MTL - How to Feed an Abyss!-Chapter 38 restless

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It was only when he returned to the theater hall that Yuan noticed that there were many guards standing in the dark, as well as field doctors in white clothes.

Lu Tinghan probably came home late at night and found that Shi Yuan was not there, so he brought his subordinates to the theater.

"There are residues of barbiturate sleeping pills on the mouth of the bottle." The inspector wore gloves and took the bottle, "It is very dangerous to take central nervous system depressants and alcohol together. You should be glad that he is using a new version. The response to alcohol is small, the dose is small, and the potential for intoxication is very low."

Qin Luoluo sat on the sofa, bent down, and buried her face in her palms. She said hoarsely, "Why did he do this... Is it because of his debts, or because of his mother?"

No one could answer her question.

The others woke up one after another, they couldn't believe it.

Cheng Youwen was stunned for a while, then kicked over the table: "I'm a **** idiot...!"

Dishes fell, juice splattered on the marble floor, and popcorn was scattered all over the place. Cheng Youwen couldn't even stand still, he stumbled and wanted to kick the chair, but Wolfgang stopped him.

"Forget it," whispered Wolfgang, "errarehuma."

It's a proverb from his hometown that means "it's human nature to err." If you look closely, his hard facial lines also twitched a bit, being forcibly pressed down by him.

Cheng Youwen was grabbed by him, panting heavily, his eyes were red.

"What happened?" came a timid female voice.

Tracy, wearing a white nightgown and stepping barefoot on the landing, was awakened by the commotion. She went to bed early and didn't drink with her, and of course Wolfgang didn't allow her to drink either—recalling that just now, Xia Fang was particularly enthusiastic about persuading her to go to bed, and even sent her upstairs, all of which were premeditated.

"What's going on?" she asked again. "You look weird."

The expressions of the surrounding officers, doctors, and everyone obviously made her uneasy, and she wrung her hands tightly.

"It's okay." Wolfgang stood up with difficulty, and walked in front of her, "Go upstairs and continue to sleep, and I will talk to you tomorrow, tomorrow." He murmured, "It will be better."

Looking around, there is a mess everywhere, and the last goodbye is not even decent. After all, life is not a stage play. There is no applause at the curtain call, and it is never complete.

Before leaving, Cheng Youwen and Qin Luoluo calmed down.

Cheng Youwen stretched his brows and said, "That's it, Shi Yuan, goodbye, go home early and rest."

Qin Luoluo also said: "Don't think so much, there are some things we can't do anything about, don't be unhappy because of this. See you again when we have a chance, maybe we can act together." She smiled and pinched Shi Yuan's shoulder, her eyebrows were the same Shu Zhan said, "Fortunately, I am wise and mighty. I decided to recruit you that day, and then I got to know you."

Shi Yuan said goodbye to them, just like he did countless times before when he left work.

Before the effect of the medicine had worn off, he followed Lu Tinghan into the car in a daze.

Vehicles drove silently through the midnight streets, and several street lights dimmed. In the car, Lu Tinghan asked, "Are you sad?"

"It's okay." Shi Yuan replied honestly, "But it's a surprise."

He remembered that he and Xia Fang walked through the streets countless times, putting up posters, and Xia Fang said mysteriously that Cheng Youwen had a crush on Qin Luoluo. It was hot, with a sweet fragrance; he remembered that the person Xia Fang loved was a liar, and his mother was seriously ill in Fengyang City. He remembered that at the end of the party, Xia Fang cried and said sorry, I mean it I like you guys.

All kinds of past, stacked together.

He wasn't too upset, but curled his tail in confusion.

"Shi Yuan," Lu Tinghan said, "everyone's position is different, they can't understand each other, and they don't have so much empathy."

Shi Yuan: "Oh..."

When the car turned a corner, he was dizzy and wobbled.

