MTL - How To Die As Heavy As Mount Tai-Chapter 45 The end of the world

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A loud bang, the vines wrapped around the gate were shaken again.

Mu Fei looked serious and had sweat on his forehead. As soon as he gritted his roots, he spawned several vines and filled the gap.

How can things become like this? Jiang Sile's deadly pinch of the jade card on his chest, like a tight grasp of a life-saving straw. However, the space has not been repaired and it cannot be entered.


Another loud noise, a few pieces of wall peel on the mottled ceiling, the vines made a soothing pull, but it was finally dangerous.

Jiang Sile’s eyes even reached a high window and there was a rotten hand. Although the hand disappeared two times, Jiang Sile was confused.

Those zombies use the body to take a ladder! Something is wrong. These low-level zombies cannot have such IQ. It is the nine-level zombies, and the nine-level zombies are in control. Shouldn’t the nine-level zombies be besieged with the majority of the Z-class’s zombies? This time it should be as early as the base of r, the past life, the past life is obviously like this!

Jiang Sile was trembling, and even the teeth began to tremble. Mu Fei heard the wrong voice behind him. He looked back at Jiang Sile and looked like white. The whole figure was a tight string and it was about to break.

"Nothing, Xiaole, if the door is really broken." Mu Fei took Jiang Sile's hand hard. "I will drag these zombies when I get there. You want to escape and escape as soon as possible."

Jiang Sile is bowing his head and not snoring. Mu Fei is indeed a good person, but he is too good to take care of the weak forever. Jiang Sile satirized in his heart, not the same in previous life. He and Pan Rongxi were in desperate circumstances, and Mu Fei gave his life to save, but that was the one who was left behind. Just because Pan Rongxi had a broken right leg, he was weaker than himself and more pitiful.


"You guess, who will he choose to save?" Pan Rongxi said.

"You don't take yourself too seriously." Forced to be trapped with people who are different in this watch, Jiang Sile turned his eyes impatiently. "Amu said that it is to see you poor."

"Is it?" Pan Rongxi was not annoyed, but smiled softly, but his hand was a stone that broke his right leg.

"You, you are crazy!" Jiang Sile exclaimed.

"Jiang Sile, I know that you can't look at me. But what do you rely on?" Pan Rongxi was sorely like gold paper, and his mouth still had a smile. "Is it a good fetus? Just because of this chaotic end, even if it is not Awakening abilities, and someone is protecting you? Just because you can just sit and wait for someone else to offer you everything?"

"Little music? Xiaole, what happened to you?"

Jiang Sile woke up from his memories. In front of me, this handsome face filled with worry, and gradually overlaps with the face in memory.

This affectionate kissed his lips, and spit out the heartless words so ruthlessly: "Xiaole, Rong Xi is hurt, I will send him out first."

Jiang Sile opened the hand of Mu Fei: "Don't touch me!"

Mu Fei's face was full of sorrow, but he was attracted by the zombies in front, and no more questions were asked.

The vines wrapped around the door have been broken, and Mu Fei no longer wastes his ability to spawn new ones. He silently accumulates the remaining abilities, ready to let go at the moment of breaking the door, creating a moment of escape opportunities for Jiang Sile behind him.

砰砰砰 —— The sound of hitting the door is getting denser and denser, seeing that the last vine will break. Mu Fei reflected Jiang Sile behind him.

There was suddenly no movement outside the door. Mu Fei thought that the zombies were preparing for the final blow, holding their breath for a while, but found that there was no sound coming from outside. Mu Fei walked to the door and looked outside through the gap.

Unexpectedly, the zombies who were besieged in front of the door had already dispersed and returned to a state of wandering aimlessly. How did the spiritual zombies suddenly stop manipulating these zombies?

Although Mu Fei was puzzled in his heart, he also knew that the machine could not be lost. He turned back and said to Jiang Sile: "Let's take this opportunity, let's leave soon."

After the nine-level zombies fell, the zombies crowded over the winding road slowly dispersed. Coupled with Qin Yi's fire abilities, it is extremely fast to clean up the few zombies on the road. Lu Heng two quickly rushed to Q County.

Only after entering the county boundary of Q County, I saw a modified off-road vehicle coming over. The two above are Mu Fei and Jiang Sile. The confluence of several people is a little bit together, and now the sky is dark. Since the nine-level zombies have been removed, Q County is not too dangerous. It is better to find a safe place to rest for one night here. The next day, the materials will be collected and then left.

The four returned to the grain depot and cleaned up the zombies that wandered around and prepared to spend the night here. After fierce fighting in the afternoon, all four were hungry. Jiang Sile specially took out a large iron pot and cooked a hot pot of noodles.

When the noodles were out of the pot, Qin Yi was full of a bowl. He looked at the bowl and said to Jiang Sile: "Xiaole, I remember I have a box of luncheon meat cans on you, take two cans for me."

This box of canned luncheon meat is Qin Yi's private possession, but he does not pay attention to his desires. He has always been following the big forces. After the canned meat was thrown to Jiang Sile, he never asked. Jiang Sile has already defaulted, this lunch canned Qin Yi is for him.

