MTL - How to Feed an Abyss!-Chapter 43 Farewell to Gleaner City

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The screen of the entire command center was red, and the infection rate soared to an unbelievable level. It's too late to give an early warning, the wave of monsters has already approached the city!

It was a large expanse of blooming flowers.

They are all kinds of strange and strange, with the most brilliant colors in the world. When the large pieces are spread out, it is like a painter splashing colors on the wilderness with his brush. Even though it was night, it was still dazzling to the extreme.

The laser weapon salvo on the city wall pierced through the petals and vines, but they were endless, rushing up like a wave in an instant. Gleaner City is like a lonely and weak boat, floating in the colorful waves.

In just 10 minutes, the petals arrived under the city wall and began to climb. The flamethrowers/device arranged on the wall could not burn them, but they were caught by the vines and completely destroyed. After a fierce stalemate, mortars, kinetic machine guns, and searchlights were all completely destroyed by plants.

and after that—

The colors explode, jump over the high walls, and pour into the city!

The defense line of Gleaming City fell.

Lu Tinghan's premonition is correct, the "prelude" is over, and the "chorus" is coming. This is the horror of peak infection: the deadliest outbreaks come suddenly and with such fury that there is no room for reaction. Even if the city wall is usually strong and unbreakable, it is like paper in front of it.

This is also why, the alliance at its peak gradually declined, and cities were swallowed up by wilderness.

More than 1,000 people in the East District have not been evacuated. There are constant gunfire and screams, and the flames of the explosion are soaring into the sky, which is like a hellish scene. Infected flowers bloom everywhere, from the street to the roof, from the underground waterway to the clock tower, they grow too fast, the vegetation covers the steel structure, and it becomes a carnival of plants.

Everyone fled in all directions, only Shi Yuan rushed towards the East District.

His goal is the Grand Theater.

The journey was long, and he was panting from running, with a sweet and fishy smell in his throat.

If it turned into a black mist, his speed would be much faster, but Lu Tinghan taught him a lot, including how the army locates monsters according to the pollution index. His pollution value is too high. If he shows his real body, it will only disrupt the battle situation and make the army lose all effective positioning. This will undoubtedly be fatal; Kill them and turn them into kin, endowing them with power and eternal time.

He can only run.

Give full play to his not-so-good physical ability and try to run forward.

By the time Shiyuan entered the Eastern District, the people had already dispersed, and every few intersections were troops fighting in the corner. Fortunately, Lu Tinghan had already asked them to strengthen the defensive points where they were stationed, so as to gather the defensive strength of the city wall. In point defense, it provides valuable shelter to people.

Shi Yuan didn't meet anyone else along the way, but saw a few bones among the blooming flowers.

The lights of the theater were not far away, Shi Yuan supported the wall to take a few breaths, and just about to continue walking, he heard a voice: "Help! Help!"

The voice came from the alley, Shi Yuan suddenly turned his head and rushed over.

Vines crawled on the walls of the alley, quickly approaching the depths. Shi Yuan ran faster than them, and found a dirty girl at the end of the alley.

The girl was about seven or eight years old, shivering, and her white skirt was covered in mud and blood. The Infested Blossom is approaching, and she'll die within minutes if nothing else happens. When she saw Shi Yuan, her eyes widened, and she stumbled into his arms: "Help me! Woohoo, help me!"

She found a life-saving straw, her body was limp, but her slender fingers grabbed Shi Yuan's wrist and it hurt a lot.

In the next second, they were shrouded in a shadow. Shi Yuan hugged her and looked back: a huge human figure stood in the darkness, five or six stories high.

The human form is made of tree roots, it has no facial features, and the place where the eyes should be is sunken deep, a mass of pitch black, lowering its head to examine the two of them. Tree roots gushed out from its feet, covering the entire alley, twisting like a mad snake.

The roots are very close to them.

But at Shi Yuan's feet, the tree roots twisted and hesitated, not daring to move forward.

Shi Yuan knew what it was worried about. It was afraid that the No. 0 abyss would cover its own infection characteristics.

It is afraid of death, just like any living thing.

And there is fanaticism in this fear. In the depths of its soul, it yearns for the favor of Abyss 0, even if the price is death.

The girl was so frightened that she lost her speech, closed her eyes tightly, and almost knelt on the ground.

Shi Yuan pulled her, looked at the tree root figure, and said as viciously as possible: "Don't come here, I'm very fierce!"

— If Cheng Youwen was here, he would cover his face in horror and say, why are you acting like a baby again, you can't even scare a mouse away.

And this weak and coquettish threat made people shrink back, and the roots of the tree retreated several meters, not daring to twist around, like a child who was scolded for a moment.

