MTL - Hollywood Lover-Chapter 559 Dominate the world!

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  When a name was read out, the whole venue burst into cheers, and when Zhang Dongcheng's name was read out, the loud noise of countless people almost shattered the glass. Zhang Dongcheng's huge reputation made everyone full of envy.

The TV broadcast camera switches back and forth among the four directors. No matter who the camera is aimed at, it is always a calm and breezy image, as if honor is nothing. Zhang Dongcheng is Grinning, he even made a V-shaped gesture to the camera.

   Does this represent his confidence that he will win the best director?

"Aha, let's see who he is?" Julia Roberts opened the golden envelope, eyes suddenly lit up, and said excitedly into the microphone: "The winner of the best director is, I really didn't guess Wrong, he is Smith Zhang, Lord of the Rings Fellowship of the Ring!"

   As expected, Jang Dong-seong lived up to expectations, Lord of the Rings lived up to expectations, and won the Golden Globe Award for Best Director!

   This time, the judges of the Golden Globe Awards did not dare to be disrespectful to Director Smith and Zhang Da, nor did they dare to have any thoughts on Lord of the Rings. Although the best director came a year late, it still came!

There was thunderous applause, and the extremely enthusiastic audience gave Zhang Dongcheng the happiest applause, among which there were repeated whistles and sharp shouts. Everyone was laughing and applauding. In the TV camera, Zhang Dongcheng There was no change on his face, he just stood up calmly, hugged Orlando and Scarlett on one side, and then walked steadily towards the front desk.

   While hugging Scarlett, she blinked her bright eyes, but whispered in Zhang Dongcheng's ear: "Hey, Patricia's diamond necklace is good, what about me?"

  Aha, she was still jealous, Zhang Dongcheng smiled and kissed her on the cheek: "It will satisfy you."

   Then, Zhang Dongcheng walked steadily towards the stage, waving to everyone along the way.

Walking up to the front desk, seeing all the people in front of him smiling and looking at him, clapping their hands continuously, making the applause last forever, Zhang Dongcheng could only bow deeply to everyone, and then took the award presenter with both hands Golden Globe Trophy, facing the microphone.

   Only then did the applause and screams calm down. Everyone knows that Zhang Dongcheng is a master speaker. Every time he appears on the stage, he will bring people joy or thinking. But this time, what will he do?

   "Oh! God, I finally got it!" Zhang Dongcheng kissed the Golden Globe trophy lightly, and then held it up high, in exchange for more enthusiastic applause and screams.

Waiting for the applause to rest, Zhang Dongcheng said with a smile: "My heart is pounding, I can't believe that I have won the Golden Globe Award. Directors and actors want to be recognized by everyone, and it is inevitable Start by fighting for trophies."

  Looking at the crowd waiting breathlessly for his long speech, Zhang Dongcheng remembered what the Golden Globe Organizing Committee had said to him before he took the stage.

   "Each guest can speak for about one minute at most, and you can speak for three minutes."

  Aha, this seems to be compensation for Zhang Dongcheng's failure of all five majors in Brokeback Mountain last year? Zhang Dongcheng didn't intend to let go of the Golden Globe so easily!

  Okay, now pay back the Golden Globe Award, and the two are settled!

  Looking at the time, it seems that thirty seconds have passed, and there are still two and a half minutes? Zhang Dongcheng picked up the trophy and said with a smile: "I have two things to say. The first is to thank our crew, all the actors and crew of The Lord of the Rings. You are the ones who let me get this award! The second is, My speech is over, thank you!"

  Holding the award smartly, he walked to one side of the stage, but everyone who was used to Zhang Dongcheng's long speeches on the stage didn't respond for a while, and even forgot to give applause.

   Oh God, this Dongcheng is still mad at the Golden Globes and won't even talk!

  Many reporters began to record this detail in a hurry, and then racked their brains to think of the title with embellishments.

