MTL - How Come These Monsters Have Health Bars-Chapter 633 1 to 1 pit

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Latest website: Hearing that he wanted to help, Xiaoyaozi suddenly showed reluctance.

But because he had already pressed it, he was silent for a while, and said.

"Others are easy to talk about, don't ask me to speculate about things related to you."


Li Jing smacked his lips and said.

"Add five more, and I'll give you a monthly subscription, Senior."

"Monthly subscription?"

Xiaoyaozi was stunned for a moment, then recalled it, and stared.


Li Jing smiled ambiguously and didn't respond, he took him into Tianzi No. 1 room.

The Taoist saw that the two had reached a wave of PY deals silently, and subconsciously kept up with him, his face was so exciting.

XX child.

That should be from Taoism.


Should we be so principled?

Add five.

Then the monthly subscription can't stand it anymore?

Thinking about putting the same thing on himself, he might follow suit, and the Taoist couldn't help grinning behind him.

Lord Nine...


Master Li's shot is really generous.


This girl who climbed the fairy tower is not cheap.

After all, live well.

The asking price is much higher than usual.

Some of them top notch.

Even if you don't make a move, it's all right, once you make a move, you will be a top-ranking high-grade fairy crystal.

What is the concept of thousands of top-grade fairy crystals?

This kind of consumption level, even the venerable level, is painful.

With this fairy crystal, wouldn't it be nice for him to buy some that are good for him?

And you need to know.

This is just the price of the shot.

monthly subscription...

How many fairy crystals do you get?

However, thinking that Li Jing's true identity is actually the Lord of Chentangguan who has fully developed the two major fairylands of the East and the South, the Taoist doesn't think there is anything wrong.

People have money.

It is capricious.

It is estimated that only he can do such a thing as subscribing to ten girls on a monthly basis in Dengxianlou.

people with people...

It really is incomparable!

They are all mixed in Xianyu.

It's not on a level at all.


Come to Room No. 1 in Tianzi.

The girl who was in charge of leading the way in advance greeted the three of them to sit down and spoke softly.

"Three gentlemen, please sit down for a moment. Five of the top names in the building have already been invited, but it may take some time for the five to get dressed."

"Well, it doesn't matter if you let them slow down."

Li Jing spoke up and said.

"Besides, you should have heard what I just said about the girl's price. Call five more top players over for a monthly subscription."

While speaking, he waved his hand and released a room full of high-grade fairy crystals.

! !


! !


! !

The girl who leads the way.

She did hear what Li Jing said, but instinctively thought it was a joke.

The first is as mentioned earlier.

The girl who climbed the fairy tower.

Live well, the price is high.

monthly subscription.

This is definitely a sky-high price.

followed by.

Not only climbing the fairy tower, but looking at all the brothels in the entire fairyland, I am afraid that there has never been such a thing as a monthly subscription. She never expected it. Li Jing is serious.

Looking at the room full of high-grade fairy crystals, the girl felt her legs go weak for a while.

With so many high-grade immortal crystals, it would be no problem to buy the entire Dengxian Tower...

Climbing the fairy tower is climbing the fairy tower, and the girl is the girl.

The two are not bound.

In Xianyu.

To be honest, there are very few real and

A woman bound by a brothel, or forced to sell herself.

Most of them are women who want to make money or meet some indescribable spiritual needs, and make a contract with the brothel themselves.

The brothel in Xianyu.

Essentially just a platform.


If you want to open a brothel, you can have a source of customers and be stable enough. It is inevitable that your strength will open the way with Immortal Crystal.

Leaving these things aside.

Facing the room full of high-grade fairy crystals, the girl who led the way was shocked, and knew that today she met a real boss who was serious and not bad for money.

This man.

It's not at the same level as those who usually come to Dengxian Tower to play and spend money

Showing a little distressed look, she made a sound in embarrassment.

"Master, there are only eight of us with the top cards in the immortal building, and only six are currently in the building. You want ten..."

Before the girl finished speaking, Li Jing said.

