MTL - Her Majesty’s Modern Harem-~ Works related (15)

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envious life!

Chu Xian followed behind, watching her all the time.

He could clearly feel her joy, and the smile on her face, just like when she was studying that day, was incomparably brilliant, incomparably joyful, and incomparably... charming!

In the past year, he has always known that she is under a lot of pressure, she has never really felt relieved, and she has never really smiled happily. Between her eyebrows, there is always a slight frown.

After the high fever, although her posture and demeanor had changed, her brows still had a seriousness that couldn't be removed.

Well now, she was like a happy bird, and he was really happy for her.

Su Junli turned around, grabbed his hand, and yelled like all innocent girls: "Chu Xian, let's walk slowly and go shopping together, and then go to Lan Xin's house for dinner!"

Chu Xian nodded, as long as she likes, he can do anything with her.

At this time, his mobile phone rang, and seeing the name on the caller ID, his eyes sank slightly, and his palm became a little cold.

"Whose phone number?" Su Junli asked curiously.

"My family." Chu Xian's tone was a little embarrassed.

"Oh, then you answer casually, I'll go and see the silk scarf over there." Although Su Junli felt a little wrong, she left consciously and let him call alone.

She didn't want to have too much speculation and doubt about him!

Seeing the back of her walking away, a complex look flashed in Chu Xian's eyes, and he reluctantly connected the phone.

"I heard that she's not going to be the president anymore?" A low voice came from the phone, asking with some kind of irresistible authority.

"En." Chu Xian's heart sank as if a boulder was being pressed down.

"Then come back quickly!"

"I don't!" It was the first time that Chu Xian uttered a firm refusal to that person, but after finishing speaking, another wave of fear welled up in his heart.

"Are you going to reverse?" Wei Shen's sullen voice pierced through the phone, shaking Chu Xian's eardrums.

Chu Xian glanced at Su Junli, gritted his teeth, turned off the phone directly, and then stepped forward and stood beside Su Junli.

Su Junli smiled at him, picked out a long purple scarf, opened the handbag and wanted to find a wallet to pay, but touched the night hairpin.

Her hands froze slightly, and she took out the hairpin from inside, looking at it with complicated eyes.

"What kind of broken hairpin is this?" Chu Xian asked curiously when he saw the old, crippled and poorly made hairpin in front of him.

"It's Ye's hairpin." Su Junli touched the crack on the hairpin, and said in a somewhat sad voice.

Hearing Ye's name again, a sour feeling welled up in Chu Xian's heart.

Who the **** was that **** night?

Why is even his broken hairpin valued so much by her?

"Miss, do you want to see other accessories? The accessories here are very simple and elegant. Wearing them casually will definitely make you a classical beauty!" The shop owner saw that she had such a soft spot for a broken hairpin. , pointing at the row of antique ornaments in his store without losing the opportunity.

Su Junli glanced at it casually, and his eyes fell on a black ring, and his breathing stagnated again...

"Give me that ring!" Su Junli said.

The shop owner happily took out the ring that didn't look very special, and then boasted nonsense, "Miss, you really have a good eye, this ring has a lot of history, it's an antique. "

"Boss, you don't even need to make drafts to brag, antique? If you had such an antique, you wouldn't need to set up a stall long ago." Chu Xian mocked from the side, and then said to Su Junli, "Don't trust him, He's a liar."

Su Junli didn't answer, but picked up the ring and looked at it carefully.

The word "glass" is engraved on the ring!

is it!

It turned out to be it!

Su Junli's hand holding the ring trembled slightly!

This ring is actually the ring she bestowed on Ye when she was in Dayong!

Why did Ye's hairpin and Ye's ring appear here so strangely?

Will the night club come here too?

Thinking of this, her heart beat uncontrollably!

Coming here alone, even though she has known many people, she always feels rootless, which makes her very insecure!

"You like this?" Chu Xian asked in surprise seeing her abnormal expression.

Su Junli nodded.

"Then I'll give it to you!" Chu Xian asked the boss, "How much is this ring?"

"Since Miss likes it so much, it's not expensive, so I'll charge you three thousand yuan." The boss also saw Su Junli's unrelenting liking, and he could tell from their clothes that they were rich. Zabai didn't slaughter, so he directly lifted the thing worth three yuan a thousand times.

