MTL - How To Die As Heavy As Mount Tai-Chapter 92 a male dresser

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The black man outside the house looks at the person around Duan Feiqing. It is not his weakness, but he is more dangerous than him. Then he made a whistle, and those black people were ashamed when they came. They were evacuated in an instant, and they were taken away along with the accompanying bodies.

There are only a few piles of clothing inside and at the door. The yard is very quiet, which involves disputes between people in the rivers and lakes. The rest of the guests were honestly staying in the house and closed their doors. They didn't want to send their lives because of curiosity.

Duan Feiqing turned back and looked back and forth on Lu Heng for several times. After confirming that he had not suffered a trace of injury, the look of a few stunned people returned to normal. Lu Heng knew that this person’s mind was obsessed, and he did not think that this was because the other party looked down on himself, but he stood quietly and asked him to look at it.

"A Heng, these black people are the mysterious organization that has been chasing me."

Lu Heng was trying to ask something, but in the **** smell, he smelled a familiar taste. The source of the smell was the clothes left by the black man. Lu Heng thought for a moment, and the long sword that fell off the ground provoked the clothes on the ground and shook. Sure enough, a black bug fell out.

The black bug was quite fierce. He turned a few laps on the ground as soon as he landed. It seems that he still wants to choose someone. But when I turned to Lu Heng, I saw something terrible, and turned around and fled to the door. But a little snake that suddenly appeared at the threshold slammed into the mouth.

"Small silver, don't swallow!" Lu Heng whispered.

The silver snake, the mung bean-sized eyes, slammed twice, and then succumbed to the black bug that had reached the throat. It looked at the bug with a nostalgic look, and climbed to the foot of Lu Heng, and the attachment was smashed at the foot of Lu Heng.

"Small silver, you have worked hard." Lu Heng bent over and touched the top of his head. The snake was comforted, and then climbed Lu Heng's ankle and bit his tail, which looked like an ordinary silver anklet.

"Is this what?" Duan Feiqing used the tip of the sword to pick up the black bug that had been killed by the snake and walked over.

Lu Heng nodded and took out a small porcelain bottle and put the bug into it. This is a bit weird, and I still need to study it.

The Miao people are embarrassed and the ranks are strict. After Lu Heng came out of Wanchao Grottoes, he was already the Miaojiang King. No matter what the Miao people came from, he should have been bowed to his head. This black bug, first wanted to attack the people in the house, and after identifying the atmosphere of Lu Heng, he turned around and fled. This is definitely not within the Miaojiang.

"Master, hook your sister, you are all right!" Fang Qingyu appeared at the door and looked anxious.

When she heard the fighting in the room, she wanted to go out and look at it. When she opened the door, she saw a silver snake in front of her door. In addition, there is a pile of black night clothes on the ground. Fang Qingyi was anxious to help the past, but the little snake did not let her step out of the door.

With Lu Heng coming from Miaojiang all the way, Fang Qingyi knew that this little snake was brought by Lu Heng, and he knew the power of the little snake. The silver snake was only quietly at the door, and Fang Qingyu wanted to go out, she showed her teeth, and she had to stay in the room. By the time the sound rang, the snake left and she was able to come over.

"Nothing. You can be without obstacles?" Duan Feiqing asked. However, he also asked this question out of courtesy, because when he and Lu Heng discussed about the magic of the gods, he let Lu Heng let the snakes go out to stay at the door of Fang Qingyu.

Tianmo’s heart is very important. Duan Feiqing knows that when he is with Aheng, his whole mind will be placed on the front of his eyes. The vigilance against the outside world is always a bit more than usual. In the event that the accident was discovered by Fang Qinglan, it was a little troublesome. He did not want to use the method of devouring the soul to innocent people.

"Master, these black people..." Fang Qingyi wanted to say something, but stopped and looked at Lu Heng.

Duan Feiqing looked at her in the sight, and then said warmly: "But it does not matter, my business, A Heng knows."

Fang Qinglan’s heart was sour, and she settled her mind and said, “Is this black man the same person who was the one who destroyed our house?”

Kaifeng Fangjia, like the Anyang section, is a famous family of martial arts. Six years ago, as in the tragedy of the Duan family, the Fang family was also wiped out by a group of black people. Only Fang Qing, who was ten years old at the time, was hiding at the mother’s house.

"This matter can't be settled. Fang Shimei, it's not early, we have to hurry tomorrow, you might as well go back to the room to rest?"

Duan Feiqing's tone sounded mild and courteous, but Fang Qingyi knew the style of this master's acting on weekdays. She subconsciously went out.

As soon as I went out, I was blown by the cool night wind, and Fang Qingxi had some return. Not too early? Why did the master stay in the house of his sister? No, it should be why the master is in the room of the sister-in-law, and it is still a short time to see the situation.

