MTL - How Could This Cat Tease Me?-Chapter 75 Everyone is in the warm hotel room

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Almost the second after the lips and teeth meet, Xia Rong changed from a cat form to a human form.

The temple was dark and cold, and the cold was overflowing, but Xia Rong didn't feel cold at all. A stream of heat flowed into the limbs from the junction of the lips and teeth kissing. An indescribable hot comfort spreads out. The fatigue, hunger, and fear for several days seem to disappear in no time, and it is comfortable to iron. It was almost trembling.

Su Chi's arms wrapped tightly around him, and connected to his chest was his firm and powerful heartbeat.

After a little separation, Su Chi took off his coat and put it on him, lowered his head, and said seriously:

"The way to save you, Mu Yan told me, I know what the price is, well, don't frown." He even raised his mouth slightly and said with a smile, "Xia Rong, you should trust me more a little."


"This is not a matter of trust or disbelief ..." Xia Rong murmured.

Before he had time to say what the completeness was, Mu Yan had come forward with the glass together: "It shouldn't stay here for long. The power supply can only drag Yu Chengchang for a little while, plus Zhang Lu's letter. He should be back soon. Let's hurry and hurry up, Xia Rong. For your convenience, you better become a cat again. "

Xia Rong finally glanced at the direction of the freezer, retracted his gaze, and quickly turned into an orange kitten exactly on Mu's shoulder. The jacket slipped down to the ground, and Su Chi picked it up, and was not in a hurry to put it on again, but spread it in his arms and held it up with his arms.

Xia Rong didn't need to be reminded. When he saw the situation, he jumped up flexibly, pounced into Su Chi's arms, and slid down softly and securely in the soft cloth room. He also rubbed Su Su's chest with his small butt.

Noble Leng Yan sitting on the glass on Mu's shoulder, seeing this scene, his eyes are complicated: ...

Mu Yan sighed: "This is someone's cat ..."

He was thrown by the glass with his tail, and he stopped joking, walked into the courtyard with Su Chi, the wind rose again, and the swirling snow and dust swirled, gradually drowning the figure of the two men and two cats.


"... The number of lives that our Taoists say is actually the number of days of fate." Mu Yan sat in the waiting room of the Xia Rong hotel room, talking openly. "This magic weapon in Yu Chengchang's hand is called Tian Lei, Tian Lei As the name implies, it is an artifact that can hunt destiny and conceal heaven and sea. This is why he has used countless days to earn countless copper stinks in the entertainment industry, but people on the road have always been unable to help him. "

"... Su Chi gave you the number of lives, which is a hundred times stronger than that of glass. This means that the two of you will be connected with each other from now on. If we can find a way to get the trap, The number of years he has split can still be reversed. "

"... Xia Rong, the second young man Zhang saw in the ancestral hall, was the second young master of the Zhang family in Lingbei. His master and Yu Chengchang's master are brothers. That is, they both belong to the same class, and they are considered the same generation. Because of his actions in the world, he has been expelled from the division, but this does not prevent Zhang Ershao from willing to talk to him for cooperation and become his helper.

"... Yu Chengchang's spells are sparse, but his formation is very good. Especially in recent years, he has improved with the help of the day leak. If we want to deal with him, it is best to set up traps, lure the enemy deeper, and invite the emperor to enter, and to catch him ... "

At first Xia Rong changed his clothes and sat opposite him. He sat upright, listened to his ears, and waited for half an hour, and he couldn't help but wink at the glass lying on his side. : Glass, how long will it take for him to finish?

Glass only opened his mouth at the critical moment, and now he doesn't even have white eyes, like an ordinary cat, lazily lay down and buried his head in his paws to sleep.

Xia Rong: ...

The reason for his difficulty in sitting up is that in addition to being very troublesome, there is another kind of difficulty.

Keeping an eye on him, Su Chi also looked out, patted his hand, and asked, "What happened to you?"

Xia Rong's face flushed, and finally he couldn't hold back his mouth and interrupted Mu Yan: "... Yu Chengchang said before that the glass would not be able to absorb the anger of Su Chi's life with a sigh of life, so what about me? Are there any sequelae? "

"Aftereffects?" Looking at Xia Rong's blushing face and difficult-to-open expression, Mu suddenly realized, "Oh, I forgot to say that if your body was weak at the time, it was really difficult to bear such a tough anger. However, you are a human, and you still have a pure Yin life style. The consequences are not as serious as glass. As long as the yin and yang are in harmony, the excessively strong yang in the body is removed.

