MTL - How to Feed an Abyss!-Chapter 121 heart of the universe

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No one would have imagined that there is a small universe in the abyss.

This was incredible, everyone was stunned, looking at the monster and the circulating stars.

Qi Hong stared intently at the scene in front of him, and actually smiled: "When I was training in the space center, I never thought that I would see space in this way." He clenched the joystick tightly, "Is this counted?" , I finally executed 'Overlook'?"

"...It's really amazing." Zhou Qian whispered, "There is such an existence in the world."

Ke Zhengrong coughed twice: "We have never understood them, they are like... higher existences."

The abyss travels through one galaxy after another, the journey is endless, and this planet is only where they occasionally stop.

No one can define the abyss, is it a living thing or a dead thing? How do you survive? Everything is unclear. As Lu Tinghan said, there are still many mysteries in the world. It is an instinct to seek the unknown. When you look at the sea, you can’t help but imagine what is on the other side of the wave. When you look up at the universe, you want to see the end of the starry sky. Maybe the other side of the sea is a brilliant civilization, maybe the end of the universe is a new universe.

Now, they who have dived for several kilometers know that people have blood and a pulse, and that the abyss also hides a cosmic heart in the thick fog.

Shi Yuan floated around in the air a few times, having fun, and then his tail was pulled.

Shi Yuan:?

Lu Tinghan dragged him back to the seat and said, "Fasten your seat belt, it's dangerous."

"Okay." Shi Yuan agreed.

He sat down in his seat, still obsessed with floating. He knew the situation in the weightless environment. Lu Tinghan had told him about it, and Wu Zhengqing had also told him about it, but the real experience was still another feeling.

It's like coming to a new mysterious country.

And... an inexplicable sense of familiarity.

As the gravity changes, the frigate’s propulsion method needs to be readjusted. Qi Hong was so nervous that he was sweating on his forehead, but his hand movements were still smooth: the thrusters of the “Seeker 1” began to push downward.

In terms of human senses, they no longer know where "below" is, and relying on the positioning system of the ship itself, they are firmly heading towards the bottom of the abyss, the end of this small universe.

Monsters whizzed by, and Shi Yuan noticed that they often had fangs, poison sacs, or colorful parts. The infection characteristic of No. 1 Abyss was "very poisonous pollution", and they were born from this.

Fortunately, most of the monsters have no attack intentions, and occasionally a few of them come forward and look at the ship with cold compound eyes.

At one point, a wolf-bear creature approached. It circled the frigate twice, and suddenly opened its huge mouth—

The gunboat launches!

In the vacuum, the giant bullet shot out soundlessly, pierced into the head, and smashed its body into pieces!

After all this, it is not dead yet, and the claw still wants to grab the frigate.

The next instant shadows engulfed.

The giant fish, dragging its long, colorful tail, swallowed it in one gulp. The fish scales shone under the starlight, and it flicked its tail lightly, disappearing in the black mist that had just risen.

Next, everyone saw a lot.

Behemoths devoured each other, schools of fish and birds disappeared and reappeared; an indescribable ghost figure flew over the head, and countless eyes, hands and feet flashed in it; Small clusters of light, one step at a time, stepping on the starlight.

Just like Shi Yuan and Lu Tinghan riding the white snake, seeing the valley scenery... Everything that swims freely forms its own ecology, and this is their world.

Occasionally, monsters approached the frigate and tried to attack.

Lu Tinghan commanded the gunboat and laser weapons to repel them.

These shipborne weapons were originally prepared for space, but after improvement, they also played a good role, and there was no danger along the way.

Shi Yuan opened his eyes wide and looked around.

He saw those monsters, and also saw Xue Jianhua on the right hand flying up.

—The crowd gave them only a few snow flowers. Union flowers represent hope and unyielding love. It is always good to bring good luck and sustenance.

