MTL - Hello 1983-Chapter 1074 This work is definitely not for nothing! (seeking a monthly ticket)

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  Chapter 1074 This job is definitely not for nothing! (seeking a monthly ticket)

  Liu Qingshan and others, under the leadership of the village chiefs Liu Shier and Liu Shiquan, walked among the ditches in the Gobi.

  Sand was quickly poured into the shoes, and the body became like the locals, gray and dusty, and it was all dust when shaken off.

   Occasionally, sparse bushes can be seen, and they are listless.

   "Brother Liu, that piece is wolfberry." Liu Shiquan pointed forward.

  A bush more than half a meter high, with small red fruits hanging on the branches, and the fruit grains are very full.

  Xiao Liuzi first went to pick a few fresh goji berries, threw them into his mouth, smacked them, and then nodded his head: "The quality is excellent."

  Other people also go up to taste: the entrance is a little bit bitter, and then slowly began to return to sweetness.

  Of course Liu Qingshan knows, because of the relationship between light and temperature, the goji berries produced here are the best in the whole country.

   Later generations also developed many brands, such as wolfberry tea, and brewing wine with wolfberry.

   Even without further processing, just selling dried goji berries, as long as the scale is large enough, the income will be very considerable.

   It's just that now, the health care product of wolfberry has not been recognized and accepted by the general public.

  Wait another ten or twenty years and see, eight out of ten of those middle-aged men’s thermos cups are soaked with goji berries.

   Gao Feng also tasted it carefully, then nodded: "Our pharmaceutical factory can buy the goji berries here now."

   "This thing can still be sold for money!" The village chief immediately got excited, "Comrade Gao, how much can you charge?"

   "This depends on the quality. For dry products, it should be between five and ten yuan per catty." Gao Feng held a small oblong red fruit in his hand, and smiled on his face.

   "How much?" Liu Twelve felt his legs go limp, and his body couldn't help but toppled forward, plunging headlong into the wolfberry bushes.

  When Li Tieniu carried him out, Liu Twelve's face was scratched by the small spines of wolfberries, bleeding.

  He also ignored the pain and grabbed Gao Feng's arm: "Comrade Gao, how much do you say?"

   Gao Feng repeated it again with a smile, and Liu Twelve slapped himself on the head twice, and then laughed foolishly.

   "Old Twelve, what's the matter?" Liu Shiquan was frightened.

  Little Six smiled: "It's okay, I'm just too happy, just ask him to laugh for a while."

   Sure enough, he laughed for more than half a minute, Liu Twelve stopped laughing, and then held Liu Qingshan's hand, tears streaming down: "Brother Liu, you are really the savior of our Kushuicha."

  Liu Qingshan knows that after decades, the price of authentic Ningxia wolfberry will be several hundred yuan.

  While goji berries produced in other places cost tens of dollars.

  Assess the grade of wolfberry, and the later standard is based on the number of particles per 50 grams.

  The highest grade is six stars, and there are 180 to 200 grains in every 50 grams.

  The goji berries produced here are full of grains. The most important thing is that because of the climate, the nutritional content is higher, so the price is of course higher.

  Of course that is the price in the future, but even if it costs five yuan a catty now, it is still a big income for the villagers here.

   Liu Twelve wiped his eyes, and immediately turned into a colorful face: "In the ditch on our side, this thing is much older."

   "The fruit has been growing since June and July, and it can be picked for several months. If every household sends out idlers to pick the fruit, no matter how they can collect dozens of catties, it will be hundreds of dollars, hahaha..."

  For the villagers who owe money to the government every year, what is the concept of an extra few hundred yuan in income?

  Of course Liu Qingshan can understand Liu Twelve's mood. When Jiapigou first developed, they sold the first batch of greenhouse vegetables, which is how they felt.

   There were also a few villagers who came with them, and they all looked excited. A young man patted his thigh vigorously: "It's a pity that the picking season is over this year. If I knew this stuff was valuable, I would have picked more at that time!"

  Looking at how hard he is, his thighs are probably red.

  Liu Shiquan also looked at Liu Qingshan excitedly, and he suddenly realized: The most correct thing he did was to invite this brother Liu to Kushuicha.

  He was also completely convinced: This is vision and insight, turning stone into gold.

  After they were all happy for a while, Liu Qingshan said cheerfully: "The income of a few hundred yuan is too little, no matter how many thousands of yuan, tens of thousands of yuan is enough."

  The village head, Liu Shiquan and the others were taken aback: They really didn't dare to think about this.

   "Brother Liu, just tell us how you can achieve this. Don't worry, this work will definitely not be for nothing!" Liu Shiquan also made up his mind.

  He is alone, and his only concern is these relatives in the village.

  Liu Qingshan smiled and waved his hands: "Of course I won't help in vain."

  Liu Shiquan slapped his thigh vigorously: "Brother Liu, if it really works, you can get half of it!"

   "Let's go back and talk slowly." Liu Qingshan was not in a hurry.