Xia Rong dumbfounded: "How, how to guide ..."

"Yin and Yang are good for each other!" Mu Yan said rightly, "I neglected this crop. You should have endured it for a long time, right? Hey, glass, let's hurry up, don't bother people here again ... you remember to fight I can call and send WeChat! By the way, you are all celebrities. Is it inconvenient to go downstairs to buy things? Do I need to go to a convenience store to buy you some oil or something ... "

Xia Rong: "... No, thank you!"

In the end, the glass also lifted his claws inexorably, and put on Mu's mouth with a meat pad, before finally successfully shutting him up.

Glass jumped on his shoulder again, and his tail fluttered as if to urge him to leave. Su Chi stood up and sent the man to the entrance, Mu Yan winked at him: "No need to send, you know that the Spring Festival is worth a lot of money ... oh!"

Not surprisingly, he was pinched again by the claws on the glass.

This claw also seems to have a reminder function. After all, the object of glass's reward is Xia Rong, not Xia Rong and Su Chi. It will not take the full effort to match them, and it will not let Mu Yan mislead them.

After Mu Ying took the claw, he said honestly, "... You don't have to do the last step. You can help him to spit it out by hand, it may be less effective."

After seeing Su Chi nodding his head, he seemed to be afraid of being beaten again by the glass, covered his face, and ran out of the door.


After walking out of the hotel, the night breeze was cool, because the year was approaching, and just after Laba, there were still firecracker ash on the street. Mu Yan copied it in his pocket and heard the midnight bell sent by the wind.

"... Glass." He smiled slightly. "The Mu family did not dare to name the cat they worshiped, and you didn't talk to us. In the ten years of Mu family, I didn't know your name. . The name Xia Rong gave you sounds pretty good, but isn't the image very good? Did you just accept that? "

Glass sat quietly on his shoulders, and still had thick bandages on his hind legs, which caused it to sit a little unstable. Mu Yan reached out and helped him, and he flung his long, fluffy tail, still speaking.

"Perhaps, the cat's name cannot be leaked to humans?" Mu Yan guessed patiently. "Then I will call you 'glass', okay?"

"Don't leave old people alone, so indifferent ... Speaking of them, people are 'yin and yang in the warm hotel room', and I have to blow my hair on this cold street ... In order to find you these years, I never even had a girlfriend ... "



-In a warm hotel room.

Xia Rong was sitting on the sofa, fiddling with his mobile phone nervously. The screen was a jump interface, but he didn't care about the game at all. He pressed it blindly, and died every time on the first step.

Su Chi's footsteps approached lightly and firmly.

When Xia Rong couldn't bear to look up, he found that Su Chi's cheeks and the redness were slightly red under the light, the intense tension disappeared for some reason.

He bent his eyes at Suchi.

Su Chi supported the sofa with one hand and his jaw in one hand, his lips covered, soft and warm.

At the beginning, Xia Rong could hold it for a while. After the tongue and tongue were entangled, the flame in his body that was forcibly pressed was ignited just like Sugawara. He kissed Su Chi anxiously, and at the same time tried to respond, making a beast-like hard-sounding "um!" "Um!" Sound from his mouth, which sounded pitiful and lovely in Suchi.

They kissed each other so fiercely for the first time, groping to unlock each other's clothes. Xia Rong was panting and shuddering, shaking his hands a few times and unable to unlock the buttons.

"Do you want to ... go to the shower first?"

"Is it like ...?"

"but I……"

"I see. I'll hold you."

The warm water pours down from the top of the head, a mess of clothing is thrown on the floor of the bathroom, the water in the bathtub overflows constantly, and Xia Rong is being pressed against the wall of the bathtub by Su Chi, kissing hard.

The lips and tongue have never been deep and eager, and the tips of the tongues are wet and stirred together, entangled to the point of causing some tingling, just kissing, can also make a shameful snoring sound.

Make sure that the relationship is not the first day. They are not without sincerity, but it is the first time that they know so clearly what the other party will do next.

The naked skin was close to each other, and the smooth water flow increased the temperature of contact with each other. Xia Rong was choking with breath, and the sensitive meat particles on her chest were twisted by her fingers, causing her beautiful fingertips to fro.

