MTL - Hidden Corner-Chapter 67 0 Mind Technique Three (Xie Chun, Leader of the Nine Lotus Lantern Alliance)

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Chapter 67 Chapter 067 Mental Technique Three (Xie Chun, Leader of the Nine Lotus Lantern Alliance)

Putting aside his thoughts, Li Chengyi looked at the waiter again.

“In addition, I also want to visit your wisteria corridor. I heard that the wisteria corridor in the Palace Garden is the best Internet celebrity attraction in Suiyang City. I wonder if I will be lucky enough to appreciate it this time?”

 He spoke politely and was a big customer of the boss. The waiter also pursed his lips and smiled.

 “You’re too kind, please come with me, over here.”

 She took the initiative to lead the way towards another bend.

 Li Chengyi followed closely behind.

He didn't plan to go back until he had completely collected the wool on this trip.

 The time slowly came to six o'clock.

Li Chengyi abruptly had another staff meal in the Palace Garden before shamelessly walking out of the main store.

 When he left the store, his wisteria flower's secondary evolution level had increased from 0 to 15%.

In other words, most of them are duplicate varieties of wisteria flowers, and he failed to find many new varieties. Otherwise, his harvest would have been even greater this time.

In the evening, it rained lightly, making the ground wet and reflecting a large amount of water light.

 Some passers-by were holding umbrellas, while others were riding electric scooters and bicycles while the rain was not heavy, speeding back.

 Shops on the street also put out umbrellas that are provided to customers for free.

The drizzle was drizzling, making the advertising lights flowing on the tall buildings in the distance hazy.

 After leaving the main store, Li Chengyi did not take a taxi back immediately. Instead, he walked slowly along the sidewalk to eat.

 He was observing and thinking slowly, thinking about the best materials needed to absorb evil thoughts.

He passed the little gangster test before and found that people who are not determined will not be able to hold on to their evil thoughts for long and will dissipate quickly.

 The number of evil thoughts obtained in this way is very small, usually only in single digits.

 But if you are a determined bad person, you can harvest quite a lot of evil thoughts from one encounter.

 ‘So the best material should be a person with a strong will. ’ Li Chengyi determined the premise in his mind.

 Then, he began to think about how to obtain a stable source of evil thoughts more efficiently.

It is not easy to find strong-willed people, so the best way is to use them repeatedly and keep fishing.

While thinking, Li Chengyi walked away. The large windbreaker on his body has some waterproof properties. Put on the hood and button it up, and you can use it as a small raincoat.

 There are actually many people dressed like him on the street.

Although he bought good formal clothes specifically for negotiating the contract, since he had no knowledge of luxury goods, the formal clothes he bought were actually an upgraded version of ordinary business clothes.

 So when walking on the street, you can see styles similar to his formal wear everywhere.

This made Li Chengyi feel somewhat embarrassed. After all, he felt good about himself during the interview with Xu Zhongsheng before and thought he was dressed appropriately.

  It is not a pleasant thing to expose one's ignorance to the eyes of strangers.

Soon, he followed the sidewalk and walked up a slope. On the right side of the **** was the same lane.

Several cars were stuck there, honking anxiously.

Li Chengyi felt a little harsh, so he quickened his pace and wanted to cross over quickly.

On the way over the slope, he just passed through the entrance of a dark alley when he heard a sound.

 “Beat her to death! Why do you want to run away!”

“How dare you run away even if you don’t pay back the money you owe? You don’t want to live anymore, do you?”

"Let me tell you, it is natural to pay back debts. If you don't pay back part of the debt today, you won't be able to leave anywhere!"

The surveillance and sensor lights in the alley were broken, and three strong men holding rubber rollers and swing sticks gathered around a dark human figure and cursed loudly.

Li Chengyi didn't pay attention as he walked quickly through the alley.

Although these people shouted loudly on purpose so that people passing by could hear them.

The content of the words is also a bit pretentious and sounds a bit fake.

 But ordinary people would have the mentality that it’s none of my business and quickly stay away from this kind of thing.

Li Chengyi also had the mentality of a common man. He didn't want to cause trouble, so he speeded up and crossed over in a few steps.

 But the moment he walked through the alley, his peripheral vision glanced into the alley unconsciously.

There, between the gaps between the positions of three strong men, there was a pair of black and white eyes filled with deep hatred, staring at the three of them without blinking.

 Although it was not directed at Li Chengyi, he saw it.

The hatred reflected in those eyes made him feel cold even though he was an unrelated person.

 Cold, bloodshot, coagulated, motionless.

Those eyes were like sculptures, staring at the three of them, and they also left a deep impression on Li Chengyi.

 Although it was only for a moment.

He crossed the entrance of the alley and walked forward for more than ten meters, still unable to forget those black and white eyes.

“The owner of those eyes must have gone through countless hardships to become like that.” Li Chengyi sighed.

He stepped forward across a small puddle and walked down the slope. When he was about to reach the end of the slope, he couldn't help but look back and glanced at the alley.

 Sighing regretfully, Li Chengyi turned around and left quickly.




Zheng Qingrong tried his best to curl up and let the three people around him punch and kick him. The rubber sticks fell on her one after another, and she could feel the pain in her skin and flesh through her clothes, penetrating into her bones, and she could not get rid of it.

