MTL - Holistic Fantasy-~ 2140 Is this a legendary fan?

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(Thank you very much for the rewards of ‘墨羽瀶殇’, ‘God’s Beijing’, ‘no wind and sky’, ‘200530481273’, ‘seabed grass’!”


In a crisp wind ring, the door of a coffee shop was pushed open.

Noah and Lian Tailang both came in from the door and walked into the coffee shop.


A waiter immediately stepped forward with a smile on his face and bowed to Noah and Lentaro.

"Hello." Lian Tailang talked to the waiter.

"I saw Liantaro in the sky. I made an appointment with someone to meet here. Should the other party already arrive first?"

"Are you seeing Mr. Li?" The waiter did not have any hesitant answers.

"please follow me."

After that, the waiter took the road.

Noah and Lentaro looked at each other and followed the front and went to the depths of the cafe.

Under the leadership of the waiter, Noah and Ryusharo came to a corner.

And there are already people here.

It was a man who had a haircut like a pineapple and wore traditional trousers.

The age should be over 50 years old, and my class is a peer.

Such a half-aged man sat in the corner of the coffee shop and sipped his coffee leisurely until he saw Noah and Lentaro from the outside, and he stood up and stood up. It was a very bold move. .

"Lin Taro, here."

Lian Tailang suddenly smiled, took Noah, went forward and came to the other side.

"Long time no see, Mr. Ziheng." Lian Tailang said hello.

"I see your body as good as before, I am relieved."

"I am more at ease than you." The half-old man who was called Ziheng by Lian Tailang smiled.

"You kid, since leaving the Tokyo area, after moving to the fairy town, I have been traveling around the world. It seems that the head of the tour group is coming. I heard that I often clash with foreign strong people. I have always been I am worried that you will not be able to do it."

"To tell the truth, I have felt that I can't do it myself several times." Lian Tailang smiled.

"But, fortunately, they are still coming over."

"Yeah, it’s over." Ziheng quite smacked the shoulder of Lian Tailang.

"So, you will become the promoter of the top ten ip rankings. Even the countries in the world have no way to ignore your existence. In the past, I really didn't even think that you can eat even the guy who can't even eat enough. Go to this step."

"Can't you leave me some face?" The smile on Lentaro's face was thicker, and the tone became a bit rough.

"I just heard that your business is getting better and better. How many times did Miss Wood have bought the base metal from you?"

"I am also very grateful to the girl who took care of my business." Ziheng snorted, and then asked.

"Isn't wood coming?"

"No way, Ms. Mu is a public figure. The well-known agent of the demon township. I don’t know how many times I have appeared on TV. I can’t go to this coffee shop?” said.

"However, I brought our top boss."

"Head boss?" Ziheng just noticed the existence of Noah like now, and turned his attention to Noah's body. He fixed Noah for a while and suddenly took his hand.

"Isn't this the Scorpio who knocked down the zodiac three years ago, and saved the Tokyo area in the third Tokyo War, and the Noah president who created the fairy tail (fairy_tail)?"

"Hello, Mr. Ziheng." Noah nodded to Ziheng.

"I am Noah Dolora, you can call me Noah directly."

"It's really my own." Ziheng smiled somewhat with a flattering look.

"I have heard of the name of President Noah, and Lentaro and Wood are more thankful for your care. Thank you very much."

"Where are you talking?" Noah shook her head.

"Mu and Lantaro are very reliable people, and they are able to go to the point of today, relying entirely on their own efforts."

"Noah's president doesn't have to be so humble. I know Mujian and Lian Tailang better than anyone else. Although these two guys are very capable, they always have problems in some inconspicuous places. Otherwise, they will not fall into the past. Set up a poor and ruined police company." Ziheng laughed.

"Right, let me introduce myself first. I am Zihengxianyi. I am the guardian of Lian Tailang and Mu, and I would like to give more advice."

It was said that Noah shook hands with Ziheng and recalled the information that Lian Tailang told him before.

This half-old man in front of him is indeed the more nominal guardian of Lian Tailang and Mu.

Because, in the past, Zihengxianyi used to be the steward of Tiantong's family. Since childhood, he has known Muji and Lian Tailang, and they have taken care of them.

After Mu was separated from Liantaro and Tiantong, and completely left Tianzhijia, Zihengxianyi also served as the guardian of the two, and even the Tiantong civil garrison company, which was operated in the past, was registered by this person. guarantee.

Otherwise, at that time, it was still the student's Muji and Lentaro, and naturally it was impossible to register a company successfully.

Not long after, Zihengxian also left the Tiantong family and bought a mine to explore the base metal and start a business.

It is precisely because of this, Zihengxian has a lot of channels, helping Wood and Lotus Taro a lot of busy.

Before, Noah asked Wood to send people to stare at Qi Wuzong Xuan. The person who was looking for wood was Zihengxianyi.

"Well, don't stand, sit down first." Ziheng is very warm and entertaining.

Noah and Lentaro naturally did not refuse the reason and sat down together.

Until this time, the waiter who was always on the side of the waiting room came up, and looked at Noah with some excitement.

"Please... I would like to ask, are you really the master of the fairy town, the Noah president who released the artificial artifact and brought hope to save mankind?"

"Oh..." Noah had forgotten that there was a waiter next to him, looking at the waiter's excited look and scratching his cheek.

"It's me, but please don't say it, I don't want to be onlookers."

"Know... I know." The waiter said excitedly and carefully to Noah.

"I really appreciate you giving us hope, President Noah, please also cheer, I will help you, can you shake my hand?"

Looking at the waiter's extremely excited appearance, Noah smiled and reached out.

The waiter immediately gripped Noah's hand with a flushed face, and then screamed, and ran away without a shadow.

Noah is speechless.

Even Lian Lian Taro was stunned and murmured.

“Is this the legendary fan?”

"Now, many people in the Tokyo area have become fans of Noah's president." Ziheng smiled equally.

"After all, it is the savior who brought hope to save mankind. I heard that even some people in foreign countries have established faith and have drawn a lot of believers. President Noah may be deified in the future."

Noah suddenly burst into laughter.

Unexpectedly, after the artificial artifact was released, it actually caused such an effect, which was not thought of by Noah.

After all, in this world, Noah has always been known as a sanctuary for the sons of the beggars, and is hated and despised by all human beings who hate and reject the sons of the captives.

In this way, how could Noah think that the release of an artificial artifact actually made the self known as the Monster Shelter a savior in people's hearts?

This also illustrates the volatility of human beings.

You can hate others because of one factor, and you can worship others because of one factor.

This is the saying that love is hated and hateful love is like this?

Thinking of this, Noah sighed in her heart.

(Fortunately, I am not like wood, I often go to TV, I know everyone, or I am afraid I can’t go to the streets now?)

However, Noah did not do this to become a savior and a big star in the eyes of others.

Noah’s actions are only to protect the fairy town and protect the children.

"Mr. Ziheng, let's go straight to the topic." Noah looked at Ziheng.

"Mu even said that you have been staring at Qi Wuzong Xuan for a while, and it seems that there are some gains."

"Is it harvested? It must be judged by the president of Noah." Ziheng turned a small bag on the side, and the things taken out from it were placed on the table.

"I just got some stuff and got this thing."

When I heard Ziheng, Noah and Liantaro immediately looked at the table.

Ziheng took out a photo.

The person photographed on the photo is Qi Wuzong Xuan.

I saw that in the photo, Qi Wuzong Xuan is in a dark corner.

In front of it, there is a person. (To be continued.)
