MTL - Hogwarts Card System-Chapter 122 magic wand with a mind of its own

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  Chapter 122 A magic wand with a mind of its own

  The danger of magic is that it is ever-changing and different every time.

  Maybe it's just that there is always a certain emotion in the heart that is at work, which will cause the magic effect to change, and it is an unpredictable change.

  Professor Flitwick kept emphasizing how to avoid fluctuations in will, slack and so on.

  At the same time, some magic control exercise techniques are also emphasized.

   This kind of thing is a potential talent. People with strong innate magic control, such as Hermione, are handy when learning and releasing magic spells.

   Of course, this thing can also be trained the day after tomorrow. A little practice makes perfect.

  Seamo has made a big deal, and the other students are not to be outdone.

  The sound of ping-pong-pong in the classroom has never stopped.

  Professor Flitwick specially prepared a large bag of balloons as the target of the spell, which was extremely expensive.

   Even Hermione didn't get her way the first few times she tried, and the first explosion took her by surprise and made her hair fluffy. Ted could barely hold back a laugh.

  However, Hermione's talent has begun to show gradually. After several failures, she quickly learned her lesson and is getting closer and closer to success. After more than a dozen times, the first time the spell was successful, the balloon inflated, and there were very few failures after that.

  Other students did not make such rapid progress.

  Harry blows up the balloon every time and flies around extremely fast.

   Neville and Jerry simply couldn't blow up the balloon.

  What about Ron?

  Ron was the most ruthless. A magic wand "Grow bigger quickly~" flew out with green smoke and hit Flitwick's forehead.

  Then Professor Flitwick's forehead swelled up a big green bump that was as big as a fist!

   It looks like a green birthday star!

  Professor Flitwick was stunned: I was attacked? I!

   Obviously, Ron's "alchemically modified" wand now has his own ideas-attacked the professor in the first class.

  But it doesn’t stop. It is said that the content of the transformation class in the afternoon is to turn beetles into buttons.

  Harry's beetle ran so fast that it couldn't touch anything, chasing it everywhere.

  Neville's beetle has been playing dead and motionless.

  Jerry's beetle fell to the ground and disappeared, and was never found again.

  Ron's wand fell ill again, and a puff of smoke directly burned the beetle!

   It's a bit unruly now! A nine and one-half inch wand with a nine inch back bone! very dangerous~

  Ted and the others have herbal medicine class in the afternoon, learning how to repot the Mandrake doll. The sound of that thing is old and harsh, and you can hear it with magic earmuffs.

   And very ugly, very fierce!

  When you pull it out, it doesn't want to come out, but when you put it into a new basin, it doesn't want to go back.

   Is Ted a spoiled child? Seeing that Professor Sprout was not paying attention, he went up and gave the Mandrake a punch, then stuffed it into the pot, and patted it with a small shovel.

  May you thrive, future flowers~


  Because the three of Harley drove to the school and hit the school's valuable property, the three of them will be locked up.

  Neville was summoned by Lockhart, and the content of the confinement was to reply to fans for him.

  Lockhart looks good, looks like a dog, plus he knows how to market, he can be called a friend of women in the magical world of Great Britain, and even Aunt Molly is very fond of him.

   More fans wrote to him than voted monthly.

  Neville has two stacks of letters to reply every night. According to him, "the content is extremely disgusting and makes people shudder"!

  Neville almost threw up after writing the letter for two hours.

  Lockhart was still babbling on and on, talking about how to manage his image and gain honors with him.

  Neville looked hopeless: "To be honest, I'd rather go to Snape's basement to kill frogs and gut slugs than go to Lockhart's office."

   And the job that Neville was very envious of is now Harley's.

  Harry's confinement content is to arrange potions for Snape. Well, very laid back, lighter than Ted was at Giggs Pharmacy.

  Ron was out of luck. He fell into Filch's hands and was sent to clean up. He had to scrub seven or eight toilets and a whole showroom of trophies and medals.

  Although Ted gave him a temporary spell-casting rag that could be used for quick cleaning, the workload was not small.


  Early the next morning, Ted got up early to run and exercise, but Neville said that he promised Professor Sprout to help treat the Whomping Willow.

