MTL - How Real Wine Became the Light of the Metropolitan Police-Chapter 44 Eight Hundred Eight Bridges Murder Case 5

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The sensational serial murder case that lasted for nearly a month ended quietly in a silent and unattended night in a way that no one had thought of.

The Otaki Police Department, who took the police to Hirota Ryuya's residence, fluttered.

On the contrary, Conan and Hattori Heiji, who had an impromptu intention, ran into the body of Hirota Ryuya in Shinsaibashi in the center of the city.

On the cement bridge, the bloodstains flowed down a little bit along the curvature of the bridge itself.

After they discussed the results last night, the Otaki police department set out to arrest people, Xin Haikong hurriedly went back to sleep, and Toru Amuro also said that he was very tired and needed a space to be alone, so the two simply stayed at the police station together. dormitory.

Conan was sent back to the hotel by Hattori.

The streets were empty in the middle of the night, and they had been discussing the case, and Conan suddenly remembered Shinkai's previous reasoning about the place of death.

"Although the deceased on the Kizu River was found at the Taisho Bridge, the body was actually thrown in the middle of the river when the body was thrown and the flow rate of the water was counted."

"The same goes for the dead on the Okawa River, the Tosabori River, and the Dobori Ton River."

Conan raised his head and looked at Hattori, the back of his neck was a little sore.

"Actually, if you think about it carefully, the statement made by the Xinhai police officer is surprisingly reasonable."

"The four deceased people were in the same school as Hirota Ryuya's daughter, and they were in the same grade. Maybe they were all in the art club."

Conan tries to recover the case.

"It's probably bullying or something, which caused Hirota Ryuya's daughter to drown. So after so many years, he carefully planned his revenge, and even the way of death is exactly the same."

"Then there is still no way to explain why there is no wound on the corpse. The deceased was thrown away after he died."

Hattori frowned, "What method did he use to kill people?"

"Forensic medicine can only detect a small amount of numbing agent in the stomach of the deceased. This kind of thing is also called 'living dead' agent, which can make people conscious but unable to move."

"But it really doesn't kill you!"

"I guess we won't know about this kind of thing until the culprit is caught." Conan had no idea about this inexplicable suffocation, and sighed helplessly.

"Indeed, I don't know what happened to the Otaki Police Department. If the four deceased have been killed, the culprit would not have fled and disappeared to find traces. The Tokyo police officer didn't know when he went to investigate this afternoon. It will disturb the murderer!"

Hattori stood still in fear.

But Conan is worse than his face.

"Hey, Hattori!"


"Why do we all think that the prisoner has been killed?"

"Just because the river has formed a closed loop?"

Hattori was shocked and looked down at Conan, "Isn't a corpse thrown in a river already..."

"If the murderer is really pursuing a 'sense of ritual', why would he stop after drawing the diamond? The last step, shouldn't the last step be the one in the middle?" Conan raised his head solemnly and looked at Hattori.


Hattori suddenly recalled the information he had found at the time, "Do you remember Hirota Tatsuya's daughter who drowned? The police almost opened a case to investigate, but in the end they ended the case by slipping into the water."

"The place where she fell into the water is in Shinsaibashi in the city center!"


Conan and Hattori Heiji ran all the way through the streets late at night. The hotel they were in was actually only a few blocks away from Shinsaibashi, but when they returned to the hotel earlier, they really spent too much time on the road.

By the time they got to the bridge in Shinsaibashi, it was too late.

There was a man lying on his back on the bridge, blood dripping from his waist and under him.

"Call the police, call the police first!"

Hattori's face froze, and he turned on his mobile phone and called the police.

Conan has already moved up.

The face of the deceased was much older than the one in the ID photo. Perhaps it was really hard to live without a daughter for so many years.

But strangely, there was a smile on his face.

"Aren't ordinary dead people supposed to struggle, suffer, and show a hideous expression when they are about to die?"

