MTL - How to Feed an Abyss!-Chapter 39 God

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Soldiers surrounded the scrapped off-road vehicles.

Xing Yifeng reported the situation to the command center.

The command center told him that Lieutenant Xie Qianming suddenly proposed to resign in February last year, and then disappeared. There was no consumption record or travel record. He seemed to disappear into the world... What disappeared with him was his beloved car.

Everyone knew he was out of town.

Xie Qianming's friend also went to ask Lu Tinghan if he knew where his old boss had gone.

"I don't know." Lu Tinghan replied, "But he won't come back."

As he said, Xie Qianming did not come back.

But no one could have imagined that he would appear like this today.

The SUV was badly damaged, the glass was all shattered, infected plants were crawling over the frame, and the metal was crushed to the point of warping. Antlers pulled out his long-cherished flamethrower and burned the plants clean.

They saw the buggy.

The entire car body was split in two, which is the masterpiece of the queen bee's tail needle, which makes people shudder.

They saw Xie Qianming.

Xie Qianming was buried under the pile of rubble, several vines crawled into the gap, and gnawed him into a bone before he mutated.

Xing Yifeng put on thick gloves and pushed the gravel away.

Zhang Geyuan, the expert who rushed over, glanced at it, and said with great certainty: "He has been parasitized by purple lantern worms." He squatted down and pointed to the little holes on the bones, "These are the traces left by the purple lantern worm eggs. They put their roots in the bones."

Wolf Claw shivered and touched his arm: "It hurts even thinking about it."

Xing Yifeng asked: "What about the skin on the tree?"

"It was indeed left by the queen bee." Zhang Geyuan replied, "Looking at the shape, its wings are fully developed. It's not the molt during the growth period, but the molt after a serious injury." He took out the detector and pointed it at the bottom of the dry skin Monitoring, the screen was full of red data, "This was left not long ago, and the infection rate is still very high, so high that it is terrifying. Give me 10 minutes, and I will identify the infection characteristics of which abyss."

Seven or eight researchers gathered around to assist him in the identification, during which the convoy stood ready.

After 10 minutes, the results came out.

Zhang Geyuan looked at the dense data on the detector and said, "...this is the infected creature from Abyss No. 0."

For a moment, everyone was terrified.

"Abyss No. 0!" Xing Yifeng opened his eyes slightly, "Hasn't it never infected other creatures?!"

"Because we have never observed its infection, it does not mean that it has never been infected." In just a few seconds, Zhang Geyuan sweated on his forehead, "This is, this is the first infection sample we found , we must bring it back, at all costs!"

"How about taking it back? Can it be researched?" Yangjiao murmured, "Now is the peak time, do we really have so much time..."

The research of each abyss is based on decades. From studying samples, to confirming the wavelength of infection, studying the characteristics of infection, to identifying high-frequency signals, and developing specific inhibitors, the chain is interlocking and cannot tolerate any negligence.

Even today, no one dares to say that the research on any abyss has reached a thorough level, they only have a half-knowledge, relying on countless people to **** in blood and fire, to get a glimpse of the truth.

They don't even know the infection characteristics of the No. 0 abyss, they only know that its value is outstanding.

If it starts to infect on a large scale, no one can guard against it.

"No, no, no," Zhang Geyuan stared at the monster's wreckage, "No, you're wrong, we don't need that much time, really. Professor Yu Qingmei has been engaged in the research of No. 0 Abyss for nearly 20 years , coupled with the information that Admiral Lu Tinghan has collected in the past 10 years, our understanding of it is actually close to the door."

He continued: "Can you understand? We have mastered too much of it, just like building a gorgeous gate, every inch of detail has been carefully crafted, without any omission. What we lack is What? What is missing is the 'key' to open the door." He looked at the shed skin of the queen bee, and said softly, "And we have found it now."

A gust of wind blew, and the terribly large dry skin fluttered.

It has a peculiar texture, and Xing Yifeng couldn't help but think that some primitive tribes would use human skin to make drumheads, and they probably have the same feeling.