 But although these pains were intense, they were far less than the pain in her heart at this moment.

 My sister is dead.

She was strangled to death and was about to be sent directly to the incinerator. If she hadn't had a classmate over there who quietly reminded her, she wouldn't even be able to see her sister for the last time.

After seeing her sister, she collapsed on the spot and was about to go to her sister's classmates who had the birthday party last night to question her, but on the way, she heard the sad news that her parents died in a natural gas explosion.

Before she could calm down, on the way home, another group of people secretly attacked her and knocked her to the ground. She was unable to speak and could only run away.

Without the secret reminder from that classmate, she might not even know why she was beaten.

 Tiefeng Group, the birthday party that my sister attended was held by Zheng Jiayu, the crown prince of Tiefeng Group.

According to the classmate’s reminder, her sister’s death, her own beating, and her parents’ accident were all likely to be related to the Tiefeng Group.

The same surname is Zheng. Zheng Jiayu’s father, Zheng Kai, is a prominent figure in Suiyang and a business elite. The Tiefeng Group under his leadership occupies one-third of the sporting goods market in Suiyang City.

 Such power is far beyond what an ordinary family like theirs can match.

 If it were them, then everything that happened before would make sense

Zheng Qingrong was lying on her side on the ground. The wet and cold ground somewhat relieved the pain on her body.

"What should I do? Take it back first?" she heard someone next to her ask.

"The captain said we should find a way to deal with it directly. There are too many surveillance systems in the city. You will drive over in a while, and we will take it outside the city and find a river to throw it away."

“Turn on the signal jammer to avoid being photographed by someone’s cell phone. You two should move quickly.”

"Yes Yes."

The sound gradually faded away, became weaker and weaker, and became smaller and smaller.

Zheng Qingrong slowly felt dizzy and his consciousness began to blur.

Unconsciously, she couldn't hear anything and her eyes fell into darkness.

Not long after she fell into coma, three strong men from the Tiefeng Group were about to lift her up, get in the car and head to the suburbs outside the city to deal with her completely.

It took three people to put the person into a sack and prepare to carry him away.

As soon as he turned around, he suddenly found a dark, strange man standing at the entrance of the alley, his head lowered and his face invisible.

 The three of them were startled. They did not expect that there would suddenly be an extra person next to them.

This alley is only so big, and there were three of them, but they didn't even notice each other coming in.

 The situation is somewhat strange.

 “Who are you?!” The strong man in the lead stepped forward warily and stared at the man.

“Private companies are collecting gambling debts, so don’t meddle in other people’s business!”

This is a rhetoric they used specifically to cover up.

“I just heard that you are going to throw her into the river?” The man slowly raised his head and made a low voice.

The three of them were about to reply, but the moment they saw each other's faces, they all stepped back involuntarily.

The man didn’t show his face at all, but instead revealed a complicated faceplate made purely of purple and black metal!

 The visor is covered with exquisite and delicate wisteria patterns.

"Friend, this has nothing to do with you. You don't have to be nosy and drag yourself into it. If you have the time, don't you feel comfortable going back and taking a shower, drinking a glass of milk and watching a movie?" The strong man in the lead looked nervous, feeling faintly uncomfortable. Good association.

“But I think that cleaning you up won’t take time to drink a glass of milk.”

Li Chengyi slowly moved forward.

"Of course, if you can tell me some inside information, I can act more gently as appropriate."

The three of them looked at each other, exchanged glances quickly, and slowly backed away.

If he is just an ordinary ignorant bastard, that's all. He has never seen many things, so he naturally doesn't know whether he is strong or weak.

 But they are different. They have often seen something similar to the person in front of them within the Tiefeng Group, so they can assess the situation at this time and avoid unnecessary resistance.

Not long after, three muffled groans came from the alley.

The three people from the Tiefeng Group staggered, holding one of their broken arms, running quickly out of the alley, getting into a black van, and speeding away in the distance.

Li Chengyi also helped Zheng Qingrong up, quickly left the alley, and took a taxi to the suburbs.

There are too many surveillance cameras in the city, making it inconvenient to do anything, but the situation is different in the suburbs outside the city.

Not long after he left, a passerby quietly came in from the entrance of the alley, glanced at the marks on the ground, and left quickly without a look.

After walking more than a hundred meters out of the alley, a passerby lowered his head and held the button communicator on his collar.

“Boss, the three people we led have disappeared, and Zheng Qingrong is not here either. He must have been taken away by Li Chengyi.”

"Well done, the replacement will be under on-site observation to determine the subsequent reaction of the Zheng family. Also, didn't that kid call the police?" Xu Zhongsheng's voice came from the earbuds.


"Interesting. He seems to be a guy with ideas. I just don't know if Syndra knows about it." There was a hint of smile in Xu Zhongsheng's voice.

 “What needs to be done next?” a passerby asked in a low voice.

"The seduction plan has been completed. Come back. All of these blind spots are people who may die at any time, and anything they can do is possible. Anyway, the dog bites the dog, and what happens next has nothing to do with us. Come back and watch the show. "Xu Zhongsheng said with a smile.


The passers-by pressed their hats and held umbrellas, just like other people getting off work. They quickly disappeared into the crowd and disappeared.

 (End of this chapter)