MTL - Her Majesty’s Modern Harem-Chapter 85 】Family reunion (second watch).

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Update time: 2013-1-24 13:28:30 Number of words in this chapter: 8097

"Junli, take me to meet our baby, okay?"

Leng Qingfeng held Su Junli's face and asked softly. love

Su Junli nodded, and said with a wry smile: "Maybe it's really a bad fate, our child's master is actually my aunt."

When Leng Qingfeng heard this, his brows twitched ominously, "She...didn't do anything to the child, did she?"

"She didn't know that Azai was our child, but she still did an evil thing, that is, she only taught Azai the Burning Heart Jue, not the Xuanbing Xin Jue." Su Junli frowned. frowned.

Leng Qingfeng became nervous all over, "How is that child doing now? Has she gone mad?"

"Not yet, I have already helped her to guide her, and she has started to practice the Xuanbing Heart Art now, so there should be no problem." Su Junli comforted her, "Fortunately, I met her earlier. Perhaps, this is somewhere destined."

Leng Qingfeng breathed a sigh of relief, and his desire to see Azai became more urgent.

Su Junli called Chu Xian's cell phone and told them to come over.

After a while, Chu Xian and others came over, but Azai was missing.

Seeing Chu Xian and Ye, Leng Qingfeng was startled, and asked, "The night guards are here too? And there are two more?"

"One is Chu Xian."

Su Junli introduced, "Ye was originally from this world, but he came to Dayong for unknown reasons. And Chu Xian is his twin brother."

For the arrival of Leng Qingfeng, Ye Zao was mentally prepared, but she never thought that she would see him so soon, let alone that Leng Qingfeng, who used to be as handsome as a scholar, would become the rough and western cowboy now. .

"Master Leng—"

A teacher for one day and a teacher for life, Ye stepped forward to salute and called out with a very respectful expression.

"Night guard, I didn't expect to see you here, it's amazing, it's like a dream." Leng Qingfeng laughed.

"Well. If I hadn't met Jun Li again, I would have thought it was an unbelievable dream that I couldn't wake up from." Ye recalled the first time he came to this world that day, and smiled wryly.

"Well. In the past ten years, I have traveled to almost every corner of the world, met all kinds of real people, chatted and ate with them, but I have never been able to figure out whether I am in reality or in a dream. " Leng Qingfeng said with a dazed look.

"Where's Azai?" Su Junli asked.

"The little guy is shopping, come over." Murong Changkong said.

As soon as he finished speaking, Azai's figure in bright red appeared on the other side of the street, holding a big windmill and jumping happily towards this side, like an elf.

Leng Qingfeng recognized his child at a glance, held his breath, and looked at Azai with his eyes motionless. The tough guy's face showed the kindness and warmth unique to all mothers in the world.

He didn't dare to breathe loudly, didn't dare to move, didn't dare to scream, for fear that he would startle Azai away if he wasn't careful.

He just watched, watched and watched, tears streaming down again.

Azai quickly came to the crowd, and sweetly called Su Junli his sister, his eyes fell on Leng Qingfeng's face, and a strange feeling arose in his heart.

However, she couldn't distinguish between these feelings, she just looked at Leng Qingfeng's tear-stained face strangely, "Uncle, what's wrong with you? Is sister bullying you?"


Before the deserted wind could speak, the choking sound blocked his throat, making him unable to cry out. He just looked at Azai with tears in his eyes, and didn't dare to reach out to hug him.

"Uncle, my name is Azai, don't get excited, if my sister bullies you, I will scold him, but why do I always think you look familiar?" Azai reached out to touch Leng Qingfeng's face in doubt.


Leng Qingfeng hugged her up, sniffing the familiar smell on her body, tears continued to flow.

Azai looked back at Su Junli suspiciously, hoping she could give him an explanation.

"Azai, if I say that he is your father, would you believe it?" Su Junli asked.

Azai looked at Leng Qingfeng's tear-stained face, and she remembered why the person in front of her looked so familiar. It turned out that he looked a bit like herself.

He is his father?

Didn't my parents die in that car accident?

Moreover, in my impression, my father is not like this, his father is black and short, while the man in front of me is tall and handsome, full of masculine charm.

Smart, she immediately thought that it was her adoptive parents who had been raising her before, so it was no wonder that she was not like any of them.

Since it was her father, why did he abandon her that day?

Looking at Leng Qingfeng, Azai's eyes became more and more cold, and he said in a sharp and cold tone: "Let go of me, I don't know you, my father is dead."

"Boy, I'm really your father." Seeing Azai's attitude like this, Leng Qingfeng's heart felt like being hit by a sharp and blunt instrument, it hurt so much.

