MTL - Holistic Fantasy-~ 2149 Unfortunately, you have no chance.

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(Thank you very much for the rewards of ‘Long Pity Qing Xue’, ‘Yun’s 殇 殇’, ‘Great Teacher ● _●’!)


Under the earth-shattering loud noise, the back of the huge stone-like monument on the back of the mountain, the entire self-defense force of the Self-Defense Forces blasted open, and the whole was turned into ruins, completely disappearing into the long river of history.

The flames rolled up like a storm.

The shock is like a star explosion.

The astonishing big bang emerged in the military camp of the Self-Defense Forces, allowing the entire military camp to be covered by flames and slowly burning.


After the big bang, the endless small explosions were successively seen in the military camp.


The high walls surrounding the entire Self-Defense Forces military barracks were blown into pieces and let the rubble rubble fall in all directions, igniting a crisp sound.

The smoky black smoke rose from the self-defense battalion camp that was covered by the flames. With the dark boulder monument as the background, it rose to the direction of the sky and looked extremely unknown.

Since the establishment of the Tokyo area, the Self-Defense Forces military battalion, which has been located under the No. 1 monument, has finally become a ruin in the burning and gradually end.

There is only one person who witnessed all of this.

In a place not far from the Self-Defense Forces Barracks, the young man in a suit and suit looked at the self-defense force barracks that had been shrouded in flames and gradually came to an end. The corners of his mouth slowly swelled.

The youth's looks give a sense of decent.

In front of him, an identity card was worn there.

On the identity card, there is a name.

The cabinet is arrogant.

It is the police of the Tokyo Metropolitan Police Department that once had a marriage contract with Wood, and received the order of the Holy Son, helping Noah to see the monitors in the Tokyo area.

However, this youth, which has always beenhave like a high-profile star, makes people feel good. At this time, the refreshing face is hung with a hateful expression.

"What is the master of the fairy town?"

"The result, isn't it still in my hands?"

With that said, the expression of Yu Lang in the cabinet is more and more hateful, as if the thoughts are accessible, it is very refreshing.

Under such circumstances, the cabinet took out the mobile phone from his own arms and dialed a phone call.

The phone was immediately picked up.

A voice came from the cell phone of the cabinet.

"Do you have a cabinet?"

"It's me, sir."

"The mission has been completed. Noah Dolora and Lita Taro, both of them, all buried in the sea of ​​fire."

“Is it?” The Lord did not show much joy, but asked very cautiously.

"Are you sure you are dead?"

"According to your plan, Noah Dolora and Lita Taro should be in the basement of the Self-Defense Forces and see the gut animals there."

"And just now, I have opened all the cages by remote control, and then immediately started the countdown of the explosion. It will explode in ten minutes. In just ten minutes, the two people could not solve all the originals in the basement. Intestinal animals, also escaped from the military camp."

"I hope so too." Your tone is somewhat relaxed, but the words are still solemn.

"In order to kill Nanoa Dolora, I even put all the gut animals that were not easily cultivated into the plan. If you can kill him, then it would be better."

"Please rest assured, I have been watching here until I saw Noah Dolora coming out of the military camp until the explosion." The cabinet looked at the military camp covered by the sea of ​​fire and smiled.

"The big bang that the entire military camp was shrouded in, Noah Dolora is absolutely impossible to die, sir."

"This is the price that will be against Wuxiang." Your voice became extremely cold.

"World hegemony will only be in the bag of our Wuxiang meeting, and the rest will not want to take it away."

"You are right." The cabinet is attached.

"So, sir, what should I do next?"

"Noah Dolora is dead, but there is another leader in the fairy town." You did not hesitate to say.

"Tiantong Mu is even more, the knives and ghosts left by this Tiantong family are still alive, and the fairy township is brought by her. If you want to let the goblin township fall, you have to solve Tiantongmu."

"Resolve the Tiantongmu more?" The cabinet eyed a slight turn, and the language front followed a sudden turn.

"Hello, actually, I think we don't have to solve Tiantongmu."

"Oh?" You didn't seem to think that the cabinet would suddenly say so, and asked with great interest.


"Tiantongmu is the acting president of the fairy town, but this thing is not necessarily a bad thing for us." If the cabinet has a deep meaning, such a sentence.

"She is a woman after all, even if she can do it again, once she is conquered by men, it will not become a hindrance, but can it be a booster?"

"I was conquered by a man?" You seem to understand the meaning of the cabinet.

"That is, do you want to shoot more on Tiantongmu?"

"Under the genius, when I was a child, I was a marriage contractor with Tiantongmu, but Tiantongmu later left Tiantongjia, which made the marriage contract lifted."

"Since this relationship is in it, I can easily catch the line of the acting president of the fairy town. Presumably, it is not difficult to take the knife of this Tiantong family."

In this way, the cabinet can not help but think of the situation when the embassy and wood meet more when the international conference.

The cabinet 笃 Lang has long been playing the idea of ​​playing wood.

The cabinet was born in the police family and has a lot to do with the Tiantong family in charge of the entire Tokyo area.

Therefore, Tiantong’s family will marry the cabinet and let the wood and the cabinets marry and marry, deepening the relationship between the two.

The first time I went to the Tiantong family, when I saw the wood, the cabinet was already fascinated by the wood.

Although the age at that time was still small, Wood was not the daughter of the Tiantong family who controlled the entire Tokyo metropolitan area. Although it was immature, the beauty has already revealed one or two since that time.

Since that time, the cabinet has been squatting on the wood.

As the wood grows bigger, the beauty gradually matures and the body is a little bit perfect. This kind of awkwardness is getting stronger and stronger.

Unceremoniously, wood is a stunner.

Although there is no sacredness and sacredness from the bones of the Son of Heaven, but only on the appearance of beauty, the wood is definitely not under the holy Son, only on the body, it is more properly crushed.

Such a woman, which man will not be heartbeat?

It’s not unreasonable that the cabinets have been squatting on the wood.

Until Mu has become the acting president of the fairy town, and become a behemoth that can gain world hegemony, the shackles of the cabinets are almost crazy.

"If you can get this woman, willn't the fairy town become my thing?"

Every time I look at the TV with the wishful thinking, I will see the more mature and beautiful wood on the TV, and the flame of my heart will grow stronger.

It is a pity that the wood is already the acting president of the fairy township, and the cabinets are not even seen by the other side.

Until the advent of international conferences, let the cabinets realize that the opportunity came.

Originally, in the plan of the cabinet, the meeting of the embassy, ​​you can rely on the relationship of childhood, leaving an impression in the heart of Mu, and then slowly develop.

However, when I met in the lounge of the embassy, ​​the wood even looked at the cabinet without looking at it, and entangled with Sima Weizhi.

This is no problem.

After that, the wood was more jealous than the unwoven, and actually hugged Noah's arm, so that the cabinet between the time was angered, and Noah finally burned hostility and malice.

The sharp eyes that Noah felt at that time carrying negative emotions were the eyes of the cabinet.

From that time on, the cabinets were continually thinking about killing Noah.

When you were given the task and participated in the plan to kill Noah, the cabinet was almost promised without saying anything.

"Now, Noah Dolora is dead, and the fairy town will be completely owned by Tiantongmu. As long as I win the Tiantongmu, the huge power of the fairy town is no longer a hindrance to our power. It’s our help!” The cabinet is proud of the sound.

"Please also give me more of Tiantongmu!"

The voice is falling.

"Unfortunately, you have no chance." (~^~)
