MTL - How Could This Cat Tease Me?-Chapter 20 Who made this guy hit him a little bit?

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The recording of the second issue of "Liang Shanbo and Romeo" was performed in the county A in the eastern part of the country. The county has a long history, beautiful scenery, and unique ending in the city. It is also an intangible cultural protection heritage. Therefore, the show team also designed a new theme: "Martial Arts".

The recording started at 9 o'clock in the morning and under the city walls of County W. This day was a good day, with clear skies and distant mountains, lush greenery, and green willows overcast in the distance. The guests enjoyed the beautiful scenery and breathed a breath of fresh air, their spirits were refreshed.

When the director Xu announced the theme of "Martial Arts", the friends in private clothes looked at each other: Although it was also written on the desk, shouldn't the martial arts theme have costume props? When they came over, they didn't tell them to put on makeup?

The director did not rush to answer everyone's doubts, but continued to introduce the background and rules of this competition-

Because Zhu Yingtai's and Juliet's families were strongly opposed to their intolerable love, the two families jointly sent out a killer to chase down Liang Shanbo and Romeo all the way.

The killer would lurk among six members in order to complete the task. Everyone determines their own team by drawing character cards. At the same time, the identity of the killer and secret tasks are also hidden in the character cards. Overall, the two teams are still competing for the task. The only difference is that the person who draws the killer character card has to complete his secret task without being found.

When they finally meet, the members will vote for what they consider to be the "killers". If the voting results are correct, the killer mission will fail and the triumphant team will win the goddess; on the contrary, if the killer escapes everyone's eyes, And after completing his task, he will declare the killer victory, and the goddess wish Yingtai / Juliet will die tragically under the killer.

Teenagers, take action to protect the goddess!

——After hearing this, the six guests finally understood. This is actually a more common "who is undercover" game, but it has changed its face and changed its form and complicated the process a bit, but the basic gameplay is still a word : Guess, guess, guess, guess, you play the secret heartbeat and stimulation.

No wonder they didn't tell them to make up and change their clothes in advance. It turned out that there was a character card that said that they had to draw it on the spot.

Seeing the director highlight the six character cards one by one, including "Guo Jing", "Yang Guo", "Duan Yu", "Lu Xiaofeng", "Ximen Blowing Snow", and "Jin Shi Yi", almost a classic martial arts novel A hodgepodge of characters.

These six characters have their own characteristics: Guo Jingzhong Zhi, Yang Guofengliu, Duan Yuchi, Ximen blowing snow, Lu Xiaofeng Junyi, Jin Shiyi chic, to say that they all have a male **** fan, it is easy to make people fall into choice difficulties .

Fortunately, the director narrowed the scope for them: "The guest who won the previous period can be selected first."

Kang Yifan from the winning team last time took the lead and took the role card of "Yang Guo" directly, and turned back to the camera and gave a wink: "I saw Yang Guo wrong for life, and it was me."

After Ye Mang went up, he struggled for a while and took "Ximen Blows Snow." He smiled and said, "This looks less like a killer." The staff asked him in a voiceover: "Do you want to be a killer?"

He froze, shook his head with a smile and smiled: "The goddess is so beautiful, how can I bear to let her die." In fact, Xia Rong heard her agent's constant thoughts and knew that Ye Mang was purely peace-loving and disliked Those who work with swords and swords are usually on the set, and when they are free, they also make tea for the crew members, and they are totally good.

When Su Chi went up, he seemed to have made a decision at the wait-and-see stage. He simply took "Lu Xiaofeng" and said to the camera, "I hope I can get a killer and challenge different mission routes."

But at least now, until entering the locker room to change clothes, no one can open the character card, and I don't know if I can do it. Maybe in the end, the person who did not want to be the killer became the killer.


When Xia Rong's "defeated trio" came forward, there were only three characters in the role card: "Guo Jing", "Duan Yu" and "Jin Shi Yi". The director did not let them pick one by one, they went directly together, and the three divided up three cards.

Zhang Xin glanced at the remaining character cards, patted her chest, and thankfully said, "Fortunately, Jin Shiyi left it to me. I want to choose him. Do you have anyone to choose?"

Gao Junming said blankly, "Actually, this name sounds good to me. I don't know who he is."

"Jin Shiyi is a character in Liang Yusheng's novels. Liang Yusheng's martial arts, there are few remakes of movies and TV shows, you don't know it is normal." Zhang Xin explained, but although he obviously knew more, he did not despise Gao Jun in his tone The meaning of the name, but continued patiently and kindly, "I think Guo Jing is suitable for you, what do you think?"

