MTL - Her Majesty’s Modern Harem-~ Works related (14)

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The voice sounded: "One and a half billion!"

Everyone gasped, followed the sound, and saw a man lying lazily on the decorative beam above the hall, wearing black short boots, black trousers, and a black shirt with all buttons unbuttoned. , the wheat-colored chest glowed with a seductive luster, and a silver-black mask was hidden under the slightly messy jet-black hair, but on the mask was an extremely enchanting red flower that was dripping with blood and carried the breath of death. Manzhushahua, exposed outside the mask is a pair of half-moon-shaped black jade-like eyes, as if the light of the moonlight has been exhausted, the thin lips under the mask are raised playfully, the curve is beautiful and charming, slightly glowing An unusual lavender.

(Extreme handsome guy appears, please collect! Please support!)

-----Off Topic-----

Recommended by my friend Qingmo Yanshui's excellent heroine article "Rebirth of the Evil Phoenix Riding the Husband":

Content introduction: [Female respect + np + boy, enter with caution]

Mu Qianxue said, isn't it just being betrayed by the man she loves the most and the younger sister she loves the most? I really don't, care, mind!

However, the moment she drank the poisoned wine, she found herself back to the day of her wedding many years ago, smiling and raising her eyebrows.

Betrayal, seizure of power, regicide... the heartache that was once gone away with death, from now on, no one can be above me!

What you owe me will eventually be paid back. Want the throne of Queen Feng, but also want your own love? Well, I will let you guard the icy throne and never meet your love! However... reliving it again, it seems that the truth that I missed at the beginning, the people I missed, and so many more...

Phoenix ashes, Nirvana rebirth.

In my last life, I spent my whole life disillusioned with love.

So in this life, I want to be king!

This book is published by this site, please do not reprint!

【057】Handsome guy bickering, endless fun (please collect!)

Update time: 2013-1-11 21:21:24 Number of words in this chapter: 3930


"You... who are you? Why are you up there? Hurry... come down quickly!" Boss Huang, who woke up from the shock of the masked man, pointed his fingers tremblingly and shouted.

The masked man didn't even look at him, the lavender was cold and cool, and his voice was seductive and playful, "If you can come up, I will go down."

"You—" Boss Huang wanted to yell, but he didn't dare.

The man in front of him was like a manjusawa blooming in the dark, with a terrifying aura about him.

"Ha ha-"

A pleasant but mocking voice sounded, Murong Changkong stood up, the green robe made him look as beautiful as a green bamboo, his face like a snow lotus exuded a charming brilliance under a certain natural arrogance, cherry red His thin lips hooked, and he said:

"Did you think it would be great if you climbed on the beam and pretended to be handsome? I will do it too!"

Everyone was expecting that our Mr. Murong, who looks as gentle as jade, would say some brilliant and wonderful words, but in the end, he burst out such rough words in a pleasant voice from his pretty mouth, and everyone was stunned. Opening his mouth wide, he looked at Murong Changkong like a monster.

Su Junli also had black lines all over her head, and she almost couldn't help spraying it!

Damn it, Murong Changkong is really a wonderful person!

The man with the mask on the beam didn't seem to have thought that Murong Changkong would be so shocking, and he stole all the limelight from him, his eyes moved slightly as if he had lost all the elegance in the world, and he sneered softly: "Yes, I will Pretend to be handsome, if you are not angry, come up and pretend."

"I'm handsome myself, so I don't need to pretend at all!" Murong Changkong tossed his hair disdainfully, his expression and movements were so handsome that even the man couldn't help but want to pounce on him when he saw it.

"Pfft! You don't pretend? If you don't pretend, what the **** are you wearing to pretend to be a son in a hot day?"

"I am a young master myself, so I don't need to pretend at all. You are so ugly and shameful. Wear a **** mask to play tricks!"

The two came and went, arguing like two children, and the judges were dumbfounded.

No matter what angle you look at, these two people, one is like a dark manjushahua, and the other is like a gentle jade, they should never talk like this!

But it turns out...

Facing the collapse of the image of the two of them, Su Junli couldn't stand it any longer. She inserted the cutter in her hand and shouted, "Shut up! Don't interfere with my jadeite sale!"