It wasn't until Zhang Dongcheng's foot stepped on the first step of the stairs that everyone realized that there was no need to mention the warm applause. Zhang Dongcheng walked off the stage holding the trophy, and he believed that he would go on stage again soon , because the next award, is Best Picture.

  Because of Zhang Dongcheng's simple speech, the judges of the Golden Globe Awards blushed, but they couldn't help it.

  The Golden Globe Awards can only continue, and the knife must continue.

   "This year's Golden Globe Award for Best Film, Lord of the Rings and The Fellowship of the Ring!"

  The last prize is also here!

  Compared to last year's top five awards, this year's Golden Globe Awards is quite concerned about Zhang Dongcheng. All four nominations won the bid, and the Lord of the Rings reigns supreme!

  The next day, Lilia, a special commentator of the Los Angeles Film News, wrote in the newspaper's Golden Globes column and the headlines on the front page of the entire newspaper: "Smith Zhang Conquers the Golden Globes!"

  In the article, she writes with enthusiasm and excitement:

Today, when the aftermath of The Lord of the Rings is still burning in the world, when the perfume once again made the world dumbfounded by Smith's director skills, and under the expectation that it will soon sweep the United States and form a school song and dance craze, director Zhang Da Smith lived up to everyone's expectations. The Golden Globe Awards Ceremony swept thousands of troops, winning all five nominations including Best Picture, Best Director, Best Screenplay, Best Music and Best Soundtrack, creating the 27-year-old Smith Zhang You A proof of invincibility.

Looking at the film world of director Smith Zhang, there are not only super blockbusters like The Matrix that fully demonstrate imagination and directorial ability, but also epic magical blockbusters like The Mummy and Lord of the Rings, as well as British comedies with two big smoking guns. It is to bring you an alternative masterpiece like perfume that makes the soul tremble. The breadth of its creative thinking is amazing.

Director Smith Zhang has never been indulging in the previous credits. He is different from those directors who claim to be specialized but can only shoot one type of director. He has challenged himself countless times with passion, and every time he shoots he has never touched subject matter, and every time, he succeeded!

  He is like God's darling, the goddess of success is always with him!

  The High School Musical this time is also a type that director Smith Zhang has never been exposed to. It is a campus-style youth song and dance movie. What surprises will the 27-year-old Smith Zhang bring us? Let us wait and see!

   What countless tabloids are more concerned about is that Zhang Dongcheng only said a few words at the best director award. Is this a silent protest against the Golden Globe Awards?

  Controversies rang out in the newspapers from time to time, but Zhang Dongcheng didn't want to explain at all, so you can guess whatever you want!

   Sweeping the Golden Globes, and the Oscars are coming, this year's Oscars, the curtain call performance of the awards show, can Jang Dong-seong's Lord of the Rings still be invincible like the Golden Globes?

   You don't have to wait for a long time, and you will know in just two months.

  The weather in Los Angeles is rarely so beautiful. Zhang Dongcheng was lying on a deck chair by the swimming pool of the mansion, basking in the warm sun, spending a peaceful and warm day lazily.

  Puppy Wangcai is lying on the side, obediently guarding his master. He is almost one year old and has grown into a beautiful dog, which is very attractive to girls.

  Jessica Alba stood outside the door of Zhang Dongcheng's mansion, but stood there in a daze. She wanted to enter the house several times, but she retreated as if she had something very serious on her mind.

  Her fingers are tangled together, but her face is happy. This kind of happy and tangled appearance makes people feel love even more. She is a girl who is born to be loved by men.

  Pacing back and forth on the path outside, Jessica lowered her head and thought about her thoughts until Zhang Dongcheng's gardener, Mr. Thompson, discovered her.

"Hey, Miss Jessica, Mr. Smith Zhang is at home, why don't you go in?" Thompson was holding a pair of scissors to trim the shape of the flowers and plants in front of the mansion, seeing Jessica walking around there, he couldn't help wondering asked.

   Raising her head in a panic, Jessica looked at the gardener Thompson, and whispered, "Oh, I'll go in now..."