It didn't leave.

It is respectful and afraid of Shi Yuan, it is testing and groping, wanting to escape, but also wanting to embrace Shi Yuan devoutly and gain ascension.

It is so contradictory and tangled that even the leaves on the roots are spinning.

Shi Yuan just wanted to scare it away.

He didn't know what to say to show his aggressiveness, he thought for a few seconds, and raised his tail high!

The black scales of his tail exploded, and he flicked his tail, making a metallic screeching sound.

— It’s like a dog baring its teeth, a cat blowing its hair, a raccoon standing up and raising its hands... Creatures have their own way of threatening, and Shi Yuan chooses to become... Rattle Tail Yuan!

Xiang Weiyuan's tail clangs and shakes, warning frantically.

The giant human figure paused for several seconds, fled, and finally gave up the dream of ascension.

Shi Yuan heaved a sigh of relief and calmed down his scales.

He was somewhat fortunate that even though he couldn't be the God of Salvation, he could still save the person in front of him with hard work and even a little bit of luck. In this world, at least he still has a little something to keep.

I just don't know how long this luck can last. After all, he must never infect monsters again.

The girl in his arms trembled uncontrollably, not knowing what happened.

Shi Yuan said, "Come with me."

He led the staggering girl into the street. The army in the distance is approaching, a large flame ignites the flowers, and the vines twist.

Shi Yuan squatted down and looked at the girl and said, "Go to them, understand?"

The girl's eyes were blank, as if she didn't understand.

Shi Yuan pointed in the direction of the soldier: "Go to those brothers and sisters, they will protect you."

The girl still held him tightly and asked, "...Then, what about you?"

"I have other places to go, I can't be taken away by them." Shi Yuan recalled Lu Tinghan's actions, and touched the girl's head, "Don't worry, I will always watch you, watch you Meet them."

The girl hesitated for a few seconds, then let go slowly. They were less than 50 meters away from the military, but it was dark and they were not seen in the alley. The girl took a few steps back and stood on the street. A soldier immediately noticed her: "At 2 o'clock, there are survivors!"

Immediately, the soldiers quickened their pace, and the leader of the team stepped forward to pick up the little girl, and asked eagerly, "Is there anyone else? Is there anyone else!"

The girl looks back.

But the alley was empty, and Shi Yuan hadn't been seen for a long time.

Cheng Youwen leaned on a cane and slammed open a door.

The backstage was brightly lit, and he shouted: "Qin Luoluo? Qin Luoluo, are you here?!"

No one answered him.

The sound insulation effect of the theater is good, and the gunshots and screams outside seem to be separated by a layer of water mist.

He limped, almost tripping over the clothes on the ground, his eyes swept around, and his pupils suddenly narrowed: there was a dead infected dog at the door leading to the stage, with a hideous face, and a butterfly hairpin pierced it throat.

In addition, there is a large pool of blood.

"Qin Luoluo!" he shouted, and pushed open the door violently.

The stage lights were on.

Qin Luoluo was wearing a red dress, standing in the center of the stage with her hands down, all the spotlights fell on her.

"Are you crazy?!" Cheng Youwen strenuously walked towards her, "Hurry up and find the army! Hurry up!"

Qin Luoluo lowered her head slightly, revealing her swan-like slender neck.

She said softly: "No, I won't go. The front entrance of the theater is full of monsters. Lao Cheng, you can go out through the back door. You might still be alive and meet the military."

"Why don't you go!" Cheng Youwen panted, his neck was red.

"I can't move anymore." Qin Luoluo's tone was calm.

The gorgeous red dress covered up the blood, and she turned slightly sideways, allowing Cheng Youwen to see that her left leg was bitten through by an infected dog, and the blood flowed continuously. At this time, she actually smiled: "I just said, why do I suddenly want to come to the theater tonight, so it's my last performance."

Cheng Youwen came to her side with difficulty, and was about to say something when he heard a "bang!".

At the highest point of the auditorium, the locked door was violently hit, and there was a sound of panic.

The monsters are approaching there!

"Let's go." Qin Luoluo said, "Otherwise I won't even be able to leave."

"Grandma, you said you couldn't walk with a disabled leg, so I'm also disabled!" Cheng Youwen swears directly, "If you can't walk, then I can escape?! You think too much of me, don't you usually crawl? I almost fell on the stairs, and I couldn’t stop panting for hundreds of meters, how could I run past these monsters!"

Qin Luoluo smiled briefly, and said, "Well, that's right, it seems that we have to die together."

Cheng Youwen took a few deep breaths, trying to calm down. Only now did he hear clearly how close the monster was. The gate of the theater, the entrance of the performance hall, the entrance to the backstage when he came... There were all roars, all the friction of plants spreading, and they were surrounded.