Her sound was like a pair of scissors, forcibly interrupting the seemingly sharply contradictory but extremely harmonious atmosphere between the two of them.

The two stopped bickering and looked at Su Junli.

Everyone's eyes also shifted to Su Junli.

"Damn woman, you are so aura!" Lan Xin patted her sister's shoulder appreciatively, and then turned into an extremely resentful expression, "It's so interesting to see two top-notch handsome guys bickering, Nima's Can you let me watch it first before making a sound? Really!"

Lan Xin's words seemed to arouse everyone's sympathy, and everyone nodded unconsciously.

Feelings have become the object of being watched by others, Murong Changkong and the masked man snorted coldly at the same time, and each adjusted their postures, one is as handsome and gentle as jade, and the other is as dark and evil as Manzhushahua.

"Continue the auction! 1.5 billion, the first time!" Taking advantage of the better atmosphere, Su Junli began to take the opportunity to sell her jadeite.

"1.6 billion!" Murong Changkong shouted without even thinking about it. In fact, this piece of emerald is just an ice species. Even if it is the top glass type emperor green, it can sell for 600 million, which is already a sky-high price, let alone 1.6 billion. Murong Changkong is very angry. Bought by the masked man.

"Two billion." The masked man directly raised the price, his lavender thin lips showed some kind of disdain and certainty.

Murong Changkong's face changed slightly. Although the Murong family had money, they didn't have much to embezzle, let alone spend two billion to buy a piece of jade.

The snipe and the clam fight, and the fisherman wins. Su Junli is happy, and she shouts: "Two billion, is there anyone who will increase the price? If not, this emerald will belong to that handsome guy."

When she said this, she glanced at Murong Changkong.

Lan Xin also fanned the flames appropriately, and yelled from the side: "Wow, Mr. Murong, it seems that your financial resources are not as good as that handsome guy in the mask! How about it? Do you want to continue to increase the price? This is a rare emerald. Best for your great-grandmother who has eye problems."

Murong Changkong's snow lotus-like face was slightly tinged with blush, his slender and beautiful eyebrows were slightly raised, he gritted his teeth, "2.1 billion!"

"Okay, you've won! The emerald is yours!" The masked man curled up his thin lips, and said with a half-moon smile, no matter how he smiled with his black eyes, there was a hint of a plot to succeed.

"2.1 billion, Mr. Murong, congratulations, this emerald is yours, please pay!" Su Junli, who got the cheap one, was very obedient, and said to Murong Changkong with a smile.

Murong Changkong's head exploded with a bang!

2.1 billion to buy a piece of emerald worth at most 500 million, he really doesn't know how to end it, he will probably be scolded to death by those old men at home!

"Damn it, I'm only 2.1 billion, why don't you just increase the price?" He couldn't help but scolded the masked man again. The way he scolded him made Su Junli really feel sorry for him. Hug him in your arms and ravage him.

"I have no money!" The masked man spread his hands helplessly, "Actually, I don't have any money on me, so I just want you to be taken advantage of!"

When Murong Changkong heard it, he was directly hurt internally, his feelings were played by others, he rushed to his head, jumped high, a pair of white palms suddenly bloomed like lotus flowers, and with a fierce palm wind, he directed at the masked man shoot away.

Just at this moment, a graceful figure jumped up, rushed in front of him, and took his palm abruptly. Its powerful aura made him take a step back, and landed again. It was clearly Su who caught his palm. Jun Li!

"Mr. Murong, you can wait later if you want to fight, please pay me the jade money first, I need it urgently!" Su Junli said calmly, as if she was not the one who jumped up to catch his palm just now.

As for the others, they just felt that the figure swayed a few times, and when they saw it clearly, Su Junli was still standing in the original position without moving.

illusion! Definitely an illusion!

Many people shouted secretly in their hearts, desperately wiping their eyes with their hands!

[Please collect, please support, all kinds of requests, you...understand! 】

-----Off Topic-----

[058] Openly occupying the son

Update time: 2013-1-11 21:21:28 Number of words in this chapter: 4243


Murong Changkong looked at Su Junli thoughtfully with his long and narrow Danfeng eyes shining with light.

"Give me the money!" Under his gaze, Su Junli did not dodge in any way, looking at him with bottomless black eyes, with irresistible determination and oppression.