"You are not my father!~"

Azai's voice was a bit hysterical, "From the moment you abandoned me, you are not my father! Now that I have grown up so much, it is too late to recognize each other again, I will never I won't recognize you."

After finishing speaking, she wanted to push away the cold wind with a palm.

Leng Qingfeng was not prepared, nor did he dodge, but Azai's palm hit his heart hard.


A mouthful of blood spurted out of his mouth, but he still refused to let Azai go.

Azai was stunned. She was too excited for a moment, and she didn't consciously slap her. Moreover, she also felt that his skill was not low, so it was impossible for her to slap him.

Unexpectedly, he didn't escape!

Unexpectedly, I actually hit his heart!

Looking at his face that quickly turned into paper gold, Azai's heart felt very uncomfortable as if being grabbed by a big hand.

"You... how are you?"

Azai asked cautiously, his eyes were full of concern and anxiety.

Seeing her caring for him, although Leng Qingfeng's heart was aching, he was still full of joy.

To see his daughter still alive, even if he died, he would have no regrets.

"let me see!"

Su Junli pushed away Leng Qingfeng's hand that was hugging Azai tightly, caught his pulse, and found that the internal injury was not serious, so she couldn't help but feel relieved, and took out the Emperor Topaz to help Leng Qingfeng heal.

During the healing process, Leng Qingfeng never left Azai's eyes, for fear that she would leave.

Azai was very nervous, knowing that he was looking at him all the time, worried that it would affect his healing, so he didn't dare to move, so he stood quietly.

Because he couldn't speak, Leng Qingfeng told her with his eyes, let her not worry and let her not feel guilty, he would not blame her.

After all, they are father and daughter connected by flesh and blood, so the smart Azai can naturally understand the meaning of his eyes.

Looking at the deserted wind, she was full of thoughts!

It turned out that his biological father looked like this!

It turned out that he loved himself!

But, why did he abandon himself?

There was also such a question in her eyes.

Child, I didn't mean to abandon you, it was just an accident. Leng Qingfeng said with his eyes.

It turned out to be an accident, not intentional!

Azai's heart eased slightly.

She is precocious than most of her peers, and she can see the world more clearly. The slap she made just now was not intentional, but it almost killed Leng Qingfeng. If it wasn't for his deep inner strength and Su Junli's presence, maybe he Will be killed by himself.

The way he looked at him couldn't deceive him, as well as the tear-stained face he looked at him just now and the trembling body holding him.

If it wasn't for deep love, could there be such a move?

I actually want to hate him!

Azai looked at Leng Qingfeng guiltily, and there was some kind of attachment in his eyes.

After healing his wounds, Leng Qingfeng stretched out his hands to Azai again.

Azai did not resist this time, but gently threw himself into his arms, and choked up, "Dad, I'm sorry."

"It's dad who is sorry for you. It took so many years to get you back and made you suffer."

Leng Qingfeng stroked Azai's soft hair and murmured. Su Junli briefly told him about Azai's situation before, and every time he said a word, he felt heartbroken, hating himself for not holding her tightly during the shipwreck that day, even if he died, he would die together , so that she would not suffer all kinds of pain at a young age.

However, what he doubts is that Azai was already seven years old when he left him, and he should have memories of his previous life. But why, she looked at her eyes, very strange?

"Boy, do you really not remember Dad?" Leng Qingfeng asked.

Azai shook his head, "Grandpa and grandma said, I had a high fever when I was seven years old, and I have no memory of the past."

Regarding Azai's memory loss, Su Junli heard from Azai's grandparents that it was not a high fever, but that when Azai was brought back with blood all over his body, he lost all his past memories as soon as he woke up. of.

"poor child."

Leng Qingfeng hugged Azai again with heartache, and choked up.

"Father, tell me, what accident made you abandon me?" Azai asked.

Leng Qingfeng told the story of the ship being hit by a stray bullet that day.

"It turned out to be like this, so my father loves me so much." Azai stretched out his small hand, hugged Leng Qingfeng's neck, and kissed his bearded cheek excitedly.

Leng Qingfeng's sentimental heart burst into tears again.

Seeing the scene of the two father and daughter embracing each other, the corners of Su Junli's eyes were also wet.

"Father, what about my mother? Where is she?" Azai asked suddenly.

Su Junli's heart twitched, and she opened her eyes wide to look at Leng Qingfeng and Azai.

Leng Qingfeng looked at her, asking for her opinion.

"Dad, why don't you talk? Did my mother die in childbirth when she gave birth to me? So, you are the only one with me?" Azai asked.


Su Junli couldn't bear it anymore, she walked forward and hugged one of them, " your mother."

As soon as she said this, Azai was shocked, but soon returned to normal. She looked at Su Junli's face, which had no resemblance to her, shook her head and smiled, "Sister, don't fool me. I am not an ignorant child, you are only 24 years old, will you give birth to me at the age of twelve? This is impossible."

