MTL - Hot Farmer’s Wife: Buying a Husband for the Farm-Chapter 379 379 house sale

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   Chapter 379 379 Selling the house

   "Yes, Zhou Dongjia said yes!" Lin Lao Si's wife quickly responded.

After   , he took the money, signed the deed, and then went home.

   On the way back, the fourth daughter-in-law of Lin still felt that she was dreaming.

   Stepping on the ground is a little unreal.

   rushed home and knocked on the door to enter.

   Fourth Lin saw his daughter-in-law coming back with one in his hand, looking a little heavy and surprised.

   Just about to ask about the situation.

   But he saw his daughter-in-law let Da Niu take the calf out, and then went to close the door again.

   "This—what is this?" Realizing that his daughter-in-law had something to talk to him about, the fourth Lin asked nervously.

   I went to work so well, why didn't I go for a while and then came back? Still this look.

   The fourth daughter-in-law of Lin quickly walked to the bed, and then gave Lin the fourth a mysterious smile.

   Then, he put the bag in his hand on the bed and untied it.

  Take out the silver ingot inside and show it to Lin Laosi.

   Seeing the silver ingot, Lin Laosi's eyes almost straightened.

   Six, there are actually six silver ingots of twelve taels.

   This is sixty taels of silver, where did she get it from?

   "Daughter-in-law--" Lin Laosi stammered a little when he spoke.

   Lin's fourth daughter-in-law smiled, "Listen to me."

   Then, the fourth daughter-in-law of Lin told the fourth Lin about the loan from Zhou Shi to her.

"Zhou Dong's family not only lent me money, but also gave me two days off. Let me take care of you a little better before going to work. In addition, let me arrange the family affairs along the way." Fourth Lin daughter-in-law said.

   "I thought, why don't we take advantage of these two days to deal with the house. Then we'll have enough money to build the house, and I'll find someone to arrange the construction of the house."

   "The sooner we start the construction, the sooner we can move out of here." Having said this, the fourth daughter-in-law of Lin's face already had a look of anticipation.

   Lin's fourth brother frowned.

   "Selling the house is feasible, as for moving to the Wang family..."

  A hint of hesitation flashed on Mr. Lin's face, and then he said, "I thought about it, but there is still something wrong."

   "Big Brother Wang, they treat people warmly and take good care of us. This is a good thing. But I'm still injured, so it's not right to go to someone else's home to recuperate."

   Lin's fourth daughter-in-law frowned slightly, but nodded.

   She didn't want to stay in this Lin family mansion any longer.

   But her man was right.

   Brother Wang and Sister Wang treat them well and are willing to take them in. But it took a long time for their family to go to disturb others. If there was any conflict, it would affect their relationship.

   "It's better than this. When we sell the house, we will talk to the big house and the second house in advance. After our new house is built, we will move out from here."

   "Okay. Listen to you." The fourth daughter-in-law Lin nodded in response.

  It takes only a month to build a house, and it will pass if you endure it.

  Lin Lao smiled all around.

   "And then there's the matter of building the house."

   "Building a house is not a trivial matter and requires a lot of manpower. When building a house, no one is watching."

   "My injury..." Saying that, Fourth Lin looked down at the injury on his body with a bit of hatred in his eyes.

   Knowing that the family could borrow money so quickly, why would he fight with the people in the second room?

  If he is all right now, the house building can be arranged immediately.

   But in the current situation, I can only do things in a hurry, and I can't do anything.

   "It's alright. You can take care of your injuries at home."

   "There is a way to buy land and build a house. Brother Wang has a way. I will visit Wang's house in the past two days and ask them to help and implement this matter." The fourth daughter-in-law of Lin said with a smile.

   "Sister-in-law Wang told me before that there are several people in Shangyang Village and a new house-building team has been formed."

   "Although there are not many people, and we don't ask for extra help, but the work is done well. The progress may be a little slower, but there is basically no need for the boss to worry about it."

   "The owner said yes, just buy the materials. They don't even need to provide three meals a day. They hired special people to help them cook."

   "This way, it's easier. You just need to keep an eye on it. I can still go to work in the workshop."

  The fourth Lin was a little surprised.

   After thinking about it, I don't believe it.

   asked some more about the construction team, and I was relieved to see that my daughter-in-law could answer all of them.

   "If that's the case, we really don't need two people at home."

   Immediately, Fourth Lin looked down at his injuries.

   "I have all skin injuries, so it looks scary. It shouldn't be a big problem after two or three days of rest and walking around."

   "This will not delay the purchase of materials." Just transporting materials and the like will not work.

  Fortunately, you can ask someone to deliver the materials, or ask the material supplier to deliver it. For a little money, you can do it.