   After everyone returned to the village, they still went to the village chief’s house to make tea. Liu Qingshan took a sip of tea from a thick bowl, and then continued the previous topic:

   "Collection of wild goji berries is limited after all, and it must be scaled up. The land contracted by each family can be planted into a goji berry garden."

  Liu Twelve blinked and blinked his eyes: "Brother Liu, you mean that instead of farming the land, they will all be planted with goji berries, so what are we going to eat?"

   Still, Liu Shiquan has some insight: "Old Twelve, if you are really rich, we can sell food to eat. Don't worry, listen to Brother Liu."

  Liu Qingshan then continued: "The climate and soil quality here are very suitable for the growth of small shrubs such as wolfberries, and they can survive in the wild. If people take care of them, they will definitely grow more lush and produce more results."

   "With more output, the income will naturally increase, so I say that it is not impossible to earn tens of thousands of yuan."

  The village head and several villagers nodded repeatedly, and everyone looked excited.

   Their ancestors have grown up here for generations, and they are not afraid of hardship, hard work, or tiredness.

  But year after year, I barely survived starvation, struggling **** this barren land.

  Like the trees and shrubs here, they survive tenaciously.

  At first, there was no hope, thinking that this kind of life would continue forever, but never expected that with the arrival of Liu Qingshan, everything would change.

  Hope is right in front of them, and a better life is already waving to them.

  After being excited, Liu Twelve grabbed Liu Qingshan's hands: "Brother Liu, I'm just here for your idea. We must share half of our income with you. I keep my word, so let everyone come over and sign!"

  Liu Qingshan patted Liu Shier's arm with his backhand: "Uncle Village Chief, listen to me first."

   "My idea is that I will invest in the development of wolfberry planting. Our place is too dry. At least we need to dig wells, or divert water from other places for irrigation, so that wolfberries can grow better."

"Then we need to further process wolfberry and develop a series of products. We will provide all these ins and outs, capital and technology, and you will provide the land, and then plant the wolfberry tree, harvest and dry it. At that time, we will Work out an appropriate dividend ratio."

  Liu Qingshan described the general plan. In this regard, the experience of Jiapigou can be used for reference.

   Once this project is launched, it is not the village of Kushuicha. This project must at least be carried out in conjunction with surrounding counties in order to truly form an industrial scale.

  The village chief and the villagers were all overwhelmed with emotion, and Liu Twelve's voice was choked up: "Brother Liu, we can't repay you!"

  Liu Qingshan also said with a smile: "Our investment is also for profit, and both sides benefit. This is called a win-win situation."

   "Okay, win-win!" Liu Shiquan was completely relieved this time, this is not bringing back a person, this is inviting back a God of Wealth.

   "We will study this matter with the county and the city. Don't worry, we will definitely take you Kushuicha as a pilot and develop first."

  Liu Qingshan also made an assurance that this kind of thing is indeed a good thing that benefits others and oneself.

  After deciding on this matter, Liu Shiquan invited the little six sons to see a doctor for Liu Laojiu, and Liu Qingshan naturally accompanied him.

  The village head and others also followed, and there was a large group of people.

  Walking on the sandy road in the village, all the kids on the side of the road came over to say hello to Little Six, very affectionate.

  Liu Laojiu's house is not far away, and it takes only a few minutes to walk there. An old woman leads her son out of the hospital, followed by a man and a woman, both in their teens.

  As for the daughter-in-law, the village head said just now: I couldn’t stand the hard life and ran away.

   Entering the house, I saw a scrawny old man lying on the kang, about sixty or seventy years old, with bare arms, only skin and bones left.

   "Ninth brother, the little genius doctor is here to treat you." Liu Shiquan went up, this is his own brother.

  Liu Laojiu on the kang rolled his eyes and shook his head slightly. His eyes were lifeless, obviously he had lived enough.

   These years, Liu Shiquan has been working hard to earn two dollars, and he has treated his brother's illness. Otherwise, Liu Laojiu would have been in the coffin long ago.

Because there are bedridden patients who are eating and drinking, the smell in the room is not very good, but the little six seems to be okay, she doesn't dislike it at all, grabbing the old man's hemp arm, and putting her finger on the vein door superior.

  The room was silent, and everyone's eyes fell on this little girl, both surprised and suspicious.

  Xiao Liuzi switched to the other side and continued to sound his pulse, the expression on his face kept changing.

  From initial doubts to final confidence.

  After the equal sign finished the pulse, Xiao Liuzi said: "This old man's condition is quite special. It belongs to the yin qi entering the body, which continuously erodes the yang qi in the body, resulting in an imbalance of yin and yang in the body."

   Others didn't think much of it, but Liu Shiquan kept nodding.

  I only heard Xiaoliuzi continue to say: "This old man, did you dig coal or mines before, and you have been underground all year round, so that the yin energy slowly enters your body?"

  The locals in the room couldn't help but look at each other with strange expressions.

  Finally, Liu Shiquan stomped his feet: "I don't hide my illness from the doctor, so let me tell the truth. Brother Jiu and I are actually grave robbers, and some places are called Tufuzi."

  (end of this chapter)