with their teeth, and ate the sausage inside.

   "It smells so good!" The snot baby wiped the snot under his nose vigorously.

   "You have rhinitis, I'll prescribe some medicine for you later." Little Six looked at this almost ten-year-old kid, who seemed to be older than her.

  In a short while, Xiaoliuzi became the most popular friend of the children, because she took out delicious fudge and could blow big bubbles, which is amazing.

   "I can't swallow it, it's bubble gum!" Little Six told these little kids again.

  In Liu Shiquan's house, the village head was looking at Liu Qingshan enviously: "Brother, you are capable, and you can also help us out."

  The other villagers also have longing eyes. Their ancestors have been poor for generations, and they are really poor.

   Liu Qingshan looked at Liu Shiquan, probably the most knowledgeable person in the village.

   It's just that the antiques that are taken from the ground are not very valuable. Even if they are valuable, they can't sell them for a high price, so they are still poor.

  Liu Shiquan hurriedly rescued Liu Qingshan: "Old Twelve, don't worry, brother Liu has to think about this matter slowly. Our place is poor, it's not so easy to get rich."

  A look of disappointment flashed across the village chief's face, and then he sighed. Why didn't he know this.

Liu Qingshan smiled: "Uncle Shiquan, Uncle Village Chief, in fact, we came here this time to investigate a project, which is to plant desert grapes and then make wine. If it is feasible, we will definitely send us Liu Jiawan also brought it."

  Liu Twelve couldn't help but his eyes lit up when he heard this: "A few months ago, a young man wearing glasses came to our village. He was accompanied by the chief of the county, and he also talked about growing grapes here."

  Zhang Pengfei took over the conversation: "That must be Xu Laosan, we were good brothers in the same dormitory when we were in college."

   "Tsk tsk, it will be great if we can produce a college student when we are in trouble." The village chief was envious again.

  Liu Qingshan asked where this place belonged. It turns out that it is not far from the place Xu Changsheng mentioned. They are both under the jurisdiction of the same urban area and located on the edge of the Tengger Desert.

   At least there was a glimmer of hope, and the village head was very happy. Seeing that it was noon, he called Liu Qingshan and his party to his house for dinner.

  The village head's house is also an earthen house. Compared with Liu Shiquan's house, there is an extra radio and a sewing machine in the house.

   There was wolf meat in the cauldron, a lot of pepper was added to it, and some dried cabbage and radish were added, which smelled quite delicious.

  Liu Qingshan also called Li Tieniu and the others, they moved two boxes of canned food, one box of canned fruit, one box of canned fish, and one box of ham sausage from the car, making up four dishes.

   Li Likun and the driver also took turns to have a bite of food. Since Liu Qingshan and the others will arrive at the place soon, Li Likun is going to take people one step ahead.

  After everyone sat down at the table, the village chief slapped his thigh again: "Hurry up and ask someone to ride a bicycle, and go to the supply and marketing cooperative of the commune to buy wine!"

  Liu Qingshan waved his hand with a smile, and asked Li Tie to move a box of Erguotou from the car.

   Liu Twelve kept smacking his lips: "How can you treat guests like this?"

So all the wine was poured into the thick bowl, and Liu Shiquan picked up the wine bowl: "Brother Liu, and everyone, if you thank me, I will not say more. Meeting is fate. On behalf of the parents and folks of Kushuicha, welcome everyone to come Here we are, come, have a drink."

  It seems that he has been out and about, so he speaks on behalf of the villagers. Otherwise, the village chief should speak.

  Everyone knocked down their wine bowls, Li Likun and others naturally did not drink, and even ate vegetables, they only ate canned food and ham sausage.

  Be careful when going out.

  Liu Qingshan didn't care much about it, he could tell that the people in this village were quite simple, and they probably didn't have any bad intentions.

  Li Tieniu was even more impolite, he took out a large piece of wolf meat from the basin and gnawed on it.

   "Brother, wolf meat is dry, eat less." Little Six reminded him beside him.

  The village chief was surprised: "This little girl really knows a lot."

  Little Liu smiled at him, and then a little brain came in from outside the door: "Master, Xiao Liu said that I have rhinitis, and even prescribed medicine for me."

   This snot-nosed baby is the grandson of the village head.

  Liu Shiquan quickly took over the conversation: "Old Twelve, this little girl is amazing, she is a little genius doctor, after dinner, I have to ask her to show Brother Jiu."

  The village chief also hurriedly picked up the wine bowl: "Little genius doctor, I will respect you first..."

   While talking, I remembered that Xiaoliuzi was still a child.

  Xiao Liuzi shook the drink bottle in his hand: "I'm drinking this, Liu Nose, you come in, I'll pour you a bowl and have a taste."

  Snot Baby squeaked into the house and stood beside Little Six, eyes full of anticipation.

  Xiao Liuzi poured half of the unified energy for him, and the snot baby took a big gulp, and then let out a sigh of relief: "It's so delicious!"

  The village head looked at the white wine in the bowl: "Brother Liu, is the thing you said about growing grapes to make wine really reliable?"

   "A few days ago, when your classmate was born, he told us that we didn't believe it. We can't even grow crops here, but can we grow grapes?"

  Liu Qingshan was drinking broth. He soaked the steamed black noodle buns in the broth, and drank until he was sweating.

  On the top of the broth, there are still small red fruits floating, which are just a few goji berries.

  Hearing the village chief's question, Liu Qingshan nodded with a smile, and answered irrelevantly: "Uncle village chief, your goji berries are really good."

   "They all grow in the ditches. Our ancestors have used this to make soup and drink water." The village chief didn't understand what Liu Qingshan meant.

  Liu Qingshan showed a smile on his face: "Uncle Village Chief, don't tell me the grape growers, this wolfberry is our hope to make a fortune!"

  (end of this chapter)