In the dead silence, he said slowly: "Then let us take it back. Let's see how sacred it is."

The researchers moved, preparing to cut its tissue.

"'Rainbow Sword'..." Snakescale murmured, "It really looks like the wound left by the 'Rainbow Sword'."

"Why are you still struggling with this?" Wolf Claw still didn't believe it: "Before it was released, one shot of the 'Rainbow Sword' was enough to destroy the city, and even one shot of the 'Horn' would be too dead. Old Zhang, you Are you saying that? If Abyss No. 0 can create such a monster, we don’t need to fight at all!”

Zhang Geyuan didn't agree with him, but stared at Ganpi closely: "This needs to cut the tissue, take it back for identification, and then we can know whether it is the injury caused by the laser weapon."

Wolf Claw was dumbfounded: "No way! Do you believe this too?!" He looked around, but found that everyone looked solemn, "Do you really think there are creatures that can eat a space-based weapon and still be alive?"

"I also find it unbelievable." Zhang Geyuan murmured, "But this is the No. 0 abyss. The infection value of the No. 0 abyss is countless times that of other abysses. Everything is possible. Don't you think it is beautiful when you look at its creations? "

"Huh? What's so beautiful?" Wolf Claw followed his gaze and saw... black crystals attached to the dry skin?

He squinted his eyes to look carefully, but his eyes flickered—

He is in the boundless wilderness.

There is no grass, no trees, no wind, the sky is dark, and the earth is lonely.

Where are the others?

Why did he come to this place?

Wolf Claw wanted to call out to his teammates, but his throat seemed to be stuck and he couldn't make a sound. The whole world was silent. He clapped his hands, stomped his feet, and shouted desperately, but they couldn't break the dead silence.

There is no sun, no stars in the sky, no direction at all, and no response from the communication terminal. Standing still was not an option, so Wolf Claw picked a direction and walked towards the vast front.

I don't know how long we walked, but the dark gray sky was completely dark.

Even though Wolf Claw has rich experience, he still panics—people are prone to anxiety in an absolutely quiet environment, which is called "sensory deprivation". If it takes a long time, it will lead to extreme fear; what's more, here is endless, there are no landmarks and no life , It made him collapse even more.

Am I dead? He thought so more than once.

Is everyone else dead?

After an unknown amount of time, time and thoughts froze, he only knew to keep walking, walking, walking dead.

Until a dazzling light shot from the sky.

The light was extremely bright and blue, as if someone had shone a bright flashlight on his face.

Wolf Claw was so stimulated that he closed his eyes instinctively, and forced them to open them again. Regardless of the tears in the corners of his eyes, he shouted, "Is there anyone?! I'm here! I'm here!"

The wilderness swallowed his voice again.

The light shone directly on him, and there was no response.

Wolfpaw ran towards it desperately. The light was too strong, and his face was full of irritating tears. He fell, got up, and fell again and again, for fear that it would be too late, and the man would leave.

"I'm here!" He said hoarsely, "Can you hear me, I'm here!"

There were bloodstains on the hands, the skin on the knees was broken, and the blood continued to flow out. He fell down again, scrambled forward on all fours, got up again and ran. He ran faster and faster, but suddenly his right foot hurt, he tripped hard, and rolled on the ground a few times in embarrassment.

The fall was so heavy that it took him a few seconds to react and look back.

The thing that tripped him was illuminated by the light. It was a military helmet with the alliance's snowflake flag printed on it.

The helmet was inexplicably familiar, and the wolf paw subconsciously pulled it, and the helmet rolled away, revealing half of its rotten face.

…that was his face.

Half shriveled and half boned, but it was indeed himself!

Terrified, Wolfpaw desperately dug up the soil next to the corpse, revealing the upper body of the corpse. The clothes, dog tags, and epaulettes were all his. The dark eye sockets of the corpse just looked at the wolf's claw like that, as if saying: This is the future you.

