MTL - Hokage: Ryo’s Path-Chapter 539 Hui Ye Ji’s heart knot

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Kakashi nodded and let Shan Zhongyuan take his own writing wheel.

In the middle of the mountain, the ringtones were written to the wheel with the soil, and they used the power of impotence to help Kakashi create new eyes.

"Okay, let's do this for the time being! After the war is over, return the wheel to you."

"No, this is the eye with the soil, and the object belongs to the original owner."

"This eye is a gift for you to be promoted and forbearing. I won't get it back. Now I just borrow it." I heard it quickly.

Kakashi heard a smile, and the image with the soil in his eyes was noisy with that time, and the soil that was late for love gradually became coincident.

A few minutes later, the ring tone helped the soil transplanted to write the wheel eye, and the soil tried to communicate the power of the eye. Under the joint force of the two kaleidoscopes, the dark blue ribs appeared around the soil body.

"Is this what you need to be?"

"Where are you going? Continue to inject Philip, so you can't participate in the next battle."

With the bandits obediently continuing to mobilize the kaleidoscope, the force must be changed, but unfortunately it ended up in the third stage like the cockroach, and did not evolve into a complete body.

In the mountains, the brows are wrinkled. When you know that the original book was borrowed from the soil to the Kakashi, Kakashi directly opened the full body, and it was Kakashi’s talent. ?

‘Far, not Kakashi’s talent is good. It is the experience of the current soil without the ten-tailed force. There is no residual power in the body. The voice of Xiao Lin suddenly sounded in the distant mind of the mountains.

‘Is the evolution of Sasuke and the power of the ten tails? Then why didn't you help me? ’

‘The power of the simple ten tails definitely doesn’t matter, but he has transplanted the reincarnation eyes of Uchiha’s spot, and there is still some residual force in the body. If you add the power of ten tails, you can combine it with the reincarnation of his remnants, and produce a force similar to the power of six immortals to help him evolve. ’

In the middle of the mountain, I suddenly realized: ‘It’s like this! That thing is simple, Xiaolin, bring your strength to the soil! ’

Xiaolin nodded and climbed out of the pocket of the martial arts bag. He passed through the shoulders of Suzuki and jumped to the shoulders with soil. He took a glimpse of the soil. He did not expect that the saga of the absolute defense was actually so simple that he was broken. .

He just wanted to ask what was going on, and he felt a special force on his shoulder. This power combined with the power in his eyes, and then applied to the need.

Suzuki began to evolve further and became a complete body.

Feel the great power of the deep blue giant, the soil is very excited, and the mountain is far from a smile.

"Okay, it should be OK now. Ring tone, stop the water, bring the soil, let's go! Naruto and Sasuke are there to fight hard!" Yamagata said with a smile.

After the three men looked at each other, they rushed to the Naruto Sasuke, and the mountain was far from the past.

When the mountain was far away, it was just to see that Naruto and Sasuke were caught by the night.

Naruto Sasuke struggled to struggle, but Hui Ye Ji’s hand was like a pliers and could not break free.

Hui Ye Ji feels close to the familiar Chakra in Naruto Sasuke, and the bloodline that is connected with her. The image of Naruto in front of her eyes gradually becomes a large tube feather coat, Dabumuyu Village .

In the millennium, which was sealed by the two brothers, Hui Yeji has been thinking about why the two brothers want to seal her. She has always loved both of them, so when the feather brothers started to do her, why did she Can't accept this fact.

Until she was sealed, Hui Ye Ji did not hate them. Some were just doubts about the children leaving their anger and why they sealed themselves.

This kind of complicated feeling makes Hui Ye Ji feel very confused today.

In fact, after seeing the appearance of Naruto Sasuke, she knew that these two were not her children.

However, Naruto Sasuke's familiar Chakra is clearly a large-tube feather, and even the blood on them is related to her.

It is precisely because of this that Hui Ye Ji has not left his heart to kill Naruto and Sasuke.

Her hesitation included her love and affection for the big tree feathers and her own generation, but in addition to these, Hui Yeji had doubts and anger at them.

The tears of Hui Ye Ji involuntarily flowed out of the eyelids. Facing Naruto Sasuke, she muttered to herself: "Why, why did you leave me when I left, why should I seal me?"

"I think, this is probably because of your possessiveness!" The voice of Shan Zhongyuan interrupted the thoughts of Hui Ye Ji, and her words also caught the attention of Hui Ye Ji.

" possessiveness? What do you mean?"

"You are the ancestor of Chakra. You found and controlled Chakra. In your opinion, Chakra in this world should be owned by you. I am right!"

Hui Ye Ji nodded, and Yamanaka said it was her long-standing view.

"You think so, so if other people are embarrassed about Chakra, or if they have a rebellious heart, you will not hesitate to solve them.

But you neglected that your children grew up with these people. They watched their friends because one thing, one sentence, even one look was killed by their mother. They would be What is it? I think it is a person who can't stand it! ”

"No, it is impossible, because these ants, my children will betray me, this is absolutely impossible."

"Betrayal? You are wrong again! Your child has never betrayed you. On the contrary, they love and love you very much.

When you are sealed, your youngest son will take the initiative to go to the moon to accompany you. Your eldest son will do some good deeds in order to help you atone for sin. ”

Hui Ye Jiwen was silent, and her attention was not concentrated. Naruto Sasuke took the opportunity to break her hand.

Hui Yee Ji’s look is very confused. No one has ever said anything to her, and no one has ever told her such a thing.

Unfortunately, as a dictator, Hui Ye Ji still couldn't fully understand the words of Shan Zhongyuan. She didn't feel that she had killed those people who were wrong, but felt the feelings of the sons they ignored.

Seeing the appearance of Hui Ye Ji, Shan Zhongyuan knew that his persuasion 80% had no effect. He gave Naruto Sasuke a look, and the two quietly squatted back to the sides of Hui Ye Ji, and the three became triangles. Surrounded by night Ji.

"What is your name?" When the three men were ready to launch an attack, Hui Yeji raised his head and asked him in the middle of the mountain.

In the middle of the mountain, I said, "My name is Shan Zhongyuan."