   "Yes." Lin's fourth daughter-in-law smiled and nodded.

   "It doesn't take much effort from you, this house building team is very experienced, and the sign is to let the owner worry less."

   Fourth Lin felt more at ease when he heard this.

   "It's done! Then do it!" Lin Lao Si's eyes moved and he said solemnly.

   Lin's fourth daughter-in-law looked overjoyed, "Then I'll go to the big room later and tell the second room about the sale of the house."

  Lin Lao Si's complexion changed slightly.

   "You don't go directly."

   "So, make something good for noon and send some to Uncle Li's house. Please come over in the afternoon and go to see the first and second rooms with you."

   "If things go well, let them pay the money by tomorrow at the latest, and then go over the deed with us."

   Lin's fourth daughter-in-law nodded.

"to make!"

   The head of the family is more thoughtful than her, and she is indeed easily bullied when she comes to the door.

  With the village chief, she felt more at ease.

   Lin Lao Si's wife discussed with Lin Lao Si for a while before opening the door.

   Then, we started to prepare lunch early.

   When it was almost time for dinner, the fourth daughter-in-law of Lin took a food box and went to the village chief's house.

   After seeing the village chief, the fourth daughter-in-law of Lin explained what she asked for, and also said that her family was going to buy land and build a house.

   By the way, he mentioned the kindness of Zhou Dong's family to their family, and lent her money.

   The village chief's expression fluctuated slightly when he heard this.

   Immediately, he happily agreed to help.

"Okay, I'll go to your house after lunch here. At that time, you can tell me your requirements and situation, and see how to talk to the big room and the second room. With me here, you won't be disadvantaged by the fourth room. " said the village chief.

  The Lin family's mess, he didn't want to deal with it originally.

  Lin's fourth daughter-in-law was able to borrow money from Zhou Dong's house, and the situation was a little different.

   Their family has always had a good relationship with the Liu family, and now the Liu family workshop is the most important workshop in Dashi Village.

  He, the village chief, must give the Liu family face.

   "Thank you Uncle Li! Thank you!" The fourth daughter-in-law Lin quickly thanked.

  's expression was excited and sincere, which made the village chief feel inexplicably better.

   "Okay, let's go back and take good care of the fourth Lin of your family. If you really want to build a house in the future, you have to rely on him." The village chief laughed.

   "Yes! I'll go back now! Thank you Uncle Li!" Lin Lao Si's wife said thanks again before leaving.

   When I got home, Lin Laosi’s family just had lunch when the village chief arrived.

   Then, the village chief listened to the couple's request and so on.

   Then, the fourth daughter-in-law of Lin asked the big cow to invite the people from the big and second rooms of the Lin family.

  The people from the first and second rooms heard that the fourth room was going to talk about selling the house, but all the people from the two rooms came.

   After a while, there were many people standing in the small courtyard of the fourth bedroom of the Lin family.

   When all the people arrived, the village chief did not delay much, and on behalf of the fourth couple of Lin Lao, he explained the situation and conditions.

   Learning that the fourth room hopes to receive the money at the latest tomorrow, and that the deed has been transferred, the big room and the second room are a little surprised.

   also learned that the four rooms are about to build a new house, and everyone was even more shocked.

   No, Jiang Shi couldn't help but speak first.

   "I said, fourth child, building a house is not an easy job. Even if it's just a small house, the money needed is not a small amount."

"When the family split up, the situation in each of our houses was similar. Anyway, we couldn't get the money to build the house in the hands of the big house. Where did you and the fourth siblings make money?" Jiang Shi was malicious. Looking at Lin Lao Si and Lin Lao Si's daughter-in-law.

   When everyone heard this, they looked at the fourth and fourth Lin Lin with suspicion.

   They didn't forget that the fourth Lin had a criminal record.

   The previous jade pendant is a good example.

  No, that fifty taels of silver is not all, right?

   Could it be that the two old people gave any additional subsidies to the four rooms?

   Lin Lao Si was stared at by such eyes, and his heart was full of anger.

   was about to speak, but saw his daughter-in-law speak.

   "What does sister-in-law mean by saying this?"

   "I don't have money with the boss, can I still borrow it?"

  Shi Jiang's expression changed slightly and looked at the fourth daughter-in-law of Lin.

   "The money for building a house is not a small amount, who can lend you?" asked with a look of disbelief.

   A look of disgust flashed on Lin's fourth daughter-in-law's face.

   "Hmph, it's impossible to find your Lin family. But I work in the workshop..."

   Jiang's complexion changed.

  The rest of the Lin family also looked very bad.

   Lin's fourth child just glanced at his daughter-in-law and said nothing.