You are doomed to die like this.

Wolf Claw hugged the corpse blankly, the light behind him became brighter and brighter——

He turned his head blankly.

Saw huge stars.

It was a blue giant star.

It has a brightness ten thousand times higher than the sun, scorching and burning, covering the entire sky.

The light just now was not a flashlight, but the glare of the blue giant star slowly rising.

So close, the gravity of the blue giant star is enough to pull the planet close and engulf it, and the heat is enough to destroy everything. And Wolf Claw was holding his own corpse, under the stars enough to destroy the planet, he could actually look at it directly, seeing its graceful blue color, almost beautiful.

Then, the blue giant star began to collapse.

—Brilliant and colorful planetary nebula surrounds it, it burns out the hydrogen and helium in its core, ejects streams of matter at a speed of 6 million kilometers per hour, nuclear reaction fuses iron elements, and iron collapses to cause a supernova explosion, within a few seconds , which releases the sum of the energy released by the sun in its lifetime. Its mass is too large, and the electron degeneracy pressure is not enough to resist gravity, so the collapse continues, and finally it is a black hole that even light cannot escape.

A massive, lightless black hole that distorts spacetime.

Wolfpaw couldn't see anything.

He was in the event horizon of the black hole, as if in an eternal death.

One second, two seconds, or one year, two years, or a million years later—

He saw the light.

That's a molecular cloud of gas and dust particles.

High-density regions of molecular clouds are gravitationally unstable, breaking off into fragments. Its internal pressure continues to increase, the oppression of gravity triggers a thermonuclear reaction, the plasma begins to expand, and finally the expansion is offset by its own gravity, so another star is born.

The light is bright.

It "lived" over.

As the light descended, Wolf Claw gradually came to his senses.

He remembered what Xing Yifeng said. That day, Xing Yifeng touched the black crystal on the body of the purple lantern worm, and dreamed: "I saw the never-ending time, where death and new life are connected head to tail. All the stars surround me, and they burn forever."

He's right, time doesn't end here, even if a star collapses into a black hole, it can still turn into a molecular cloud and be born again.

Wolf Claw lowered his head, and the skeleton in his arms turned into a baby at some point—when he was young, he exhaled his first breath into the world, crying loudly, but black crystals grew out of the corners of his eyes! He was suddenly startled and threw the baby out. The baby opened its mouth and bit his arm fiercely with layers of fangs in its mouth.

The bones broke instantly, and the blood spurted wildly.

The baby jumped up like a monster and bit his throat, they should be one, but he was dying. The price of going from death to new life is infection. He looked one last time at the stars before dying—

The blue giant still burns.

Black crystals were burned.

This is an infected star.

Looking far away, the stars are shining, all shining with strange light.


"...Wake up!"

"Where is the inhibitor?! Where is the inhibitor?!"

The hoarse roar seemed to be separated by a layer of mist.

Wolfpaw was in a daze, feeling a pain in his shoulder, and the cold inhibitor was injected into his body. Sight quickly recovered, Xing Yifeng stood in front of him, and slapped him hard!


Wolf Claw was beaten and fell to the ground, his cheeks were on fire, and he cursed: "What the **** are you doing?!"

Xing Yifeng knelt down in front of him and stretched out three fingers: "How much is this?"

Wolf Claw: "Three!"

"Very good, get up now." Xing Yifeng said, "You just lost your mind and almost got infected...just like I did last time."

Wolf Claw was taken aback.

Only then did he vaguely remember what had just happened. He saw his own bones, turned back into babies, killed him, and finally the infected star.

He was in a daze: "How long have I been out of control?"

"Two minutes." Xing Yifeng said.

Wolfpaw murmured: "Two minutes? I feel like it's been two million years..." He supported his head that was dying of pain, "I saw my own corpse, and one, uh, one was infected stars?"

"Spiritual pollution is like this. It's like a dream. I did it last time." Xing Yifeng said, "I don't need to say more, you know it's all fake. If you are immersed and believe it, you are real. It's over. Old Zhang was also affected, and he hasn't recovered yet."

