MTL - How To Die As Heavy As Mount Tai-Chapter 33 The great demon snake

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The fruit is the people of the Sanskrit Temple, the huge lotus base instrument, fearing that there are hundreds of people. When the first person was wearing a golden red scorpion, with compassion and unfathomable, it was the master of the emptiness, the abbot of the Fanyin Temple.

I made a step forward and made a discipleship: "I have seen Master."

I really closed my eyes and read the Buddha. Behind him, the black-faced round ring first shouted: "Freeing the air, colluding with the enchanting, and ruining the human race, you can know the mistake!"

This is the first place in the circle. The demon people have always been adhering to the attitude of non-family, and they do not want to say anything to him: "Master, this matter will allow the disciples to report in detail."

The end of the circle is the opening: "The release of the air, the decision has been made in the door. The enchanting under the door of the assistant, you made a mistake, never swear."

I was short-spoken, but I reached out and put Lu Heng behind me, indicating my attitude.

"The stubbornness is not good." Round and cross-browed eyebrows, angered, "Let's get together! Take this gangster together!"

Lu Heng took out the long whip, stepped forward and stood side by side with the release. It’s just that he is hesitant, and after all, it’s the same time.

"This is the most powerful King Kong Volt in Zongmen. You don't need to keep your hands, you can protect yourself safely." It seems that Lu Heng thought in his heart and released the sound. Immediately, the emptying of the hand squeezed a hand, and the buds wrapped around the hand faintly radiated.

From the huge lotus base, there were 108 people flying out. Although there are many people, they are not in chaos, only in the blink of an eye.

After wearing this world, Lu Heng has had several experiences with the defenders, but the strength of those who are not worth mentioning. For example, the top-level combat power of the super-Zongmen, such as the Fanyin Temple, has not been encountered by Lu Heng, and his heart is a bit embarrassing.

"I don't know how to deal with this law." Lu Heng said calmly to the release.

"I'm afraid, listen to my command." The empty hand gripped Lu Heng's hand and quickly released.

At the time of these two conversations, there was already a glare in the air. Na Luohan was holding a magical scorpion, his eyes were like a brass bell, and his body exuded a strong pressure. I saw the circle of the center of the battle, the right hand, and the lower hand. Luo Han Xu Ying also moves with him in general, holding the konjac in his hand, and rushing to the head of Lu Heng.

When the fingers were released, eight beads flew out of his hands, and each rose to the size of the human head, surrounding him and Lu Heng. The name of the murderer is eight bitter, taken from the eight bitterness of life: life and death, resentment, love, not to be, can not be, Wuyin blazing.

The green radiant bitter flies fluttered out and turned into a vine, tightly wrapped around the konjac, and then spread up, tangled around the arhat.

See the tea half Toka, the stalker was entangled, and the round screamed and screamed, and a few people flashed in the array. Another Luohan virtual shadow appeared in the air.

Upon seeing it, Lu Heng took the whip and flew forward to meet. The whip in his hand has been restored, and the force of the law is hidden around the long whip.

The two men cooperated with each other, and one and the other Luohan virtual shadows were broken up. For a time, everyone in the Fanyin Temple turned out to be nowhere.

The battle is deadlocked.

The circle suddenly looked back and said: "Brother! Don't hesitate! Continue to cause and effect, and finally suffer from the release!"

The truth is true, and I finally open my eyes. He whispered the Buddha number again, and then his hand, the causal disk appeared in his palm.

As a causal dish of the town's sentimental instrument, the function is not only the cause and effect. I saw that the circle really forced a drop of blood and fell into the plate. When the blood comes into the plate, it turns into a **** fog, and then it is absorbed. The true face is also white for a moment, the blood of the heart is different from the ordinary blood, and the loss of a drop of the spirit of the practitioner is a great loss. If this is not the case, Yuan really will never use his own blood.

I saw dozens of different colors of light when I was on the body. He picked out one of the cyan rays and held it in his hand. The rest of the light dissipated in the air. The cyan light, connected at the other end, is the release.

Yuanzheng made a slap in the face, and saw the blue light seeing the wind for a long time, and immediately tied the empty space tightly. This cause and effect is extraordinary. Although the relationship between the release of the air and the true teacher and the disciples is shallow, it is only to trap the release of the air, or not.

The release of the air was trapped, and Lu Heng’s pressure surged. To make matters worse, the round really forced a drop of blood, and the blood fell into the plate. There was a red light on the trapped body, which was different from the light of the cyan light. The color was bright and dazzling, almost half the sky.

The round is really embarrassing, and the red light is like the ones that will be tied together. The two people were trapped and they were happy. It is just too much power to control the causal disk. Even the abbot of the Fanyin Temple can't support it for too long.

