MTL - House Witch-Chapter 10 two options

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  Chapter 10 10. Two Choices


  The owner, the old man, came out of the warehouse behind with several stacked boxes in his hands. He smiled and greeted the two sisters.

   "It's okay, good things are always worth the wait."

Dorothy looked at the old man expectantly. Her eyes fell on the boxes held in the old man's hands. Her powerful perception could be detected even through these sealed boxes specially used to isolate spiritual loss. The preciousness of the materials inside.

   "Well, these are my proud collection."

  Hearing Dorothy's words, the old man couldn't help being a little proud, but he quickly corrected his attitude and asked the guest in front of him solemnly.

   "I have two plans for the material of your staff, Miss Dorothy. You can choose which one is better."

"One is to follow your spellcasting habits. I asked about the spirit in your old staff. You are the type with high precision in casting spells. Then I personally recommend you to use a dragon staff. Dragon blood wood is Lord, the sub-dragon's nerve is the core, and the sub-dragon's dragon ball is used as the inlaid orb."

   "It's just that dragon staffs are often irritable and difficult to control, but their addition to the quality of magic power is unquestionable. I believe you can control them with your precision."

"And the second one is mainly based on the spirit of your old staff. It has just awakened and is still too weak. If it is made of materials with a higher compatibility with it, then it will be faster after replacing the staff. Adapt and grow faster."

"Here, I recommend you to use soul-nourishing wood as the body of the staff. As for the core of the staff, it is in the same line as the old staff. It used to be the whiskers of a black cat, so the new staff can use the whiskers of the ghost tiger. This is also a good way to nourish the spirit." Materials, as for inlaid orbs, I think this dead soul crystal is a good choice."

"Although this kind of staff can't bring you much bonus in the initial stage, it can give your staff spirit the most perfect growth environment, and the most precious part of the psychic staff is the spirit of the staff. After maturity, an excellent psychic staff will self-evolve to the effect that best suits its owner, but growth is always somewhat uncertain, and you have to take certain risks."

   After finishing speaking, the old man looked at Dorothy quietly, waiting for her choice.

   At this time, Dorothy was also convinced that the old man in front of her was indeed a real staff master, and the two plans he gave were indeed the most suitable for her.

  The dragon staff of Option 1 can make up for her shortcomings of weak magic power and low quality to the greatest extent. With her already powerful magic precision talent, it can definitely improve her strength immediately.

  The second plan is that the future can be expected, and the immediate bonus is abandoned in exchange for further growth in the future.

She has also heard a lot about the legend of the psychic staff. Although this kind of spiritual staff is weak in the early stage, but in the process of accompanying the growth of the master, it will self-adjust in a targeted manner according to the master's spell-casting habits, so as to achieve that kind of spirituality. The perfect state of unity of man and stick.

  A well-trained psychic staff can even self-awaken a unique staff talent to better assist the master in casting spells, which can be called a plug-in existence.

   I heard that the cultivation of that kind of psychic staff is not cheap, and it has to be fed with various precious spiritual materials all the time to maximize its spirituality.

Also, as the old man just mentioned, growing up always takes risks. People who were cute when they were young may become disabled when they grow up, and the same is true for the psychic staff. The length depends on the intimacy between it and its owner.

After all, this thing is spiritual, it is a living staff of wisdom, it has its own thoughts, and it cannot be treated as a dead thing. If the intimacy is not enough, although it will not betray, it is difficult to have the same mind as its master. At that time, the ghost knows what abilities will evolve, maybe there is no bonus, and it will directly hold you back.

  So, should we choose option 1, which has immediate effect and is relatively cheap, or choose option 2, which burns money like a bottomless pit, and in the end the future is uncertain, so we have to gamble?

   "I choose option two."

   It didn't take long for Dorothy to make a choice, she said firmly.

  Anyway, she herself belongs to the kind of future-predictable witch, so it fits well with a future-predictable staff. The future can be doubled, and I hope that when the future arrives, I can also reap double the happiness.

Of course, the most important thing is that she doesn't have the urgent need to improve her strength now. She should be studying at Witch Academy for at least the next 20 years. A student won't go to the battlefield or anything, so just study honestly. , very stable, when she graduates by then, I believe that the psychic staff is almost ready.

   "Okay, then plan two."

   Regarding Dorothy's choice, the old man nodded in satisfaction, and he appreciated the guests in front of him even more.

   This is really a good boy who treats the staff well. I have to use all my skills, and I must not let such a good boy down.

  Old man Odell thought so.

