MTL - Horror Web-v3 Chapter 45 What you want is arrogance!

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When the lieutenant colonel rank supervisor squatted down to pick up the document, his hand just reached Zhao Zhu's feet. When he saw the soot that had been shaken off the document, he just picked it up as if he hadn't seen it. However, when he was about to pick up another document, a leather boot stepped directly on the document paper.

All around, it was silent all of a sudden!

Some people's faces have already shown a twitching gesture. Obviously, they want to understand the picture in front of them. They have to sit here and wait for the approval. Basically, they are not the kind of ace troops that are valued by the above. They are second-rate or third-rate. There are many troops, so here you have to hold your nose to pretend to be a grandson, and those who don’t need to pretend to be grandsons don’t need to appear here, but what does this scene mean?

Especially when these officers saw that the supervisors were still silent, they naturally held their breaths and did not speak.

The lieutenant colonel's face changed suddenly, he didn't need to look up, he knew who dared to be so arrogant here, but thinking about the seven senior officials who died last night, the lieutenant colonel forced himself to suppress his heart. the anger, said in a very low voice:

"Major Wang, lift your foot and step on my file."

"What did you say?" Zhao Zhu didn't seem to hear clearly, and asked with a puff of smoke.

"Let's lift your feet!" The lieutenant colonel finally got angry, Wang Lang was really arrogant!


A crisp ear scraper sounded, hitting the lieutenant colonel in the face.

The head of the lieutenant colonel was stunned, the two majors behind him were also stunned, and everyone around was stunned.

Zhao Zhu grabbed the collar of the lieutenant colonel officer in front of him with one hand, stood up by himself, and lifted the lieutenant colonel supervisor along with him, so that the other's feet were off the ground.

"Who are you yelling at?" Zhao Zhu asked, "I don't even think about it, why didn't the guy above you come to work today."

For those at the top, what happened last night, whatever they did. It was made by Zhao Zhu, and it was like blowing away a layer of ash, erasing it all without leaving any traces;

but. For Zhao Zhu, the notoriety he has created by killing so many people, if he doesn't make good use of it, isn't it a big loss?

The lieutenant colonel's breathing began to quicken. His face also began to turn red. Obviously, he was desperately agitating in his heart. There are still some people who are qualified to know what happened last night, even if they understand that they can't say anything or do anything, even if We all know that Zhao Zhu did it, and we can't use this to cure Zhao Zhu's crimes.

This slap. The lieutenant colonel was very unwilling to endure it, but Zhao Zhu's vicious attitude at this time still shocked him. After all, he was equivalent to a civilian soldier, not a general who led troops to fight on the front line.

"My group is an A-level group. You actually sent a notice to Laozi asking him to come over and approve it in person. What the **** do you mean!"

Zhao Zhu directly threw the lieutenant colonel to the ground with a flick of his hand, and at the same time pulled out his gun. To the head of the lieutenant colonel.

"Don't, don't, don't..." The lieutenant colonel's supervisor felt the touch of the cold gun muzzle on his forehead, and the whole person was really frightened. Normal people, whoever faced this situation, would not be able to continue to remain calm.

"Guards! Guards!" A major supervisor behind him finally couldn't stand it any longer. Especially when he saw Zhao Zhu draw his gun, he immediately called the guards.


The gun went off.

Of course, the guards couldn't come so quickly. It was Zhao Zhu's gun that sounded.


The major who just called for the guards was directly hit in the leg, knelt on the ground, covered the wound with his hands and began to cry.

"Call the guards. Shout, keep shouting, is it reasonable to play this unspoken rule with Lao Tzu? Let me tell you, Lao Tzu is not here for approval today, Lao Tzu is here to send you a message, dare to bring my troops' equipment If you take a little bit of it, I will dare to lead the soldiers to smash your office building, and then smash your home, you have to protect your wives, children and children, but don't be scared by the soldiers under Laozi."

Zhao Zhu put away the gun and swaggered out. There were more than thirty guards standing at the door, all pointing their guns at Zhao Zhu. Obviously, Zhao Zhu was not allowed to leave like this.

"Yo, it's interesting." Zhao Zhu loosened his neck.

At this moment, hurried footsteps sounded outside, and groups of soldiers in military uniforms rushed in. They directly took off the guns of the guards at the entrance of the building, and then went straight into it.

For a time, hundreds of soldiers poured in and pointed their guns at the guards.

"Put down the gun!"

"Put down the gun!"

These soldiers are very young, but they have a murderous aura about them, especially when they hold guns. The guards feel scared when they see them. They know in their hearts that these soldiers really dare to shoot, and they are completely lawless in their hearts. !

"Fuck, I counted three times, and if I didn't put down my weapon, I would kill them all!"

Wu Peng, who was wearing a military cap, immediately shouted.

"three two……"

"Brush brush."

Wu Peng's 321 shouts were very fast and powerful, which directly destroyed the psychological defense of these guards. They put their guns down one after another, and the soldiers around Zhao Zhu immediately stepped forward to hand in their guns.

