MTL - Help! The General’s Gone Mad With Pampering Me-Chapter 578 Episode 109 Final Banquet

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  Chapter 578 Fanwai 109 Final Banquet

  Shen Li is used to celebrating every time she finishes filming a movie, and this time is of course no exception.

  Originally, Si Yan didn't have time to come, and Shen Li didn't force it. He just planned to get together with a few friends.

  But just two days ago, after Shen Li mentioned that Jiangdong would come, Si Yan suddenly changed his mind and said that he must come.

  Shen Li didn't think much at first, but looking at Si Yan who was dressed like a peacock in a suit and leather shoes in front of her, she couldn't help laughing.

  Shen Li threw herself into Si Yan's arms, hugged him and said.

   "Why are you dressed so formally, as if you are going to walk on the red carpet?"

  Si Yan cleared his throat and said solemnly.

   "Isn't this... to meet your friend?"

  Shen Li didn't specifically mention her relationship with Jiang Dong before, because she felt it was unnecessary.

  After all, Si Yan knows that she loves him the most.

   But now, she felt it was necessary to explain, so as to save Si Yan from unnecessary jealousy.

  Thinking of this, Shen Li leaned into Si Yan's ear and said meaningfully.

   "Jiang Dong is my best friend, you won't still be jealous of him."

  Si Yan is a 180-degree straight man, and he didn't understand the implication of Shen Li's words at all, but said it quite straightforwardly.

   "Fireproof, theft-proof, girlfriend-proof, don't you know?"

  In fact, what kind of person everyone likes, whether the person they like is male or female, these are all personal freedoms, Shen Li doesn't like to discuss these, especially her friends.

  But seeing Si Yan's appearance, she couldn't help but say.

   "He won't like me. To be honest, he likes you."

  Si Yan was taken aback when he heard that, "Huh?"

   It just so happened that Jiang Dong came across the street, and Chu Huaijin was walking with him.

  Through the transparent floor-to-ceiling windows, Si Yan saw with his own eyes that Jiang Dong kissed the man beside him.

   This kiss made him confused.

  Combined with what Shen Li said just now, he was startled.

   "He likes men?"

  Shen Li slapped him.

   "Keep your voice down."

   Fortunately, Si Yan's mental quality is strong enough, and he quickly adjusted his mentality, but when he was eating, he still couldn't help but look at Jiang Dong more, and sighed in his heart, he really can't be seen by his appearance at all.

  Shen Li's "Grand Finale Banquet" this time, all the people who came were old friends, manager assistants and so on. In terms of family members, apart from Si Yan, Xu Lie and Feng Xin also came this time.

  Shen Li even sighed with Si Yan, seeing Xu Lie's posture, it seems that he is not far from being justified.

  Si Yan was already mentally prepared for the fact that he would soon have another stepfather.

   After all, Feng Xin had already vented to him, saying that the wedding room had already been bought, and the wedding should still be held.

  But even though Si Yan has accepted the matter, he still feels uncomfortable seeing the two show their affection in person.

  At the dinner table, Feng Xin had a bad appetite. Xu Lie was worried that she was not feeling well, so he kept asking her about her health, touching her forehead for a while, and squeezing her hands for a while.

   "I don't even have a fever, how can I lose my appetite and have a headache?"

  Feng Xin felt that he was making a fuss and comforted him.

   "It's okay, it's just a little nauseous, it should be fine after a night of sleep."

  Xu Lie believed it to be true, but the next day, Feng Xin's symptoms turned from mild to severe. When he got up in the morning, he vomited acid water while hugging the toilet, scaring him so much that he immediately took someone to the hospital.

   After going to the hospital, Xu Lie referred Feng Xin to the Department of Gastroenterology. After hearing his description, the doctor gave him a fixed look, and then said silently.

   "Go for a blood test first."

  (end of this chapter)