MTL - Hokage: Invincible at the Beginning, Anger Against Konoha-Chapter 526

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"It's just, will this thing still have a monitoring function?"

Xia Mu sighed with emotion.

However, when I think of myself, I still have the curse planted by the other party!

Not much better than Kaguya.

Kaguya: "I'm not sure..."

Natsume: "Then, we'd better communicate with our souls. So as not to be exposed!"

Kaguya: "Okay!"


Just when the two were talking secretly.

Soon, inside the tower.

A figure also flew out and stopped in front of Natsume and the others.

Otsutsuki Style: One of the warriors of the main family, the status is under the members of the royal family of the branch.

"Lord Yi Shi, Lord Kaguya; the mission volume has been received."

"We can go."

The big tube wooden style carrying a pink big knife urged with a rough voice and a dry tone.

Especially the hideous scar on his face, running down from left to right, looking extremely brutal.

Obviously, with Otsutsuki's technology, it should be easy to repair.

I don't know why he still kept the scar on purpose.

It seems that this guy should have a style of martial arts similar to Jinshi, and he is not good at words and tricks.

Of course, this may also be the other party pretending to come out...

What puzzled Natsume the most was that he didn't see the three of them.

Shouldn't the three of them be a reconnaissance team and set off with him?

Natsume: "What about the peach style?"

Form: "Lord Peach, they have already set off one step ahead."

Natsume frowned suddenly, and had a bad premonition:

"When? I didn't receive such an order..."

directly responded:

"It was ordered by the Japanese-sama."

"They left two days ago..."

Natsume took a deep breath, suppressing the shock in his heart.

'I see! ’

'I was placed in a Japanese style by Otsutsuki! ’

"Actually arranged for Tao Shi and others to be dispatched first..."

‘The purpose is to suppress the ninja world first and collect information, right? ’

'In that case, the relationship between myself and Kaguya, Madara and the others, I'm afraid I can't hide it! ’

'What a sinister calculation! ’

'However, the time difference of two days is not too outrageous. ’

'Peach style, they may not be able to easily conquer the entire ninja world. ’

'Other Ninja villages are not counted for the time being; just on Konoha's side, it is not easy to conquer Qianshouzhujian...'

‘As long as the five hidden villages have not been destroyed, the [Yanyin Village] should not be the turn. ’

'And, maybe, after I return. ’

'How about taking out Otsutsuki and the Five Great Hidden Villages, both of which have been hurt by both sides? ’

at this point.

Natsume couldn't change anything.

Just think for the better.

Moreover, no matter how bad the situation is, [Yanyin Village] has already been destroyed.

As long as the [Pure Land] is still there, with the many secret resurrection techniques that he has mastered, it is not impossible to save everyone.

Anyway, his plan was half successful.

The peach-style people who have arrived in the ninja world are also like fatty fish who actively jumped on the cutting board, waiting to be slaughtered by themselves!

Who will have the last laugh, not necessarily!


Otsutsuki: "Sir, do you look excited?"

Natsume: "It's nothing. It's just that the natives on that planet are very powerful, and I'm a little worried that they won't be able to handle the peach style."

Otsutsuki: "Don't worry, my lord, there are just a few indigenous bed bugs. This big knife of mine was born to slaughter them!"

Natsume: "I will look forward to your performance."

"Let's go, let's go too!"

Natsume, who was in a hurry to return to the ninja world, stopped dawdling and ordered directly.

Soon, the three of them set off together.

With the one-time [Mission Scroll] given by the Japanese-style adults, Shi-shi was easy to find. A random [Nebula Passage] surrounded by [Shiyuan].

Only after passing through the random [Nebula Passage], can several people use the teleportation ability to go to the distant star field.

And, it's worth mentioning that.

Different from the time when it came, this time, a [Large Teleportation Insect Bridge] can be set up through Otsutsuki to teleport over a long distance at one time.

There is no need to rely on [Yiquan Hirazaka] to move many times like when Kaguya returned last time.

It took half a month to run around before arriving at the [Otsutsutsuki Nebula].

After such long-distance transmission.

In less than two days, you should be able to reach the [Ninja World].

In other words, the Otsutsuki Momo-shiki who were the vanguard.

I am afraid that it has already come to the ninja world.

The catastrophe of the ninja world has already begun.

Chapter 447 Owl and Xiao

Today is the fifth day that Obito came here and became a slave of the Otsutsuki clan.

very lucky.

Two days ago, he, Banye and Dou were together.

All passed the 'slave assessment' and became a part of the 'Otsutsugi slave family'.

Don't look at the word slave, it seems very humiliating.

But, it is not easy to become a slave of the Otsutsuki clan.

At least don't have to worry, and then die in a terrifying large-scale cosmic war.

Moreover, as long as you work hard and serve Otsutsuki with your heart.

It can also ensure that food and clothing are worry-free, disaster-free and disease-free.

If you are lucky, you can get various rewards and live hundreds of thousands of years longer!

That's it, how many people want to kneel and have no such way!


Originally, as a slave brought back by Ichishi and Kaguya.

The three of Obito should be assigned to Yi Shi's name as private slaves.

However, Otsutsuki and the others were sent on a mission again.

So the distribution of the three of them also changes accordingly.

Among them, the strongest Madara was assigned to the [Picket Court].

This [Picket Court], to put it bluntly, is the violent organization of Otsutsuki, which acts as a substitute for the Otsutsugi clan to monitor all slaves.

The noble Otsutsugi people have no time to fight their wits and bravery with the slaves.

It is the safest and most efficient way to promote a small number of slaves and use their hands to suppress and monitor all other slaves.

In order to maintain their status and privileges, these slave watchers will burst out with methods ten times more vicious than their masters to oppress and monitor other slaves...

Of course, the strength of these supervisors is also the most prominent among the slaves.

The strength of the power will help them suppress the rest of the slaves!

Madara, who possesses the power of ten tails.

In the vast majority of slaves, the strength is also outstanding.

Naturally, he was assigned to the [Picket Court] and became one of the slave leaders.


On the other side, the weakest pocket.

But because he mastered a little medical ninjutsu, he has a rare healing ability;

Therefore, he was assigned to the [Inaba Wheel].

It was a rescue organization for all slaves.

After all, the lowly and huge number of slaves are not qualified to use the exclusive [Gene Pool] of the Otsutsuki clan.

It is even more impossible for the noble owner of Otsutsuki to treat their injuries.

It can only rely on the healing abilities and talents of various rare slaves to form a [Inaba Wheel] healing organization.

In this way, the daily bruises, passionate fights, etc. of all slaves are treated...

You know, a large area of ​​meteorites has gathered trillions of slaves,

Their races, cultures and living habits are different.

Hundreds of small-scale brawls happen every day, and it's not unusual.

Among them, the injured are countless...

Naturally, a large number of people with medical ability are needed.

Predictably, with pocket talent and ability.

Just don't mess around.

For a long time to come, he will become a fragrant bun among slaves.

Even through the entire [Inaba Wheel], he can steal all kinds of more powerful abilities and techniques from other people with medical abilities.

It really makes Obito envious.


As for Obito himself, because he doesn't have any conspicuous and special abilities.

It had to be classified into the [production module] with the largest base.