MTL - How To Die As Heavy As Mount Tai-Chapter 37 The great demon snake

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The fog in front of the mountain is gradually dissipated, and the demon king goes out. He stood under the fog of layers, and still fainted the scenery of the mountains as soon as he appeared. Only the demon king who has always been added to the black robe, today has a big red robe embroidered with a gorgeous dragon pattern. This warm color, he has always been a careless look.

The demon kings who got the decree were waiting at the foot of the mountain early. When Wang saw the customs, he stopped talking and stood up.

"Let's say, what's the situation outside the world." The Yaozu has always been informal, and Lu Heng sits at random, and some lazily lean on a huge stone.

The demon kings of all ethnic groups saw each other and sat on the ground.

"A few days ago, I sent a group of people to the Fanyin Temple to explore. The origin of the mainland is indeed a heavy burden. The destruction of the soul of the candle dragon surrounds it. It is only this mainland source that can repair itself by the power of the law of heaven and earth. It will be the point where this will collapse." The opening is the Rattle King.

There is indeed a hidden feeling in this, but it happened in the ancient times, and there are not many people who know it. Lu Heng is a group of snakes and snakes. This family of Ba snakes has been inherited from the ancient demon, and it is known for this reason.

The candle dragon is a good god, the totem **** of the most powerful tribe on the mainland. The people of the tribe give the power of the candle dragon faith, and the candle dragon guards the tribe. This is a mutually beneficial thing. The candle dragon has a beloved young son, and the first pass will make you want to travel to the world. It was also the time when the candle dragon was robbed, and he could not distract him from the young child. To protect his stability, the candle dragon entrusted the young child to the tribe.

The heart is not enough to swallow the elephant. The people of this tribe have been guarded by the candle dragon for thousands of years and become the most powerful tribe, but they have long been greedy. They secretly enshrined the evil spirits, got the evil spirits to point, imprisoned the young dragons of the candle dragon, pumped their dragon souls, and sacrificed them with sorcerers, and wanted to become gods and live with the same day.

The candle dragon who returned from the robbery had this bad news and was extremely angry. It swallowed half of the tribes, and since then it has become an enemy of the Terran, and it has been turned upside down. In the end, the ancient **** had no choice but to take the candle and smash it under the axe. The ancient **** brought the candle keel to his side, hoping to turn his anger. Unexpectedly, the suffocation has not yet gone, and the war of God begins. The gods fell, the ancient gods became the origin of the mainland, and the candle dragon flute was unknown.

"After the war of God, the number of people in the mainland was less than the peak of the heyday. The tribe who killed the young boy of the candle dragon was afraid of being chased by the candle dragon, and hid in a secret world for a long time and escaped." Lu Heng said To.

"The Terran above the mainland today is the descendant of the tribe." The nine-tailed fox Wang Xi said that this fox is also an ancient demon, and he knows the original thing.

"No wonder, most of the mainland people owe a candle and a soul to cause and effect." A demon king suddenly realized.

Lu Heng nodded. "The ancient **** that turned into the mainland is the **** of the human race. It is riddled by this causal force, so it cannot recover."

"According to count! This is clearly the sin of the Terran itself. They are brazen enough to ask my demon to bear this consequence!" The violent tiger king smashed the side of the boulder.

Just yesterday, the Yaozu received a human clan proposal, saying that it was difficult for the demon to rise up. In order to save the thousands of souls in the mainland, the demon people took responsibility and used the ancestors to fill the mainland. Originally, the Yaozu still had some apologies. After all, this is really caused by the Yaozu. It is only the place where the bones are buried. It is the foundation of the demon family's inheritance for thousands of years. If the ancestors' bones were used to supplement the origin of this continent, the Yaozu fears that it will decline. If you don't make up the origin of this continent, the Yaozu will inevitably have to go out with this continent.

The Yaozu was caught in a dilemma, and the demon kings reported the matter to the king, so they had today's gathering.

"Which is the case, the Terran also took responsibility for this matter. Those sects of the sects of the sects have produced the spirits, and they can make up the world's origins," said the Rat King.

Lu Heng said: "I am afraid that only things that have nothing to do with the human race can clear the power of cause and effect and make up the world."

All the demon kings are silent, completely unrelated to the human race, and can repair the world's origins, in addition to the demon ancestor bones can still have something. Just like moving this bones, it is simply a self-destruction of the demon. There are those who look at the human race on the side. Once the Yaozu is weak, they are afraid that they will be swallowed and there will be no bones left. What agreement, in the face of interests, is just a piece of waste paper.

"You will retreat first, I have to care about myself." Lu Heng retired the demon kings of all races and turned into Zhaoshan.

If you want to release the air, you still need to deal with one or two. Lu Heng took him to a secret place, posing a illusion around him, creating the illusion of a magical robbery caused by the illusion. Everything was properly arranged, and he looked at the people in the line for a long while. This release is destined to become a Buddha. After becoming a Buddha, he will enter the advanced plane of the three thousand worlds, and live with the same day, the soul will not enter the reincarnation. . And he is in the department of the government, and the two are afraid that there will be no match.