"Three thousand yuan? Did you make a mistake? A broken ring is worth...a few...hundreds of dollars at most." Chu Xian used to buy things in famous stores, so he really didn't know the real price of a ring here. How much, but tell him directly that it is impossible to ask for three thousand.

When the boss heard this, he was secretly happy, knowing that he had found the right person to kill him, so he talked endlessly about how rare the origin of this ring is, it is a unique product in the world, unique, if you miss it, it will never be there... etc. .

This ring, let alone three thousand, is three hundred thousand, Su Junli is going to buy it, but she also sees that the boss doesn't know its true value at all, and just wants to take herself as a victim, so she deliberately buys it. Putting the ring on the table, "I thought that thirty yuan would be too much for you, but now it seems that even three yuan, I don't even bother to buy it!"

Upon hearing this, the boss knew that Su Junli could not be deceived, so he hurriedly grabbed Chu Xian and said, "Sir, I'm at a loss. The one-buy price is 900 yuan. You can buy it if you want it!"

Chu Xian felt that 900 yuan was still within the acceptable range, not to mention that Su Junli liked it very much, and he wanted to give her something she liked, although this ring was really speechless.

"Three yuan!" Su Junli said firmly.

"Miss, do you still want someone else to live like this? Thirty yuan, here you are!" The owner of the shop knew that he had met a powerful owner, and he was crying.

"Three yuan!" Su Junli's tone was extremely firm.

The shop owner saw that she couldn't stand it anymore, anyway, the item came for fifty cents, so he had to sell it to her, lest she wouldn't even want three yuan.

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【061】Beautiful Blood

Update time: 2013-1-11 21:21:48 Number of words in this chapter: 4357


"Junli, I really admire you. You can actually buy something worth three thousand yuan for three yuan!"

Chu Xian greatly appreciated her bargaining ability!

"That's just because the ring is only worth three yuan at most in her mind." Su Junli touched the ring and said.

"How can you like such a cheap thing so much?" Chu Xian was puzzled.

"In your eyes, this is cheap, but in my eyes, it is priceless." Su Junli put the ring and hairpin together, "Because they are all night things."

It's night again!

Chu Xian was about to roll over in the vat of vinegar!

He really wanted to know who the **** was that night, and how he could replace Mo Jin so that Jun Li could never forget it.

Su Junli brought Chu Xian to Lan Xin's house.

I saw Papa Lan in the hall, waiting with a magnifying glass and a flashlight, carefully taking care of the long lock of wool that Su Junli bought for a thousand yuan.

Seeing Su Junli coming, he reluctantly put down the tools in his hand, and waved to Su Junli: "Junli, come and tell me why you chose this piece of wool. No matter how I look at it, it doesn't matter." Think it might be a piece of scrap."

"Uncle Lan, what kind of broken rock is this?" Chu Xian asked puzzled.

"This isn't a broken stone, it's the emerald wool chosen by Jun Li." Papa Lan said.

"Junli, when did you go to gamble on stones?" Chu Xian asked suspiciously.

"Not long ago." Su Junli touched the wool, feeling the unique warmth of jade that penetrated through the skin in his palm, "Uncle Lan, I just rely on feeling."

"What can you feel?" Papa Blue asked.

"I can feel the warmth and coolness of the jade inside it." Su Junli picked up the piece of wool, "Let's untie it now to see if there is any jade inside."

Papa Lan was overjoyed and nodded hastily.

"You don't need a calculus machine to remove this piece of wool, just use a grinding wheel to rub it!" Su Junli said to Papa Lan, "Come here, Uncle Lan, and see if you have great luck!"

"That's great!" Lan's father was as happy as a child, and shouted upstairs, "Lan Xin, Lan Xin's mother, I'm going to get rid of the stone."

Lan Xin and Lan Mama were hanging the quilt upstairs, when they heard the cry, they hurried down.

"Chu Xian is here too!" Lan Xin asked in surprise when she saw Chu Xian.

"Hi Lan Xin!" Chu Xian greeted with a smile.

"Chu Xian is just so cute!" Mother Lan seemed to like Chu Xian very much.

"Thank you, Aunt Lan, Lan Xin is also very cute." Chu Xian said with reddish ears.