Wolf Claw looked back, Zhang Geyuan was carried into the car, unconscious. The other researchers who took the samples all took inhibitors to stabilize their spirits, and manipulated small robots to cut and seal the crystallized parts.

"It's the black crystal." Wolfpaw said, "We watched it for a long time when we were hallucinating, and you did the same last time."

"Well, but it wasn't destroyed this time." Xing Yifeng glanced at the dry skin, and was very careful not to look at the black crystal, "We have to take it back."

Wolf Claw was stunned for a while, then suddenly asked: "Is the bug under our feet really dead?"

They came all the way by stepping on Xiao Chongzi's corpse, Xing Yifeng frowned: "Isn't there? There was no problem along the way."

"No, no, no." Wolfclaw murmured, "I saw it in the black crystal, their death will be a new life. For the No. 0 abyss, time is a ring that will never end. Reshape into a nebula, I can regenerate into a baby when I die, so these bugs..."

Before he finished speaking, a purple lantern insect corpse at his feet moved.

The movement was very light, as if it was just the wind blowing its tentacles. However, in the next second, vigorous black crystals burst out! Trapped in the crystal, it shrank back into a translucent egg.

"Be careful!" Xing Yifeng's pupils constricted, and the flamethrower in his hand spat out flames. In just a few seconds, the eggs hatched, and a black crystal-like bug flapped its wings and flew into the air!

Not only it, but all the insects are alive, dancing wildly one by one.

The soldiers were already on alert, but after reacting, blazing flames covered half of the sky. Xing Yifeng was holding the bugs falling all over the sky, grabbed the last researcher into the car, and closed the car door tightly. The car window immediately crackled with a piece of purple lamp insects, the whole body crystallized, and the glass screamed.

"Plan b, plan b!" Xing Yifeng yelled, "Go! Let me go!"

The convoy immediately fell back, broke through the sea of ​​insects, and headed straight for the open wasteland.

The flame has a remarkable effect on the purple lantern worms. Even if they are alienated, they are blocked by the fire wall. But the scary thing is that no one knows whether they will come back after they die.

The convoy didn't dare to stop for half a second, and rushed towards the wilderness, until the dense forest was completely out of sight, and everyone felt a little relieved.

Xing Yifeng supported the steering wheel, and said slowly: "...I'm so stupid, I really came back from the dead."

The researcher in the car was injured and groaned softly. Xing Yifeng turned around and gave him an injection of inhibitors in his arm, and patted him on the shoulder soothingly. Wolf Claw suddenly said in the co-pilot: "Captain, is the 'Heavy Hammer' still usable?"

"Rainbow Sword" is a space-based laser weapon, while "Heavy Hammer" is a space-based kinetic energy weapon. Humans can no longer return to space, and as the League's deadliest large-scale weapons, they are used one less at a time.

Xing Yifeng: "Why do you ask that?"

Wolfpaw: "The queen bee is injured. We must kill it at this time, and only now can it be done." He hardly took his eyes off, "This is the most terrible infection creature, if we let it go, we will all die."

Just as Xing Yifeng was about to say something, he was restrained by the wolf's paw. Wolf Claw continued: "Captain, Captain, you have also been exposed to this kind of infection, his grandma, have you seen such a wicked thing before?"

"..." Xing Yifeng let out a breath slowly, "How is that possible."

"So it's only now." The wolf claw grabbed Xing Yifeng's arm with great strength, "The weakness period of ordinary purple lantern worms after moulting is only two days, and it will only be shorter. Captain, let's find a way to track it, even if Only the two of us are fine. Let Lao Zhang and other researchers go home with the samples and the 'key', and we will do 'pest control'. Since the 'Rainbow Sword' can't kill it, let's do it again. "

Xing Yifeng said: "I can't decide this matter, it depends on the decision of the headquarters. Besides, you know we will die, right?"