"It's not a big problem, just six top cards, and then you call three little sisters who can let go, and you can make up ten."

? ? ?

The girl who leads the way.

She wants to say.

I am only in charge of entertaining guests, I only sell my smile but not my body...

But looking at the high-grade fairy crystal in this room, she couldn't help but waver.

as long as a month...

At least one-tenth of the high-grade fairy crystals in this room will go into her pocket.

This income, she may not be able to earn from attracting customers to Dengxianlou for more than ten years or even decades.

After hesitating again and again, she finally gritted her teeth.

"I understand, three masters, please wait a moment."

With that said, she turned and opened the door to leave.

The girl who led the way changed her expression, Li Jing and the other three noticed it.

And the three of them are all human spirits, it is easy to see her inner struggle.

But the three of them didn't take it seriously.

Looking for a living in brothels.

Even if it is clean, it will not go anywhere.

Not for sale.

Either she was looking for a price, or she felt that selling her body would make her look worthless, but she "acted accordingly" after she had enough price to make her heartbeat.

To put it bluntly.

Like the girl who was leading the way in the brothel just now, sooner or later she will be favored by customers.

not for sale.

is her advantage.

Regardless of whether she has sold it before.

This is her "selling point".

Someone likes this one.

This person is engaged in such a livelihood, and it would be a lie to say that he didn't wait for this day.

There are hands and feet.

Has good looks and figure.

Another cultivation...

Why do you say you can't make money and have to work in a brothel?

"Master Jiu, what you gave... isn't it a little too much?"

The Taoist spoke up.

Just as he was about to say that even ten top card monthly subscriptions would not cost that much, let alone only six, Li Jing spoke indifferently.

"It's okay, the most important thing for me now is money."

The Taoist choked on the spot.

Now in Li Jing's view, the fairy crystal is indeed a useless thing with no merit.

According to Yu Lian's "script".

Everything in Chentangguan has been reduced from high consumption to low-level consumption that is close to the people in the past hundred years, but it can't stand the big picture!

Today's Chentangguan.

It is an astronomical figure to collect all kinds of network operating fees, not to mention the rent of various industries and a series of self-operated and unique industrial chains.

One sentence made the Taoist shut up, and Li Jing took out a jar of Li Lingyin's fine wine and turned his head.

"Senior Xiaoyaozi, the girls are coming soon, let's hurry up."

At this time, Xiaoyaozi was staring at the room full of fairy crystals in a daze.

Xiaoyaozi is mysterious


That's right.

but he is poor...

After all, he is the master of idle clouds and wild cranes.

He loves drinking and visiting brothels, how many fairy crystals can he have in his pocket with no income?

He has lived endless years in his life, but he has never seen so many fairy crystals...

Hearing someone's words, Tong Tongzi suddenly came back to his senses and stared at the wine jar under Li Min's hand, swallowed and said.

"Just in case, can Lingling or Miss Xiaocai come out and look at me?"

"Lingling is temporarily inconvenient."

Li Jing shook his head and said.

"Xiao Cai, she has been sleeping for a while recently."

As he spoke, he took out a Linglong and put it on his lap.

"But it doesn't matter, I can protect senior with the Taoist weapon."

A hundred years.

It is Li Jing himself who has never made progress, but his artifacts are not included.

Linglong has now transformed into a Taoist instrument.

First of all, she comprehended the law of gravity that best suits her during her comprehension of the Taoist monument.

Then one day when I visited Lingling who was in deep sleep, I had an unexpected insight, felt the true meaning of life, and comprehended the rules of life.

This matter more or less means stepping on dog shit.

The rules of life are extremely difficult to grasp.

Especially for utensils that are not living things in essence.

Normally, even if there is comprehension, it should be human cultivation comprehension.

By the way.

Today's Yantong has also become a Taoist weapon.

Moreover, she comprehended two rules from the Enlightenment Monument in one breath by relying on her own comprehension, transforming into a Taoist tool one step earlier than Linglong.

As Li Jing's only weapon spirit who knows spells and cultivation methods.

The rules that Yantong comprehended were very mysterious.