Even though there is a lot of disappointment, Lu Heng is only once again to describe the clear face again, and then say goodbye in the heart.

Never again.

In the forbidden land of the Yaozu, the atmosphere is different. It seems that it is felt that the origin of the earth will collapse, or that the demon family has a great difficulty. This place of bones is filled with a deep sense of sorrow.

Lu Hengjing stood before the altar and reached out to remove the holy device above his left ear. He lowered his eyes and looked at the holy device floating above the palm of his hand. The five fingers slowly gathered. With the tightening of Lu Heng's palm, there were cracks in the sacred body, which was overwhelmed and turned into debris in the air.

A ghost of a cow with a huge mouth jumped out of it.

Lu Heng arched his hand to a ceremony: "Thanks to the guardian of the Yaozu for thousands of years, but now the Yaozu is in trouble, this is a helpless move, hope the ancestors understand."

The monster raised his hoof in the air and slashed it, and bowed his head to Lu Hengchong. Lu Heng will hold his hand behind him, staring at the eyes of the monster, and will not back down. At the moment of contact, Lu Heng saw the gratifying meaning in the eyes of the monster, and then turned into a light and rushed into Lu Hengdan.

This holy device is free to give Lu Heng all its power. For a time, Lu Heng, standing there, skyrocketed. With the power, there is everything about this sacristy.

May the beast, the beast that walked between heaven and earth in the ancient times, listened to the voices of the people and fulfilled their wishes, but it was a price to pay for the fulfillment of the wish. May the beast, eating for food, as the price of fulfilling the desire, is the most precious memory of the wishing person.

This is also true of the demon saints that the beasts are made. Everything has an answer. At the moment when the soul of the beast was integrated into Lu Heng Dan Tian, ​​he remembered everything. I remembered the release of the air, remembered the encounter with the release of the air, but nothing has helped.

Lu Heng’s cultivation was like a broken bamboo, climbing up to the level until he felt the thunder of the top of his head.

Flying up and robbery.

Lu Heng did not want to ruin the land where the Yaozu was buried. After his movement, he appeared on the border of the Yaozu territory and stopped the stone.

This continent has not soared for thousands of years. This magnificent flight of the sky, suddenly attracted the spy of countless people. At the beginning, no one knew who was robbing until the day when the thunder was at its peak.

A giant snake with a blue ink heads up to the sky.

It is the king of the demon! Everyone was amazed, and after they were amazed, their minds were different.

There are many indignations on the side of the Terran. Some people are roaring at the moment: "This demon king has been at this critical juncture, and it is really ruthless and unjust!

"It is not surprising to hear that this demon king is a snake family. Isn't this snake a cold-blooded ruthless reptile?"

And those who have high weights have thought of a deeper level in the blink of an eye. The demon lost the demon king's shelter, and with a little persecution, he was able to surrender the enchanting bones and fill the mainland. What's more, you can slowly squander the demon territory. This demon territory is not only broader than the territory of the Terran, but it is full of aura, and it is a treasure of heaven.

The Terran is full of thoughts, but the Yaozu is simpler.

All the little demons are blindly worshipped, and it is believed that the king will soar at this moment, in order to solve the great danger of this day.

Knowing more hidden genius demon kings is a faint worry in the heart. Although the king has never liked to care for the chores of the tribe, but in the matter of guarding the demon, no one is more dedicated than he is.

The strength of the giant snake in the air is indeed strong and unmatched, and the catastrophe of the nine dead lives has not caused much harm to him. I saw that the last robbery was mixed with the power of destroying the earth and destroying the earth. The giant snake did not dodge, opened the giant mouth and swallowed the thunder, and the thunder and lightning turned into thousands of thunder snakes and walked around his scales. In the abdomen, the body is tempered to be more reinforced.

The robbery is over. The clouds of the sky slowly dissipated, and a golden light column broke through the sky and covered the black giant snake. This meritorious golden light, one is to quench its body and soul impurities, one is to take over the robbery of the soul to fly up the upper bound. This demon king has been practicing the right path for thousands of years, never hurting the life of innocent people, and protecting the demon family for thousands of years, the power contained in this merit is golden and pure.

No matter what the minds of the people before, at this moment, there is only a cult of the power of this law, and the longing for the broken sky.

The next move of the serpent was shocked by everyone. He has not been able to follow the merits and golden light to the upper bound, but to open his mouth and spit out the golden demon. I saw that the demon was split into two in the air, and half of them came to the demon.

The half of the demon dan did not enter the dantian of the nine-tailed fox king. There was a low voice in the air: "Xi, the demon will be handed over to you, and you will not be able to marry me." Passing through the ages."

The creek came back from the shock, she seems to have guessed the purpose of the king: "Wang! Never!"

It’s just that the demon king is the most powerful creature in this world, and no one can stop it. The demon king swallowed the other half of the demon, and his body circling in the air, and he saw his dark scales and got out of his body.

This is a scale that has fallen off the body of the demon god. Naturally, it is not a thing. As the scales fell off, they flew in the direction of the stone, then plunged into the ground and turned into a block of boulder that almost shrugged into the clouds. On top of each boulder, there is a mysterious power, and this endless boulder has become an insurmountable scorpio between the Terran territory and the demon territory. At this point, only the person or demon who has been recognized by this stone forest can cross this boundary line and reach the other side of the territory.