"She is pitiful and unloved!" Mother Lan spat at her daughter mercilessly.

"Mom, do you ever bury your own daughter like this?" Lan Xin rolled her eyes.

"Then if you have the ability, find a boyfriend and show it to Mom, hum." Mother Lan snorted coldly.

"Woman, look, I'm only 21 years old, and my mother can't wait to throw me out of the house. I really can't live anymore. I want to mess with you." Lan Xin grabbed Su Junli's hand and said.

"Okay!" Su Junli smiled.

She likes watching the warm and noisy scenes of the Lan family's family of three. This is a family relationship that she has never experienced before.

"Okay, stop arguing, I'm going to unravel the stone." Papa Lan couldn't wait to pick up the grinding wheel and carefully wipe the surface of the wool.

After rubbing it more than ten times, I saw a bright red inside.

"It's green, it's green!"

Lan's father's hand holding the grinding wheel was trembling, Lan Xin hurriedly splashed water to wash it, and the bright red became clearer.

"My God, my God, Jun Li, your luck is going against the sky! This head of water is actually the blood of the best beauty!" Papa Lan exclaimed with great joy, just like Columbus discovering the New World, and wiped his hands with the grinding wheel. Be more careful, lest you accidentally damage the jade.

This is the first time for Chu Xian to see someone explain the stone, and he is very curious and excited.

It took half an hour, and the whole piece of jade was completely released. It was as big as a football, bright red like blood, crystal clear, so beautiful that everyone couldn't help but pause for breath.

"It's really the best beauty's blood! There is no flaw at all!" Papa Lan touched the emerald excitedly, "In my whole life, seeing these few pieces of the best emerald unwrapped is already worth it!"

"Extreme Beauty's Blood, what an apt name!" Lan Xin took the jadeite from her father and held it carefully, "If you make an ornament, it would be such a beautiful thing to wear on your body!"

"If you can get such a jade ornament and hide it in the safe as a family heirloom, who would be willing to wear it out!" Papa Lan looked at Jun Li and asked, "What are you going to do with this piece of superb beauty's blood?"

"I like this color, as Lan Xin said, I plan to make some accessories to wear." Su Junli said.

"Then I'll help you contact the good jade master." Papa Lan said.

"No need, I'll polish and carve it myself." When Su Junli was in Dayong, she learned how to polish and carve jade from a court jade carving master. All the jade ornaments she wore afterwards were made by herself.

"Dead woman, will you?" Lan Xin asked extremely suspiciously, "Don't ruin this piece of top-quality beauty's blood."

"Don't worry, I have this confidence!" Su Junli smiled, "I'm going to buy three pairs of jade bracelets, one for my grandma, one for my aunt, and one for Aunt Lan. You can create a Jade Buddha and Jade Guanyin, Jade Buddha will give you, Jade Guanyin will give you Chu Xian, and there are some scraps, I am going to make a hairpin and keep it for myself."

"Junli, if you use such top-quality beauty's blood to forge a pair of jade bracelets, each pair will be worth at least five million." Papa Lan said from the side, "How dare you ask your aunt to accept such an expensive gift? "

"Uncle Lan, don't say such polite words. Between us, money can't measure it. Aunt Lan's pearls are round and jade-like. Wearing a pair of bracelets with the best beauty's blood must be beautiful, and jade is good for the human body." Su Junli said .

"Thank you, Junli!" Mother Lan's gratitude overflowed.

Chu Xian was very happy to see that he had his share.

"Uncle Lan, I have already resigned from the position of Su's president, and let my aunt be the president, so she can go wherever she wants freely. In the future, if there is news about stone gambling, remember to notify me." Su Junli said.

Hearing the news of her resignation, the Lan family was stunned for a while, and then expressed their support.

"Damn girl, I hope you resigned for a long time. We have always wanted to go to Xinjiang for fun, but you have never had time. Now that you are free, let's go for a walk, how about it?" Lan Xin patted her excitedly shoulder road.

Although Su Junli didn't know where Xinjiang was, she still nodded her head briskly.

"I'm going too!" Chu Xian shouted.

"It's the best, someone can be a coolie, hehe!" Lan Xin smiled slyly.