What she understands is Yin and Yang.

These two opposing rules belong to conceptual rules.

Such rules are extremely rare, and can even be said to be more elusive than the rules of life.

After all, rules like life have a clear direction, and there are directions for reference and clear ideas for deepening one's own comprehension.

Yin and Yang.

There is really nothing to refer to.

Everything in the world.

Whether it is dead or alive, it is inseparable from yin and yang.

But who can say clearly what these two forces represent?

people know.

There is only the concept that yin and yang precede the innate five elements and the acquired five elements.

In terms of the two rules of yin and yang, they are very suitable for the smoke that the body is a mask.

Up to now, concealing breath and appearance is no longer the only purpose of her body.

According to the rules of yin and yang, she can put "BUFF" on the wearer so that it has the characteristics of extreme yin or extreme yang, and can control and use the power of extreme yin and extreme yang.

This is really a bit awesome.

At least that's the case for Li Jing.

His Hunyuan-Qi fault tolerance rate can be called BUG level.

Yanxuan's comprehension is equivalent to two more "attributes" that can be used in his Hunyuan Qi.

Closer to home.

After all, Xiaoyaozi is not an ordinary person.

Seeing the white and fat Linglong appear, he let out a "huh" on the spot, showing a look of hell.


He saw that Linglong had comprehended the true meaning of life as an artifact.

It's not hard to describe.

It's evil!

Those who can comprehend the rules of life among living beings can be regarded as rare, and the comprehension of artifacts...

Xiaoyaozi has lived for so many years and wandered all over the world, but this is really the first time I have seen him.

On Li Jing's lap.

Linglong is cute and cute.

Seeing Xiaoyaozi staring at herself, she blinked twice like a jewel

The big eyes gave the latter a head tilt.

After Xiaoyaozi was poked on the spot, he looked at someone.

"Master Li, what do you want?"

"This Haoran City, who wants to find me."

Li Jing responded.

Xiaoyaozi nodded when he heard the words, and pinched his fingers to calculate.

Seeing this, the Taoist couldn't help frowning.

What is Xiaoyaozi capable of?

The Taoist who saw him for the first time naturally did not know.

Hearing what the two said just now, he was somewhat confused.

Lingling or Miss Xiaocai?

Who are these?

But in front of me.

But he understood.

Xiaoyaozi seems to know the way of calculation.


Is it reliable?

The way of calculation is a kind of thaumaturgy in the Taoist sect.

This thaumaturgy pays attention to a lot.

Some people who have cultivated to a high level can indeed be quite accurate.

But most of those who practice the way of calculus are basically wrong in their calculations.

There is also a lot of reference and even accuracy in the results, but it is not necessarily positive or negative, and even the person who does the calculation has no way to grasp it.

Calculated to be a big murder.

That may not be a good luck.

But at the same time, it could also be a real murderer.

Over time, the way of calculation is naturally labeled as unreliable.

Right now, what Li Jing wants Xiaoyaozi to calculate is not as simple as good or bad, but there is a clear direction, which is probably not a small price no matter whether the calculation is right or wrong.

Just as he was thinking about it, Xiaoyaozi, who was sitting opposite him, suddenly made a "puff", raised his head and sprayed a three-foot blood arrow that covered the entire roof red, rolled his eyes and fell down.




It's a bit exaggerated. Hey!

Just as he was amazed, Li Jing picked up Linglong with both hands, and placed it on Xiaoyaozi's belly, who had fallen to the ground.

The next moment.

The Taoist clearly felt the touch of the rules of life that are difficult to feel in ordinary times, and his eyes widened involuntarily.

Of course, he couldn't say that he didn't recognize Linglong who had beaten him unconscious.

Just when Xiao Nizi was pulled out.

She had a well-behaved face on the surface, but her big eyes kept staring at him, an old acquaintance, with a look of viciousness and eagerness to try.

If it weren't for Taoist's skill in cultivating his mind and character, he might not be able to hold on.

At this moment, witnessing the rules that Linglong affects life, the Taoist is more than shocked?


