MTL - Hello 1983-Chapter 7 trendy youth

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  Chapter 7 Trendy Youth

   At noon the next day, Liu Qingshan carried the burden and led his grandfather, sweating profusely, got off the green leather train and out of the crowded Chuncheng Railway Station.

  Compared with county towns, provincial capitals like Chuncheng are a bit more colorful: people coming and going are dressed in brighter clothes, and there are quite a few older girls and daughters-in-law in long dresses.

  In addition to buses, there are also some green big Jiefang trucks on the road, and occasionally black cars can be seen, which attracts envious eyes from people.

  On both sides of the road, there are more buildings, and the signboards of the shops are also colorful.

  If what you see in Jiapigou and Qingshan Commune is a black-and-white photo; then Spring City has already been replaced with a color one, and it will become more and more colorful.

   "The city is much more lively than before."

  Although Grandpa couldn’t see clearly, the sound of vehicle horns and noisy crowds in his ears still made the old man sigh.

  The old man is not a small farmer who has never been to the city in his life. He has eaten and seen it before.

   "Master, drink some water first."

  Liu Qingshan put down the pick, took off the army green water bottle on his body, unscrewed the lid, and handed it to his grandfather.

  In this era, almost every household has a kettle of this kind.

   After taking two sips of water, the old man handed it back again, Liu Qingshan raised his neck to the spout, and gulped it all.

   "Do you want to take a car?"

  A voice came from the side, Liu Qingshan turned his head and saw that it was a three-wheeler. It seems that this era is really about to wake up.

  Although I really want to sit, but the money in my pocket does not allow it.

   The total is only thirty or so yuan, the round-trip travel expenses plus board and lodging, it is enough for the father and the father to live in Chuncheng for three to five days, and it really takes careful planning and spending.

   "Uncle, thank you, we don't take the car."

  Liu Qingshan smiled at the middle-aged man who was pedaling, and asked again: "Uncle, how can I get to Chaoyang Park?"

  The people at this time were still very simple. Although they didn't get any business, the other party still introduced the route in detail, and explained clearly how to get there by car.

  Liu Qingshan bowed again and again to express his gratitude. If this is left to future generations, if you ask the taxi driver about it, you may be sent to the North Pole.

   Carrying the burden and continuing on the road, I finally saw a bus stop, and a large group of people were waiting for the bus.

  Liu Qingshan led his grandfather over there. Just as he put down his load, a horn sounded not far away, indicating that the bus was about to arrive.

  Everyone rushed up one after another, almost staggering Liu Shikui who was caught off guard.

   "Hey, what are you squeezing, hurrying to reincarnate, didn't you see that there is an old man here!"

  A slightly high-pitched voice rang out in the crowd

  People around gave way subconsciously, while Liu Qingshan leaned on a pole and looked around, a smile appeared on the corner of his mouth.

On the opposite side are two young people dressed in "different" clothes, a man and a woman, both wearing bell-bottom trousers, which are tight at the top and wide at the bottom, and their buttocks are tight. When they reach the trouser legs, they let go suddenly. The trousers are a foot long, like a big bell-bottom of.

  These two have black toad mirrors stuck on their noses. The young man combed four to six points, his hair was oily, and it seemed that he did not lack hair oil.

  There is a nursery rhyme that says: If you have a big back, two taels of oil, you don’t have to worry about marrying a daughter-in-law.

  The young woman is also more fashionable, with shawl-length hair in big waves and red lips.

   It's just a bit too red, as if I just drank pig's blood and didn't wipe my mouth.

   On the other hand, Liu Qingshan was wearing cloth shoes, blue cloth pants with patches, an old vest on his upper body, and a coarse cloth jacket on his shoulders.

  Just now, he was still carrying a burden, but at first glance he was a countryman who had entered the city.

   These two types of people are also the representatives of this era.

  In this era, flared trousers, flowered shirts, toad mirrors, and a Sanyang tape recorder on the shoulder, in the eyes of most people, are unorthodox and bad young people.

  Actually, it is just the beginning of the young people's pursuit of freedom and liberation, so there is no need to make a fuss.

  Besides, the other party will help me speak, so naturally I want to thank him.

  So Liu Qingshan grinned, showing his white teeth, arched his hands and said, "Thank you!"

   "Hi, you're welcome!"

  The young man waved his hand and said disapprovingly.

   "Brother, your outfits are too cool!" Liu Qingshan said after raising his hands.


  The young man took off his sunglasses, put them in his shirt pocket, and asked a little puzzled, "What do you mean by cool? Are you scolding us or praising us?"

  The young woman also blinked. Is this the dialect there?

  Liu Qingshan followed with a smile and said: "This cool is the transliteration of English COOL, and it is popular in the United States."

   "The original meaning is cold, but it is extended to be cold and cold. You can understand it as more handsome and it's OK. McHarris should have seen it, people call it cool!"

  Mike Harris was the protagonist of an American drama "The Man from the Atlantic" that was empty-handed at that time, and he was the idol of the youth at that time.

  The bell-bottom trousers, the toad mirror set, mainly came from this person.

  The two young men and women were a little dazed by his talk, and they were from the United States and English, which made them a little overwhelmed

   "Hey, that's right, buddy, I'm cool, and I'm so cool!" The young man thought he was very chic and shook his hair.