"I don't know, it's so weird."

Hattori took out the gloves he was carrying with him from his pocket and handed a pair to Conan.

Conan put on gloves, bypassed the knife stuck in the belly of the deceased, and began to look up and down at the deceased's clothes.

Hattori also crouched on the other side to check.

"Hey! Kudo, look at this!"

Hattori pulled out a thick pile of yellow paper from the pocket on the right side of the deceased, with strange patterns drawn with cinnabar on it.

On the other side, Conan also found a syringe from his pocket, and the medicine inside had not been used up.

"He's here to kill!"

Conan understood and stood up.

"I see, he came here to kill. The medicine in the syringe, this talisman, do you know a punishment?"

Hattori met Conan's eyes, lowered his head and glanced at the paper in his hand, and instantly understood. He was so frightened that he wanted to throw the paper in his hand on the ground, and he was afraid of contaminating the evidence.

"No wonder there are no scars."

"Inject people with anesthesia first so they can't move."

"Then cover people's mouths and noses layer by layer with soaked paper. People will slowly suffocate and die. When they die, they are extremely painful, but there is no trace of scars."

"It's so vicious. He died in such a way that he was helplessly, alive, and tortured."

"I still use talisman paper, and I don't know what the patterns painted on these talisman papers do."

"With these things, it means that he should come to see the next victim, right?"

Conan frowned and nodded.

"He came to see the next victim, but what about the person? Did the victim kill the murderer?"

"No, no, look at the way the knife is inserted." Hattori gestured with his hand, his eyebrows furrowed.

"He inserted the knife himself."


Conan lowered his head to look carefully, and sure enough, the blood-stained right hand and the strange direction of the knife were more like the murderer himself inserted it.

He stood there, the icy wind calmed his head a little, and the silence of the late night made his ears ringing.

Strange, why didn't Hattori speak?

He raised his head and looked at Hattori, who was staring at the river water.

"Hey! Hattori, what are you looking at!"

"Kudou," Hattori pointed at the river, "Do you think the color of the river is a little strange..."

What, no matter how much blood Hirota Ryuya has, it won't be enough to dye the river red!

Conan is relatively short, and he really can't see the river for a while, so he leaned close to the bridge and looked down with his hands.

The street lamps on both sides of the river each illuminate a part of the river, and the part in the middle that cannot be illuminated is dark.

Embellished by dim street lights, the river water sparkled.

You don't need to look closely, you can see a hint of darkness in the river.

The closer distance to the river allowed Conan to see something Hattori couldn't.

For example - the shallows under the bridge.

On the shoal under the bridge lay a man in his early twenties. His black coat and trousers were soaked with blood, and he was bleeding all over his body. Of course, the worst hit was the back of the rock.

A large amount of blood flowed down the river, and half of the river was dyed reddish.


The always belated police car pulled away the murderer and the last deceased.

The drama of this serial murder has come to an end.

In fact, the conclusions that can be drawn from the scene are obvious-

The police found a text message on Murakami Masaki's mobile phone sent at 12:00 in the middle of the night. The content was sent to a person named 'Bourbon', asking the other party to come to Shinsaibashi to collect the body two hours later.

After seeing this text message, everyone's faces became ugly.

Originally, it was possible to guess whether Murakami stumbled and fell off the bridge during the fight with the murderer, but now Murakami Masaki doesn't seem to be a good person.

Then they found a deleted text message record on Murakami's mobile phone.

After the restoration of the technical personnel, the content of this text message is to meet Hirota Ryuya at Shinsaibashi at twelve o'clock in the middle of the night.

Correspondingly, the police soon found a pocket knife from Murakami's clothes pocket.

It became very clear that Masaki Murakami made an appointment with the murderer late at night and brought a knife in advance to prepare to kill, but he did not know why he was killed by the murderer.

After Hattori Heiji figured out the name of this rookie policeman from Tokyo, he correspondingly remembered the line he saw in the record book of the student union officials of Kaifang Academy.