"Always knew." said Wolfpaw, "what else?"

Antler lazily raised his hand: "Count me in."

"A group of brats." Xing Yifeng smiled, facing the communication terminal: [Command Center, this is the Fifth Exploration Team outside the city, I am the captain Xing Yifeng. We encountered an infection group attack from Abyss 0 at coordinates (82, 245), and I am uploading combat records]

[…Yes, we may need support, including the space-based weapon 'Heavy Hammer', please contact Admiral Lu Tinghan for me]

The pointed canine teeth are like cats, piercing into the flesh to relieve restlessness.

Shi Yuan grabbed Lu Tinghan's shirt with both hands, wrinkling a few wrinkles. He tasted the rust of blood on his lips, which made him more restless and excited, like those monsters who tasted fresh meat.

Shi Yuan confiscated his strength, and anyone else would cry out in pain, but Lu Tinghan didn't say a word after a short pause, instead of pushing Shi Yuan away, he touched his head to comfort him, and let him move.

"It's okay." Lu Tinghan said, "No matter what happens, it's okay."

As long as Shi Yuan has a thought, all this will end. He no longer has to stay in the city, no longer has to play human, they can spend the rest of their endless lives in the wasteland and high forest.


All kinds of things in the past came whistling.

His human being is a great hero, amazingly talented, has killed thousands of enemies, and the city is full of flowers when he triumphs.

He has handsome human eyebrows and slender eyes, with a pair of gray-blue eyes, and is often expressionless, except for smiling at him a lot.

His human beings accompany him for ten years, treat him to delicious beef noodles, witness his performances, applause and flowers, and take him to see wheat fields and lively chickens, ducks, cattle and sheep.

"But," Shi Yuan whispered to his inner voice, "No way."

"I can't do it."

Because of Lu Tinghan's company, he chose to become a human being. He came to the city because of Lu Tinghan and saw all of this. And every little thing about him, joy, anger, sorrow, joy, was also witnessed by Lu Tinghan.

Noodle shops, theaters, silent cemeteries; long streets, orphanages, endless wheat fields. He had seen so much that he was no longer the little monster he had been.

He becomes soft.

Just like real humans.

Shi Yuan suppressed the contagious desire/desire, felt extremely uncomfortable, let go, buried his head in Lu Tinghan's shoulder, and let out an aggrieved, animal-like whimper.

"I'm sorry…" he whispered.

"It's quite energetic." Lu Tinghan whispered in his ear, "Biting hurts so much."

"I, I don't know what's wrong with me..." Shi Yuan Huang was in a daze for a while, struggling to stand up, "I'll help you bandage."

Lu Tinghan pushed him back into his arms and said, "No need. You need to rest now."

Shi Yuan still wanted to find a medical kit, but Lu Tinghan picked him up neatly, put him on the bed in the bedroom, and wrapped him tightly with a quilt, so that he had a very fluffy Shi Yuan.

Lu Tinghan said: "You don't have to explain anything to me, we'll talk about everything tomorrow." He touched Shi Yuan's forehead, and the heat seemed to have subsided a little, "The doctor will be here soon, you will be fine."

Shi Yuan looked at him: "Lu Tinghan, touch my head."

Lu Tinghan reached out and rubbed his soft black hair into a mess, Shi Yuan rubbed his palm.

Shi Yuan felt that he was completely bad.

Two minutes later, the doctor knocked on the door and took Shi Yuan's temperature. The terminal rang, Lu Tinghan picked it up to look at it, got up and said, "I'll make a call."

The doctor checked Shi Yuan, found nothing wrong, gave him some soothing medicine, and left. Shi Yuan waited alone in the dark for a long time before Lu Tinghan went downstairs.

He hurried, put on a coat and opened the door. He thought Shi Yuan was asleep, so he paused at the door for half a second, and then gently closed the door.

Under the effect of the medicine, Shi Yuan fell into a drowsy sleep.