  Maybe someone has noticed her, and she can't go in anymore. Jessica took a deep breath and walked across the garden to the room.

   Zhang Dongcheng had a great time drinking a glass of freshly squeezed juice, while Wangcai ran over with his frisbee in his mouth, eagerly asking Zhang Dongcheng to play with it again, and when he picked up the frisbee, Jessica appeared in front of him.

"Jessica! Why are you here? Come and sit down." Zhang Dongcheng's eyes lit up. Today's Jessica is very attractively dressed, but she is dressed like a girl next door. She has beautiful big eyes in simplicity. Flashing, flashing, intoxicating.

   "I don't have anything to do today, so I came to see you..." Jessica lowered her head and said, then sat down beside Zhang Dongcheng, letting him hug her waist.

Zhang Dongcheng gave Jessica a mansion of more than five million dollars as her new home very early on. She has already taken root in Hollywood, but the honor of Miss Chanel Coco makes her look glamorous wherever she goes, and there are so many announcements that she is too busy Her feet don't touch the ground, so since Christmas, Zhang Dongcheng has rarely seen her.

   Not to mention that she dressed herself up so simply and came around.

"What's the matter? You seem to have something on your mind?" Zhang Dongcheng keenly noticed that Jessica's interest today seemed a little low. Usually, when she saw him, she always smiled like a flower, and jumped into his arms like a happy bird. , but now, although her eyes are still full of happiness, she is always holding her hand, which makes people feel that something is wrong with her.

  If she didn't have something on her mind, she would definitely not be like this.

   "I... I don't know what to say..." Jessica was very confused, she looked at Zhang Dongcheng's face tenderly, and suddenly leaned down and kissed him gently.

   "What's the matter? I feel very sorry for you teasing me like this, please tell me!" Zhang Dongcheng chuckled lightly, knowing that she was ticklish, so he started to move towards her, trying to make her happy.

But Jessica didn't smile, instead she avoided it a little. Amid Zhang Dongcheng's astonishment, Jessica finally made up her mind and said to Zhang Dongcheng: "Honey, I want to tell you something very important. pregnant."

   pregnant... what? pregnant?

   Zhang Dongcheng was dumbfounded in an instant, and stayed there grinning, only feeling that his thinking had become confused.

   Jessica has it, I'm going to be a dad, oh my god, I'm going to be a dad!

Zhang Dongcheng finally came to his senses, jumped up excitedly, and almost fell into the swimming pool, he grabbed Jessica's hand and shouted excitedly: "Did I hear you right? You have it? You really have it." ?”

   Jessica saw him happy, and finally her nervousness eased a little. She smiled and said, "Yes, I have it. I've seen the two lines twenty times."

"Oh God, thank God! Jessica, I love you!" Zhang Dongcheng immediately picked up Jessica, and then, as if thinking of something, he quickly put her down and looked at her belly as if Staring at the most precious thing in the world.

   "It seems that you like it very much? I thought... I thought you would be unhappy when you heard the news." Jessica brushed her hair together and stroked her belly tenderly.

  Hearing this, Zhang Dongcheng suddenly remembered that he was not married to Jessica, and the fact that she had a child seemed to be in his harem group, which was also a very troublesome thing.

Patricia wanted a baby, and I even exercised with her a lot during this period, but her stomach hadn't moved yet, and Jessica just won the bid at Christmas, which made Patricia Definitely not happy.

   Compared to girls like Adriana and Scarlett Johansson, although they don’t want to have a baby so early, if they know that Jessica has had a baby, maybe some demon moth will come out.

   What's more, I'm just a person, do I want to marry Jessica because of this child? What about the other girls?

   Zhang Dongcheng was immediately entangled, and this good news made him embarrassed again.

As if seeing Zhang Dongcheng's uneasiness, Jessica put her arms around his waist and gave her the most affectionate kiss before saying, "Don't worry my dear, I won't make it difficult for you. I will live No one knows about this little baby. Our lives go on like this."