Because of Linglong's deeds, a steady stream of vitality gathered from all directions following the touch of the rules, and slowly poured into Xiaoyaozi's body.

Although this efficiency is not as good as Lingling and Xiaocai's shots.

But at this necessary moment, it is enough to make up for Xiaoyaozi's loss.

This is not.

After a while, Xiaoyaozi, who vomited blood and passed out, twitched all over his body, and barely opened his eyes.

Seeing Linglong sitting on his stomach, he didn't plan to get up while lying down, and looked at Li Jing.

"Master Li, you will meet the person you are looking for soon."

Li Jing frowned upon hearing this.

"No more accurate information?"


Xiaoyaozi nodded and said.

"It's easy to die suddenly if you say it too accurately."


Li Jing.

All right.

This has to be understood.

Reaching out to hold Linglong in his arms, Li Jing got up.

"Okay, enjoy the two of you, I'll go first."

? ? ?


? ? ?


Before the two could recall, Li Jing turned into a shadow and flew out of the window.

The two were stunned

He froze again.

Then Xiaoyaozi quickly made a sound.

"Master Li! I'm not well yet!"

"It's fine if you can't die."

Someone's voice fell in from a distance outside the window.

! !


He really can't die now.

In fact.

For Li Jing's calculation, because he didn't involve too much himself, he was fine, but he deliberately exaggerated.

Wouldn't this have six top cards and four girls?

Can't he make up his bones?

In his way, vitality is everything.

Strength is brought by the vitality in the body, not self-cultivation.

Simply put.

Xiaoyaozi himself is the weakest of the weakest.

If you don't use the vitality in your body.

Any ordinary knife can give him three cuts and six holes. After that, he can't bear to make up for the damage in the blink of an eye with the aura in his body like an ordinary practitioner.

This should be made up in advance.

How could he deal with ten girls climbing to the fairy tower?

Don't say ten.

In this state, he can't handle even one...

Lying on the ground looking out the window, Xiaoyaozi moved his lips, resisting the urge to scold Ruliang, struggled to get up, and bowed his hands to the Taoist.

"Fellow Daoist, we will meet again by fate."



Before he could react, Xiaoyaozi quietly disappeared in place.

disappeared with it.

There is also a room full of high-grade fairy crystals.

! !


He couldn't fathom Xiaoyaozi's departure.

But that's second.

The key is.

The girls came after a while, and they took all the fairy crystals away without leaving a cent!

This shit...

One pit than one!

I rely on!

Gotta go now!

The Taoist stood up with a "rub".

Just when he was about to go out the door, the girl who had led the way brought nine beautiful women who could be called fish and wild goose, and pushed the door open and filed in.



When the ten people came in, they all froze when they saw that he was the only one present and that there was no Immortal Crystal.

Seeing those ten pairs of watery and beautiful eyes staring at him, how could the Taoist collapse?

He wants to get away.

But if you can walk, the monk can't walk to the temple!


He is a respectable manager in Haoran City.

If he left this way, these girls might have to go to the city lord's mansion if they turned around.

Gritting his teeth secretly, the Taoist forced himself to speak.

"Fairies, my two friends left earlier."

Hearing these words, the slender willow eyebrows of the ten women who entered the door all twisted into a ball.

Seeing this, the Taoist burst into tears, silently counted the fairy crystals in his independent world, and squeezed out a smile that was uglier than crying.

"The monthly subscription...maybe it won't work. But this trip today, I won't let everyone go in vain."

Meeting the Taoist's voice, the brows of the ten women stretched a little.

Although I don't know what happened, but the high-grade fairy crystals in that room seem to be gone.

But at least there is still a profit in front of me.

The girl who was walking at the end closed the door with her backhand, UU Reading extremely skillfully slapped a soundproof spell and a banning spell on the door with her backhand.

An unrestrained leader in the crowd sneered.

"My lord, ten of us sisters go up together, can you hold your body up?"



He wanted to say that he couldn't stand it.

But can a man say no?


Besides, he's ready to bleed...


At least you have to have enough money, right?



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