MTL - Hollywood Lover-Chapter 506 Come get a tattoo with me!

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And Jessica's heart was beating wildly. She finally completed the first group on the camera, and showed her style very well. Zhang Dongcheng praised Leonardo, but he also praised her indirectly, Jesse Ka was very happy, as sweet as eating honey.

   How many girls can be praised by Zhang Dongcheng in this world?

  However, she still did not dare to formally face and contact Zhang Dongcheng. This feeling was really strange, since she had no secrets at all in front of Zhang Dongcheng.

  By chatting with other people, Jessica avoided Zhang Dongcheng's eyes. Unlike those girls who came to Zhang Dongcheng whenever they had something to do, Jessica didn't want to join in the fun.

  Those girls who want to be on top will chat with Zhang Dongcheng if they find a chance, and Zhang Dongcheng is just perfunctory. There are only two girls in this crew who will let him have a different look.

  One is Jessica and the other is Megan Fox.

Well, maybe now we should add another girl, who was lying in my arms like a drunk cat last night, and asked me to help her take off her panties, so that Laticia Dorella, who she booed .

   Zhang Dongcheng, who never thought about other things when making movies, suddenly thought of the girl in his own collection with the little golden underwear under the mood of the camera passing perfectly, and couldn't help feeling hot again.

   Are you going to look for her in that bar again tonight?

  The filming continued, and the time that could be used to struggle always passed quickly. At around 8 o'clock in the evening, Zhang Dongcheng called everyone to call it a day.

  Shangmao packed his things in confusion, and said to his photography teacher Jack, "What's wrong? Why did the craziest workaholic since ancient times finish work so early today? You know, it's only half past eight in the evening!"

Jack also felt a little strange. He followed Zhang Dongcheng from the second movie to the eighth one now. He has a good heart with Zhang Dongcheng. He doesn't know why Zhang Dongcheng still has a lot of shooting time. The weather is also suitable, but Greeting everyone to end today's filming.

   Shaking his head, Jack smiled and said, "Isn't it better to finish early? I still remember a person who was almost not driven crazy by workaholics when he first came, but now he is not used to it?"

  Shangmao rubbed his head embarrassingly, the person Jack was talking about was him, so he could only smile awkwardly: "Haha, it's better to rest early, work harder tomorrow!"

  Changmao and Jack thought it was strange, and others also thought it was strange, but no one objected to the idea of ​​Zhang Dongcheng, everyone in Fuze. They packed up props and equipment, chatted with smiles, and dispersed.

It’s not that Zhang Dongcheng was out of kindness to give the crew a big holiday. The more he thought about it, the more itchy he became. Laticia, a beautiful Spanish beauty with an alternative style, attracted him so much that he only thought about it again tonight. Go to that bar and meet this girl.

  See what she does? Zhang Dongcheng didn't know, of course it wasn't just to have a skin-to-skin kiss with her, or to kiss her water chestnut-shaped mouth again, anyway, the feeling of wanting to meet was very strong, very warm, very warm.

  So Zhang Dongcheng couldn't wait to finish today's scene, and didn't rush to shoot tomorrow's scene. If it was based on what he said before, he must have worked overtime until late at night when he saw that it was still early.

  In the past, Zhang Dongcheng had a shallow foundation and was not well-known, so he completed the work as quickly as possible, leaving more time for himself, and shortening the time to become famous as much as possible.

Now Jang Dong-seong is successful and famous. Changing from the previous speed of almost two works a year, The Fellowship of the Ring took a record-breaking year and a half before it was put on the big screen. Time is no longer the decisive factor for him. up.

   Take your time and keep improving, isn’t it great?

  Leaving the crew, Zhang Dongcheng returned to the hotel, took a comfortable bath, and then dressed himself up for the camera while whistling...

  No, no, no, it is to make up yourself, to turn yourself into another oriental man, back to the man from last night.

  Other Zhang Dongcheng’s actions are superfluous. You must know that foreigners see that we Chinese people also have face blindness, and they can’t tell who is who. However, Zhang Dongcheng is quite famous here, so it’s better to be careful.

  Returning himself to the way he was last night, Zhang Dongcheng turned around gracefully and walked out.

Along the way, although the French waiter in the hotel looked at him a few more times, he still didn't recognize him as the famous Smith Zhang. Zhang Dongcheng snapped his fingers in satisfaction, went downstairs in the elevator, and then drove a car A very ordinary French Renault drove to the bar where Laticia had met.

It was still early, around ten o'clock in the evening, Zhang Dongcheng entered the bar, looked around but didn't see the charming drunk cat last night, so he sat down on the seat and ordered a few bottles of beer Drink slowly.

   Will she come? Zhang Dongcheng thought about it, but he was inexplicably certain in his heart that she would definitely come!