"Junli, there's a lot of stone gambling in Xinjiang, you can go to Yushi Street for a stroll then," Papa Lan said.

"Okay!" Su Junli nodded. Naturally, she would not let go of any chance to gamble on stones. Moreover, she had a strange feeling that something interesting and fun would happen during the trip to Xinjiang.

[After the first volume, the next chapter will enter the second volume "Journey", thank you for your support. 】

-----Off Topic-----

I recommend my friend Wan Shuishui's wonderful article "Military Marriage", if you are interested, search for it

[One-sentence introduction] This is a story about a sullen little girl who oppresses a beast in clothes but is attacked by the beast in clothes! Yy's work, all kinds of deduction without explanation!

This book is published by this site, please do not reprint!

【001】Give me a good night's sleep

Update time: 2013-1-11 21:22:13 Number of words in this chapter: 3426


Sitting on the plane to Xinjiang, Su Junli once again marveled at the advanced technology in this world.

In the past, when she read ancient books and saw the wooden bird made by Lu Ban, the father of carpentry, fly for three days without falling, she already thought it was amazing, but she never thought that the plane is even more amazing, it can carry so many people, Glide freely through the air.

She completely ignored Lan Xin and Chu Xian's chatter, and looked at the white clouds drifting by outside the window full of novelty, really wanted to reach out and touch them, to see if the white clouds were as soft as cotton candy.

Just as she was engrossed in watching, she suddenly felt two sets of eyes staring at her from behind, turned her head suddenly, and met a pair of long and narrow phoenix eyes, looking at her with a smile that was not a smile.

The owner of these pupils was Murong Changkong, who spent 2.1 billion to buy her piece of emerald jade worth at most 300 million!

Today's Murong Changkong didn't wear his formidable robe, but a very normal blue suit jacket, inside a beige shirt with Suzhou embroidery trimming, which reminded her of the words Mr. Pianpian.

It's a pity that his Pianpian is purely appearance, and the moment he opens his mouth, he often shocks people to death.

When he confirmed that the woman in white casual clothes with a high ponytail casually **** in front of him was Su Junli who he saw at Boss Huang's place that day, he immediately stood up and called out, "Damn it, really?" It's you bad woman!"

His yelling caused all the passengers on the plane, including the flight attendants, to pay attention to him.

When they saw his seemingly innocent and gentle appearance, they couldn't quite believe it. The voice just now sounded nice, but the extremely vulgar words came from his thin lips like cherry blossom petals.

Su Junli's head was full of black lines, and she wanted to pretend that she didn't know him!

Murong Changkong didn't care, he stood up from his seat, walked to Lan Xin's side, and said very bluntly, "I'll switch places with you."

"Do you think you're handsome, so I'm going to transfer with you? No!" Lan Xin resolutely refused.

"Here's the money!" Murong Changkong said, "One hundred thousand!"

"Sister, I'm not short of money!" Although one hundred thousand yuan for a seat adjustment is a very profitable thing, Lan Xin still has the integrity to refuse.

"Then what do you want to be willing to transfer?" Murong Changkong asked unwillingly. He knew that Lan Xin was Su Junli's best friend, and he couldn't force it, otherwise, he would have thrown Lan Xin away long ago.

Lan Xin looked him up and down, with a sly smile in her eyes, "As long as you are willing to take off your shirt and walk around here, I will transfer!"

She deliberately made things difficult for him, thinking that even if he died, he would not take off his clothes and be looked at like a monkey, especially a man like him who wanted to pretend all day long.

When the other passengers heard this, they were also very excited and looking forward to it, especially those female passengers who were somewhat lustful. They really wanted to see how **** a handsome guy like Mr. Murong was when he took off his shirt.

However, everyone also thought that it was impossible for Murong Changkong to take off his shirt!

Murong Changkong glanced at Su Junli, gritted his teeth, took off his suit jacket, threw it into Lan Xin's arms, and then began to pick the buttons of his shirt with his fingers.

When his slender fingers were placed on his first button, many people swallowed a mouthful of saliva—


Su Junli called out, "You are already my man, how can you buy your looks in front of other people?"


Everyone yelled in surprise, seeing Murong Changkong put down his finger on the button, they were all extremely disappointed, looking at Su Junli with eyes that were about to kill someone.