"I don't have that much money right now." The cash check that Murong Changkong can pay now can only be one billion at most.

"I don't care!" Su Junli said in a cold tone, "Even if you sell yourself, you have to give me the money!"


The masked man on the beam smiled disdainfully, "It turns out that the famous Murong family's son can't even get more than two billion yuan. It's really shameful. Otherwise, sell yourself to me and I'll pay for it for you." .”

Murong Changkong's fair cheeks were flushed with anger and embarrassment, like a piece of red jadeite.

Seeing him like this, Su Junli really felt a little bit of pity and pity for the jade, thinking that his emerald jade could not be worth the sky-high price of 2.1 billion, and he just bought it at a high price on a whim.

Forget it, anyway, I still have a few pieces of wool that can cut out emeralds, so I don't want to push people too much, so I said generously: "Well, one billion is one billion, and the rest, when you owe me a The favor is good."

If she didn't say that, it would be fine, but once she said that, it would hurt our Young Master Murong's self-esteem even more. He said with a sullen face, very arrogantly: "It's only 2.1 billion, our Murong family can afford it!"

"Okay! Then pay!"

Su Junli said happily when he saw that he was determined to do so.

Murong Changkong took out his cash check, gritted his teeth, wrote the number 2.1 billion, and handed it to Su Junli.

Su Junli accepted it with satisfaction, handed him the emerald jade in her hand and said, "Deal!"

"Deal!" Murong Changkong said in a hoarse voice, weeping at his handsome face. One billion yuan is something he can mobilize by himself, and the other one billion yuan is what his father asked him to buy a batch of urgent goods. Now it is all given to Su Junli. If he let his father do it himself, it would be...

He didn't even dare to think about the consequences, he hugged the piece of jade numbly, and stared at the masked gentleman on the beam with extreme resentment.

"The transaction is successful, you can start fighting!"

Su Junli said seriously from the side.

A word to wake up the dreamer!

"Help me hold it first!" Murong Changkong stuffed the jadeite into Su Junli's hand, then punched the masked man—

The fist wind whistled, bringing a gust of wind!

Watching a fight is no better than watching a quarrel, it will bring disaster to the fish pond at any time!

Seeing that the situation was not right, many people scattered away one after another, but they were unwilling to let go of this wonderful battle.

Who knew, the masked man suddenly raised his hand—

Crimson smoke quickly filled the air, everyone's eyes were dazzled, they hurriedly closed their eyes, opened them again, and found that there was no one on the beam, and Murong Changkong kept a punching posture strangely, like a stone sculpture generally.

"Where's the person? Where's the person?" Everyone looked around for the figure of the masked man, but they couldn't find anything except the crimson smoke that remained in the air.

Although everyone couldn't see it, Su Junli could still see clearly that while the masked man was making smoke, he had already used his lightness kung fu and left quickly.

Su Junli thought that in this world, there was no such thing as light kung fu, but she never thought that she would meet another one, and it was not bad.

She was a little curious about the real identity of the masked man, but she was just curious. The most urgent thing she had to do now was to pay off the debt and keep the Su Group.

"Mr. Murong, what's wrong with you?" Boss Huang saw that Murong Changkong was motionless except for his eyes rolling extremely furiously. He thought he had been possessed by a demon, and shouted in shock as he pushed him.

If someone of Murong Changkong's status had something wrong in his shop, he couldn't afford the Murong family's blame.

Murong Changkong was pushed by him, his body slanted, and when he was about to fall straight to the ground in a daze, a faint fragrance wafted over, and a soft hand quickly grabbed his waist, hooking him to straighten him.

His heart skipped half a beat at first, and then it beat extremely chaotically, and it was extremely difficult to breathe...

"You have been touched!" Su Junli let go of her hand holding his waist, and smiled.

"Damn it!" Murong Changkong cursed, because he couldn't move his body, his expression was extremely weird, and he was extremely aggrieved.

"I can help you unlock the acupuncture points!" Su Junli said.

The pupils in Murong Changkong's long and narrow Danfeng eyes lit up, and he couldn't wait to say: "Then help me untie it quickly, **** it, it's so uncomfortable."

"Okay, but there must be something in return!" Su Junli raised her eyebrows.

