MTL - How Dare You Attack My Support!-Chapter 86

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"You didn't ask Geng Qing to open the door and put the cat for gossip?" Gu Zixing said, leaning his head back. Gu Zixing accidentally fell asleep on the plane when he was flying in the plane yesterday. He couldn't even adjust the seat back. So directly caused Gu Zixing's stiff neck pain.

"You've been stunned to see your parents, but you can't gossip about others," Gao Yang stretched. "I guess Xiaozhou's family members don't know about the two of you, do you? ? "

"But I'm worried about you." Gu Zixing pouted, and didn't seem to want to answer.

"Okay, I won't say any more. Shut up and shut up." Gao Yang reached out his hand and covered his mouth, making a silent gesture.

Before the words here completely fell, I heard that there was something scratching behind the closed door of Gaoyang's bedroom, and it felt quite rhythmic.

"Yes, wake up Master." Gao Yang snorted and threw the pillow onto the sofa. Just before he got up, he heard that the bedroom door was suddenly opened, and Geng Qing walked out in his pajamas with messy hair. , His arms still holding a nest that was obviously fatter.

When Wotou saw that Gu Zixing was here, first he snorted in Geng Qing's arms and snorted "Meow" in front of Gu Zixing, exposing the two sharp little teeth under it, and then leapt forward from Geng Qing's arm. He jumped out and jumped to Gu Zixing's leg. He stepped on his left trousers and then yawned and lay down.

Not to mention, reaching out is still so agile.

"That's why I'm getting fat again today," Gu Zixing watched with such a large slump lying on his leg, and couldn't help sighing. "It's still raised by a fitness coach."

"This is obviously raised by grandparents." Geng Qing also smiled and looked down at Wotou. "Sleep every day when you are full, eat when you are full."

"Envy! Mu! Ah!" Gao Yang sighed beside him.

"How about Mr. Gu? The child and his family's attitude towards you is okay?" Geng Qing arched Gao Yang to the other side of the sofa and sat down and asked Gu Zixing.

"You two are really a couple." Gu Zixing laughed directly. "This tacit understanding, to draw you I guess the professional team's three consecutive championships are modest."

"Transfer and transfer," Geng Qing held his fists, turned to the kitchen cabinet, took out a few bags of snacks and fruits, and put them on the coffee table. "How do I feel that you have no energy and care about the boss, what's wrong? See you Parents are not doing well? "

"Uh-uh." Gu Zixing thought about holding the head on the sofa armrest for a long time with an elbow in his elbow, first he made a long note and finally nodded seriously.

"It's normal," Gao Yang waved, took a grape from the fruit plate and threw it into his mouth. "I thought that Geng Qing and I were not the same at the beginning. After my dad knew it, he threatened to put Geng Qing's head on. It ’s cut into a dog's head. You can see that it's quite uncomfortable.

"Does your dad really say that?" Geng Qing froze for a moment, seeming a little unbelievable, "Ah?"

"I said angrily before," Gao Yang's tone was very flat, and he didn't seem to take the matter to heart. "Later I told him that I would marry the chicken and the dog and the dog and the dog."

"Then what?" Faced with this sudden news, Geng Qing, who was not too awake at first, seemed very flustered at this moment, and the grapes in his hands fell to the ground.

"Then my dad just cut my head into a dog's head." Gao Yang snorted and turned to look at Gu Zixing. "What is this skill called in the game? Attract hatred? Passive taunt?"

Gu Zixing sat on the sofa and was happy, but helplessly his head was lying on his lap at the moment so that he was not so capable.

After laughing for a long time, Gu Zixing waved his hand and said, "In fact, the other thing is okay. It is a bit awkward for one thing."

"What is it?" Gao Yang and Geng Qing asked at the same time, both of them were interested in this gossip.

"Before I left, Wei Zhou said he was going to send me out, and then at their door," Gu Zixing said with a faint smile on his face, feeling that his tone was exactly like saying that someone was embarrassed Things have nothing to do with him at all.

"I was too restrained because I was leaving ..."

"Ah, I know! Did his mother see it!" Geng Qing couldn't sit still without waiting for Gu Zixing to finish his words, and stretched out his hands to take a few shots of Gao Yang's shoulders, his face was excited, "tell you Before, Xiao Gao and I did the same! During their Chinese New Year last year at their house, I helped his mother clean the dishes in the kitchen after eating and then ... "

"Ah, aw, hey!" Gao Yang kicked Geng Qing's calf without saying anything.

After being kicked twice by Gao Yang, Geng Qing, who was originally interested, was instantly stunned. He obediently cuddled up the pillow that Gao Yang had just put on the sofa, and closed his mouth in aggrieved expression.

"It's okay, isn't it just that the parents saw it?" After governing Geng Qing, Gao Yang turned his head and smiled at Gu Zixing. "Last time Geng Qing was washed in my house, I kissed him and was caught by my mother. Inch. "

"Hey, wouldn't you mind mentioning this ?!" Geng Qing couldn't sit beside him when he heard this.