   Maybe after waiting for about an hour, when Zhang Dongcheng was shaking his head and shouting French rock music with the DJ, a gust of fragrant wind hit.

   "Hey, you are here!" The familiar voice sounded a little dissatisfied, and Laticia sat on another chair, leaning against it, her pair of charming eyes that she would never forget even in her dreams were very dissatisfied.

Today's Laticia is completely different from yesterday. Yesterday she was a girl as pure as water, but today, she gathered her hair that was originally loose on her shoulders and formed a common girl's bun at the back of her head. It is completely perfect. The smooth and lovely forehead is exposed all over the place.

She was wearing a simple sleeveless black one-piece skirt, which was completely different from the boldness and hotness of other French girls in the bar. She looked very noble and elegant with that bun, showing The alternative beauty and sensuality of Spanish beauties.

  Noble, charming, and seductive, this little sweetheart looks like a mature lady, and her eager eyes add a lot to her overall image.

  Laticia has the most shining and charming eyes among all the girls Zhang Dongcheng knows.

   These eyes are the windows to the soul, making people addicted.

"Well, of course I'm here, didn't you come too?" Zhang Dongcheng finally waited for the girl he wanted to find, he couldn't help laughing, he threw the beer bottle on the table, wished each other from a distance, and then drank it a mouthful.

  Laticia's face was red, so she ignored Zhang Dongcheng's intention to drink with her, but said fiercely: "Are you still pretending to be stupid? Give me back that!"

   "That? Which? What?" Zhang Dongcheng smiled slightly, but pretended to be deaf and dumb.

   "My...forget it, if you don't give it to you, I'll give it to you! Hmph!" Laticia's eyes clearly said that Zhang Dongcheng was a pervert, and he stole her little inner and didn't return it to her.

   But while talking, her body didn't move, as if Xiao Nene really gave it to Zhang Dongcheng, and Laticia didn't care at all.

   Zhang Dongcheng smiled secretly, but pushed a bottle of beer in front of Laticia. Let's stop talking about Xiao Nei Nei, anyway, he won't return it.

  Joke, if you get something, can you return it? Don't even think about it!

   While Laticia looked at the beer in front of her, she tilted her head and smiled and said, "You all know that I can't drink enough, and you still want to get me drunk?"

  Zhang Dongcheng shrugged, and said to this charming girl: "If you don't drink at the bar, why don't you tell jokes all night?"

  Laticia's eyes rolled around, showing a smile as if the conspiracy was successful, and she even pulled Zhang Dongcheng's arm desperately, and leaned forward: "Why don't we go out for a walk?"

   Going out for a walk? If it was any other man, seeing her smile and this smug voice, he would really lose his head and agree to everything.

Going out for a walk... Most people will contact to go out to open a room, do some **** sports, but Zhang Dongcheng is keenly aware of the cunning in Laticia's eyes, chuckle.

  Hey, this girl thinks I'm a **** and wants to lure me out? However, there is nothing to be afraid of, just go out and see what kind of tricks this future corpse bride can play with a strange man when she is nineteen years old.

   "OK, let's go out for a walk, the atmosphere in the bar is a bit too noisy." Zhang Dongcheng snapped his fingers, expressing that he was impatient.

   Laticia cheered, and came like a couple, took Zhang Dongcheng's arm, smiled coquettishly, got into the car together, and drove on the road.

   "So, where are we going now?" Zhang Dongcheng asked Laticia while driving.

   "Today is a special day, I want to get a tattoo!" Laticia looked out of the car window, turned her face when she heard Zhang Dongcheng's question, and said excitedly.

   "Tattoo...Tattoo?" Zhang Dongcheng was taken aback. Damn, what kind of body is a good tattoo?

  Tattoo, also known as tattoo, is to use colored needles to penetrate the bottom layer of the skin to create some patterns or words on the skin. That is to say, puncture the skin and apply paint on the wound to make the body have permanent patterns.

  There are three ways to tattoo. The first one is handed down by the Maori people. Shark teeth and animal bone spurs are used to tie wooden sticks dipped in ink, and then hammered into the skin. The second is to tie several needles together on a wooden stick and pierce the skin manually. The third is to use a motor to drive the needle into the skin, which is a common method used by tattoo artists today. Modern people's understanding of tattoos is all-encompassing and highly personalized. This slightly painful permanent pattern will accompany the person's life. The commemorative, motivating, and liberating nature of this body language is understood differently by everyone.

Modern tattoos are a cultural phenomenon that combines "fashion" and "popularity". With the rise of the culture of body display, people gradually accept the expression of the body. Tattoo patterns have become social art, and famous tattoo masters are also regarded as For artists, sociologists or anthropologists will also study this violent popular culture from a popular perspective. Many artists choose tattoos to emphasize their personal style. For example, Faye Wong and Nicholas Tse once got a pair of "couple outfit" tattoos.