MTL - Hello, Heir-Chapter 2586 Grand Finale-Little Fox a

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When I came to the little fox, I heard the little fox smiled and said, "I'm planning to say this. I don't have any luggage. I'm going back to the villa tonight, but your brother is in the hospital. I plan to be in the hospital. He was guarded here, so I had trouble reading Yao at night. You live in the house first, and keep the little cherry, okay? I will pick her up in the morning to go to school. "

Shi Nian Yao Lima excitedly said: "No problem!"

Then he smiled and looked at Shi Yan, "Brother, am I okay? You two are together happily, you always have to think about your sister's life-long event ~ Do you consider investing in talent for the crew? Horse? Let my male **** make TV dramas easier and pay more ~ ​​"

Shi Yan: ...

Shi Nianyao hehe laughed: "It was such a pleasant decision ~"

After speaking, he immediately slipped out.

Shi Yan: ... happily decided the **** horse?

Tian Tian watched Shi Nianyao go out, and couldn't help but shook his head. "For so many years, why is she still obsessed with that male star!"

Shi Yan: "I used to think that Yao chasing the stars was a moment of fun, but I didn't expect her to persist."

Tian Tian said: "Yeah, but I don't know what she will look like in the end. I heard that she has also set up a WeChat group and always talks with friends about male gods in the group."

Shi Yan laughed: "Little child."

Then he held out his hand to Tian Tian. "What did you stew for me today?"

"Pork rib soup!" Tian Tian smiled very insidiously. "What you eat makes up for anything, so you have to eat it ~"

After speaking, I walked to Shi Zhe, poured out the soup for him, and then filled it in front of him. Shi Zou frowned: "It's pork rib soup again!"

These days, I have to drink a large bucket of pork rib soup every day.

But as soon as he looked up, when he saw the smile of the little fox, he swallowed it when he reached his mouth. Then he took the soup and drank it.

Taking a sip of the soup, Shih felt that he was going to become a rib soup!

Watching Tian Tian's insidious and cunning laugh there, Shi Ye suddenly waved at her.

The little fox leaned forward. "What?"

Shi Yan said, "Come here, let me say a few words to you."

Tian Tian thought he had a secret to tell himself, so he walked forward, but just when he got in front of Shi Xun, he was suddenly strapped by Shi Xuan, and kissed him!

All the taste of pork rib soup in his mouth, rich bone soup flavor, mixed with his breath, leaving Tian Tian's brain blank for a moment.

Familiar ... unfamiliar, she suddenly felt mixed.

During this time, although she had reconciled with Shi Yan, she always felt as if she could never go back to the past. Until now, that full feeling had enveloped her again.

It was as if it had been fluttering before, but at this moment, finally stood firm and landed on the ground.

As soon as the kiss was over, she returned to her senses, and immediately flew a bright red on her cheek, and then heard Shi Yan said, "Little Fox, you are finally back."

As soon as Tian Tian's eyes were hot, he laughed and shoved him; "Have a good rest, I'll wash the insulation box!"

Then he fled and left the ward.

As soon as she stepped out, Tian Tian stood still, took a deep breath, and then drew a smile on her lips.

She settled down and turned to go to the water room, but when she turned her head, she saw Meng Chen with a somber face standing next to her, "Tian Xin, what are you doing?"

PS: I have something temporary today. I wrote two chapters early in the morning and went out. The rest of the updates will be at nine in the evening. Thank you!