Hearing gunshots, the army is far from the theater.

They were just two unarmed and disabled people who really had to die together.

— After realizing this, Cheng Youwen calmed down instead.

Qin Luoluo turned her head to look at Cheng Youwen: "Why did you come to the theater? You might still be alive if you stay at home. Is your script missing here?"

Cheng Youwen said: "My house is close to the city wall, and I will die faster there. I... I didn't come here to find a script, I saw the lights on in the theater, and I thought it must be you. I came to find you."

Qin Luoluo seemed puzzled. Cheng Youwen grabbed her by the shoulder and looked directly at her: "There is a saying that I have held back for 10 years. I like you, I have always liked you very, very much."

Qin Luoluo: "..."

Cheng Youwen: "I want to know your answer. In the past so many years, have you ever fallen in love with me? Even for a moment?"

Qin Luoluo's expression moved slightly, as if surprised: "Oh, uh, uh, what should I say, Lao Cheng, you are a good person, a very good person, and very talented, but I don't like you... Well, I have never been moved. None, we have no chance."

Cheng Youwen's sadness was immediately extinguished, he covered his face and wailed: "Qin Luoluo! I confessed sensationally only when I was about to die! Can't you give me some good memories before I die? If you really want me to hold it Good people are stuck to death!"

Qin Luoluo: "Well, that's right, I like the kind of macho guy with big chest muscles and upturned butt, preferably the one with bigger **** than me, you understand?" She thought about her words, "You should also be brighter and braver, although You're cocky when it comes to scripts, but in life you're always... cowardly, weak."

Cheng Youwen: "Qin Luoluo! Don't belittle me before you die, even though what you said is the truth!"

"Anyway, no." Qin Luoluo concluded, "If you can't do it, you can't do it. If you don't like it, you don't like it. I don't force myself."

After this violent attack, Cheng Youwen was heartbroken: "I was right not to confess for so many years, it was so right, it really is hopeless." He rubbed his face vigorously, "Forget it, let it be like this, Let me be a bachelor for the rest of my life."

The door of the performance hall slammed, and the monster knocked the door frame out of shape, and it was about to fail here.

The two were silent for a while.

Probably because they have been together for too many years, even before they died, they couldn't think of any other special words.

Another few terrible impacts. Qin Luoluo looked at the huge auditorium, and suddenly said: "I want the lights of the whole world to shine on me. You say, there is only this theater now, is my dream come true? Because there are here, It's the light of the whole world."

"It should be counted." Cheng Youwen muttered, "According to what you said, my dream has come true. I want to write the best script in the world. Now I am the only screenwriter, so it must be the best. Everyone They should confess me."

"That's good." Qin Luoluo smiled sincerely this time, "All dreams have come true."

Cheng Youwen: "No, not all of them. You are not with me yet, even if there are only 2 minutes left."

He originally thought that Qin Luoluo would still flatly refuse. Unexpectedly, she tilted her head slightly, thought seriously, and then looked at Cheng Youwen, her peach blossom eyes flickered, which was quite moving under the light.

She said, "How about this, where do you want to go on a date tomorrow?"

Cheng Youwen: "...tomorrow?"

"Yes," Qin Luoluo said, "Where do you want to go tomorrow?"

The door frame was completely deformed, and plant vines protruded through the gap, spreading wildly and blooming wildly, and they were still discussing tomorrow. Cheng Youwen said: "Ah, why don't we go drink coffee?"

"So old-fashioned." Qin Luoluo blinked slowly, "But it's okay, I haven't had a latte for a long time." The heavy door was lifted by the plants, rolled into the auditorium, smashed a few rows of seats, and she missed He tilted his head, "This way, all dreams have come true."

Bright lights, a familiar stage, and a huge performance hall. They stood on the stage and watched the brilliant infectious flowers come to them side by side, just like the audience threw bouquets to them in the past.

It's all coming to an end.

"...No way." Cheng Youwen said suddenly, "I still don't think so!"

Qin Luoluo: "What... ah!" Before he finished speaking, Cheng Youwen brought her hand in front of him.

Qin Luoluo's leg was injured, his center of gravity was unstable, and he threw himself on his back. Cheng Youwen gritted his teeth, supported the cane with his right hand, and grabbed Qin Luoluo with his left hand to carry her on his back!

"I don't think so! Especially not!" Cheng Youwen gritted his teeth, "You have belittled me so much, I have to prove it to you!"

He limped and bounced backstage with Qin Luoluo on his back, and walked as fast as a small universe exploded!