Flowers are placed in small glass jars,

It blooms vigorously, with shimmering petals. Now they are floating in the bottle, surrounded by big paper flowers, surrounded by lively, very beautiful.

He was fascinated by watching, the tip of his tail was wagging happily, and suddenly his body trembled!

The frigate trembled wildly, and the fuselage drifted uncontrollably for a moment, spinning in a chaotic direction, like a small boat in the waves, and it would be torn apart in the next second.

Shi Yuan was turned around. In the confusion, Qi Hong held on to the joystick tightly, and after more than ten seconds, the trembling stopped.

"..." Qi Hong took a deep breath, "It's a small turbulent flow."

The two major obstacles to "deep diving" are monsters and turbulent currents.

Countless aircraft of the alliance were torn to pieces by the turbulence. They were lucky, and they did not encounter the turbulence until now when they reached a negative altitude of 11 kilometers. Looking out of the ship, the starlight was safe and still flickering peacefully. The monsters had already adapted to the environment, and they were the only ones affected, only them who were insignificant in the universe.

If the turbulent current was any bigger, it might be like a cosmic storm, enough to tear everything apart.

Qi Hong whispered: "I hope we won't run into each other again."

However, contrary to expectations, the further down, the more frequent the turbulence. From a negative altitude of 11 kilometers to 123 kilometers, they encountered three small turbulences.

And the universe in the abyss does not seem to be stable.

Sometimes they are in the clear sea of ​​stars, and sometimes they return to the thick black mist. Gravity also comes and goes, and they go back and forth between weightlessness and normal gravity. Shi Yuan suddenly floats upwards, falls heavily on the seat, is dizzy by the turbulence again, and avoids monsters again. Accelerated violently, only relying on the seat belt to keep from flying out.

This directly made Shi Yuan seasick.

He sat listlessly on the seat, his tail drooping.

"Is it hard?" Lu Tinghan asked him.

"...It's okay." Shi Yuan replied sullenly, "I'm just a little dizzy."

The frigate shook again.

Lu Tinghan patted Shi Yuan's head and said, "If you're really uncomfortable, just look at the flowers, or... focus on the stars outside."

Seeing something you like can be a distraction.

After all, Shi Yuan is a little devil who loves flowers very much, and he often looks at the night sky with a telescope, waiting for a majestic meteor shower.

"I'll try." Shi Yuan was still a little helpless.

He looked at the starlight outside, and then set his eyes on the white snow, trying not to think about bumps and weightlessness.

I don't know if it was a psychological effect, but he really felt much better.

He thought, his humans are still so powerful.

And Ke Zhengrong's condition is getting worse and worse.

The inhibitors were given one after another, and he took a lot of drugs, but his condition was still deteriorating.

The infection value in his body jumped up, his face turned pale, and his breathing was short of breath.

Zhou Qian has a medical background and took care of Ke Zhengrong together with Lu Tinghan. However, there is a limit to what they can do.

In the end, Ke Zhengrong leaned back in his chair in a daze, unable to speak a word.

Zhou Qian murmured: "...Ah, how far is it?"

How far is it to reach the bottom of the abyss and reach the destination?

Can they still do it?

No one could answer her question.

For the next few tens of minutes, the frigate fought against the turbulence, and Ke Zhengrong was struggling to persevere, with his life hanging by a thread. Zhou Qian's adverse reactions also worsened. Fortunately, she is still in good condition and can last for a long time after taking an inhibitor.

At a negative altitude of 15 kilometers, Shi Yuan asked, "What is that?"

Lu Tinghan looked along, and saw a cluster of starlight clearly showing the appearance of a planet.

—It is very small, about the size of a fist, surrounded by other points of light, like orbiting planets. On its gaseous surface, colorful hues flow.

As the alliance has seen in the "Looking" project.

This is an infected star.

Before everyone could see it clearly, the starlight suddenly converged inward, turning into a dim little black spot, almost invisible.

Shi Yuan: "Huh?"