Lu Tinghan said: "Don't worry about it. You will meet a lot of people, thinkers, politicians, politicians, strategists, and artists. Most of them are passers-by. Some people are devoted to art, while others are obsessed with money and power. Everyone wants different things. , you must become the kind of person you want to be, and only those who stand in the same position can walk side by side."

He is comforting Shi Yuan.

But at this moment, Shi Yuan inevitably thought of the wasteland, those treacherous monsters, dead soldiers, cold pistols/guns, and blue butterflies frozen in crystals.

He asked Lu Tinghan in a low voice: "...Then what is your position? What kind of person do you want to be?"

There are fewer lights on the road ahead, Xingyue dare not show up tonight, and the car just drives into the darkness like this.

The vehicle has a night vision system, a handlebar with a ring device, an independent oxygen supply system, and a special explosion-proof foam in the fuel tank. This may be the best car in the world. Even before the end of the world, it will be famous for its performance. But the blackness was very dense, a curtain that even high-powered headlights could not tear through, and the car drifted in it like a solitary ship on the dark sea.

Lu Tinghan didn't answer.

Much later he said, "I can be anyone. Where humans stand is where I stand."

Shi Yuan wanted to speak, but didn't know what to say.

It was an answer he had always known.

From the first time I met Lu Tinghan, I knew the answer.

Human anesthetics are very useful for Shi Yuan. In terms of physical function, he was never special. Blood tests could not show that he was a monster. He would be scratched by rocks and affected by drugs.

Perhaps after becoming human, with their feelings, they also have their weaknesses.

But what about that?

He could hear thousands of sounds from the wilderness, and they roared in the middle of the night, and he knew that they had the same origin.

Shi Yuan's tail curled up even tighter, but the next second, Lu Tinghan stretched out his hand to press his head, letting him lean on his shoulder. He exerted some force in his hands, with a slightly forceful attitude, and the breath of the two blended together.

"What about you?" Lu Tinghan asked casually, "If given the chance, what kind of person would you like to be? Is there anything you particularly like?"

"I don't know either." Shi Yuan was very tangled, "I don't like money, I'm afraid of being alone, and I need the company of others."

Lu Tinghan finally calmed down and rubbed his head.

Shi Yuan continued to struggle: "If you want to talk about occupations, I think either is good. Actors, musicians, woodcarvers, or broadcasters are all very interesting. What do you think?"

"Yeah." Lu Tinghan said, "When the war is over, let's try it."

"What if I have no talent and can't make money?"

Lu Tinghan: "Then I can only sell you."

"You can't do this, I'm worthless." Shi Yuan protested with his eyes wide open, "From now on, you won't have a tail to touch."

Lu Tinghan seemed to be smiling, and after a while he said, "That's right." He thought of something, "By the way, do you want to tell me something?"

Shi Yuan didn't answer.

He fell asleep.

In the dream, someone stroked his hair, over and over again, and finally rubbed the corner of his mouth lightly with his fingertips.

Aloof, with an indescribable feeling.

It almost feels like a kiss when it brushes the lips inadvertently.

The car stopped downstairs, Lu Tinghan woke Shi Yuan up.

Shi Yuan went upstairs in a daze.

Lu Tinghan said: "Just go to sleep, you can't stand still, don't knock in the bathroom."

"Okay." Shi Yuan said, went to wash his face and went back to his room.

Lu Tinghan went to the study.

Turning on the light, he sat in front of the desk. The report on the terminal showed that the monsters were extremely restless tonight. The infection values ​​of Abyss 3, 5, and 6 soared, reaching a new high in 50 years. Prepare for emergencies. Su Enqi commanded the troops in the main city, strengthened the defense line overnight, and informed the residents to prepare for refuge at any time.

It was a chaotic night, both inside and outside the city.

The situation in Gleaner City and Fengyang City is much better. Lu Tinghan held a video conference with his subordinates.

It was early morning after the meeting ended, the infection rate had risen by two levels, and thousands of monsters were having a carnival.