Gao Junming asked him to say this, his face was a little embarrassed, and he reached for the character card of "Guo Jing": "It's almost the same, haha, then I'll choose Guo Jing."

Zhang Xin asked Xia Rong again: "Xia Rong, do you want to choose?"

Xia Rong casually said: "I can do it, nothing to obsess."

So Zhang Xin took away the role card of "Jin Shiyi" with joy, Xia Rong looked at the only "Duan Yu" left on the table, and sighed in his heart: This is probably destined, who makes this kid actually What about his people? They are all rich second-generations, they are handsome, and they are loved everywhere they go ...

Quite rhyme.


Xia Rong's good mood continued until everyone entered a separate dressing room and opened their character cards.

The word "killer" inside "Duan Yuka" is extremely clear and penetrating.

Xia Rong is very comfortable with whether or not he will become a "killer": it is good to do civilian tasks, and it is also good for him to take the challenge. It was just that he didn't expect that the real "killer card" was picked by everyone, and the last one who didn't get picked was picked up, which was one of the reasons that surprised him.

And the second reason for the accident ...

Inside the character card, in addition to the two big characters of "killer" dripping in ink, there is a line of small characters below-

Killer special task: before the final link, the killer must touch everyone's earlobe and say "you look good" to him. If you gather all the members of the department without causing doubt, the task will be determined to be successful.

...... What **** task is **** in this **** guy! !! !!

Xia Rong turned his head and looked deep into the camera: "Can I choose to give up the task?"

The accompanying director smiled with a smile: "You go out now and yell 'I am a killer' three times, you should not have to do the task."

"..." Xia Rong turned around, gritted his teeth, "... you are cruel."


The "Duan Yu" shape given to him by the program team is obviously based on the "Dragon Dragons" in 2007. He has a high crown, black hair like a waterfall, plus a folding fan and white clothes. The turbid world boy.

After Xia Rong changed into this body, he was surrounded by makeup, art, and directors. He had not seen his ancient costumes before, and it turned out to be so amazing. Xia Rong's surface was calm. In fact, his heart was also beautiful. Before anyone came in, he said that he would start shooting. First, he changed the pattern of concave patterns and asked the staff to help take pictures.

He was performing "Linbo Weibu" in the room, and suddenly he heard someone coming in. He thought he had notified the person who started the filming. He didn't expect to look back, but found that an old man was about sixty years old.

The old man was in a Tang suit, holding an ebony crutch in his hand, and his hair seemed to be dyed the day after tomorrow. Seeing him come in, the staff put down their things and called him "Yu Lao".

Hearing "Yu Lao", Xia Rong also knew who was coming in. This one, named Yu Chengchang, is a well-known art director in the golden age of Xiangdao Films. He has produced many classic and beautiful Xiangdao films, which can be regarded as the benchmark in the industry. After the Xiangdao film diminished, he turned to the mainland and began to invest in film, because the investment vision was so good, he made a lot of gold, and even founded his own brand. The film that he occasionally shows on the United States Fingers, and often has a good reputation at the box office, has become more legendary in the circle, calling him "Blessed Man."

You know, a seemingly flashy place in the entertainment industry is actually extremely superstitious. The crew of the crew should choose a good birthday, a good day, and worship the heavenly incense. People in the circle should buy a house and choose a location. First, they must ask someone to watch Feng Shui. Many celebrities will ask God to recite the Buddha, and even superstitious "Qigong masters" and "superior masters" What's more, they will go abroad to find a way to "drop their heads" and "poke the villain", hoping that their fortunes will flourish, and in addition to removing obstructing competitors.

Although Xia Rong is a young man with five lectures and four stories in the new century, except that the film crew followed the Shangxiang formally when they started up, and never engaged in the feudal superstition, this does not prevent the environment in the circle from doing so. Yu Lao is highly respected and sought-after in the entire circle because of his "blessed people" reputation. Other investors need to measure conditions and negotiate with each other. He doesn't need it. Some crew members even prefer to reduce their budgets and ask him. Come. But if they refuse to come, they cannot decide.

"Liang Shanbo and Romeo" is also Yu Chengchang's first variety show. The staff in the dressing room saw him come to visit the class. They all respected and laughed, and kept busy asking people to drag chairs and sit for the elderly.

Yu Chengchang's cane struck Du Tuk twice on the ground, but the path under his feet was not the direction in which the staff moved the chair, but went straight to Xia Rong.

As soon as Xia Rong rolled his sleeves down, he saw the little old man in a Tang suit standing in front of him, looking at him with a serious face, and asked slowly:

"Epigenetics, do you feel recently that something around is not normal?"