In the next moment, the blazing light exploded silently!

It is unimaginable that such a small thing can burst into such a bright light, it pierces the black fog, the universe is radiant, and other stars are eclipsed.

The frigate trembled violently again! This time it lost its balance directly and turned several times.

Shi Yuan covered his eyes, and the trembling stopped after a long time. He felt that the light was not so bright, so he looked out. Where the star was just now, there is nothing left.

Going down further, such phenomena are more and more common.

The dazzling light continued one after another, and the turbulent flow and the energy of the explosion were entangled together, turning the frigate upside down—no matter how strong the alloy, no matter how powerful the propeller, under this force, it was like paper.

Some monsters that were close were directly torn apart.

"What the **** are these?!" All the detection data jumped wildly, and they were all red. Qi Hong was holding on to the control lever, his face was sweating, and he didn't dare to let go. "Explosions are happening everywhere!"

Another round of blinding light.

Lu Tinghan suddenly said: "...It's the collapse of a star and a supernova explosion."

Qi Hong was stunned for a moment and understood.

Shining, collapsing, exploding, becoming a black hole or neutron star, this is the life of a star. In the natural world, this process often takes millions to hundreds of millions of years. In the heart of the universe in the abyss, this process can be completed in only tens of minutes, and the energy is too much less.

They are diving in a space that is constantly dying and reborn, changing and repeating itself.

Reaching a negative altitude of 21 kilometers, infected, collapsed ultra-small stars are everywhere.

The frigate passed through it, and was swayed by the turbulence. Shi Yuan saw that some metal structure outside the ship was constantly shaking, and was torn to pieces in another turbulent flow. It flew up rapidly and disappeared without a trace. no end.

The model of the spaceship on the control panel is red, showing "External sentry gun No. 3 is missing".

This is just the beginning.

They lost four or five external turrets one after another. At a negative altitude of 25 kilometers, Ke Zhengrong completely lost consciousness and closed his eyes tightly. Only the data beating on the screen represented that he was still alive.

"8 o'clock direction." Lu Tinghan said.

Shi Yuan turned around.

A massive star.

It suddenly appeared in the black mist, shining brightly.

The star that collapsed before was only the size of a fist, and could destroy the hull of the ship. And this new star, at least one city is huge, if it explodes, they cannot survive.

Qi Hong turned pale and accelerated his dive.

Zhou Qian asked him: "Can we escape its explosion range?"

Qi Hong said hoarsely: "...I don't know."

In fact, everyone understands that this time there is no escape.

I'm afraid the journey will come to an end here. They had prepared so much, but after all, they failed to predict the most real situation.

Things got worse, the turbulence turned the frigate upside down like a void hand, and they drifted up and down, drifting with the current.

Zhou Qian grasped the armrest tightly, closed her eyes to endure the discomfort, and Qi Hong clenched his teeth to control the frigate, passing through the stars.

The frigate couldn't hold on any more.

A spark exploded silently, a hole was torn in the back half of the ship, and red words jumped out on the screen: [Warning! Thruster 2 is inoperable! 】

In this case, close the isolation door of the partition, and then decide whether to abandon the area according to the situation.

Qi Hong tapped the screen several times, but there was no response! With a chill in his heart, he turned around and shouted: "The control system is broken! You need to manually open the isolation door of Partition No. 2!"

Zhou Qian's condition was not good, and Lu Tinghan still wanted to give instructions. Shi Yuan unbuckled his seat belt and floated towards the manual operation box of the isolation door.

Lu Tinghan taught him the basic structure, and the tail also gave him good balance, enough to reach the destination.

He quickly found the operation box, opened the protective cover, and was dazzled by the various buttons and lines. Fragments of the hull continued to fly outwards, the metal plates were crushed like paper balls, and the flames burned violently, almost reaching the cab!

"Hurry up!" Qi Hong roared, "Hurry up!"