After finishing speaking, she looked back at Leng Qingfeng and asked: "Father, tell me that my sister can't be my mother, right? How can someone give birth so early?"

"It's not true, it's not true. This matter is a bit complicated." Leng Qingfeng also felt a little entangled.

Azai is the child born of his relationship with the body of Su Junli in the Dayong period, but the current Su Junli only has the soul of that time.

From a biological point of view, Su Junli is really not Azai's mother.

"How to say so mysterious?" Azai pursed his lips and thought for a moment, then clapped his hands and smiled, "I know, you are my sister's man, so to some extent, my sister is also my mother. But not the birth mother, right?"

Should I explain this strange life experience to her now?

Su Junli was tangled up, looking at Leng Qingfeng.

"Tell me, anyway, sooner or later you will know." Leng Qingfeng sighed.

Su Junli nodded, and roughly told what happened.

"Sister, although time-traveling rebirth dramas are popular now, they are all deceitful and impossible to happen. Are you guys joining forces to lie to me? Is it because you are afraid that I will be sad when you know that your biological mother is dead?"

After hearing this, Azai shook his head and said, "Absolutely impossible, absolutely impossible."


Su Junli hugged her shoulders, "Uncle Ye is also pregnant, you know that, right?"

Azai nodded.

"Uncle Ye is a man. In this world, pregnancy is done by women. It is impossible for men to conceive. But why can Uncle Ye get pregnant? Have you ever thought about this incredible thing?" Su Junli asked.

Azai blinked, looking at Ye Na's slightly swollen abdomen.

Indeed, she was puzzled by this matter, and even searched the Internet. It is said that a man in the United States also became pregnant with an implanted uterus and became the first man to become pregnant.

Therefore, she also thought that Ye was implanted into the womb to become pregnant because he loved Su Junli so much that he was not willing to let her endure the pain of pregnancy.

With this explanation, she never thought about it again.

"Didn't Uncle Ye become pregnant after undergoing an operation to implant the womb?" she asked.

Su Junli shook her head and said, "No, it was a natural pregnancy. You were also born by your father's pregnancy."

Hearing this news, Azai was shocked again, and opened his mouth wide to look at Leng Qingfeng's abdomen.

Leng Qingfeng lifted his shirt up, and there was a surgically sutured scar on his abdomen, just like a normal caesarean section.

"That day, I gave birth on an isolated island alone. There was no midwife, so I had to carry you out by caesarean section, and then sew you up." Leng Qingfeng looked at Azai lovingly, "You were so good at that time. Don’t cry, just watch me quietly stitching my abdomen.”

Hearing that Leng Qingfeng had actually given her a caesarean section, Su Junli was in awe of him.

And Murong Changkong and others wanted to worship him!

It is estimated that there are quite a few people who give birth by themselves, but they can perform a caesarean section on themselves, and without anesthesia, what kind of courage is that!

For her father to be so fearless, Azai also shed tears. She stretched out her hand to touch Leng Qingfeng's scar, and raised her face in heartache and asked Leng Qingfeng: "Dad, does it hurt? I'm sorry, I made you suffer so much !"

Leng Qingfeng shook his head, "It doesn't hurt at all, for my little Azai, no matter how painful it is, Dad can bear it."

"Daddy, you are so great!"

Azai hugged Leng Qingfeng tightly, "I love you, thank you, Dad."

"I love you too."

Seeing their father and daughter being so emotionally moved, Su Junli suddenly felt a little jealous.

"What about me? Don't you love me?"

she shouted from the side.

Leng Qingfeng stretched out his big hand, hugged her and Azai into his arms, and said affectionately: "I love you!"

"Sister, I love you too."

Azai said.

"Still called sister?" Su Junli said with a blank look at her.


Looking at Su Junli's young face, Azai called out the word with some difficulty.

The word mother is the most common word in the world, but also the most moving word. The greatest blessing in life is that there are still people who can call themselves this word.

Hearing Azai's call, Su Junli's heart fluttered immediately, and he hugged her tightly like Leng Qingfeng.

Ye beside him touched his swollen belly with a smile on his lips. When his children are born, he can hug the children with Su Junli like this.

What a happy thing that is!

"Chu Xian, I really want to have children." Murong Changkong said with envy in his eyes, "It turns out that having children is such a happy thing."

"I want, too."

Chu Xian looked at Ye's belly and said, "I really don't understand, everyone has twins at the same time, why did Ye travel to Dayong to experience the style over there and get pregnant, but why am I so unlucky to stay here? ?”