This is still the same as the female disciple in the door alone, even if there is something to do with the woman to separate business, must also pick a four-faced open, good vision of the early-stage masters?

For the time being, no matter how Fang Xiaoshi and his sister went back, how could they sleep?

Lu Heng was sitting at the table, and his fingertips pinched the small porcelain bottle with unknown locusts. Miao's refining technique has never been passed on to outsiders, which has made Lu Heng feel a guess.

"What happened to this black man?" Seeing Duan Feiqing had cleaned up the mess and sat next to him. Lu Heng asked, "In the letter you left, it is not that you have taken Feng Weifang’s mind and let him Used for you?"

Duan Feiqing nodded and said: "In the past few years, I have found a few dark lines of this mysterious organization through Feng Weifang. In the southwest, several sects are inextricably linked with this mysterious organization. The dark lines of the area are already in my hands."

There are many incidents, and Lu Heng is somewhat thirsty. He took a cup of tea and was sending it to his lips. However, Duan Feiqing gently pinched his wrist: "A Heng, this tea is cold, wait a moment."

Duan Feiqing got up and took the kettle on the small stove to make Lu Heng tea. The tea set used in the inn is not a fine porcelain, but the movement of Duan Feiqing's tea is pleasing to the eye, so that the rough tea set seems to be plated with luster.

"Just a year ago, I was accidentally injured and the control of the law of the demention was weakened. Although the time was short, I did not know why I was noticed by the people behind the scenes. That person is also a decisive, directly to the southwest. The forces all gave up, and sent a killer to take my life." Duan Feiqing put the tea in front of Lu Heng.

"Do you apply the methods of devouring the souls of those who have connected with this sect?" Lu Heng looked at the family of the family who had a clear breeze. Those who have been subjected to the method of devouring the soul, without their own thinking, are completely in the hands of Duan Feiqing. As long as he has a thought, even if they let themselves be self-disciplined, there will be no slight resistance.

Lu Heng does not think that this person is cruel. In the martial arts, it is not a rare trick to control people. He just remembered a word he used to see, called cut black.

Duan Feiqing said with a hesitant question: "A Heng, do you think that I am too ruthless?"

"The nerd, the smelt of the means, more than this cruel." Lu Heng smiled and saw the person rejoicing, and said, "I have to sleep, you still not go?"

Duan Feiqing looked at the window opened by the hole, and the door that was destroyed and could not be closed. There was also the corpse water left by the black man on the ground. His brow wrinkled and said: "A Heng, here is already messy, can no longer live. This inn seems to be full, it is better to move to my room intermittently?"

Lu Heng looked at Duan Feiqing with an indescribable look. Although he was a man, Duan Feiqing did not know. It’s not appropriate to have a room for a lonely man and a woman. No, hey, what a lonely man and a woman, I don’t care about women. For the first time, Lu Heng’s heart gave birth to a feeling of rushing away from a certain plane.

When Duan Feiqing saw Lu Heng’s eyes, he was surprised that his words were not appropriate: “A Hengmo has to worry, I am just waiting outside the door.”

At this time, it is late autumn, and the night is deep, even if it is a martial arts person, it is a little sad to stay outside the door.

"No matter, Miao people are not so much stressful, I can divide you into a quilt, sleep on the ground." Lu Heng said.

The next day.

After the three men compensated for the loss of the inn, they waited for the second child to be pulled out in front of the door. But I saw that the treasurer came out with a sullen face.

"Several guest officers, I am very sorry."

It turned out that the newly arrived horse grass in the inn yesterday accidentally mixed with poisonous grass. One of the three horses was not lucky enough to eat the poisonous grass that was mixed in. When Fang Xiaoji went to lead the horse, he found that the horse had fallen to the ground and died. As a result, the inn paid the accommodation fee and the compensation that had not been hot yet, and returned it to Lu Heng.

"Hook your sister, do you want me to share?" Fang Qingyu said. This is also the most appropriate method. Qingyang County can't buy any good horses, and buy a bad horse indiscriminately.

"No." Lu Heng certainly refused. How can he ride a ride with a woman? He doesn't want to break the reputation of the other party.

But when Fang Qingyi looked at him with amazement, Lu Heng remembered his own appearance and had to find an excuse: "Sorry, I am not used to being close to unfamiliar people."

"If A Heng doesn't mind, how about sharing with me?"

Qingyang County is located in the southwestern basin, and it is a good scenery. In the late autumn, the frost stains the red leaves, and the weeds begin to yellow, reflecting on the bright stream. The scenery of such fallen leaves is not seen in the hot Miaojiang in the four seasons.

