MTL - Hokage: Ryo’s Path-Chapter 489 Preparation for raiding wood leaves

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He also has a dead face and cuts his own hands. He can't do it.

"If you can't bear it, then don't talk nonsense, it's really trouble!" After the big snake pill turned and left, Shan Zhongyuan and the Watergate couple followed closely, leaving only one person to be depressed in the laboratory.

At the same time, the tower of the center of Yu Ren Village, the long gate successfully repaired the Hell Road, and then resurrected other Penn five by means of Hell Road.

After Payne's six restorations, the long door re-appeared on the wooden leaves. Xiaonan had some concerns. The person who suddenly appeared before was too strong, which made her quite jealous.

And the last words of that person also made Xiaonan vaguely think that he has some relationship with the self.

Changmen has had similar ideas, but the long door really can't think of anyone who is a self-study disciple or a friend who can have such a fast speed, such a strong strength, such a terrible insight.

Once the wave of water and water gates fell, but he has already died in the nine nights of many years ago. This is something that everyone in the world knows, and the appearance of the people is different from that of the Feng Shui Gate. No transsexuality can pass through his reincarnation, so neither Changmen nor Xiaonan associate the people who destroyed the six people of the day to the Feng Shuimen.

Just as they were entangled in the identity of the wind and water gate, Sasuke and his team returned to the base of the east side of the organization with eight tails and saw the soil.

"Eight tails are here, what?"

With a smile, I took out the corpse from the Shenwei space. After the exchange was completed, Sasuke left with a donkey.

"Do you want to keep up?" Sasuke just left, and he never asked for it from the ground.

Nodded with the soil: "Well, catch up and leave a few spores on him, he is useful to us."

"I know, what about Penn? Do you want to send a detachment to inform him that he is going to seal eight?"

"No, I will go there personally! You will come back soon after you put the spores. By the way, you can call it black, and you need his help to seal the eight tails."

"Well, I will go right away." After finishing the white, it disappeared into the ground, and the soil was moved to the bottom of the tower of the center of Yuren Village with the gods.

When the soil appeared, it was discovered by the long gate. He controlled Tiandao from the tower and asked: "Is there anything?"

"The eight tails have already arrived, I am here to inform you, suspend the action on the leaves, first seal the eight tails!"

Changmen heard the words turning to the "Chirabi" on the shoulders of the soil and said faintly: "I didn't expect you to catch the eight tails so soon, then seal it this evening!"

At night, the remaining members of the organization gathered in Yuren Village, and the ghosts glanced at the audience and said: "I didn't expect that there were only five of us left.

No matter whether it is a corner or a flying segment, it is not like a short-lived guy. He and Didara are not bad at all. Not to mention Mr. Yu, but I did not expect these people to die in front of me. ”

"Ghosts, as far as I know, Didara is still not dead, but I don't know where to go. I can't contact him with Payne."

"Don't die? White is not to say that Dida La is blew? How come..."

"At the time, I did see him blew himself up, because he was afraid of being affected. He sneaked into the ground when he blew himself. I thought he was dead. But a few days ago, my avatar saw him at the border of the country. "White will definitely explain.

The sneaky smiled and said: "I didn't expect this guy to be so big."

"Okay, gossip, stop here! Let's deal with the eight-tailed force!" The long door interrupted the conversation.

"Payne is right, it is the most important thing to deal with the eight tails first." Xiaonan is also helping.

The crowd immediately did not speak, and the two hands began to seal the eight tails.

What they didn't expect was that the seal didn't start long. The eight-tailed chakra in the "Kirabi" was drained. Without the eight-tailed chakra, "Chirabi" became a thin and thin octopus tentacle. .

Some helpless words with the appearance of the earth said: "Sasuke is still too tender, actually cheated by this kind of thing."

"Are we not the same? There is no such thing as a blind eye."

"The eight tails actually have this kind of surgery, which is really surprising."

The long door glanced at the octopus tentacle and said: "Okay! Since it is a fake, then stop here! The sneaky catching the eight tails will be handed over to you, and the white will launch your gang to help the sneaky scorpion to determine the position of the eight tails. As for the others, as planned, prepare to raid the leaves."

“When do you act?” asked the soil.

"White, explain the status quo of wood leaves." The long door did not return to the soil, but asked the case of dead wood leaves.

"According to the news that I arranged the spores near the leaves of the wood, the high-end combat power of the wood leaves is only the outline hand, the flag wood, the flag wood Kakashi, the mountain ring tone four people, oh right, and Yu Zhi Bo Fuyue, I suspect that Uchiha Fuyue has opened a kaleidoscope to write the eye."

"Uchiha Fuyue? If it is him, it is really possible to have a kaleidoscope."

"The hands don't have to care. The raid began as a fire shadow. She will definitely choose to protect the people in the village and will not come out to fight."

The ringtones in the mountains have rafts, and the restraint of others is too great, so they are given to black and white.

If you are in the flag, you can just drag him down. You are definitely not my opponent. It is probably enough for Payne.

If Uchiha Fuyue’s words, A Fei should give you no problem! ”

"Well, rest assured!"

"That's so good, it's decided. The high-end power of the eucalyptus leaves is not there. Let's set off tomorrow and raid the leaves!"

Muye Village did not know Payne’s plan, and Naruto of Mikiyama did not know.

Two days after coming to Miaomu Mountain, Naruto succeeded in sensing the natural energy with the help of oyster sauce, and the deep immortal was very satisfied with the progress of Naruto.

But Naruto is not so complacent, continue to work hard to adapt to natural energy, and strive to complete the practice as soon as possible.

After Sasuke took back the body of the cockroach, he returned to the village of Yin Ren with the three people of Xiangling. The Sasuke about the eternal kaleidoscope to write the eye of the eye wants to know more from the mountain or the big snake.

Upon returning to Yin Ren Village, Sasuke saw the mountain in the village. Before he left, Shan Zhongyuan was still blending the Chakra of Hui Ye Ji. It seems that cultivation should be finished. Sasuke quickly ran over and greeted Shan Zhongyuan.

Yamamoto had some surprises about the return of Sasuke. He thought that the soil would use the body of the scorpion to let Sasuke do more things. I didn’t expect Sasuke to come back so quickly.

After chatting for a while, Sasuke’s words said: “Large people, I want to know about the eternal kaleidoscope writing round eyes, can you tell me?”