"Lan Xin, you go and sit in his seat." Su Junli spoke to Lan Xin.

Lan Xin gave her a blank look, spat at her with a sentence of "emphasis on **** and despise friends", and then sat down on Murong Changkong's seat very unwillingly. , the fair-skinned, cute-looking little handsome guy who fits her tastes, immediately became excited, and lamented that this position change is really good.

Murong Changkong just wanted to sit next to Su Junli, but Chu Xian in front of him was not happy, and shouted jealously: "Don't sit down!"

Murong Changkong completely ignored him, and sat down, "I like to sit, it's none of your business!"

"She's my girlfriend!" Chu Xian shouted, blushing.

"Everyone heard it just now, I am her man!" Murong Changkong said very rationally.


Just now Su Junli did say so, Chu Xian was suddenly speechless, and could only look at Su Junli helplessly.

Su Junli smiled at him, comforting him.

With her smile, Chu Xian's sore heart also miraculously recovered.

In fact, he himself knew clearly that even though he was the only man she had ever had physical contact with, she was beyond his control.

"Are you going to Xinjiang too?" Murong Changkong looked at Su Junli and asked.


With him sitting next to him, Su Junli directly felt a jade-like warmth, very comfortable.

It's a pity that this person is too inconsistent inside and outside.

"Pleasure? Or business?" Murong Changkong asked.


"I also play, let's go together!" Murong Changkong said.

"Okay, but there is one condition." Su Junli nodded.

"What's the condition? I'll cover all the expenses for food, accommodation and play? Last time I was scammed by you for 2.1 billion, and my old man imposed economic sanctions when I got home. I have no money." Murong Changkong said.

"No, I have money, so I can take care of you. You just need to be responsible for sleeping with me at night. Your body temperature is more comfortable than the air conditioner." Su Junli said seriously.


Murong Changkong's mouth opened into an O shape, and Chu Xian, who was eavesdropping on the side, heard that Su Junli wanted Murong Changkong to sleep with him instead of him, and his weak heart burst into several cracks.

This book is published by this site, please do not reprint!

【002】Not a good family

Update time: 2013-1-11 21:22:23 Number of words in this chapter: 3457


Murong Changkong, who had fully reacted, had a shy blush on his clean and jade-like face, and looked at Su Junli with a strange light in his long and narrow phoenix eyes, "Are you sure you're not joking?"

Su Junli was at a loss, "Do you think I'm joking?"

It's true that she doesn't look like she's joking, but that serious expression is more like a cold humor, and her dark eyes don't contain any lust, and she looks innocent.

"I come from a decent family!" Murong Changkong said suddenly, with a serious look, he really looked like a good woman who was taken over by a villain.

"I'm not serious, I don't want it!" Su Junli said quite naturally.


Murong Changkong was speechless, and he was cursing violently in his heart: My God, what kind of woman is this? Don't you have a little woman's reserve?

"You have been branded as my man. Sooner or later, you will be my man. I think you should stop struggling and entangled. I will treat you well." Su Junli saw him with a look Hesitant to speak, he tried to persuade him with "worse words".

Murong Changkong: "..."

Chu Xian: "..."

Bystander eavesdropper: "..."

Lan Xin was far away, and she paid attention to the little Meng brother beside her just now, but didn't hear her unconventional words, but saw the strange expressions on Murong Changkong and Chu Xian's faces, so she asked in a throaty voice: " Damn woman, have you bullied Mr. Murong?"

"No, I just want to pamper him."

Su Junli answered very seriously.

Although her reply was not loud, it was clearly visible. More than half of the passengers in the plane heard her voice, and their eyes focused on Su Junli and Murong Changkong.

In Su Junli's mind, favoring a man and asking him to sleep with him was a matter of course, and he didn't feel anything wrong. But Murong Changkong was different, especially when he saw Su Junli's natural expression, he was even more frantic.

However, he was still mad, but in the depths of his heart, there was a faint excitement and throbbing.

Good birth, good appearance, he has always been the object of women's pursuit, but no matter what size women are, no matter how much they like him, in front of him, they will become extremely humble and submissive. Like Su Junli, she declared ownership to him with a domineering posture of an empress.

Very interesting, really interesting!