[Masaki Murakami - Vice Minister of Learning Department]

In the unknown case thirteen years ago, the participants were not only the four deceased people who had died, but also Masaki Murakami who had been with them all the time.

Out of a guilty conscience, Murakami wanted to shut up the murderer completely and bury his sins of the past.

So I made an appointment with Hirota Ryuu.

And the murderer Hirota Ryuya, after Murakami made an appointment with him, also came prepared to kill the last prisoner who killed his daughter thirteen years ago.

They had a fight on the stone bridge, and for some reason, Hirota Ryuuya was slightly better than Masaki Murakami, who was a policeman.

But after all, it was a battle against the enemy, and Hirota's original plan to take advantage of his unpreparedness to fight medicine failed.

So he simply and neatly pushed the person off the bridge.

Masaki Murakami fell to his death in the rubble.

After killing the last participant and completely avenging his daughter, Hirota Long also lay on his back on the cold bridge where his daughter died, staring at the stars, and ended his own life.

I don't know if any of the stars in the sky are his daughter's eyes.


However, Toru Amuro's face didn't get better after seeing Masaki Murakami's body with his own eyes.

The first thought that jumped into his mind was, suspended animation.

The normal operation of the winery is gone.

M is aware of Xin Haikong's surveillance, and realizes that the police have been eyeing him.

So he took this good opportunity to find a body out of nowhere and dressed up as Masaki Murakami.

Then he completely abandoned Murakami Masaki's identity and left with a fake death.

Then he realized something was wrong. Isn't M afraid of the police's follow-up inspection? How brave he is to dare to do this, not everyone uses the ability of Aizen to look behind the scenes.

Then the person who died was really Masaki Murakami.

A new, terrifying guess came to his mind.

The 'Murakami' he thought before was not the real Masaki Murakami, but M in the shell of Murakami.

The real Masaki Murakami is an ordinary young policeman who graduated from a prestigious school. He did something wrong thirteen years ago, and he has been brooding about it.

The organization may use this to capture the real Masaki Murakami.

Then the civet cat changed the prince, and M used his identity to easily go undercover in the Metropolitan Police Department.

After M was found, he not only evacuated calmly, but also moved out the things that happened thirteen years ago and reused.

Even here, in Shinsaibashi, the real Masaki Murakami was brutally murdered.

This guess is far more likely than the previous one.

But it's even more unacceptable.

In a place he couldn't see, there was already a young policeman with similar background and background as Xin Haikong who was devastated by the organization. No wonder the organization wanted to kidnap Xin Haikong before, so it was.

New sea and air is their next target.

The river can't wash away the blood on the bank. What kind of life did Murakami live after being kidnapped by the organization?

Will organizations use him for experiments?

He would have had a chance to save the man.

The law will give everyone a chance to start over.

If he hadn't arrogantly believed his initial speculation, if he hadn't been careful to ignore the meaning behind that text message.

He was in time to save the real Masaki Murakami at twelve o'clock.

However, the result now is that Masaki Murakami is indeed dead, and M also escapes.

M only needs to go back to the winery, and when everything is calm, he can easily become another person and come out as a demon again.

This guy not only successfully created a fake death escape, but also pushed the pot firmly on the murderer Hirota Longya of this case. Really good calculation!

Fortunately, he kept up with Xin Haikong in time, otherwise the poor junior would be replaced by M.

Amuro Toru recalled the scene when Shinkai was pushed into the black car, and broke out in a cold sweat.

Everything that was previously incomprehensible was explained.

Why did M clearly say that he would release poison gas, but what was released was ether that had no other use other than causing a coma.

- Because M still uses the identity of 'Xin Haikong', how could it really make people die.

Wait, Amuro Toru's heart was seized by panic again.

He stiffened.

Why didn't M do it to the end? Was it really because that Mr. Dazai interrupted his plan?