"... Um ... why ..." He stretched out his hand blankly, trying to push away the playful fingers on his chest, but was clasped by the other hand that came next, and pressed to the side of his body.

"... Hum ... don't press, don't rub ... what's so good there, huh!" Only half of the protest said, the hand interlocking with the prankster's fingers was taken to the slightly open legs, where it was already Gently rub on the half-upped organ.

"Hmm ..." Xia Rong half-closed his eyes embarrassed, and the crow-winged eyelashes trembled uncontrollably.

Xiao Xiarong's spirit shivered so that he couldn't say too many words of resistance, not to mention the moment when Su Chi's fingers touched it, if the general shock of an electric shock went straight from the lower body to the brain, his lips were pinching, every time A nerve ending was screaming to tell the joy at the moment.

I don't know if it's the role of "angry" or his body is so sensitive. Just touching it by the palm of Su Chi's palm can make him feel the trembling.

Especially when Su Chi severely separated his fingers with interlocking palms and wrapped Xia Rong's sexual organs inside, he was on one side and himself, and he was half-toughly leading him up and down, and Capricorn was almost ashamed. Tears rolled down, and the voice was shaking: "Don't play ..."

Su Chi came up and kissed his eyes, and then attached them to his ears, and said with a smile, "It stains tears before you."

Xia Rong involuntarily lowered his eyelids and looked down. He could see through the rippling water waves. His hard object, which was indisputable, was exposing to see the crystal liquid.

"You, you special ..." The strong stimulus changed his voice a bit. Su Chi watched his shy lips tremble, and rushed over and kissed his lips again: "There is only me here. Close your eyes and you will be very comfortable."

Xia Rong didn't know what he could do, but could only close his eyes as Su Chi said. Because of the recent filming, Su Chi's palms gave birth to a thin layer of cocoons, and the sense of existence is even more prominent in the smooth and gentle currents around him.

The palm with a shallow and rough feeling repeatedly rubbed his sexual organs, and his fingertips swept through the delicate bell mouth, turning around irregularly in the most sensitive hinterland ...

Xia Rong was breathing like a dehydrated fish, but his body was softened into a pool of water, and he didn't even listen to his finger with a finger.

When he was in control, with a spasm orgasm, his brain was blank, and only the instinctual tremor was left, hahaha wheezing.

Su Chi also came to comfort him to kiss him and let the water clean up. Xia Yan closed her eyes for a while and opened her eyes. There was a moist and **** mist in his eyes, and a little bit of sorrow: you……"

After the bathroom dangled with water. The two went out wearing bathrobes, but the bathrobes didn't stay on for long.

Xia Rong's bare back was resting on the hotel's floor-to-ceiling windows. Due to the temperature difference between the inside and outside, a thin mist was spitting out from the glass windows around his skin.

The following is the lights of Wanjia. The traffic flow is like weaving. Perhaps someone passing by has a fan of him or Suchi, and he is here to endure the joy from Suchi.

His black hair hung wetly on his forehead because of sweat, and his hands were tightly pinching Su Chi's fingers because of his nervousness. His appearance lacked some of the usual bright sunshine and many indescribable ambiguities and fragility. Su Chi looked down at him, hoping he could kiss him from the hair to the tip of his toes.

After the turbulent tide receded a little, the two of them leaned together lazily, their skins pressed against their skin, and lazily whispered lazily.

Su Chi teased him: "If you really want to go to the end, do you want to be above or below?"

"Huh ..." Xia Rong's voice was slightly hoarse, he thought for a moment, and gave Su Chi an answer, "Let's do it."


"It feels more effortless below, don't have to think too much, close your eyes and lie down there, you don't need to move, it will be over in a while."

"... this is a traitor." = _ =

"Ah ... is that so?" Xia Rong said, "Would you like to be above or below?"

Su Chi was very firm: "Up."


"I prefer the feeling of leading you, giving you pleasure, and watching you toss under me, reaching the peak, will make me very fulfilled ... just like it was just now." Su Chi confessed, "Look at you comfortably I will be comfortable. "

"... How is it a bit like S?" Xia Rongdao, "But this is not just a coincidence, reached a consensus!"


"What does the ellipsis mean?"

"... there is no dispute about the up and down position." Su Chi supported his neck from behind, let him slightly raise his head, and kissed himself, "the difference in specific details is still a little big ..."