MTL - Heroes of Marvel-v2 Chapter 1260 Bucky shot

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The Panthers, which could block many attacks, failed to block the energy wave. Techara was directly bombarded by Ulysses from the second floor. After hitting a few tables, he broke into the wall. Ulysses laughed and slammed the door after repulsing Techara. His men continued to stop the CIA's special police and Nagiya and the female generals with high military values.

"Wakanda's technology?!...Su Rui, don't let Ulysses run! Now we have to share the battlefield, we need support!" Techara, who got up from the ground, just reacted for a while. On the one hand, Su Rui, who was in the newsletter, shouted and chased it out again.

"Good!" Su Rui immediately sent Su Rui's answer. Su Rui's situation in frontline battle was also watched.

Chachara, who chased Ulysses out of the underground casino, relied on the mighty ability of the Panthers to chase the Ulysses team alone, while Nagiya threw a small car on the roadside. The thing went straight in, and the female general also quickly got in.

"Su Rui! Remote control! It's up to you!" Najia sitting in the driver's seat did not mean to drive, but shouted loudly.


The next moment, the engine of the car roared, and then immediately started to chase the team that fled ahead of Ulysses.


In the Vakanda royal laboratory, Su Rui is sitting in the virtual hall and driving desperately to chase the front team. This is also a black technology in Wakanda. Through the instrument on the car, people in the lab can simulate driving remotely, and can also change the driving mode to what they are used to. In this way, even if Nagiya does not drive, it does not affect them to pursue Ulysses.

"This is quite novel! But... Why not use the intelligent system to drive automatically?" Standing on the periphery of the virtual space and watching the intense pursuit of the middle Su Rui, Lin Rui silently spit in his heart.

Like Su Rui, watching Tricha's action in the rear of the forest, Lin Rui naturally knows how the car that Su Rui is now remotely controlled is realized. For the instrument that can directly capture the target control system, Lin Rui still feels quite good. high tech. However, in the case of the development of intelligent systems, Lin Rui feels that remote driving in the background is not necessary.

Lin Rui, who spoke in her heart, simply looked at Su Rui’s eyes and found that she had been immersed in the chase of the car and did not bother her. Going back to the main console, Lin Rui looked at the green dot on the screen.

"Baki is already in the car of Ulysses, and now it's just a good time to take the shot." Looking at the green dot and the red dot representing Ulysses, move quickly together, Lin Sharp eyes calmly sighed.

Techara left Baki outside before entering the underground casino, and Baki did not express dissatisfaction. That's because Baki has long known that their actions will not be so smooth. Baki's confidence comes from the trust of Lin Rui in the past. Therefore, when seeing Ulysses enter the underground casino with a ticket bodyguard, Baki, who had already put on the ant's suit, did not shoot, but flew into the car of Ulysses.

When Ulysses was chased by Tracha, they were sitting behind the chair in the back seat of Ulysses. Looking at the nervous command of Ulysses, the fire continued to block the pursuit, and Bucky was waiting for the opportunity.


"Ha ha ha! You guys are stinky!!"

After a gun smashed the car that couldn't break the bullet behind him, Ulysses laughed wildly. His remodeled left arm is from Wakanda's technology, and only weapons based on the development of Zhenjin can fight against Zhenjin.

"It's now!"

And when Ulysses blasted the next car in the back, Baki had already waited for the best chance. Quickly saved from the back seat, Baki first stunned the man in the driver's seat, and then hit a fist in Ulysses while hitting his head.

At the moment when Ulysses turned his head, Baki returned to normal size and threw the guy out of the driver's seat, and then gave Ulysses a circle that hadn't returned to God. This time, Ulysses was completely dizzy. Although Bucky’s fist was not made by Zhenjin, it was hard enough, and Ulysses, whose head had not been modified, couldn’t eat two punches.

"Tecara, I have already controlled Ulysses. Now I will drive him out of downtown, and you will come over." Looking at Ulysses in the co-pilot, Baki directly contacted Said to Techara.

Then, Baki drove the car and quickly left the downtown area, heading for a remote place.

Techara, who was chasing after him, slammed after hearing the reminder from Bucky, and then looked at the car in front of the car and then went away from the downtown area.

"Baki?! How come you..." In amazement, Techara also wanted to know how Baki did it.

However, Techara did not ask more at this time, but waited until the back of the Rosts drove the car and took Najia and the female general to come over and get on the train. Wearing a panther warrior on the streets of the South Korean capital for so long has been noticeable. Since Ulysses has been controlled by Baki, it is still as low-key as possible.

"Tchara, just...has your outside friend really controlled Ulysses?" Nagiya, who did not remember the name of Baki, hurriedly asked after the black panther got on the bus, using The language of Vacanda is not afraid of the Rosts who drive next to it.

"Well, it should be, I don't know what it is Yes, my good brother, your retired mercenary friend has indeed controlled Ulysses, and almost No effort is required." After Techara answered Nagiya, their ears rang the sound of Su Rui, who was far away from Vacanda.

After Ulysses fired the car that was far beyond control, Su Rui had already returned to the main console. Then, she naturally noticed the strange position of Baki and the sudden shot of Bucky. Although there was no picture, Baki’s communication system also showed the situation around the scene on the screen.

"What are you talking about? Ulysses seems to have shifted the route! We will be able to catch up soon!" Just as Techara was smashing in the language of Wakanda, Ross was driving. The special agent shouted loudly in front.

"You don't have to drive so fast, Ulysses is already ours, and he can't run."

. Sogou

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