  The old tree was almost split by the three of them.

  Ted was also curious, so he followed along to watch the excitement.

   Unexpectedly, apart from Neville, there was another student who arrived earlier.

  That Hufflepuff horn boy Gufu Oasis.

   This guy is almost 1.8 meters now, with broad shoulders and a tall build.

  Neville and Ted are already the tallest among their peers, but the 13-year-old Goof, who is only one year older than them, is already like a steel tower!

  Ted had just met this fierce-looking but shy friend under the introduction of Neville, when he saw Professor Sprout coming out of the gate of the castle in the distance.

  Her complexion is not very good, because behind her is a Lockhart who is wearing a silver thread outline pattern and has polished hair, chattering all the way.

  Lockhart ran around like he was kicking, proposing more than a dozen "methods to treat the Whomping Willow" along the way, and said that no one knew how to treat the Whomping Willow better than him.

  Professor Sprout quickened his pace slightly resentfully, but Lockhart trotted along.

In the end, even Professor Sprout, who has a pretty good personality, was angry: "Professor Lockhart, I think I'm the professor of herbalism, I know how to cure the Whomping Willow, not kill it with a dozen methods ! Please come back!"

   "Oh~Okay! If that's the case~" Lockhart shrugged, "If you need anything, you can come to me anytime, I'm easy~ You understand. It's very simple, all I need~huh~"

  Ted looked unlucky: "It's early in the morning, it's not good to go out~"

The very manic Whomping Willow is very docile in front of Professor Sprout, and the three help Professor Sprout fix the Whomping Willow's wound with a magic bandage, and then apply buckets of potions and herbs to the split trunk , or bury dragon dung manure under tree roots.

   After finishing Whomping Willow, Ted and Neville took a look at Hagrid who was not far away. His hunter's lodge is not far from here.

  When they reached the door, Hagrid just opened it and came out shaking a bearskin mattress.

   "Oh, hello, Ted and Neville. Have a nice holiday~"

   "Hello Hagrid!"

   "Good morning Hagrid~"

Hagrid shook his head: "Not good! Very bad! That guy, I mean that stinky Lockhart, came here early in the morning to teach me how to subdue the horse-shaped water monster. I really want to put this The nonsense guy was thrown into the black lake, and he was told to tell the horse-shaped water monster himself. He also said that no one knows how to get rid of meat-eating slugs better than him, and if I listen to him, I might as well become a meat-eating slug!"

  Ted and Neville looked at each other in understanding.

  This new Defense Against the Dark Arts professor is also amazing, and he has already "united" his colleagues in just two days.

  Hagrid even told the two of them a lot of scandals about Lockhart when he was in school, such as sending dozens of letters to himself on Valentine's Day, which were later exposed.

   He also wrote his name on the point hourglass and was imprisoned.

  In short, I tried my best to show off, and all kinds of show operations continued.

   Soon the first Defense Against the Dark Arts class will start.

  Ted already knew about the curse of this position in this class, and started betting on whether Lockhart could survive a year before class.

   After all, Lockhart is also a well-known best-selling author in the magic circle of Great Britain, and is even quite famous in several nearby countries.

   I also got myself a third-class Merlin Medal through my relationship, and 5 "Wizard Weekly" Most Charming Smile Awards!

   It can be said that there are a lot of fame.

  So many young wizards still have a certain amount of confidence in him.

  However, in the first class, Lockhart walked into the classroom holding a large stack of papers.

  Those hopeful little wizards withered immediately.

   But what’s even more amazing is in the back!

   After handing out the test papers, all the topics are similar to "Lockhart's favorite color", "Lockhart's most wanted gift", "Lockhart's ideal" and so on.

  The expressions of many students changed on the spot: Walter Zefak? What the **** is this?

who I am? where am I? Am I here for Lockhart's fan handshake?

   As a result, after reading the papers, only Ted got a perfect score among all the people!

   "Ted Epifani? Who is Ted?" Lockhart asked with a surprised smile.

  Ted stood up: "Professor, I'm Ted Epifani."

  (end of this chapter)