Although I don't understand how Qin Yi suddenly remembered this, Jiang Sile had done something wrong today, and his heart was fading. He didn't dare to ask more questions. He took the cans and handed them over.

Jiang Sile saw the open can of Qin Yi Lisuo, and even carefully cut it into small pieces with the ability to heat it, and covered it on the bowl. Is this Qin Yi a turn? He has never been so eager to eat, and Jiang Sile is very surprised.

The next thing, but Jiang Sile's heart is quite a taste. Qin Yi held the bowl of love noodles, and the fart was sent to Lu Heng’s hand.

"Hot eat."

Lu Heng looked at a pot of noodles that had been stuffed in his hand. The bowl is bigger than his face, he really can only use the basin to describe.

"Too much." Lu Heng said that his stomach is a stomach, really not a black hole.

"Nothing, you should eat first, and you can't finish it for me." Qin Yi waved his hand in disapproval. In the last days, you can't waste food. Qin Yi found a reason for himself. I didn't think that I could split it out before Lu Heng moved the chopsticks.

Jiang Sile looked at the two people who were happy and happy, holding the noodles that Mu Fei came over, but they were somewhat tasteless.

Qin Yi is the redemption in his heart. The previous life was abandoned by Mu Fei, and later died after the death of the zombies. Jiang Sile did not leave the world immediately, his soul attached to the jade card. Ironically, the jade card that he gave to Mu Fei as a token of love was finally hung on Pan Rongxi's neck.

Jiang Sile watched Mu Fei sorrow after his death. Looking at Pan Rongxi's companionship with Mu Fei, he comforted him to solve the pain he took him out of losing his lover. Watching Mu Fei smile and hold up Pan Rongxi's hand.

Unwilling, resentful, angry, all kinds of obsessions make Jiang Sile firmly trapped in this jade card, not free. It was not until Qin Yi found out the truth about his death: it was not an accident that trapped him and Pan Rongxi in the zombie group, but Pan Rongxi arranged it.

Qin Yi avenged him. On the day when Pan Rongxi was punished, Jiang Sile felt that his soul was light, his obsession was gone, and he could embark on the road of reincarnation. But he blinked, but found himself back to the day he was ready to give the jade card to Mu Fei.

Perhaps it is God who pity him, Jiang Sile found himself has a chance to come back again. Revenge by your own hands, not to focus on those who are not worthy, and to grasp the worthy person. This is his intention in his heart.

Jiang Sile believes that even Qin Yi has never had any intentions for himself. The revenge for him was also the friendship that grew up together. As long as he has his heart, he can always change something. After all, in this end of the world, friendship is transformed into love, not a difficult thing.

It’s just that this past life hasn’t seen it. After the geek named Yunxiao appeared, everything seemed to be out of sync.

"Want to get rid of this person who is obstructing you?" Suddenly a voice rang in the mind of Jiang Sile.

Jingle -

Jiang Sile stood up fiercely, and the stainless steel lunch box in his hand made a harsh sound on the ground. He saw the other three people looked over in confusion, and knew that the voice could only be heard by him alone.

This is not the first time Jiang Sile heard this voice, but the last time it was even more embarrassing, similar to a sensory guide. Guided him to discover the secret of the jade card, and then got a very important thing.

Jiang Sile picked up the lunch box in a panic and pretended to wash it, avoiding the corner.

"Want to remove the person who is holding you?" The voice repeated.

Jiang Sile's brain flashed Mu Fei's face, Pan Rongxi's face, Qin Yi's face, flashed through that nightmare-like memory, and finally settled in Qin Yi's eyes softly watching Lu Heng's dinner scene. He shook his head and opened the dark thoughts that came out of his heart.

"No, he doesn't owe me, he is innocent."

"What do you want?" The mysterious voice is full of temptation.


The voice did not respond to him, Jiang Sile was somewhat disappointed, and all this was just his own illusion.

"Jiang Sile, come over." Jiang Sile heard the voice of Qin Yi.

When Qin Yi called his full name, Jiang Sile immediately knew what the next conversation was about. He walked over with some uneasiness.

"What I said to you last night, I believe you have not forgotten so fast." Qin Yi said at the door, "After this time, you will be transferred to the logistics staff."

"Yi Ge!"

"The prohibition is the basic requirement for me to lead the team. I didn't kick you out of the team. It is already in the sentiment that we grew up together." Qin Yi waved his hand and didn't want to hear him say more.

Jiang Sile was anxious. He was already down to the third level. Now if he is transferred to the logistics staff. That should be raised to the level of high-grade crystal nucleus, and it will have to wait until the Year of the Monkey. This time, Mu Fei is estimated to be downgraded. Even if he does not downgrade, the nucleus that Mu Fei points to is not enough.

In a hurry, Jiang Sile blurted out: "I am acting arbitrarily today because I know that the nine-level zombies are not in Q County!"

The other three people present were watching Jiang Sile. Lu Heng’s heart is very different. This person is shaking the cans and shaking them out to reproduce their own rebirth.

"I, I often dream during this time, and the dreams are all about things after a while." Jiang Sile said.

This Jiang Sile is still a bit of a brain, can actually come up with such a reason. Anyway, the abilities of the last days are strange, and it is not impossible to have a predictive power.