He walked out of the study.

The living room was silent and dark. Shi Yuan should have gone to bed early, but Lu Tinghan suddenly stopped in his tracks.

Just like he could find Shi Yuan every time before, he shouted into the darkness: "Shi Yuan."

Nothing happened.

Lu Tinghan: "Shi Yuan."

This time there was a rustling sound, the scales rubbing against the carpet. He had heard it many times—when Shi Yuanwo was reading a book beside him, his tail dropped to the ground and swayed slightly, it was this kind of sound.

Sure enough, Shi Yuan was in the living room.

Lu Tinghan went downstairs: "Why haven't you slept yet?"

Shi Yuan sat up, grabbed the edge of the sofa, and said in a very sleepy tone: "Huh? I want to touch my head..."

Drunk, drugged, sleepy and thinking about touching her, only Shi Yuan could do it.

Lu Tinghan said: "Hurry up and go to sleep, don't think about anything else." He said so, but he walked over and touched Shi Yuan's head.

But this time, Shi Yuan didn't make a satisfied purr.

He turned his head sideways, rubbed against Lu Tinghan's hand, and responded enthusiastically. His skin was hot, like something was burning inside, and it wouldn't go out.

After his eyes adapted to the darkness, Lu Tinghan saw him clearly.

Shi Yuan's eyes were darker than before, and the black scales at the end of his right eye spread to his temples. At first glance, his eyes looked like an abyss, and his skin was extremely white.

This is not a sense of morbidity. Shi Yuan has never made people feel sick and weak. He has to be compared. He is that kind of soft and energetic creature. He is timid, loved and easy to support.

It's a sinister, eerie aesthetic.

It's like soldiers patrolling the forest, attracted by a bright flower, couldn't help but reach out to pick it, only to be dismantled and eaten until there was no bones left. Before they died, they were all smiling, because they got that coquettish flower.

Lu Tinghan paused for a moment: "What's wrong with you? If you're still not feeling well, I'll call you a doctor."

"I'm fine, but it's too noisy outside, making me dizzy." Shi Yuan shook his head, as if trying to shake his voice out of his mind, "I, I want to tell you about that matter—it's done , I will tell you when you come back."

He clenched his pockets tightly.

The black crystal has sharp edges and corners, and it hurts his palm. I don't know if it has scratched the skin.

But, it's midnight now, and it's so quiet outside that you can even hear a needle drop, how could it be noisy?

Lu Tinghan looked at him and said, "Shi Yuan, are you really okay? You look... a little different." He looked at Shi Yuan carefully, "What did you hear? There is no sound outside."

"Huh? Can't you hear it?" Shi Yuan said, "It's a messy voice, full of everything, so noisy that I can't think about things at all."

Lu Tinghan: "..." He pinched Shi Yuan's shoulder and said seriously, "You are not in the right state now. What did you hear? Tell me."

Shi Yuan shook his head again, trying to drive the sound out, but to no avail. He frowned and said, "It's the sound like insect wings..."

He paused.

The chaotic brain became clearer, and he suddenly realized that the sound of flapping wings had appeared several times in his dreams!

There are all kinds of strange sounds tonight, unknown screams, songs like silver bells, and the rustling of swarms of creatures. He heard the fallen leaves outside the city kissing the ground, the petals blooming passionately, the wind passing through every feather that infected the birds, the giant wolf gnawing on the bones, the six-eyed leopard cat in heat, slouching and screaming hoarsely and loudly. Charming... Many noises rushed towards him.

The infection value soared, and the effect of the medicine made him dizzy. He didn't realize for a moment that these noises came from monsters.

—He also told Lu Tinghan.

Who is Lu Tinghan? How sharp and alert.

Others might take that as nonsense, but for him, it was enough of a mistake. It's like planting a seed, even if you can't see it today, it will take root and germinate in the future, and it will grow in an instant.