  Liu Qingshan waved his hands and said, "No, no, brother, you have to say it's really cool."

   "It's dead, it's not good, it's not auspicious at all."

  The young man was unable to accept it, and kept shaking his head. This sounded like shooting someone, which was too unlucky.

   "People in Hong Kong and Taiwan say that, for example, the songs of Teresa Teng and Liu Wenzheng are so cool!"

   Liu Qingshan said seriously.

  The young man muttered: "It's so cool, um, I've found something. Xiaomei, look at my brother's outfit, isn't it so cool!"

  The young woman smiled coquettishly and said, "De Xing, I think you are about to die!"

  Seeing that the bus was about to enter the station, Liu Qingshan waved his hand, supported the old man and said, "Brother, see you later, we're getting on the bus."

  After getting on the bus, Liu Qingshan took out a dime and was about to buy a ticket, but someone behind him blew a whistle, then handed over a few monthly passes, and waved them in front of the conductor.

   "Account on me!"

   Looking back, it was the cool and smoking young man just now.

  Liu Qingshan smiled and said: "Brother, thank you!"

  The young man raised his chin and began to squeeze in.

  The bus was packed like fish cans, and there were no seats at all.

  The guy pointed at the two young people who were sitting and shouted: "Hey, I'm a little blind, don't you see any old people, give up your seat."

  The tone was very arrogant. When the two young men saw his behavior, we didn't dare to provoke him, so they stood up obediently.

  Liu Qingshan nodded his thanks to them, and then helped his grandfather to sit in the past. As for the other seat, it belonged to the young woman.

  The young man stood there, holding the armrest with one hand, throwing one leg in front of him, his heel on the ground, revealing the big pointed leather shoes, swinging back and forth, still whistling, the surrounding passengers subconsciously gave way.

   "Brother, your "Sweet Honey" is out of tune."

   Liu Qingshan felt uncomfortable hearing him whistling, and couldn't help reminding him in a low voice.

   "Yo, you still know this is "Sweet Honey", you really come from the countryside?"

  The young man raised his brows and asked with some doubts.

   "I said I came from Guangdong, how do you believe me?"

  Liu Qingshan intentionally showed a bad taste, which made the young man laugh out loud.

But the beginning of the conversation was not good. When he heard Cantonese, the young man felt as if he had been slapped with chicken blood, his toes dangled even more, and he sang Cantonese songs in his mouth, and he sang while singing. It's not crowded in the car, maybe they all jumped on it.

   "Brother, don't sing, people want money for singing, and you are dying to sing."

  Liu Qingshan couldn't listen anymore.

  In this era, when northerners sing Cantonese songs, most of them are marked with homonyms of Mandarin.


  The young woman named Xiaomei was drinking orange soda, but she sprayed it all at once. She quickly took out a handkerchief and covered her mouth, her shoulders still shrugged.

  The young man was also a little embarrassed by the words, and muttered: "You will come!"

   "This car is driving, not a place to sing."

  Liu Qingshan shook his head and refused.

  But the young men insisted, saying that they also got off the bus at Chaoyang Park and had a dance party in the park, and insisted that Liu Qingshan get off the bus and sing to him. What is the tune of Cantonese?

  The reason Liu Qingshan went to Chaoyang Park was because he knew that this was a distribution center for Clivia.

  After sitting for a few stops, it was time to get off the bus, without Liu Qingshan, so Xiaomei helped the old man to get off the bus, but she did not forget to say: "Little brother, don't just talk and not practice tricks."

   "I haven't found a place to stay yet, so I can't leave my grandfather on the street." Liu Qingshan spread his hands.

   "It's easy to find accommodation, just go with my brother."

  The young man waved smartly and led them to a worker's hotel, then took out his work card and slapped it on the table: "Open me a double room."

   "Yo, Gangzi, friends are here." The waiter greeted enthusiastically.

   "Sister Wu, come to the room on the first floor, this old man's eyes are not very good."

  Beside Liu Qingshan glanced at it, the work ID of that young man was impressively the First Automobile Manufacturing Factory.

  He was just about to pay the travel expenses, when Gangzi waved his hand impatiently: "What are you doing, put away the slip, this is the hotel in the unit, don't worry, brother is easy to work here."

   Yes, the accommodation fee has been saved, and now I can be a lot more generous.

  Liu Qingshan naturally thanked him again.

  Bring two hot water bottles and a porcelain basin from the front desk, Gangzi and Xiaomei helped Liu Qingshan put the things into the room together.

   "Little brother, pack up, I'm outside!"

  Just as Gangzi went out, Liu Shikui patted Liu Qingshan's arm on the back: "Sanfenger, let's change to another hotel. If you don't take advantage of others, you won't suffer."

   These words are definitely the most logical summation of the old man's life. Don't look at the bad eyesight now, my heart is bright.

  Following that, he took out an envelope from the pocket of his jacket: "This is a letter from Lao Wang, that is, Professor Wang. It has his work unit and phone number on it. If you need anything, you can ask him for help."

  Liu Qingshan could not help but smile slightly, it turns out that Grandpa is still hiding this backhand.

  (end of this chapter)