MTL - Help! The General’s Gone Mad With Pampering Me-Chapter 569 Sorry about Fanwai 100, I went to the wrong place

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  Chapter 569 Fanwai 100 Sorry, I went to the wrong place

  The suit and leather shoes that Chu Huaijin wore were incompatible with the noisy computer city. After confirming the name of the shop, he directly stated his intention to come.

   "This is the computer my friend bought here a few days ago. The system is a pirated version. Let's see how to deal with it."

  Jiang Dong got up when he heard the words, pulled the computer in the computer bag, and said without even looking at it.

   "This is not what we sell here."

  Chu Huaijin couldn't understand his casual attitude, and she was even more angry when she saw that he was so indifferent.

   "You said that you didn't sell it before you saw it clearly. I'm afraid you didn't want to shirk responsibility."

   After finishing speaking, he stood upright and said.

"According to Article 218 of the Criminal Law, anyone who knowingly sells pirated software produced without the permission of the copyright owner, and the illegal amount is huge, shall be sentenced to fixed-term imprisonment of not more than three years or criminal detention. I advise you to solve the problem quickly and stop Shirk responsibility."

  Chu Huaijin put on the posture of trying criminals in court, but Jiang Dong didn't show the fear he expected. He shrugged indifferently, and his tone was loose.

   "I sold what you said I sold. Do you have a receipt and a signature?"

  Chu Huaijin choked, this really didn't exist.

  He turned around and immediately sent a message to Li Qingyan,

   "Send me your receipt for buying the computer."

   A few seconds later, a photo popped up in the dialogue interface, and at the same time, there was a line of text.

  【Brother Huaijin, have you arrived yet? I typed an extra number just now, it should be 9, it is number 9! 】

  When Chu Huaijin saw that number, he felt a heart attack.

  He raised his eyes and met Shang Jiangdong's eyes that seemed to be smiling but not smiling. Chu Huaijin was heartbroken, nodded slightly and said something.

   "Sorry, wrong place."

  Jiang Dong is not the one who suffers, he said with raised eyebrows.

   "Aren't you going to punish me with the law?"

  Chu Huaijin's face turned blue, cleared his throat and repeated.

"Feel sorry."

   Just when Chu Huaijin thought that the person in front of him would continue to be sarcastic, Jiang Dong suddenly changed the subject.

   "Your machine looks like an old machine at first glance. The bottom is so dirty, and the system is not right. It is probably a refurbished machine. It is specially designed to deceive people who don't know how to do it."

  Chu Huaijin was taken aback after hearing this, but he didn't expect him to see so many things in just a few glances.

  He nodded and said.

"Got it, thank you."

   After finishing speaking, he turned his head and walked away quickly.

  The psychological quality of shopkeeper No. 9 is obviously not as strong as that of Jiang Dong. When he heard that the other party was a lawyer and wanted to sue him for jail time, he also realized that the computer was a refurbished computer, and immediately agreed to replace it with a new one.

   Half an hour later, Chu Huaijin went out with a brand new computer. He raised his hand and looked at his watch. It was within the expected time.

  When he walked to the gate, he caught a glimpse of Jiang Dong standing not far away and chatting, he paused, wondering whether the other party had helped him anyway, and whether he should come forward to say hello.

   But before he could speak, a girl suddenly popped up beside Jiang Dong, chatting and laughing.

  Chu Huaijin pursed her lips slightly, and decided to forget it.

  He strode forward and went out the door. However, before taking two steps, he was suddenly stopped.


  Chu Huaijin froze, turned to look over, and said in a business-like tone.

   "Is there something wrong?"

  Jiang Dong was dressed in sportswear, with one hand in his trouser pocket, and said carelessly.

   "Give me a business card, in case I need it someday."

  Chu Huaijin didn't move immediately after hearing this, but instead glanced at him with scrutiny.

  The two fought against each other, their eyes were facing each other. They were obviously about the same height, but because Jiang Dong was thinner, he looked a size smaller than Chu Huaijin.

  One is a well-dressed elite lawyer, and the other is casually like a delinquent boy who just graduated from college.

  Jiang Dong's style, no matter how you look at it, doesn't look like someone who commits a crime and hires a lawyer, but looks like someone who runs a juvenile prison.

   After hesitating for a few seconds, Chu Huaijin reached into his breast pocket, took out a business card and handed it to Jiang Dong.

  Jiang Dong glanced at it, then raised his head, his thin lips parted slightly.


   Raise your hand after speaking, the meaning is obvious, you want to shake hands.

  Chu Huaijin held it up, politely and self-reported.

   "Chu Huaijin."

  Jiang Dong glanced at the hands held by the two, and then let go.

   After parting, he returned to the house, and was facing the gossiping Song Lei.

  Jiang Dong is her boss, usually Jiang Dong seldom comes here, she has the final say in the store.

  Song Lei said happily.

   "Brother Dong, you have a good eye, you are handsome enough."

  Jiang Dong put the business card in his wallet with a proud face.

   "That's up to you."

  Song Lei couldn't help muttering when she saw the boss's red face.

   "But his style is different from yours. Such an upright person, can you hold it, Brother Dong, and I think he is straight."

   Jiang Dong chuckled.

   "From now on, I like straight ones."

  (end of this chapter)