"Come on, you stay here to enjoy your blessings, but Yezai is an orphan over there, still trying to survive in the cracks, and his life is in danger at any time." Murong Changkong said with his eyes rolled.

"I'm not afraid, I just want to be by Junli's side, watch her grow up, and solve her problems." Chu Xian said firmly.

"As a frail scholar like you, you are indecisive and indecisive. If you are thrown into the palace where swords shine and flicker, you will definitely become a passer-by in no time, and you will die." Murong Changkong teased.

"If the environment is different, I will naturally change."

Chu Xian argued.

"Okay, okay, anyway, I am very envious of Leng Qingfeng and Ye, how come they got **** luck to grow up with her, and help her have a baby, God is so unfair." Murong Chang Kong didn't want to continue arguing with Chu Xian.

In this world, there is only one person who has the pleasure of bickering, and that is the masked man Ling Qianyue.

Thinking of Ling Qianyue, Murong Changkong felt sad again.

Su Junli told him that if she could find Ling Qianyue now, she could also use Emperor Huangyu to help him detoxify and restore his appearance.

It's just that Ling Qianyue, like his organization phantom, is simply a dragon who can't see the end and can't find it. Even Yang De, a dark organization that is good at finding people, couldn't find any traces.

He is like a real phantom, unable to catch it.

If he is not treated in time, if his poison invades the internal organs, there will be no way to turn back.

He regretted that he took off his mask so impulsively that day.

Thinking of this, he wished he could cut off his cheap hand.

When the family of three was hugging happily, Su Junli's cell phone rang, breaking the warmth in front of her eyes.

It turned out to be grandma Su Hanxiao's call again.

"Grandma, what's the matter?"

Su Junli became a little annoyed when she thought that grandma had hung up her phone in a hurry just now, and her tone became very unhappy.

"Grandma? Dad, I still have grandma?"

Azai said in surprise when he heard Su Junli's address.

Leng Qingfeng nodded.

"Who called me grandma?" Su Hanxiao's ear tipped, and when he heard Azai's voice from Su Junli's side, he asked suspiciously, "Could it be that you gave birth to a child?"

"Well, grandma, I have a child." Su Junli said without hiding it, "Also, Ye is pregnant, and it is said that they are twins. You are too grandma, so don't pretend to be eighteen years old."

Thinking of grandma's face that is younger and more beautiful than herself now, Su Junli is furious. How should her juniors live?

"How old is the child? Logically speaking, you shouldn't have a child so soon." Su Hanxiao asked.

Su Junli told about herself and Leng Qingfeng.

Su Hanxiao was silent for a while, then Fang sighed and said, "Oh, I don't blame you for these things, grandma, I have lived for hundreds of years, but I still can't see through it, and I can't get rid of it."

Hearing that there seemed to be something in her words, Su Junli asked suspiciously: "Could it be that grandma is troubled by love now? Be honest, did you meet me during the journey?"

"You little girl, don't take care of grandma and me. As for your aunt, how do you deal with it?" Su Hanxiao asked.

Su Junli's heart froze, yes, how should she face and deal with her aunt?

If Leng Qingfeng had a physical relationship with her aunt, she would not want Leng Qingfeng.

However, Leng Qingfeng is completely guarded, and even hugs are only for himself, and he is still Azai's father, so it is impossible for him to push him to his aunt's side.

This is cruel to anyone.

But, how should I tell my aunt?

What would happen if my aunt knew everything in front of her?

"Grandma, I really don't know what to do. My aunt is a very paranoid person. She puts her whole body and mind on Leng Qingfeng. If she knows that Azai is my child and his, I don't know if she will take Azai as a child." Zai killed, I'm really worried." Su Junli said.

"Give me her contact information. I'll go find her and take her abroad for a while. Maybe, when she meets a handsome guy, she will change her feelings towards Leng Qingfeng." Su Han said with a smile.

"Is this possible? Back then in Dayongli, there were many people who were more handsome than Leng Qingfeng. She looked down on none of them, and she didn't have a concubine. I don't think she will change." Su Jun Li said.

"Regardless of whether it will change or not, in short, it will be safer to let that girl Yunwu stay with me." Su Han said with a smile.

"Grandma, are you not afraid of trouble?" Su Junli knew that if there was anyone in this world who could restrain her aunt, except Leng Qingfeng, it would be grandma.

"My child, why are you afraid of trouble?" Su Han said with a smile, "I have lived for so long, and I finally understand what is the most important thing in this world."

"What is it?"

"It's human relationships and family relationships! We used to obliterate human relationships and family relationships in Dayong. I don't want to see such things happen again."

"Well, I don't want to either."

Su Junli nodded. This is also the reason why she traveled to Su's house in the magical capital, knowing which uncles were the bad guys who framed her, she didn't want to care about it, and it was also the reason.