After doing all this, the demon king, carrying the golden erect, reluctantly looked in one direction, then took the merits and golden light and flew to the direction of the Fanyin Temple.

A moment later, next to the illusory world of the heavenly world, the illusion of the giant snake appeared. I saw the black snake, hovering around the stone tree, the body is tightly wrapped around the trunk, and the golden light of the body slowly blended into the stone tree. Gradually, the color of the serpent's epidermis also became like the stone tree's general gray, and the two merged into one.

The illusory world of the world is slowly fading away, and the heavy sorrow of the world is disappearing, and it is replaced by the meaning of life.

Lu Heng returned to the familiar closed small space. Unlike the last time, he was not in the mood to see the follow-up development. His thoughts still stayed in the ground beneath the main peak of the Fanyin Temple, and it was a familiar figure.

It shouldn't be, the talent of the Bazi family is so easy to crack. Lu Heng comforted himself.

The little assistant has been skilled in opening several screens in the air.

The nine-tailed fox Wangxi succeeded Lu Heng as the demon king. After this incident, her heart was more mature and stable, and with the half demon that Lu Heng gave, soon the strength was above all the humans. Under her care, the strength of the Yaozu gradually surpassed the Terran. Under the shock of powerful strength, there is no such thing as a sect of the sect of the sect.

The first lesson of each new-born demon in the first time into the ethnology is the source of the guardian stone forest on the border of the demon, and the most stunning demon king in the history of the demon.

Even among the human race, there is no mention of the demon king. After all, give up flying, use the soul and body to make up the earth's origin, and ask yourself, afraid that no one can do it. This demon king has indeed saved thousands of souls on the continent from the fire. At the beginning, the many evil things that Qingquanmen had done to the demon king could no longer be concealed, and everyone was well known. The sect of the sect of the squad, the smog disappeared, and the emptied son of the lord was finally ruined by the supporters of the demon king, and the poisonous curse was smashed into the temple.

However, Lu Heng was not very concerned. After sweeping a few eyes at random, he hurriedly found a picture about the release of the air.

On the top of the screen, it is the snow rabbit demon white pear. After the catastrophe in the beginning, she hid in the mystery of mysterious heritage. As soon as he entered the secret environment, the white pear calmed down. It turned out that her heart was unstable and was affected by the grievance of the soul of the candle dragon. This made a big mistake.

Only the evil consequences have been settled, and she is unable to return to heaven. The cause and effect of the death of thousands of innocent disciples is to be counted on her head. In this mystery, although she escaped the killing order of the Yaozu, she could not escape the thunder. White pears have to cross the thunderbolt every day, but they are repaired by the confession of her secrets. So reciprocating, tortured day and night.

Whenever Thunder squats, White Pear wants to self-knot, but when the injury recovers, he holds a glimmer of hope. On this day, the robbery cloud will be dispersed, and the power of the mystery is treating her for the injury. The air suddenly smashed a hole and one stepped in.

Bai Li was shocked first, but after seeing the person's face, it was another joy.

Freed up.

Immersed in the white pear that saw the joy of my sweetheart, but did not find the wrong thing. This should be a handsome and beautiful man, but at this time it is red eyes, black and fog in the eyebrows, plus the red clothes on his body, the whole person looks very evil. This is clearly the magic phase.

"Finally I find you."

Seeing that the man in the hands of the singer is the sacred fruit dish of the Fanyin Temple Town, the white pear is even more like a brow: "The master of the empty space, see if we have had a part of the time together, can we resolve this cause and effect for me? Power."

"If you don't want to find him, if you don't see him with his breath..." said the whisper.

White pear did not listen to the empty muttering whisper, she saw the empty hands and one, the cause and effect plate turned into a group of pure spiritual power. Then, the release of the air will bring this group of pure spirituality into her body.

Feeling the gradual dispersal of the cause and effect and the cultivation of the skyrocketing, the white pear is to thank, but feels that Dan Tian has a sharp pain. White pear looked down and saw a flawless hand tearing her dantian. Later, her consciousness fell into the darkness of endlessness.

The picture turns.

The release of the air appears in the world. The magic in his hands turned into a cage, and the seal was the soul of the white pear.

The release of the air began to talk to himself: "This is because of you, how can he make up the world's origins by his soul. This cause and effect, it is because of you. You still let him out, so that he can Re-enter the reincarnation..."

After all, the release of the empty pear will integrate the soul of the white pear into the world. There was a bit of hope in his face, staring at the origin of the world.

Day after day, there is no change.

The release of the air was a dead heart. He laughed loudly and then sat down on the ground: "I should have realized it. I have been looking for you for hundreds of years. When I saw the demon king, I should understand it. You must It’s not the people in this world..."

"Awareness, this is how I realize. Let go, don't even know who the heart is, this is how I am willing to let go."

The release of the air has been enchanted by obsession, and with the Buddha, has an endless life. But since then, the empty space has trapped itself in this world's origins, and the giant snakes that are entangled in the stone trees have never left a half step.