He didn't know how long he had slept, but he was awakened, and the world was filled with the sound of insects. He sat up and looked out the window, and something exploded in the distance—a massive tungsten rod fell and hit the ground at a speed of 15,000 kilometers, like a meteorite impact.

The ground trembled, and a monster's roar resounded through dozens of kilometers, horribly shrill.

It echoes for a long time.

The insect sound disappeared.

Ten hours later, Lu Tinghan called: "Shi Yuan."

Shi Yuan hummed lightly.

"I have a question to ask you." Lu Tinghan said, "You said that Xie Qianming died from the parasitism of purple lantern insects."

"Yes." Shi Yuan gripped the phone tightly.

Lu Tinghan: "The purple lantern worm has a queen bee and a queen bee. They live together and are not too far away from each other. The queen bee was killed, but the convoy did not meet the queen bee at that time. Have you and Xie Qianming seen it? "

"...Ah, it might be dead." Shi Yuan curled up his tail uncomfortably, "Why do you ask this?"

"It's still there." Lu Tinghan spoke slowly, as if he didn't want to scare him, "It was the target of the 'Heavy Hammer' just now, and its pheromone matches the queen bee. The queen bee was ' Rainbow Sword' and 'Heavy Hammer' attacked in turn, and it was blown to pieces, but soon it came back to life." He paused, "It is now successfully contained in the laboratory, and it will no longer pose a threat, you Don't worry. Shi Yuan, I want to confirm with you, neither you nor Xie Qianming have seen it?"

Shi Yuan: "..."

Lu Tinghan: "Shi Yuan?"

Shi Yuan's whole body was stiff, his voice didn't seem to belong to him, and he asked, "It's not dead?"

"You can't talk like this." Lu Tinghan slowed down again, and told him patiently, "It died long ago, it was killed by the infection of No. 0 Abyss, and the original infection characteristics were covered by No. 0 Abyss , for infected organisms, is death."

He continued: "The current queen bee is a brand new and independent individual, and its infection value exceeds that of any special infected organism. The research center combined living samples and Professor Yu's research, and preliminarily concluded that it seems to have a head-to-tail connection." time."

—Professors of the research center told Lu Tinghan this way: "The pollution value is hundreds of thousands of times and is still increasing, and the body is eternal and immortal. Every death is a new life. It is hard to imagine what kind of existence this is. "

Lu Tinghan said: "It's an extremely perfect evolution."

Professor: "You can say that. If I had to describe it, I would prefer to use the word 'Ascension'." His white hair trembled in the wind, "If it is on the side of humans, it is enough to be called a god. Just imagine, that kind of power moves even my heart, and no one can refuse it."

Lu Tinghan was silent for a few seconds: " is the **** of monsters."

"Yes." The professor lowered his head tremblingly, and wiped the lens, "It is the **** of monsters, making them live to death."

At this time, the blue butterfly crystal was in Shi Yuan's hand, and he had fantasized about using it to defend the city. The light was peculiar, and it made Shi Yuan's cheeks moist.

So beautiful, so ironic.

Lu Tinghan's voice was still in his ears, as if it was separated by a long distance: "...the one who went to encircle and suppress is a small team outside the city. You have met the captain before, and his name is Xing Yifeng. They left in time before the 'heavy hammer' fell. , is currently receiving treatment in the hospital. The research center is learning more about the queen bee..."

Yu Qingmei said that Abyss No. 0 represents destruction and the end of mankind; Lu Tinghan said that it will always be the trump card of monsters; even the monsters in his dreams told him over and over again, let him give him strength, let him initiate Fight until the world is destroyed.

Shi Yuan didn't believe it, and went out of the city to find the dying butterfly, hoping to save this dying world.

After all, it is not a stage play, and monsters are not saviors.

Lu Tinghan asked Shi Yuan again: "So, you really haven't seen the queen bee?"

Lu Tinghan: "Shi Yuan?"

Lu Tinghan: "Shi Yuan, are you still there?"

"...No." Shi Yuan said, "I've never seen it before."