"What do you want?" Murong Changkong's pleasant voice was hoarse.

"I want you!" Su Junli's fingers raised his sharp and handsome chin, and the corners of his charming lips were half-smiling.

Murong Changkong's heart was beating in a panic again, his throat was tight and dry, his face became even redder from holding back, as delicate and red as a fine red jadeite.

Su Junli couldn't help but tiptoed and pecked him on the cheek, then nodded nonchalantly: "Very good top-quality beauty's blood!"

Beauty's blood is the title of a kind of high-quality red jadeite.

Murong Changkong was originally agitated by her sudden kiss and full of boundless love, but when he heard her say such a serious face, he almost vomited blood.

"Damn woman, kiss me!" Seeing Su Junli making such a bold move, Lan Xin's eyes sparkled and she was extremely excited.

"You can say that!" After Su Junli finished speaking, she stamped the mark of her man Su Junli on Murong Changkong's neck, then unlocked his acupuncture points, patted his shoulder, and said in a domineering tone, " You have been marked as my man, and you will only belong to me in the future!"

"You...pervert!" Although I felt prickly when I heard her say that I belonged to her man, my proud self-esteem did not allow him to be possessed like an object.

"Then you will be perverted!" Su Junli ignored his rage, and gave him the jade in his hand, "Don't think that you can escape from my palm!"

When everyone heard her domineering words, they were both amused and angry, and they started talking one after another:

"Tsk tsk, who does she think she is? How dare she occupy Mr. Murong like this!"

"People are shameless and invincible in the world, tsk tsk, you have learned a lot!"

"It's really shameless to openly occupy a man."

Murong Changkong couldn't bear it anymore, feeling extremely complicated, he quickly left with the jadeite, scolding Su Junli as he walked.

Su Junli didn't catch up either, anyway, Murong Changkong is not an unknown commoner, she wants to find him, it's easy as pie, all she has to do now is to collect the check, cash, Moyu and the piece of wool that hasn't been untied yet covered with ringworm go home.

"Jun Li, aren't you untying this piece of wool here?" Papa Lan asked.

"I don't understand, I've got enough money. I'll take this piece home and play with it slowly." While packing the woolen materials, Su Junli said to Boss Huang, who had a very bad expression on the side, "Boss Huang, thank you for today Let me make a fortune."

When Boss Huang heard this, his mood that had just been slightly balanced was immediately destroyed. Holding a mouthful of blood in his throat, he forced a smile and said: "It's easy to say, welcome to come again next time!"

Su Junli smiled faintly, and left with Lan Xinlan's father.

"Pfft!" A big mouthful of blood spewed out from Boss Huang's mouth...

This book is published by this site, please do not reprint!

[059] Aunt is back

Update time: 2013-1-11 21:21:32 Number of words in this chapter: 4394


"Dead woman, do you want to go directly to Su's house, or go to my house to untie this piece of wool?"

Lan Xin asked while driving.

"Go back to the Su's house. I'll put this piece of wool in your house for the time being. I'll settle the debt later, and then I'll untie it myself." Su Junli said.


Lan Xin answered without thinking.

"Junli, aren't you worried that we'll take this piece of wool?" Papa Lan asked Su Junli, looking at Su Junli.

"I believe in you." Su Junli smiled faintly at them, "You are not the ones who lose their feelings for money!"

With tears in his eyes, Papa Lan nodded.

"Dead woman!" Lan Xin called out in a low voice, which sounded like scolding, but was actually full of emotion.

Su Junli looked at the father and daughter, and felt that the best thing Su Junli did before was to make friends like Lan Xin.

Lan Xin sent Su Junli back to Su's house, and then left with wool.

Su Junli hugged the piece of black jade, and as soon as she walked into the door, she saw a woman in a beige professional suit, with short hair, sharp eyes, and severe facial features due to thinness. She was about a woman in her forties. blocked her way.

"Who are you?" Su Junli asked slightly sullenly.

"Su Junli, you don't even recognize me, why are you pretending to be confused?" The woman seemed to be even more sullen, her voice was like a string of pearls, and her voice was crisp, and she knew that she was a straightforward and neat person.

Aunt Su Yunqing?

Su Junli's mind quickly thought of this character who was only on the phone and had never seen a real person.