Looking at her delicate face and dark eyes, he suddenly wanted to know what a wonderful thing it was to sleep with her.

However, she also seems to have an unclear relationship with the man named Chu Xian in front of her.

He is a dignified Mr. Murong, how can he bear to share a woman with other men?

"Then you dump him, and I will be favored by you." Murong Changkong pointed at Chu Xian whose face had darkened.

"No! He is also my man, and I never do irresponsible things." Su Junli firmly refused, "You can live in harmony."

Chu Xian: ...

Murong Changkong: ...

Blue Heart: ...


"Damn it, are you a woman? How dare you say such a thing?" Murong Changkong couldn't hold back anymore, his true face was revealed, and he yelled angrily.

"That eye of yours sees that I'm not a woman?" Su Junli gave him a blank look, feeling that Murong Changkong's thinking was really unbelievable.

But she didn't know that in this society, her thinking was the most incredible.

His father had taught him since he was a child, never to engage in verbal disputes with women, otherwise he would only suffer a disastrous defeat.

Murong Changkong fell silent.

Su Junli yawned, feeling a little sleepy, so she grabbed Murong Changkong's arm and hugged her: "Be my pillow, let me sleep for a while, and call me in Xinjiang."

Before Murong Changkong could react, his shoulders were occupied by her head, and his arms were also embraced by her. The faint fragrance wafted into his nostrils, causing him to be in a trance for a while.

He wanted to resist aloud, but saw that she had closed her eyes, breathing evenly between her nostrils.

Damn it, this woman just fell asleep like this!

Never had a woman come so close to him—

He really wanted to push her away, but just thinking about it, watching him fall asleep beside him felt very good, as good as a hallucination.

He watched her face very carefully—

The skin is clean, the facial features are exquisite, the eyelashes are long and slightly curly, like two small fans, gently fanning the heartstrings, and the half-grey teeth are slightly parted, exuding a seductive fragrance...

He suddenly felt his throat was very dry, his Adam's apple rolled up and down, he swallowed a mouthful of saliva, licked his lips, his slender fingers raised unconsciously, and touched her soft lips.

When the fingertips touched her lips, I felt a strong electric current spread from the fingertips directly to the whole body, and the heart beat uncontrollably.

Seeing that he dared to touch Junli's lips, Chu Xian's eyes were on fire, and he stared fiercely at him!

In order to deal with the financial crisis these days, Su Junli spent several days and nights sleeping at the desk in the company. She finally resigned from the position of president, but she was dragged by Lan Xin excitedly to fly to Xinjiang .

Murong Changkong has a very special physique, as warm and cool as jade, so as soon as she got close to him, she immediately fell asleep comfortably, and even had a dream...

In his dream, he saw Ye wearing a royal blue robe, holding his long black hair with the hairpin she gave him, with a rare smile on his face, and softly said to her: "Junli, I'm here!"

She happily reached out her hand to hold him back, but as soon as her fingers touched his body, he disappeared before her eyes like a bubble...


She shouted, woke up from the dream, looked up and saw Murong Changkong's long and narrow pair of phoenix eyes...

This book is published by this site, please do not reprint!

[003] To be my man, I have to keep my duty

Update time: 2013-1-11 21:22:36 Number of words in this chapter: 3602


Murong Changkong saw that her usually deep and calm black eyes were flickering with panic like a frightened deer, and his heart seemed to be stabbed severely by something.

He couldn't help lowering his head, and his warm thin lips covered her red lips that were parted in panic because of having a nightmare...

The delicate and fragrant feeling came to him quickly, like a sea of ​​flowers from the sky came to him...

so beautiful!

so warm!

so happy!

Murong Changkong gently used his lips to enclose Su Junli's lips, not wanting to let go, thinking that time would freeze here...

"What are you going to do?"

Chu Xian was furious, and grabbed Murong Changkong's back collar, abruptly waking him up from the good feeling ahead of time.

Murong Changkong has always been used to being arrogant and pampered, how could he stand being interrupted like this?

Without even thinking about it, he stretched out his fist and hit Chu Xian—

Su Junli was awoken by his sudden kiss and a nightmare, and her mind was a little blurred. When she saw Murong Changkong raising his fist, she subconsciously reached out and blocked his fist that was hitting Chu Xian.