   His daughter-in-law is right, they really want to borrow money for the four rooms, but outsiders may borrow more.

   For their Lin family, it is a penny, so don’t even think about borrowing it.

   Lin's fourth daughter-in-law showed a smug look on her face.

   "Thanks to Erfang's actions to my head, otherwise, Zhou Dongjia would not have borrowed money to help us build a house just because we were pitiful."

   As soon as these words came out, the big room and the second room were shocked.

  Dong Zhou borrowed the money to build the new house with four rooms?

   Shock is followed by anger.

   Didn't these two people say that they are not close to the Liu family?

  The relationship is not close, would Zhou Dongjia be willing to borrow money?

   These two couples with four rooms are really selfish and terrifying!

   However, despite having such thoughts in mind. The people in the big room and the second room also restrained.

Since the silver was not given by the two elders of the Lin family, they had no reason to ask the fourth room of the Lin family for it.

   Moreover, Zhou Dong’s family lent money to Lin Lao Si and his wife, so the head here means more.

  If they continue to be in trouble with Sifang, what if these two go to Zhou Dong's house?

   Offending the Liu family is not a good thing for them.

   "Haha, since it was borrowed by Zhou Dong's family, it has nothing to do with us." Mrs Deng laughed and interjected.

   "Fourth, just talk about it, let your wife find everyone. How do you want to sell your four-bedroom house?"

   As soon as these words came out, everyone looked at Lin Laosi.

   Fourth Lin looked at the village chief.

  The village chief's gaze swept around everyone's faces.

   Next, I talked about the situation.

   "The Lin family's four-bedroom house, I want to sell it as soon as possible." After speaking, the village chief said.

   "The two of you can negotiate now and make an offer."

  The people in the first and second rooms immediately divided into two groups, and then they discussed at a high pace.

   "Village Chief, the four houses will be ready for money tomorrow, and then they will pass the deed with us. But they have to wait for the new house to be completed before moving out. Is the rent worth it?" It was Jiang Shi who spoke.

   As soon as these words came out, they attracted the approval of everyone in the big room and the second room.

   Yes, the money has already been paid. Why, let the four-bedroom people live in their house?

   The village chief turned a little dark when he heard this.

   Since the people from the big and second rooms of the Lin family came over, these people never thought about making the people in the fourth room feel better.

   At first, he questioned the source of other people's money for building a house, and then he was concerned about the rent of the house?

  Is this still a family?

   Even outsiders, I'm afraid it's hard to be so mean, right?

   Yes, "mean".

   It is really appropriate to use these two words to describe these two people.

   "Yeah, this yard is not a small place. After a month, the rent will cost four or five dollars, right?" Mrs Deng replied.

   Hearing that, the fourth couple of Lin's faces were dark.

   Before the village chief could speak, the fourth daughter-in-law Lin spoke first.

   "The rent can be paid, but in the end, the price of selling the house needs to be doubled on the basis of your bidding price!" After saying this, the fourth daughter-in-law Lin looked relieved.

   Seeing Mrs. Jiang and Mrs. Deng, she looked at herself angrily, but the fourth daughter-in-law of Lin was not afraid at all.

   "Of course, the eldest sister-in-law and the second sister-in-law don't have to buy our four-bedroom house. The big deal—" Lin Lao's fourth daughter-in-law was heartbroken.

   "I'm cheeky, I'll go to Zhou Dong's house again and ask her to borrow some more money!"

   Looking at the confident look of the fourth daughter-in-law Lin, Mrs. Jiang and Mrs. Deng were apprehensive.

   This fourth family is really tough, and even wants to borrow money from Dong Zhou.

   And, looking at this, I am very confident, and I think I can borrow it.

"Why are you rushing like this? We're not talking about it. You build a new house and move out when the time comes. Now this house is empty or not. Why don't you sell it to me for some money?" Jiang said. .

   When Mrs. Deng heard this, she immediately looked at Mrs. Jiang, and then at the fourth daughter-in-law of Lin.

   "That's right. It's empty, no one lives in it, and the house is easy to break down. Sell us a second room, or let us help you watch it!"

   When Mr. Jiang heard this, he immediately looked at Mrs. Deng.

   Help the four rooms look at the house? This woman really speaks volumes.

   However, if Sifang is really willing, their big room can also help Sifang watch it.

   Seeing the appearance of Jiang's eyes rolling around, a look of disgust flashed in the eyes of the fourth daughter-in-law of Lin.

   "Stop talking nonsense. The base price of the house is 30 taels, and the two of you will bid if you want!"

   "In addition, the final transaction price will add an extra silver or two!"

   (end of this chapter)