Su Junli called out these two words with some difficulty.

During the Dayong period, these two words were the titles she hated the most.


Su Yunqing nodded slightly, looked at the black jade wrapped in a burlap bag in her arms with some doubts, and asked in the tone of an elder: "What is in your arms?"

Su Junli didn't like her tone very much, but out of politeness, she still replied, "Personal things."

"The company is in such a critical situation now, where have you been?" Seeing that she didn't answer, Su Yunqing didn't ask too much, but asked her whereabouts with a frown.

"Go out to raise funds." Su Junli said honestly.

"Have you got it?"

Su Yunqing asked with deep eyes.

"Yes." Su Junli nodded, "It's enough to pay off the debt."

"Where did you go to raise two billion?" Su Yunqing's tone was a bit cold, "You won't do something that will embarrass our Su family, will you?"

"What's the meaning?"

Su Junli looked up at Su Yunqing, and asked in a colder tone.

"It's not interesting. I just don't understand. With our Su family in such a crisis, who else would lend you money? Did Chu Xian borrow it from his family when he went back?" Su Yunqing asked.

"No, I earned it myself."

Su Junli didn't want to face Su Yunqing's aggressiveness too much, and he had nothing to explain to her.

"You earned it? I don't know about your head? If you have the ability to drill two billion overnight, our Su family will not be where it is today." Su Yunqing said mercilessly Said sarcastically, with a hint of anger in his eyes.

If her eyes were contemptuous, Su Junli would immediately turn his face at this moment, but her eyes were not contemptuous, but the elders' hatred for the younger generation.

Therefore, she endured and remained silent.

"Su Junli, I'm not going to blame you when I come back this time. After all, you are still young and your head is not enough. It was his fault that my eldest brother left suddenly and threw such a heavy burden on you. Moreover, This global financial crisis is not something we can resist, alas—”

Su Yunqing shook his head and sighed, "The Su Group is the property of our Su family, the hard work of the eldest brother, no matter what, we must keep it, and we must not let Lei's take it over. The branch was auctioned off, and we raised 2 billion to come back, hoping to survive this crisis.”

Su Junli looked at her in surprise.

Chu Xian said that the branch in Europe was the whole effort of Su Yunqing. She devoted all her time and energy to it, and became Su's best window in Europe.

Now, she actually sold it in order to maintain the Su family?

"Don't be stunned, as long as we keep our Su's headquarters, I can continue to make a comeback after it stabilizes." Su Yunqing said confidently and proudly.

Dayong's aunt is also very confident and proud. The difference is that this aunt looks like a sharp mouth, but she has a tofu heart.


Su Junli couldn't help but yelled, "You really don't need to do this, it was your hard work."

"My hard work is the Su family! It's you!" Su Yunqing gave her a sharp look in his eyes, "It's a pity that you never give me any credit!"

"I will not do it again."

"Forget it, I won't talk to you anymore, take this thing in your arms back to the room, call Chu Xian, we will go back to the company together, and pay off all the debts that should be paid, and then our aunt and nephew will fight side by side In a crisis, I don't believe that the Su family will not be able to hold on!" Su Yunqing said to her.

Hearing the words "aunt and nephew fighting side by side", Su Junli's heart warmed, and she suddenly felt that Su Junli here was very happy, much happier than herself in Dayong.

In Dayong, not to mention other people, even the mother, the emperor and the queen would not fight alongside her.

Looking at Su Yunqing's thin face, she felt a little more friendly.

In front of her room, grandma was walking anxiously on crutches, and her old back seemed to be even more bent.

Su Junli's heart ached.

Although this grandma is not her real grandma, in her heart, she has completely regarded her as her real grandma.

"Girl, your aunt is back, have you seen it?" Grandma asked a little nervously.

"I just saw it." Su Junli held her by the shoulders and let her enter the room and sit down.

"Did she scold you? That girl Yunqing usually likes to scold you fiercely, but grandma knows that her heart loves you the most. When you were young, she took care of you more than your mother Even more. If she scolds you, don't take it to heart, don't be sad..." Grandma took her hand, looked at her lovingly and said, "It's really hard for you, girl, anyway, when your aunt comes back, she will She is more capable than you, so you can leave all the things you should do to her, and you and Chu Xian will fall in love and enjoy life..."