Or actually...successful.

Is the person following him really Xin Haikong?

A cool feeling rose from the soles of the feet to the Tianling cover.

A warm hand rested on his instantly stiff shoulder, and the young junior immediately stuck his head out from behind him.

The cold wind in the morning made his pale face flush, and his red nose swayed with difficulty in the cold wind.

His expression couldn't be described as happy - it wasn't normal to be happy when something like this happened.

But there is always an indescribable agility. The round eyes are clear and clear under the reflection of the morning light.

"Mr. Anshi, I really didn't expect it to be like this, what's going on?"

The junior abandoned the original script in shock, leaned into his ear and said softly, "Is M dead?"

The warm breath hit Toru Amuro's earlobe, and everything seemed so real and natural.

Amuro couldn't help but stretched out his hand and pulled his junior's soft, fleshy cheeks, first pulling it horizontally, then vertically, and then forcefully drew a circle with his left and right hands.

The touch of the hand is warm and soft meat.

There was a red mark on his fair cheeks.

The junior's originally round eyes were even more round, filled with shock and accusations.

It seems that I can't believe why a decent senior suddenly does such a strange thing.

Amuro laughed at himself, lamenting his brain hole that broke through the sky.

No matter what, I've known each other for so many days, is it the real Xin Haikong or the Xin Haikong pretending to be M, can't he still see it? Really dizzy.

M is obviously not successful.

"Mr. Anshi? What are you doing!"

"It's alright," Amuro Toru smiled but did not say a word, concealing his inner embarrassment. He didn't dare to tell the younger generation that he was just doubting the authenticity of the other party's identity.

"M's thing—"

"Don't talk about his business yet." Anshito gave him a soothing look, but the movements of his hands were pushing people out. "We'll talk about it when we get back to Tokyo."

The young man picked up the script that was half thrown, but not completely thrown away, and stayed away from Amuro Toru.


Xin Haikong stood at the outermost side of the crowd, quietly watching the fusion of the intelligence of the two famous detectives.

Hattori Heiji completely mixed the respective reasoning results of himself and Kudo Shinichi, and perfectly restored the truth of most things.

All five dead were killed by Hirota Ryuuya.

Thirteen years ago, in a case where the truth could no longer be inferred, Hirota Ryuya's daughter died. Hirota Ryūya has been dormant for thirteen years, and finally he has the chance for revenge when everyone gathers in Osaka.

He investigated beforehand when Tomoko Yamato was off work, Hitomi Sakutsu was on a business trip, and Noriko Aihara was returning home to visit relatives. Taking advantage of the convenience of the travel agency, the travel ticket for the free seven-day tour of Osaka was distributed to the side Touna.

Yuuna, who is greedy for petty and cheap, really fell for it.

Successfully achieved the goal of everyone returning to Osaka.

Then every seven days, use the secret of the year to find a victim, and while he is not adding medicine, suffocate the victim alive.

The bodies of the four victims were thrown on four bridges in Osaka.

And last night, after successfully killing the last person involved, he committed suicide.

Perfect reasoning, it is not easy to be able to think of these.

Just letting everything stay here may be the best ending.

Xin Haikong looked at Toru Amuro, who was also standing on the outermost side of the crowd, his face condensed, not knowing what he was thinking.

Will Amuro find out?

For this answer sheet carefully drawn by Xin Haikong.

The text message was sent by him, and both text messages were sent by him.

One of the conditions for Xin Haikong to help Murakami is to temporarily take away the other party's mobile phone.

He first sent a text message to the murderer Hirota Ryuya in the name of Masaki Murakami, and asked him to solve the matter of the year in Shinsaibashi at twelve o'clock in the middle of the night.

After Hirota Ryu also received the letter, he would definitely go to Shinsaibashi as soon as possible and lie in ambush there, instead of waiting until twelve o'clock.

Before he returned the phone to Masaki Murakami, of course, he deleted the records of the text messages that had been sent on the phone.