"Before the location of the air defense facility was what I saw in my dreams. I am afraid that if you don't believe it, I will find it from the information left by my dad. Today is also, I dream that the nine-level zombies will be here. Leaving Q County, I was afraid to miss this wonderful opportunity before I acted. "Jiang Sile said that the more smooth, "I feel that I may awaken the foresighted ability, but the ability to just wake up is a bit unstable, so the details are a bit wrong."

Here, Qin Yi Zou’s brow does not know what he is thinking. Mu Fei has already believed in seven or eight points.

"You told me before that there are spiritual beasts in the mountains, but also in the dreams?" Mu Fei said.

Zheng Yi Qin Yi did not believe that Jiang Sile quickly nodded and said: "Yi Ge, do not believe that you let Yunxiao take out the nucleus, you will know at a glance."

Lu Heng remembered this, and his small parcel was filled with a nucleus of a different animal. There were too many things happening in these two days, and he completely forgot about it. This Jiang Sile can not stay in the base, or the devil still does not know what to do, or put it on the side to look safer.

Thinking this way, Lu Heng touched the nucleus of the alien animal.

Crystal clear, no variegated, is indeed a crystal nucleus.

Qin Yi has a few points to believe. There are spiritual beasts in the forest, and I don’t even know about it. This Jiang Sile can know this news, which is incredible.

"Your statement has yet to be verified, but even if it is true," Qin Yi said, "you can't cover up the mistakes you made."

"Yi..." Jiang Sile also wanted to argue with reason, but was interrupted by Qin Yi.

"My decision is still the same. If you really wake up the predictive power, it's easy to think about it. When you use your ability to prove that you are qualified to go out to perform the task." Qin Yi ended the topic.

Jiang Sile saw that the matter was a foregone conclusion. He turned his head and went to the small room on the side. Mu Fei saw that he was trying to chase after him, but he was stopped by Qin Yi.

"Amu, something to tell you."

Mu Fei could only stop, but his eyes could not help but look around. It was obviously worrying about Jiang Sile.

"Pan Rongxi may have a problem. You and he are close, usually pay more attention to his movements." Seeing Mu Fei, Qin Yi does not talk nonsense.

When he heard the name of Pan Rongxi, Mu Fei’s mind was attracted. His eyes no longer drifted to the small room, but stared at Qin Yi seriously: "What happened to Rong Xi?"

"When we caught up, he pointed to a wrong direction." Qin Yi can't believe that the reason is too nervous to be wrong, not mentally retarded, such a simple thing can go wrong. However, he has no actual evidence, and can only remind Mu Fei, who is close to him, to pay more attention.

Mu Fei did not believe it. The subconsciously refuted Pan Rongxi: "No, Rong Xi's character is very simple. He must be too worried about us. He was mistaken for a moment."

Qin Yi knows that this kind of bad character of Mu Fei is very care for the weak. He is also lazy and vocal, but he is thinking that he should pay more attention to Pan Rongxi. Once he discovers the minds of his harmful people, he will not let go.

Mu Fei saw that there was no other business. He hurriedly chased the small room to comfort Jiang Sile.

When Mu Fei disappeared, the mature and reliable expression on Qin Yi’s face disappeared instantly. His face slammed and his shoulder collapsed, revealing a pitiful expression complaining: "This is something broken. I don't think I should be the Qin team. It is Qin Dad."

To the Qin team from the tough guy, did not realize that his current behavior is called spoiled. Even if he realizes it, he will probably comfort himself. In front of Lu Heng, he is a younger brother. It is normal for the younger brother to spoil something to the brothers.

"As far as I know, in a family, it is generally the mother who is responsible for mediating the relationship between family members." Lu Heng seriously said.

From Qin Dad to Qin’s Qin team, there is a feeling of being thundered.

It is a humanoid puff cat, and even the character is the same. At first it looked very soft and tender, and in fact did not put the owner in the eye, and from time to time was also scratched a paw. Qin Yi thought so in the heart, but felt that after being scratched with such a paw, the feeling of distraction just filled, suddenly disappeared without a trace.

w base.

The A base in the north, the X base in the south, and the w base in the middle are the three strongest and largest bases in China. The w base is controlled by three forces. These three strengths are famous families before the end of the world.

Today, the bosses of these three high-powered forces are waiting respectfully at the entrance of the base. Leading new survivors to stop and watch.

"What are these three big brothers doing at the door?"

"A look at you is new. What else can you do, wait for Qin Datong."

"Qin boss?"

At first glance, this is a new rookie. This person came to God and began to give the newcomers the basic knowledge of this w base.

Don't look at the three forces that are in charge of the w base. They say the same thing on weekdays. That is the Qin boss of the mercenary squad did not speak, if Qin boss said something, these three big sisters, absolutely not even dare to put one more.

In the last days, the fist is the truth. What kind of strategy, what kind of mind, in the face of absolute strength are paper tigers. Qin Yi's mercenary squad is the absolute strength of this w base. If he was too lazy to manage the base affairs, the base would not be able to speak at the other three.

Qin Yi is the actual controller of this w base.