"Well, I see." Su Junli nodded, a light flashed in her mind.

In Dayong, as the emperor of a country, she was usually so annoyed by the constraints of government affairs, she had no freedom at all, and she had no chance to visit the beautiful rivers and mountains and enjoy the fun of life.

When I come here, I usually have to go to work on time. Most of the scope of activities is in the 100-square-meter office. I can’t leave everything and go anywhere freely. I have to be responsible to the company.

This world is so wonderful, there are so many novel places and things to play, do you have to trap yourself in a company?

Su Yunqing is back, and she is not full of greed like Su Zhenglan and the others. She is sincerely doing what is good for the Su family and herself. Why can't I give up the burden of the Su family to her who is suitable?

-----Off Topic-----

Children's shoes who support Junli's liberation from the company, raise your feet!

This book is published by this site, please do not reprint!

[059] Let Xian

Update time: 2013-1-11 21:21:33 Number of words in this chapter: 4396


After sending grandma away, Su Junli closed the door, locked Moyu in the safe in the room, then changed into a gray and white professional suit, and walked out.

Su Yunqing was waiting for her, and Chu Xian also rushed over.

"Let's go, let's go back to the company and settle all the debts that should be settled." Su Yunqing said.

Holding a report in his hand, Chu Xian said: "President, Manager Su, I just got a report that Lei's has acquired 35% of our shares!"

Su Yunqing raised his eyebrows in displeasure, looked at Su Junli sharply and asked, "What's the matter? It stands to reason that no matter how Lei's buys the shares of retail investors outside, it is impossible for them to exceed 30% ah."

With a wry smile, Chu Xian told about the sale of Su's shares by Su Zhenglan and others.

When Su Yunqing heard this, he was furious, "These gangsters! From now on, they will never be allowed to set foot in the Su family!"

Su Junli nodded, "I don't want to keep them in the Su family's compound, lest the roots of their ears will not be clean."

"They don't regard themselves as the Su family, so they don't have the qualifications to live in the Su family. When the company's affairs are settled, we will come back and chase them away!" Su Yunqing shouted angrily.

"Manager, Lei Juntian owns as many shares as our president. When the time comes, I'm afraid..." Chu Xian said.

"We absolutely can't let Lei Juntian become the largest shareholder of our Su Corporation. I will give all 15% of the shares in my hand to Junli! In this way, Junli will far exceed his shares." Su Yunqing said firmly.


Su Junli called out from the bottom of her heart this time, "It's really unnecessary!"

"Why is this unnecessary? As long as I, Su Yunqing, am here, I will absolutely not allow elder brother's hard work to be ruined." Su Yunqing said with a determined face.

"But, I don't have the money to buy your shares." Su Junli asked tentatively.

"What's money?" Su Yunqing's sharp eyes glowed with disdain, "I only care about the Su family!"

"Auntie, what do you think if I give you all the shares and make you the president of the Su family?" Su Junli asked.

Su Yunqing looked at Su Junli in astonishment, as if he didn't understand what she meant.

"Auntie, you should be more suitable to be the president of the Su family than I am, so I want to give you the position of president!" Su Junli said seriously.

Su Yunqing looked at her in disbelief, "Jun Li, what are you talking about?"

"I said I want to give you the position of president!" Su Junli said clearly.

Chu Xian on the side was also surprised when he heard this.

"Su Junli!" Su Yunqing called her with a more serious tone, "Now the Su family is in crisis, I know you are under a lot of pressure, but since my aunt is back, I will definitely help you to reorganize the Su family, so that You can comfortably sit on the position of Su Clan's president! You actually want to back down now, you are really not Su Zhengyi's daughter, my niece!"

"Don't you want to be the president?" Su Junli didn't quite believe that Su Junli hadn't coveted the position of president.

"Of course I am willing to do it, but I, Su Yunqing, will never ask for something that does not belong to me."

There was no pretense on Su Yunqing's face.

Su Junli thought of Dayong's aunt again, who tried every means to covet something that didn't belong to her, and eventually went to extermination.

If the aunt Su Yunqing in front of her is either sincere or a master of acting!

But no matter what, she is still willing to trust her intuitive judgment.