With such a simple deletion, Murakami himself would not be suspicious at all to investigate, and it would be easy for the police to restore it.

After getting his reminder, Murakami Masaki, who went to Shinsaibashi only after realizing it, would only step into the opponent's trap step by step.

Of course, it is impossible for Xinhaikong to send only one text message.

In fact, he also set up a text message to be sent at 12:00 in the middle of the night, and sent a text message to 'Bourbon' in the name of M, asking Amuro to go to Shinsaibashi to collect the body two hours later.

He originally thought that Amuro Toru would immediately rush to Shinsaibashi to stop M from killing after receiving such a text message.

He also specially set a time difference for this, to ensure that Toru Amuro, who left the police station at twelve o'clock, would definitely only see Masaki Murakami's body.

Amuro Toru should also be able to personally confirm the heat of the corpse and confirm that the death is indeed Masaki Murakami.

Unfortunately, Toru Amuro was too cautious and had no intention of going to Shinsaibashi at all. Instead, he pretended not to see the text message while frantically searching for the address of the text message on the computer.

Instead, the two detectives found the body.

Fortunately, the ending is not bad. It is also in line with Conan's usual tonality.

In the eastern sky, the first ray of morning light has already spread to the earth.

The water under the Shinsai Bridge has returned to its former clarity.

The blood on the bridge has already solidified, like an infinitely forked red stream that has dried up on the concrete floor.

Even at dawn, the flow of people in the city center is far beyond anyone's imagination.

The media that moved by the wind and the pedestrians who stopped here blocked the water on both sides of the bridge connected by the bridge.

The case should get out soon.

And he still needs to add a final fire to Amuro Toru.


Depressed and regretful, Amuro Toru felt even more difficult after learning that the Osaka Police Station was not planning to conduct an autopsy on Masaki Murakami's body.

Perhaps out of consideration for the image of the police, the police station always claimed that Masaki Murakami died accidentally in the fight against the murderer.

It just so happened that Masaki Murakami's method of death was completely different from the previous four deceased. He fell off a bridge and fell to his death.

This was originally just a lie to cover up shame, and gradually lost control.

Newspapers and major TV stations reported on the heroic struggle in this murder case and the young policeman Masaki Murakami who perished with the most vicious prisoners.

For a while, his resume, his photos, and his experiences were circulated on major platforms, and countless netizens spontaneously remembered and paid tribute to him.

It is not easy to conduct an autopsy on such a hero when the cause of death of the other party can be seen at a glance.

Need to bear the huge pressure from the family of the deceased, the media and the public.

But if there is no autopsy, Masaki Murakami will become a thorn in Amuro's heart forever.

His guess needs to be verified, and he needs to know whether this dead 'Masaki Murakami' is the real Murakami. He also needed to know if the organization had experimented with Murakami.

His junior Xin Haikong seems to think so too.

After Amuro told him that he wanted to conduct an autopsy on Murakami, the other party applied for an autopsy under great pressure.

He wasn't going to use the police unless it was a last resort. Now, with the help of his younger generation, it became easier to handle things.

However, the final forensic report was very simple.

The gender of the deceased was male, 26 years old. Fingerprints and blood matched Masaki Murakami in the repository.

The cause of death was multiple fractures throughout the body, ruptured internal organs, and excessive blood loss. Fatal injury to the brain.

The time of death was between midnight and 1 am.

Poor physical condition, thin body, mild malnutrition symptoms. Inference should be in a state of mental strain for a long time.

All of this is basically in line with Amuro Toru's guess.

The thin body should have been kidnapped for a long time, and the mental state was tense... I don't know how it was devastated.

I don't know when M has replaced Masaki Murakami. At least during the special search of the headquarters, it was M who appeared in the Metropolitan Police Department.

And this extremely dangerous guy has now taken off his cumbersome shell and flew to the wider world, and I don't know when it will come again.