Lu Tinghan looked down at him and said, "I'll call the doctor."

"No need," Shi Yuan took his hand, "There's no need to call a doctor, I just, I just...I want to..."

The voice in his head was deafening, creating a commotion that tickled his heart unbearably.

His heart was beating fast.

The blood is tense.

"What do you want to do?" Lu Tinghan asked.

—I want to tell you that I am actually a monster.

I am Abyss 0, from the wasteland.

I came here to find you.

Shi Yuan opened his mouth, but said nothing.

The sound of the insect's wings was so loud that it drowned out the whole world. In a trance, he returned to the stage of his dream. The monster was watching him, and the sound was getting closer.

Like... sending him a message.

It wants to tell him something.

It tried desperately to tell warn him.

Shi Yuan shook his head vigorously, trying to get rid of it, but let his words become clear:

【Don't tell him】

The monster hoarsely said.

【Don't tell him】

【We are on the same side, you will always be on the same side with us, you can't save them】

【Never Impossible】

"Shi Yuan? Shi Yuan!" It seemed that Lu Tinghan was calling him.

The giant wolf stopped eating, turned to look at him, and licked its scarlet teeth; the flock of birds stopped flapping their wings, and fell down like white mist in large swaths, crashing into the ground, and all their dark eyes looked at Shi Yuan after death.

It was as if Shi Yuan dreamed of the day when the "horn" died, their eyes were shining with fear and fanaticism.

They say: [Give us strength]

They say: [We will fight for you until the world ends and the stars die]

They say: "Until we..."

A huge shadow enveloped the heart. Shi Yuan held the Butterfly Crystal with too much force, a few cuts were drawn in his palm, and blood oozes out.

—He suddenly remembered where the familiar sound of flapping wings came from.

This is…

"Time Yuan!"

With a heavy forehead, Shi Yuan came back to his senses. Lu Tinghan and his forehead were close together. His skin was burning hot, and the skin was pressed against each other, and the cold touch that came back made him tremble slightly.

A tiny electric current surged up the spine.

"Look at me." Lu Tinghan said, "Look at me, take a deep breath."

Shi Yuan's eyes were full of mist, and he was at a loss.

"Look at me." Lu Tinghan pressed his head, and said in a rare urgent tone, "You will be fine, the doctor will be here soon."

Shi Yuan looked at Lu Tinghan fixedly.

The craggy black crystal shone with a strange light, and the bright blue color of the butterfly almost broke out.

None of them realized that the number of infections in the air was increasing. Outside the city, the wilderness is noisy, and inside the house, the turmoil from the primitive instinct is unbearable.

No matter how disguised it is, a monster is still a monster.

Tonight is a carnival of monsters.

Shi Yuan licked his tiger teeth and said softly, "I want to..."

I want to infect you.

Just like fallen leaves returning to their roots, fate hangs down the curtain, and everything will eventually come to an end. Human life is short. If they become monsters, their genes move from order to chaos, and mutations occur all the time, then their lifespan will not be limited.

Nearly eternal life, from now on there will be no separation between life and death.

The world is cruel, let us live forever in the mud and bones.

Shi Yuan grabbed Lu Tinghan's shoulder with his backhand, so hard that his fingertips almost dug into the flesh. The long-tailed scales rubbed against the darkness, making a metallic sound.

【Infect him】

Instinct was clamoring.

【Aren't you most afraid of being alone? Infect him, and he will be yours forever]

Shi Yuan stared straight at Lu Tinghan, his tail twitching slightly. He suddenly lowered his head and bit Lu Tinghan's shoulder!

The convoy was driving in the tall forest, and Wolfpaw poked his head out to sniff the wind.

"Smell anything?" Antlers asked him.

"It's all the **** bug smell," Wolfpaw said. "Are they crazy, or have we poked a bug nest?"

"Who knows." Antlers wiped the shotgun/gun in his hand, "Anyway, we'll kill a bunch of them, I just wanted to try it."

