MTL - Help! The General’s Gone Mad With Pampering Me-Chapter 560 Extra Story 91 Join us

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  Chapter 560 Fanwai 91 join in

  Under Xu Lie's care, Feng Xin's complexion got better and better, and he became a lot more cheerful, and would joke with him from time to time.

  Xu Lie didn't like to socialize in the first place, but now it's even worse, almost going home after work.

   There are a lot of Feng Xin's paintings in the living room. It is full, but it has a different kind of warmth.

   On this day, Xu Lie got off work as usual, and after entering the house, he received a call from a friend.

  The caller was Xu Guangji, a friend Xu Lie had made when he was just released from prison.

  Xu Lie said while changing his shoes.

   "The bar opened? Okay, you, the business is getting bigger and bigger now."

  Xu Guangji smiled.

   "I don't have such a great ability. I'm a partner of several people. I only have a little share. It's not been a long time since I saw you. I want to take this opportunity to get together."

   This person Xu Lie still listens to and values, he didn't immediately refuse, just said.

   "Let me take a look, if I have time, I will definitely join in."

  The two chatted for a while before hanging up.

  Feng Xin naturally heard the content of his call, and when Xu Lie hung up, she immediately asked.

   "Going out?"

  Xu Lie raised his hand and took off the sweater, and walked towards the bedroom while unbuttoning his belt.

   "A friend, the bar will open tomorrow, and wants me to come over for a personal meeting."

  Feng Xinmin looked at his back, looking at the scratches of different shades on the shoulder blades, her face was a little hot.

  She looked away, and within a few seconds, Xu Lie came out, already changed into home clothes, which Feng Xin bought for him when he went shopping two days ago.

  As soon as he came out, he leaned close to Feng Xin, put one hand on her shoulder, and leaned against her as if he had no bones.

   "This person has a good relationship with me, do you want to go?"

  Feng Xin doesn't like to interfere in his social life. After all, it's normal for him to have his own circle, and according to her observation of Xu Lie during this time, since he said this today, he definitely wants to go.

  Thinking of this, Feng Xin said without a tone.

   "If you want to go, go."

  Xu Lie seemed dissatisfied with the answer, so he said immediately.

   "I'm not going, we're going, won't you accompany me?"

  Feng Xin showed surprise.

   "Me? I'll forget it. I haven't been to that kind of place, and I can't speak, so I can't help you."

  Xu Lie continued to lobby.

   "I'm going only if I haven't been there before. Besides, you don't need to do anything. That place is dark, and the lights are not turned on. No one can see anyone. You just go and play along."

   After finishing speaking, Xu Lie didn't forget to show his presence, leaned forward, and said meaningfully next to Feng Xin.

   "And you can rest assured that I will go alone?"

  There are many beauties in nightclubs and bars, Feng Xin has heard of it to some extent, but she doesn't want to show the jealous look that Xu Lie expected.

  The two of them have done everything, so there is still some trust.

  Feng Xin shook Xu Lie's head and changed the subject.

   "Oh, don't hold me down."

  Xu Lie sat up straight a little, seeing her like this, he thought she didn't want to go, so he continued.

   "Or I won't go. There is nothing to do in the company tomorrow. I can come back early and watch a movie with you at home. Didn't you finish the last movie?"

  Feng Xin almost formed a conditioned reflex when he heard the word "movie".

   It's not just the last movie, they never watched the movie!

  As soon as this matter was mentioned, Feng Xin thought of getting off the carpet that he bought and washed five times in seven days.

  She shuddered and immediately changed her words.

   "Go, go, go to your friend's place tomorrow."

  (end of this chapter)