Gao Yang shrugged, and made a mua expression to Geng Qing with a smirk.

Gu Zixing looked at the uncomfortableness of the two men's love, and felt crazy at any time.

Gu Zixing returned to the club from Gao Yang in the late afternoon. Before leaving, Gao Yang told Gu Zixing: "If you two really encounter any difficulties in the future, come to me."

This sentence is nothing special for Gu Zixing. Gao Yang can not help him except to help raise a cat.

However, Qiao Yanzhou is different. In fact, if you study carefully, the situation of Gao Yang was similar to that of Qiao Yanzhou. In the past few years, Gao Yang had never thought about coming out, homosexuality, etc. Later, after Geng Qing appeared, This finally determined his own orientation. Gao Yang's family had that very traditional character. When he heard that he had found a boyfriend, he was annoyed and went to the room.

Until later, the family had not contacted Gao Yang for a whole half a year. In those days, Gao Yang also went to see a psychiatrist. Depression could not even open the gym, but fortunately, Geng Qing was able to stay with him. It was only a few months ago that the contact with the family was gradually restored, and the family began to gradually learn to accept the high ocean orientation through their understanding of homosexuality.

This was what Gao Yang and Gu Zixing said when they were drinking. At that time, he was talking and crying. Gu Zixing really saw Gao Yang for the first time.

How to say, it's scary.

So what Gao Yang said just now is not quite as simple as he said.

However, every family has a difficult experience, and the Gao Yang family can slowly accept it over time, but the Qiao Chengzhou family may not. Watching Mother Qiao's efforts to find his wife three words a day, if one day I really knew that Qiao Yuzhou liked boys, I was afraid that I would not carry the dynamite bag to blow up the eg club.

Hey? Speaking of the club ...

Gu Zixing just wanted to turn the key after getting in the car, and suddenly thought that he had just received a message on WeChat, it seemed that He Xin had sent it.

He Xin is Yao Le's substitute in the team, and this time Yao Le is the most promising person to go directly to the top. Gu Zixing and he are fairly familiar. The content of the message is very simple, just one sentence left and right.

He Xin: Brother Gu, the editor of "With e" is going to do the show this afternoon, how about you?

Ah-right! Gu Zixing snorted into the mobile phone. Before returning from city B yesterday, Coach Chen said that this afternoon "Sue e" was going to be sent for an interview, but now he forgets everything.

Looking at the time, it should be too late now.

Gu Zixing casually responded with an "coming soon." He drove away towards the club ...


"With e" is an official online program about team movements and daily routines produced by the eg team. It is updated on average every half a month to about a month. The program always exposes the voices of some team members during the game. Or let the editors prepare some very private questions to interview members of the team one by one.

The program has been well received on the Internet. After all, this should also be the only official way for fans to more intuitively understand the professional life and social relationships of professional team members.

However, because the game has been too busy recently, members of the team have rarely participated in the filming of "With e".

But this time because of the triumphant return of the finals, eg, as the representative of the China Invitational Tournament, we must strike the iron while the heat is hot and let members cooperate to make a special episode to mobilize the enthusiasm of the fans.

When Gu Zixing rushed back to the club, the editors had already prepared the venue, and the equipment was piled up.

"Brother, you're here." Qi Shen was the first to see Gu Zixing. He trot all the way to Gu Zixing and saw Gu Zixing holding a cat in his arms. "How do you still ..."

"Xiao Qiao's cat," Gu Zixing said, "I'll go up and take a trip before I come down ..."

"Don't do it, you are too late. The next one is you." Qi Shen said, reaching out to take her nest and holding it in her arms, "Shen."

"What do you call yourself?"

"I said this cat sinks!"

Gu Zixing didn't help but leaned against the wall and laughed for a long time.

Because the recording of this program is taking up the training time of the team members, one person can only have ten minutes of interview time. After Tang Xuan was interviewed, he went to Gu Zixing.

This show Gu Zixing has been recorded many times before, and the times are all black history. The questions in each interview are different, but the same is that none of them is a normal problem, so for this interview, Gu Zixing did not hold much Hope for it.

"Gu Shen, if you were a girl, who would you choose to be your boyfriend in the team?"


"Tang Xuan?"

"Do not."

"Qi Shen?"

"Don't." Gu Zixing laughed a moment.

"Zhao Qin?"

"Xiao Chau." I really can't take it anymore. Xiao Zixing had to move Qiao Yanzhou out.

"I think Xiaozhou didn't come to the recording of the show this time. Why?"

"He's still home."

"Can we call him for an interview?"

"Xiaozhou has just joined the team, so don't do anything about it." Gu Zixing shook his head. In fact, he was very reluctant to let Qiao Yizhou contact these.

"Since Wang Tian has gone, no one has been able to lay off with Gu Shen. Will Xiaozhou be the second?"

"Yes." Gu Zixing nodded. "I kind of want Xiaozhou to enter the World Series."

"Gu Shen, would you consider making Xiaozhou your boyfriend?"