Murong Changkong's punch just now was out of arrogance, and the strength had reached at least 70% of his skill, but when he met Su Junli's delicate and timid hand, which looked as tender and white as a spring onion, it immediately felt like hitting a sponge. Disappear.

"Behave!" Seeing that he was about to hit Chu Xian, Su Junli pressed his hand angrily, "What I hate the most is when men are jealous!"

"Who is jealous?" Murong Changkong said very angrily, "Obviously he is jealous, I am your man, can I just kiss you? Why should he tear me away? In my life, Murong Changkong, I hate They pulled my back collar."

"Even if Chu Xian is wrong, it's me who criticizes and punishes, not you." Su Junli said authoritarianly, "To be my man, you should do your part!"

Chu Xian: ...

Murong Changkong: ...


"I'm crazy, I'm a dignified Mr. Murong, I don't know how many ladies and ladies admire me, I'm really a bitch, I want to get close to you!" Murong Changkong felt that his little self-esteem was seriously hurt , stood up angrily, and cursed.

"Really?" Su Junli's face did not change color, her expression was very indifferent, "If you think there is anyone in this world who is more suitable for you to love than me, then go, but I, Su Junli He is a man who never wants to be touched by other women, you can figure it out yourself."

After she finished speaking, she took out Ye's hairpin and the ring from her handbag as if nothing had happened, held them tightly in her palm, closed her eyes, and tried to allow herself to enter the dream again.

She didn't like the ending of the dream just now, she wanted to truly touch the night, and wanted one more person to confirm that the world she was in now was not a ridiculous dream.

Murong Changkong originally wanted to chase Lan Xin away and sit back in his original seat, but he was very curious to see Su Junli take out a broken hairpin and a broken ring and sleep with his eyes closed.

Moreover, what Su Junli said to him just now kept echoing in his mind.

That's right, he, Murong Changkong, is very popular with women, from eighty to three years old, as long as they are female, their eyes shine when they see him, including the only daughter of the head of state.

However, he is not interested in them at all, either because they are not good-looking, or because their temperament and knowledge are not enough, or because he has no feelings for any of them, and even looking at them feels tired.

But at Boss Huang's place, seeing Su Junli who was touching the stone with his eyes closed like a crescent moon, with a quiet and ethereal expression, his heart skipped a beat, he squatted down unconsciously, stretched out his hand and She touches on the same stone.

It was also because of this feeling that he finally lost control and insisted on buying Su Junli's emerald at a high price. At this moment of confusion, he was scolded by his father when he went back, and he faced the wall and thought for three days before he was able to get rid of it.

He didn't want his feelings to be restrained by others, so he decided to go for a walk in Xinjiang, forgetting the imprint of Su Junli on his heart.

Who knows, he still saw her on the plane.

The moment he confirmed her, the ecstasy hit his heart like a tide, and he completely forgot his determination to delete her from his mind.

Besides this woman in front of him, could he still be attracted to other women?

Murong Changkong secretly asked himself.

His heart told him very clearly: no.

Since he could only be moved by her, why did he give up? Even if there is still a rival in love, Chu Xian, who is eyeing him, but what is it?

He, Murong Changkong, is not a person with low self-esteem!

He believed that he was fully capable of driving away the hated Chu Xian, and occupied Su Junli alone!

Thinking of this, his standing body sat down again, and said to Su Junli, "Come on, my shoulder can continue to be your pillow!"

"No, I'm upset now."

Su Junli wanted to fall asleep by herself, but found that she was no longer sleepy. Moreover, she was also amused by her thoughts just now, the dream is not acting, how could it continue?

"What's bothering you? Is it because this hairpin is too broken? I'll use the emerald I bought from you last time to make a beautiful hairpin for you! You don't have to thank me." Murong Changkong said.

"Thank you, no need, I just like this hairpin." Su Junli glanced at him and said, "Aren't you going to leave my side? Why are you sitting down again?"

"I... like sitting here!" Murong Changkong's face flushed slightly.

"Oh." Su Junli responded lightly, bowed her head and lowered her eyes, and stroked her hairpin with her slender fingers. She couldn't figure out why there were two things in the night that appeared in this world.

Ye, will you come here too?

Will we ever meet again?

I wish you could come so I could have someone to tell me about this