The machine can't be lost, the circle is ignorant, and in the big array, all the people have a golden light, and the remaining Luohan virtual shadows are slowly gathered together. A phantom of a statue of Buddha standing in the sky, this Buddha statue is half-baked in the eyes, it is compassionate and cold, I saw that he raised his hand is a palm to the land constant pressure.

This palm, the momentum is fascinating, heavy as a mountain, if it is compacted, even if the Israeli-Israel snake's strong body, fear is also seriously injured.

At this critical juncture, I saw the beads that were surrounded by the empty side, bursting open and splitting the cyan light that was entangled in the body. He forced the division of the causal line at the cost of destroying the sacred weapon. The mouth and nose were overflowing with blood, but he had no time to take care of it. He turned back to Lu Heng.

The release of the air kept Lu Heng firmly under his body. Lu Heng was anxious, but he was entangled in the red light. He saw that the giant palm was getting closer to the back of the emptying. The more critical, the more clear Lu Heng’s heart was, the more he remembered when he and White were in danger.

At that time, the mysterious weapon on his left ear saved them. I thought of it here, Lu Heng desperately mobilized all the demon power in the body to enter the instrument, and only thought about how to get out of this predicament.

It was the overwhelming white light. This time Lu Heng did not lose consciousness. He felt that he and the empty space were involved in a vortex that was full of violent power. The release of the air has already lost consciousness, and Lu Heng seized him and tried to compete with the amount of violent violence that would separate them. After he persisted for a while, because of the exhaustion of the demon, the spirit of a very heavy exhaustion, he was unable to resist and fell into a darkness.

[Xiaolu, Xiaolu, No. 666, how are you? 】

Lu Heng woke up in the call of the little assistant. He felt that he had not heard this voice for a long time. Lu Heng helped to blast his head and barely sat up.

There was chaos in his mind, and he seemed to have made a long dream. Lu Heng didn't take care of the little assistant. He just said that it made him quiet for a moment, and then began to sort out a mess of thoughts.

He returned to the memory of the entry of the government department hundreds of years ago, and then met the father of the son of fate, Baili’s father, owed his life-saving grace, and was then besieged by the Fanyin Temple, causing him to send himself back with his heart. . These things are still quite vivid in memory, but Lu Heng always feels that there is a missing piece of important jigsaw puzzle.

The missing piece of the puzzle caused the entire memory to be covered with a layer of white gauze, which lost a bit of realism, like watching someone else's story. What is missing? Lu Heng tried to think back, but only felt that the headache was like bursting.

[Little assistant, how did you never appear when you crossed the course hundreds of years ago? Have you recorded what happened? 】

【what! You have traveled hundreds of years ago! After the holy device gave a white light, I was locked into an enclosed space, and nothing could be seen. Until then, the space did not know how suddenly a crack appeared, I took the opportunity to run out. 】

This little assistant didn't even know what happened, but the situation was too strange. Lu Heng said this memory and strange things in his mind to the little assistant.

[I guess that the sacred device has the power of space in addition to the power of the heart. It is only the use of the power of this time, fearing that it will pay a price. This price may be an important memory. 】

[It should be like this, our system is attached to your memory of the land department, so I will be sealed in a strange space together with that memory. If I didn't take the opportunity to run out, your memory about the land department is afraid that it will never recover. 】 Little assistant is very proud.

[It is also very good to recover. It is quite pleasant to stay in this world as a demon king. 】 Lu Heng has a bad taste to fight it.

[How can you think so! When the time when the demon king is damned, if you are not going to die, the face will be disorderly collapsed. 】

[Speaking of this, I ran back a few hundred years ago, and it will not cause the plane to be disordered. Where was the demon king a few hundred years ago, I replaced him with white kindness, and this ran back again. Who will raise this white pear? 】

Don't worry, wait for my database to respond. The little assistant was almost dead by Lu Heng’s question like a cannon.

While waiting for the little assistant to turn the gap in the database, Lu Heng observed the next around. I found myself in the vicinity of the altar of the demon's forbidden land. Is this to bring myself back to where it thinks the safest place?

Inexplicable, Lu Heng walked to the left and always felt that there was something very important there. At the end of the road is a spring water. Although Lu Heng knows from the future, the spring is very cold.

Lu Hengzhen was lower, and the tester tried it. It was so cold and cold. How is this water so cold, I didn’t feel it when I last bubbled, last time? Lu Heng lived, when did he come to soak this cold pool.

Lu Heng felt that his head was faintly faint, and the missing piece of the puzzle in his memory had always made his heart hang in the air and was empty.