"Auntie, I'm still young, and I don't want to let my youth be tied to the Su family. Besides, you are more capable than me, and you are more qualified to be the president. I believe that under your management, the Su family will definitely Get out of the crisis quickly." Su Junli said sincerely, "What I said is true!"

"Oh, I also know that you are in trouble, well, my aunt doesn't want to put on a pretense anymore, so I will act as the president temporarily, and when you mature, I will let you take the position!" Su Yunqing sighed.

"Junli, are you really—" Chu Xian called anxiously from the side.

"Really." Su Junli said lightly, "If you still want to keep Mrs. Su as your secretary, just follow Auntie."

"I just want to be with you!" Chu Xian thought for a while, and then showed a sunny and warm smile, "No matter what you want to do, I will follow you, respect and support your decision!"

"Hehe, what if I have nothing?" Su Junli asked with a smile.

"I have the ability to support you!" Chu Xian said with firm eyes.

These words made him more masculine, so Su Junli couldn't help but put his arms around his waist, kissed his face and said: "Since ancient times, women have raised men. Don't worry, no matter what, follow me." , you will never be afraid."

Both Chu Xian and Su Yunqing were confused by her words: Since ancient times, men have raised women, okay?

However, Chu Xian was already used to Su Junli's thinking that was different from ordinary people, so he smiled.

Su Yunqing thought it was just a little girl's joke, and didn't take it seriously, but said: "I won't own your 35% shares, as long as I, Su Yunqing, are around, It won't leave you with nothing!"

"Thank you, auntie!"

Even if what Su Yunqing said was a lie at this time, Su Junli was still a little moved. Because of such bold words, she has only heard Dayong's grandma say it.

Back at the company, Su Yunqing quickly got acquainted with the company's recent situation and debts, and began to give full play to her demeanor of a strong woman, handling all affairs vigorously and resolutely, doing everything that should be done, and repaying all that should be paid. Su Junli went above and beyond.

And Su Junli signed a letter of abdication to Su Yunqing, making her officially the president of the Su Group.

When it was announced to the employees that Su Yunqing became the president of the Su Corporation, everyone was overjoyed and applauded. It can be seen that she has a high status in the hearts of the employees.

The next day, Su Yunqing held a general meeting of shareholders.

Lei Juntian came and sat on the seat of the second largest shareholder, watching Su Junli smile unpredictably, "President Su, I want to make a deal with you, how about it?"


Su Junli responded lightly.

"It is said that President Su only holds 35% of the shares. As long as I buy more, I will become the major shareholder of the Su Corporation and become the chairman of the board. What do you think?" Lei Juntian ask.


Su Junli continued to respond indifferently.

"If I want to use the 35% of the shares as President Su's betrothal gift, let President Su marry my grandson Yang Yuqing, what does President Su think?"

"I don't think so!" Su Junli said.

"Could President Su be willing to accept my grandson as husband?" Lei Juntian asked pleasantly.

"Hehe, I can't decide this, you have to ask my aunt." Su Junli said mischievously.

"I will definitely get your aunt to agree!" Lei Juntian was very confident.

"Okay, then I congratulate you!" Su Junli laughed.

"Congratulations? What do you mean?" Lei Juntian was confused by her joy.

"Congratulations to your grandson for becoming the president of the Su Group, that is, my aunt's husband! Haha!" Su Junli laughed, "Although there is a big difference in age, it's really fun!"

When Lei Juntian heard this, his face changed drastically, "Aren't you the president anymore?"

"It's not anymore, so, what conditions do you want to ask, just talk to my aunt, haha." Su Junli smiled furtively.

Lei Juntian's face turned dark!

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【060】Something from the night appears again?

Update time: 2013-1-11 21:21:35 Number of words in this chapter: 4086


After the shareholders' meeting, Su Junli was truly relieved.

It feels really cool to be light-hearted without an official!

After stepping out of the Su Group, Su Junli felt for the first time that the environment here was not so bad, the sky was still blue, the clouds were white, and the air was not so cloudy anymore.

Since she was born, she was too destined to provoke Dayong's heavy responsibility. Therefore, in all kinds of struggles, she has never stopped. She doesn't know what true freedom is. President, I'm busy.

All right!

Now there is no big responsibility for her to pick, she can freely live the life she has always been before.