Duan Feiqing deliberately let the horse slow down and let Lu Heng appreciate this very different scenery from Miao. Seeing the color of Lu Heng’s face, Duan Feiqing’s heart was soft and whispered in his ear and said: “There are still thousands of miles of frozen north and the sky outside the wilderness. When these disputes are over, I will accompany you. I have seen it all."

"I want to see, I can go and see." Lu Heng snorted.

Then Lu Heng felt that the chest behind him was shaking. The warm breath that the person exhaled when he laughed was over the back of his neck, making Lu Heng uncomfortable.

In order to avoid the appearance of women's dresses, Lu Heng uses his secret method to control his body shape, so this is almost the most petite one. Although it is much higher than the average woman, but in front of Duan Feiqing, it is shorter than half. At this moment he sat in front, and the whole person almost seemed to be embedded in the arms of the man behind him. In order to divert attention, Lu Heng looked around and found that Fang Qingyu had already been far away in front, and she could hardly see her back.

"Why is she riding so fast?" Lu Heng looked at the front of a smashing back, some strange.

"Probably it’s been too long to leave the sect, and some of them are like arrows."

Lu Heng is trying to say something. A lynx suddenly flashed past the front. This passing beast is too close to the horse. Let them kneel down and the mount is frightened and the front hooves rise high. Lu Heng, who was born in Miaojiang, was not good at all. He lost his balance at the moment, but fortunately, Duan Feiqing took him.

Lu Heng did not pay attention to this small change, but still looked at the scenery on the roadside with enthusiasm. He did not find that Duan Feiqing behind him was a bit strange.

Duan Feiqing protected the person in front of him and manipulated the horse in one hand, but his heart was full of thoughts. In a hurry, his palm fell on Lu Heng's chest. Although Duan Feiqing did not have close contact with the woman, at the beginning of his home, he had heard the experience of the servant talking about the brothel. In a few words, he learned that the woman's body is different from the man, and the chest is soft.

Duan Feiqing’s palm is not tightly tightened. Just under the rude, he felt his sweetheart, his chest flat and his touch was strong. Duan Feiqing was a thoughtful person. He remembered the accident at the Crescent Moon Spring a few years ago, and thought of the bitterness of getting along with Lu Heng on weekdays. His heart had an almost certain guess.

Lu Heng, like himself, is a man. Duan Feiqing’s unexpected calm, there is no anger in the heart of being deceived. He knows that Ah Heng must have a hard time.

It’s just that Lu Heng has always been regarded as his future wife. At this moment, he knows his true gender. Duan Feiqing consciously adjusted his mentality. As a man, how can he be regarded as a wife, and if he is known by the other party, he must feel that this is a disgrace to his personality, and he is afraid that he will break with himself.

As long as Duan Feiqing thinks about that possibility, he feels like falling into an ice cave. He will never allow this kind of thing to happen. From today, he will treat A Heng as a younger brother. In any case, he is a person who has more than his life in his heart.

Duan Feiqing thinks this way. Only when Lu Heng felt a little tired and relaxed his body into his arms, he felt his heart beat faster and unconsciously tightened the other side. The attitude of treating the other person as a beloved person is an insult to the man. Duan Feiqing has an urge to wake himself up.

I don’t know that Feiqing’s son, who has broken sleeves and peaches, is caught in endless self-loathing.

When Fang Qingxi came to the mountain gate, he saw that the third division brother Sang actually under the master’s door looked around.

"Small sister, you are finally back. You sneaked out this time, can scare our brothers and sisters." Sang actually greeted him, took the reins of Fang Qingyu's hand, and looked behind her.

"Master? Isn't he going down the hill to find you?"

"He is not looking for me." Fang Qingyu whispered.

“Hey?” Fang Qing’s voice was too low, and Sang actually did not understand what she was talking about. He asked again, but Fang Qingyi refused to return.

Seeing that Fang Qingying’s mood was somewhat low, Sang actually smashed what happened in her back door and said to her: “You didn’t see the shadow on the day, we were all scared to death, or the master’s work was organized. He was then I didn’t mess around at all. I guessed that you might go to Miaojiang through the books you read through the room. Now I told the disciples to find the past along the south side...”

Sang actually had a lot of embarrassment. I felt that something was wrong when I spoke. This is not to say that the master did not put the little sister on the heart. Although the younger sister never dared to show up in front of the masters, but in front of them, they were always short masters and masters, and the slower people realized that the younger sisters had admiration for the masters.

"The amount, the master is also very concerned about you. When I told him that you had your news, he was so anxious that he almost stunned." Sang actually quickly appeased.

However, Fang Qingyi did not show a hint of joy because of this, she asked quietly: "What did you say at the time."