Zhao Zhu smiled "haha", and then, surrounded by his own soldiers, swaggered out of the agency building.

The major who was wounded by the gun struggled to get up. Seeing Zhao Zhu and others leaving, he took out his phone and prepared to report to the top.

As a result, the lieutenant colonel head directly came over and grabbed his phone, scolding:

"Okay, he's a lunatic who can't be touched by anyone. Are you reporting that you are forcing someone from above to check on us! What's going on here, what the above should know will still know, we can't talk too much."

"But I, I..."

"Just take it as a lesson, and I'll call an ambulance for you."


Zhang Huilan put a cup of chrysanthemum tea in front of Zhao Zhu, then stood behind Zhao Zhu and pinched Zhao Zhu's shoulders.

"I heard that you took them to smash the office building of the logistics department during the day?"

"No." Zhao Zhu corrected, "I just went in and strolled around."

"When you do things, you care about things in your heart, I know." Zhang Huilan is a very smart woman. Time did not leave too many traces on her, but it gave her enough wisdom.

Zhao Zhu smiled, "The more I toss and make trouble, the sooner they will send me back to Gamma Star."

"What about the troops?"

"The troop numbers will come down tomorrow, strengthen the regiment's troop numbers, and I'm going to recruit troops tomorrow morning."


"Quibei Island."

"Isn't that Eastern European territory?"

"um, yes."

"What kind of soldier are you recruiting?" Zhang Huilan asked curiously.

"Isn't the most famous military prison on Kuibei Island? I'm going to recruit troops there."

"Why are the soldiers you recruited like this...not normal."

"A normal soldier, can you attack the office building of the Logistics Department of the Nanjing Military Region for me with a single order?" Zhao Zhu asked rhetorically, and then he picked up the teacup and took a sip of tea, "Don't put honey in the chrysanthemum tea. Tired."

"Got it, don't let it go next time, okay?"

"By the way, let's go outside during the day."

"Why?" Zhang Huilan blushed and pretended to be naive.

"Cough, did you buy it?"

Seeing that Zhao Zhu had asked this, Zhang Huilan put her head on Zhao Zhu's shoulder, blew a glutinous wind in Zhao Zhu's ear, and said softly, "I bought it, I also wore it, do you want it? have a look?"


Early the next morning, Zhang Huilan was walking with the lame man who prepared breakfast for Zhao Zhu. Looking at Zhao Zhu who was sitting at the table eating, her eyes were full of resentment. Although she was no longer a little girl, she couldn't help Zhao Zhu. She was able to see the "fire" in Zhao Zhu's eyes, and she didn't know how to pity others at all.

After breakfast, Zhao Zhu put on his military uniform, Xu Dacheng was already waiting outside, and the two took off directly on the plane in the military area.

At noon, Zhao Zhu and Xu Dacheng got off the plane. Xu Dacheng's body was seriously injured in the battle between Gamma Star and the bug, and one of his hands was also disabled, so he replaced it with a mechanical arm. Originally, the doctor wanted to give him It was skin grafted, but he was unwilling. He said that it would be more domineering to have such an arm exposed.

The person in charge of Kuibei Island Prison received Zhao Zhu, and complained to Zhao Zhu all the way that there are more and more prisoners in the prison, and management is becoming more and more difficult. Thousands of people really helped me a lot.

This made Zhao Zhu a little surprised. In the warden's office, Zhao Zhu and the warden worked together to delineate the list. Du Xiaohui had used his connections to help Zhao Zhu manage everything. Nanjing GN also issued a written note, Other countries have also agreed. They do not want the military prisoners they have sent to prison to come out or come back, but send them to Gamma to face the bugs and consume them. This is what they are happy to see. The hidden forces run by Du may have long exceeded the scope represented by his father Du Wenhu, and even Liu Xi and the others are just a cover that Du Xiaohui placed outside.

After the roster was almost determined, the warden must keep Zhao Zhu and Xu Dacheng for dinner. Zhao Zhu did not expect the Nordic people to be so polite, so he could only stay for dinner. There was a special person responsible for the concentration of the detained prisoners, waiting for the delivery of the battleship.

The dishes are quite rich, at least it can be seen that the prison director is indeed grateful to Zhao Zhu, and it is estimated that he would like a few more officers like Zhao Zhu to take away thousands of prisoners in his prison.

Xu Dacheng exposed his robotic arm and had a great time drinking with the two prison officers in Eastern Europe.

Zhao Zhu also chatted casually with the warden.

At this time, gunshots suddenly erupted outside, and then, a prison guard with blood on his face burst open the door and fell in, shouting in a panic to the warden who was still holding a wine glass:

"It's not good, it's not good, the prisoner, the prisoner, there's turmoil..." (To be continued.) () "Terrorist Web Articles" only represents the author's point of view, pure Di Xiaolong, if it is found that its content violates national laws Please delete any conflicting content, and we are only committed to providing a healthy and green reading platform. 【】,thank you all!