The turbulence attacked the frigate, Shi Yuan was caught off guard and hit his head

on the wall. This was not light, he shook his head vigorously to wake up, quickly glanced at the buttons, recalling that Lu Tinghan taught him how to find them.

Red button, green button, black wire...

k20, k21, a11, a02...

His eyes fell on the railing that said "z02": that's it! Separation Gate No. 2!

There was another round of silent explosions, and the ship dragged its red long tail as it dived deep among the stars.

Just behind them, the massive star began to collapse.

Shi Yuan pulled the lever!

I don't know if it was damaged in the turbulence, and the railing got stuck halfway.


No matter how he fiddled and pressed down, he remained motionless, stuck in mid-air.

Qi Hong shouted: "Hurry up! The fire is coming!"

It's not easy to exert force in the weightless state, Shi Yuan gritted his teeth, changed the angle, and pressed down desperately.

Can't hold it down.

I can't hold it down!

Shi Yuan was so anxious that his back was sweating. The stars exploded around him, and the dazzling brilliance fell on his body, which also outlined the lines of his hands, flickering on and off, he held the lever tightly, and there was nothing he could do—

Until another pair of strong hands covered the back of his hand.

"Together." Lu Tinghan whispered in his ear, "We want to come together."

The two had a tacit understanding, overlapping their hands, and pressing down at the same time!


The lever moved unwillingly.

The No. 2 isolation door closed abruptly, isolating the flames. The partition has been torn to pieces by the turbulence, Qi Hong made a decisive decision to completely abandon the No. 2 partition!

Each partition is independent, Zhou Qian leaned forward and snapped a command, and that partition was ejected, and quickly disappeared in the light of the explosion, annihilated without a trace. Before everyone could breathe a sigh of relief, they saw that the huge star had turned into a tiny point—

It's almost done collapsing.

It is to accomplish the most beautiful death in an explosion.

Before Shi Yuan could react, he was grabbed by Lu Tinghan.

There was another turbulent current, and the monsters seemed to be aware of something wrong, and they all became restless and ran to the distance. Before they had time to return to their seats, Lu Tinghan pulled down the temporary safety ropes from both sides, wrapping him and Shi Yuan together.

After that, there was nothing more they could do.

In addition to facing this catastrophe and judgment together.

Lu Tinghan said: "You will turn into a black mist later."

"Okay." Shi Yuan said, "I will."

"...Shiyuan." Lu Tinghan said again.

It was overwhelming outside, but inside the cabin was peaceful and quiet.

Shi Yuan: "Huh?"

His tail curled instinctively into a question mark.

Lu Tinghan said: "I have always wanted to tell you that there is no one in the world like you who will accompany me unreservedly and wholeheartedly, and will always be by my side. Before I met you, I never thought that I would be with another person." One person has experienced so much, going to the stage play to see the wheat field, climbing the energy tower to see the night view, and riding the merry-go-round in the abandoned city.” He smiled, “We also went to the imperial capital together, watched the sea and the sea together. aurora."

Shi Yuan listened quietly, looking at those familiar gray-blue eyes.

Lu Tinghan: "The luckiest thing in my life was that I found you alone on that snow-filled night. This is really an incredible journey. I am very glad to have you here."

He took a deep breath and continued: "When I was young, I swore to dedicate everything to mankind and the city. Now I can proudly say that I did it and I don't regret it. But if I had to choose, I hope I can I have the opportunity to no longer bear so many responsibilities, and to love you more ordinaryly in the next more stable and peaceful era."

He said: "This is all my wish. I hope I can see you next time when I look back."

Shi Yuan rolled his eyes and smiled.

He said, "Lu Tinghan, I love you too."

Behind them, the stars exploded in magnificent brilliance.

The world is bright, just like the big bang in ancient times. With a bang, countless new lives are created, and the Milky Way is bright from then on.

Hand in hand, they fell in the burning starlight.