After 10 minutes, the convoy stopped.

Antler stood up and wanted to see what happened. Xing Yifeng's voice came from the communication terminal: "Team 2 gets off the car and goes to the front of the convoy."

Antlers and Wolfpaw looked at each other and got out of the car. The ground was covered with fallen leaves and bug corpses, spread out like a weird carpet. The lifespan of mutated insects is often not long, and they often die in large numbers. When they step on their military boots, the leaves and insect corpses creak.

Before reaching the front of the convoy, they knew why the convoy stopped.

—A shriveled bark hangs between two huge trees.

The dry skin is black and yellow intertwined, tens of meters high, hanging on the branches, fluttering in the wind.

Vaguely, strange black crystals reflected the skylight.

"...his grandma's." Wolfpaw murmured, "What monster left this?"

Five researchers were taking samples, and Xing Yifeng stood guard with a gun.

The warrior with snake scales on his neck said: "This is left by the purple lantern insect. I will never admit it."

Wolf Claw asked, "That thing still sheds its skin?"

"Powerful individuals will shed their skin during the growth period, because their body shape changes a lot." Snake Scale replied, looking up at the dry skin, "But I have never seen such a big skin...It is too exaggerated Now, it must be as big as a hill."

"We should never face it head-on, there is no chance of winning." Xing Yifeng said, "I informed the command center of the situation, and they will guide the next route."

"It's really impossible to have a chance of winning." Snakescale stared at the dry skin intently, and the snake-like vertical pupils seemed to be staring at the prey. "However, what puzzles me is why there are so many scorching marks on this piece of skin."

"Maybe it was burned by fire." Wolfpaw said.

"No, no, no..." Snakescale murmured, "Purple lantern worms are not afraid of fire. Both the queen bee and the queen bee tend to be warm. When they are burned, only the outer shell will turn dark, and it is impossible to cause burns. How can I Think..." He hesitated for a few seconds, "Is this like a 'Rainbow Sword'?"

The "Rainbow Sword" is the alliance's space-based laser weapon, which has destroyed the southeastern outpost and the rodent infection colony that attacked the outpost.

"Hahaha, what are you kidding!" Wolfpaw couldn't hold back, and laughed out loud, "How could there be a creature that could survive that kind of attack? This is a fairy! What was the name of the special infected creature before, oh yes It's called 'Hot Hurricane', it ate a 'Rainbow Sword' head-on, and the skin and flesh were gone, leaving a quarter of the skeleton - this is already abnormal enough. If there is such a thing, a city will be wiped out .”

"That's right." Snake Scale pulled the corner of her mouth, showing an insincere smile, "It's a bit too nonsense."

"Absolutely impossible. So what is this? Is it the queen bee or the queen bee of the purple lamp beetle?" Wolfpaw asked.

He paused suddenly.

His hearing was so sensitive that he seemed to hear... some kind of insect's flapping wings? But it was so fast and light that he thought it was an illusion.

"Queen bee, you can tell by looking at its wings, there are two more pairs than the queen bee." Snake scale pointed in the direction with the muzzle of the gun, "No, that's right there."

Wolfpaw looked along, and before he could see clearly, there was a creaking sound in the forest, it was the deer antlers coming back stepping on a pile of bug corpses.

"What's the hurry?" Wolfpaw said, "Did you bump into that queen bee?"

Antler ignored him, walked up to everyone with a solemn expression, opened his hands—

The thin chain was hanging down, and a metal plate was dangling in his hand. This is commonly known as a "dog tag" by alliance fighters, with each person's name and number written on it. When the victim has no way to return to the city shrouded in horse leather, the fighters will take away their dog tag to show that the heroic spirit has returned home.

"We found a body," said Antlers. "The body of a missing officer."

The dog tag dangled, flashing a metallic light:

[No.: c29770

Lieutenant Xie Qianming]