"I said that you and a Miao woman entered the boundary of Qingyang County, and the master rushed down the mountain to pick you up. From the beginning of my introduction, I have never seen the master look like this. "Sang actually felt that he should be able to smile at the younger sister." But I don't want to, Fang Qing's look is even more ugly. I will go back to rest after the next sentence, and I will step on the mountain gate.

The sorrowful sang is trying to catch up and see the hooves. He thought that the master would be back, and he turned to see the scene that made him stay. Master, even a close-knit ride of a Miao female kiss hot and hot ride appeared in his vision.

Sang actually felt that he might not sleep well last night and had an illusion. He rubbed his eyes hard and found that the scene had not disappeared.

Xiaoshimei met Miaojiang’s debts owed by her brother when she was young. The Miao girl came to the door, fearing that she would still be in love with her master. Otherwise, the gentleman who has never been close to the female color, how to treat the Miao girl with deep feelings and thoughtfulness, will also be placed in her own Songtao courtyard, and the separation for a moment can not stand. This is too early, I am afraid that I will do something happy.

Two disciples are exploring the rumors that have recently spread privately among the disciples in the door. As soon as they turn around the cloister, they see a person holding a plate in their hands and standing on the corner.

"Big, Master."

When it’s over, privately, the master is caught and is going to be in the evening tonight. The two disciples took a cold sweat.

"Yeah." Duan Feiqing just nodded and went over.

"Just like a master, it seems like a smile?" A disciple asked his companion without confirmation.

On this side, Fei Qing pushed away the courtyard door of Songtaoyuan, and saw Lu Heng sitting under the sweet-scented osmanthus tree in the courtyard, and he was studying what he was focused on.

"A Heng."

Lu Heng looked up and saw Duan Feiqing, and smelled the smell of food from his plate: "You are so slow, I am hungry."

Duan Feiqing smiled softly, put down the plate in his hand, and put a bowl of sweet-scented osmanthus wine and handed it to Lu Heng: "You said that this osmanthus fragrance is quite good yesterday. I remembered that the sweet-scented osmanthus was preserved before I went to the cellar to take it. A little time. Let Aheng wait for you."

"Oh? Do you still have this hobby?" Lu Heng took a sip. Sweet-scented osmanthus fragrance is fragrant, soft and round, and the soup is sweet and fragrant, and the faint taste of the wine is endless.

"Have you forgotten it? When you were at Crescent Moon Spring, you said that you have seen this kind of food in books. I really want to try it, but it is a pity that Miaojiang does not have sweet-scented osmanthus trees." Duan Feiqing looked at Lu Heng with a spoonful of eyes. A spoonful of food in the bowl is eaten. "After returning, when the sweet-scented osmanthus blooms every year, I will pickle a jar of sweet-scented osmanthus. I think that when you come, you can make a bowl for you."

Lu Heng is actually a little hungry, and he is very quick to eat the bowl of the round, and he is satisfied to put down the porcelain bowl in his hand. Duan Feiqing saw a small osmanthus stick on the side of Lu Heng's mouth. He wanted to wipe it for him when he raised his hand. He paused in midair and took it back.

No, A Heng is a man, I can't be so thin a man. Duan Feiqing put his hand under the table and scratched his robes. But his gaze also saw the rosy and full of lips and the sweet-scented osmanthus on the other side of the face. He felt that his heart was like a feeling of depression. He settled his mind and handed over a soft pad: "A Heng, you The lips are covered with sweet-scented osmanthus."

Lu Heng took the soft pa. He rubbed his lips at random. In fact, Duan Feiqing’s actions were all in his eyes, and he came again. This person is very strange these two days. There are always some conflicting expressions, and I don’t know what it is. It seems that I have to find a chance to talk to him, but there are more important things at the moment.

"I just cut the locust and studied it carefully." Lu Heng unveiled the silver small dish that was buckled on the stone table. "The locust refining method is very rough, not like the Miao people. This may be related to my life."

Lu Heng told Nadiro that he had told her before the death.

"You mean, this locust is probably the one who studied the refining of the golden silkworm cocoon after he didn't know how to control the golden cocoon." Duan Feiqing saw Lu Heng's demeanor when he described the matter, knowing that he was right. The family should have no parent-child friendship.

"Yeah." Lu Heng nodded. "Where is Feng Weifang now? I want to see him. I guess he was controlled by the law of the dementors, and the people behind the scenes may also know through the locusts."

"You come with me."

The highly respected head of the early sentiment was seriously injured. In the duel with the enemy, the meridians broke the martial arts and died. Now they are quietly cultivated on the Qingyang Mountain. The rest of the martial arts are handed over to the disciples of the great disciple Duan Feiqing. This is nearly a year. , things that are well known in the rivers and lakes.