  After Zhang Dongcheng heard this, he felt a warm current in his heart. Jessica's love for her was no less than that of Patricia or any other girl, and she even thought about all the next steps.

"I will grow up alone with the baby, and it won't affect you. I just ask you to be with me when I give birth... Then I will watch him grow up, be with him happily, and be with him You." Jessica leaned her head against Zhang Dongcheng's chest and murmured.

   Zhang Dongcheng finally made up his mind, what else can he say to such a girl who is wholeheartedly thinking of herself? Although I can't give her a name now, it is impossible for her to face the most important thing for a woman, such as having a child, by herself.

   "Tomorrow, move here, I will accompany you, you must know that pregnant women need company very much." Zhang Dongcheng took Jessica's hand, bit it lightly, and said with a smile.

   Move here? Jessica didn't react for a while.

  This is Zhang Dongcheng's home. In the past, the girls just had a party here for a night or a day, and then went back to their respective homes. Zhang Dongcheng bought a mansion for all the girls, which is not inferior to this house at all.

   But Zhang Dongcheng is the only one in his family, and the girls seem to be sleeping together, but they can't live long. It is impossible for any girl to live here every day.

   But this time, he finally softened, and indirectly acknowledged Jessica's status for the sake of the child, allowing her to live in.

"Honey, do you want a boy or a girl?" Sitting in Zhang Dongcheng's arms, Jessica finally couldn't help laughing. What she was worried about didn't happen, but it was the best ending. The love was reciprocated and nothing wasted.

Zhang Dongcheng peeled an apple, then fed her with his own hands, and said happily: "From the perspective of our ancient Chinese tradition, of course it is necessary to have a boy, so that the family can be passed on and the blood can be multiplied. But since our baby's mother is Such a beautiful girl, so it is not bad to have a girl, she must be beautiful like a princess, um, absolutely beautiful like a princess!"

Jessica's eyes sparkled with Zhang Dongcheng's love words like rain, and she said happily: "Aha, I want to have a girl, and I can teach her to dance, dress her up, give her Braid your hair and comb your hair, Dongcheng, just thinking about it makes me happy, very happy!"

  Holding Zhang Dongcheng tightly, Jessica took a deep breath sweetly, closed her eyes, and muttered to herself: "Thank God for letting me meet you, thank you for this extraordinary life."

   Zhang Dongcheng kissed her hair and smelled the warm and sunny scent on her body. He knew that in Jessica's childhood, maybe it was because she felt too much loneliness since she was a child, and she looked forward to family very much.

At her most brilliant and famous time, she publicly revealed to the media: "I yearn for my wedding. I started looking for books about weddings, pregnancy and babies when I was 15 years old. I especially like reading cookbooks. Now, almost No dish can bother me."

   Now, Jessica gave up the wedding that she dreamed of since she was a child for herself. She knew that Zhang Dongcheng would not be able to give her this, but she still devoted herself wholeheartedly without hesitation, without expecting anything in return.

   It was hardest to bear the grace of a beauty. Zhang Dongcheng could only hug the girl in his arms tightly, expressing all his love in his arms.

  Accompanies Jessica home and brings some daily necessities. Zhang Dongcheng's mansion now belongs to Jessica Alba!

Seeing Jessica busying around the house happily like a bird, she said that she would make the best cooking to comfort Zhang Dongcheng, who won the bid, and Zhang Dongcheng, who was proud of his ability, sat on the sofa, Pull out the phone.

   This is for Adaman.

   "Hey, buddy, I have some good news for you!" As soon as the call was connected, Zhang Dongcheng heard the piercing scream of a woman over there, and it seemed that the woman was about to climax.

   Frowning, he looked at the time, oh FUCK, it's only 6:30 in the afternoon, are you in a hurry to do things so early, Adaman is not afraid of dying on a woman's belly...

  Remember that he doesn't have super powers of his own, he's just a normal guy.