   "Then I would like to ask, what is Miss Dorothy's career plan for her future? Armed type or scientific research type?"

  He again cautiously confirmed.

   "It goes without saying, my sister is of course fighting with me"

   Before Dorothy could speak, Alice on the side couldn't wait to speak.

  However, before she finished speaking, Dorothy covered her mouth without hesitation, and then said to the old man more firmly.

   "Scientific research type, I am taking the path of omniscience, scientific research type is more suitable for me."

  When it comes to the occupational division of witches, we have to mention the structure of the witch world.

   This has never been a peace-loving race. On the contrary, the witch is a standard war race, and the atmosphere of the whole society is extremely martial.

  I see, I conquer.

   This is the life motto of the witches. Once a new world is discovered by the witches, a war of planes and conquests will be inevitable.

This is something that can’t be helped. After all, Faye’s growth is notorious for burning money, not to mention that the whole people belong to Faye’s family of witches. If so many witches want to grow and become stronger, the demand for resources can be imagined. Know.

   If we only rely on the local resources of the Witch World, sooner or later, more and more witches will consume them. At that time, I am afraid that there will be a civil war among the races to compete for limited resources. Therefore, in order to alleviate the pressure on resources, external expansion is inevitable.

   Fortunately, in the multiverse, the world is infinite, and there is an endless starry sky waiting for the witch to explore, discover, and conquer. Over time, such a war race will take shape.

  To this day, the witch has become the fourth natural disaster race in the multiverse, which is as famous as the three old natural disaster races of angels, demons, and dragons.

It's just different from demons and dragons, who only know how to destroy and plunder, and different from the colonial rule of angels who conquer a world and only use it as a resource warehouse. The world conquered by witches will be directly merged into witches. The world is guided and built by the conquerors, and it pays attention to a sustainable development.

   Well, this is not to say how kind the witches are. This is really out of the question. The reason why they do this is to make the cake bigger and get more benefits.

But there is one thing to say, those conquered alien races in the witch world can at least drink soup behind the witch, and if they are lucky, they can eat some minced meat. This is much luckier than the world where they encountered the other three natural disaster races .

   After all, when encountering demons and giant dragons, it basically depends on fate whether you can live or not.

When encountering angels, the whole world will fall into the despair of slow death, until the last trace of extraordinary power is absorbed by the angels, and the whole world becomes a dead world, which is the so-called world without demons. Not to mention the end, the church established by the angels will continue to "educate" the people, harvest the power of faith made up of overflowing soul power, and not let go of the last point of use value.

  Therefore, according to the words of those alien races under the rule of the witch who have some fanatic symptoms of converts, it is their honor to be the witch's dog.

It is precisely because of this natural disaster racial habit that the occupational classification of the witch society only has two directions, one is to go to the frontline battlefield, and is responsible for developing and conquering the battle to specialize-armed witches, and the other is responsible for the construction of new territories and The logistics of technological innovation is specialized—the scientific research witch.

From the perspective of social status, there is no doubt that the armed witch is higher. After all, the rule of the witch world is who conquers and who rules. Generally, only armed witches can become witch lords, and scientific research witches are generally affiliated with these witch lords. a worker.

For example, the Sea Moon Island where the two sisters are now and the vast territory below the Sky Island, this is the territory of the armed great witch named Sea Moon Witch, and Dorothy's stepmother is a scientific research witch, and she is now anchored in Under the name of Sea Moon Witch, she is responsible for the construction of the territory.

This structure is also the most common structure in the witch world. The entire witch world is composed of countless large and small witch territories, and the commanders and commanders of these witch lords are composed of the most powerful thirteen strongest lords. Council of Sages.

  Although Dorothy jokingly said something at the gate of Haiyue Island before, "The big witch should be the same, I can replace her", but that was just a temporary speech.

   It is impossible for her to go to the battlefield. It is impossible in this life. She is not talented in magic power, and she can't fight. In this life, she can only rely on reading and doing scientific research to make ends meet.

  Peace World Dorothy, who came through, said that she is a pacifist, she has never fought much in her life, whoever chooses to be an armed witch, anyway, she is not.

And how dangerous it is to fight. Although the witch is strong, she is not yet invincible. What if she encounters other natural disaster races on the battlefield? A beautiful life of nearly a thousand years is waiting for her, there is no need to go to the battlefield to fight.

  In short, it is impossible for an armed witch to be armed. Even if Dorothy died of poverty and starvation, she would definitely not become an armed witch by jumping off this empty island.

  (end of this chapter)