Rows of seats were thrown away, and the sound of monsters was deafening. Qin Luoluo shouted: "Put me down! It's useless!"

"Don't let it go!" Cheng Youwen slammed open the backstage door and stepped on a pile of debris, "You want **** and you have to raise your butt! I'm no worse than these, why can't I be competitive!" He was almost caught by the infected dog. tripped over the dead body, but fortunately stood still in time and continued towards the exit, "Don't be idle, do something!"

"What are you going to do?" Qin Luoluo asked subconsciously, her lips were turning white from blood loss, she looked around, and picked up the baseball bat for the show.

"That's right, hit them on the head!" Cheng Youwen shouted, "I'm only responsible for moving forward. Didn't you say that I'm weak and cowardly? I'll prove it to you right now! Watch it!"

His crutch moved on the ground, making a screeching sound. The monster approached quickly, Qin Luoluo turned her head, the tip of her nose was covered with cold sweat - half a minute ago they decided to go to death calmly, but the situation took a turn for the worse, and Cheng Youwen's fight made her nervous.

It is impossible for us to be saved! The inner voice is clamoring, there is no point in resisting, we can't run away!

But Cheng Youwen was too serious, dragging her disabled leg and carrying her injured on her back, as if she was sorry for him if she neglected a little.

Qin Luoluo clasped the baseball bat firmly.

Cheng Youwen carried her out of the backstage and went to the corridor.

Monster sounds were everywhere. A fist-sized infection bee crawled out from the crack in the door of the next room. Qin Luoluo closed her eyes and swung a baseball bat violently—


With a solid stick, the bee was sent flying. Then, she knocked away another bat that was trying to attack them.

"I'm kinda gifted at baseball!" she yelled.

Cheng Youwen was panting like a blower, unable to answer.

The two miraculously approached the end of the corridor.

Cheng Youwen was out of breath: "Get out, and you'll be out soon. You see, with a little bravery and a little hard work, we can do it too!"

Qin Luoluo gripped the baseball bat tightly.

A glimmer of hope began to burn in my heart. She couldn't help thinking, can we really escape? Isn't it time to die today?

The fire door in the corridor was right in front of him, Cheng Youwen staggered, and the two of them bumped into it, both of them gasped. Cheng Youwen reluctantly wanted to grab the handle, but was held back by Qin Luoluo.

"Listen," Qin Luoluo said hurriedly, "there are monsters behind the door!"

Behind the door was the sound of flying insects flapping their wings. Behind them, monsters are pouring out from every room in the corridor, a giant snake full of flowers, spitting out a letter and swimming.

They were double-teamed and had nowhere to go.

They stood like this, with one leg crippled, one carrying the other, and the one on the back was holding a baseball bat, which was quite funny and absurd. The insects flew wildly, the giant snake hissed, and everything became irreversible. As soon as the hope jumped out of the spark, it was extinguished by the cold facts.

Cheng Youwen said slowly: "Qin Luoluo, can I compare to those big chest muscles?"

Qin Luoluo said, "It's comparable."

"Where's the **** up?"

"It's comparable."

Cheng Youwen said: "Then I shouldn't be cowardly or weak? Is it considered brave?"

Qin Luoluo didn't answer, she bent her fox-like eyes, leaned over and kissed him on the side of the cheek.

"It's worth it." Cheng Youwen said.

The giant snake approached, flowers sprouted from every inch of the snake's scales, and he slowly closed his eyes...

Qin Luoluo slapped him!

Cheng Youwen:? ? ?

Cheng Youwen: "You...!"

"Open the door!" Qin Luoluo yelled at him, "Open the door quickly!"

The noise behind the door disappeared at some point. Cheng Youwen opened the fire door!

No frenzied swarms of flying insects.

The ground was full of phosphorous powder they dropped, but they escaped.

—They were not the only ones running away, the sea of ​​flowers stopped spreading, the pupils of the giant snake shrank, and it retreated abruptly. In this small space, the berserk monsters are leaving and retreating.

Before he had time to see what it was, Cheng Youwen's **** hand was held.

This moment came true like a script.

The one who came was not a savior, but a demon enough to make monsters fear, and also their god.

"I'm here to look for you." The boy with a strange appearance held his hand, his tone was soft and earnest, "...I'm here to look for you, please live on."


Until the day this story really ends.

On December 27, 241 of the Alliance, Gleaming City fell.

Due to the decision of the alliance, the residents were evacuated early, and the number of casualties was so low that it was like a miracle.

The cluster of infected flowers bloomed vigorously in the city, and the Garcia Grand Theater was surrounded by clusters of flowers, colorful, resembling the most lively performance many years ago, resembling the flourishing age that the troupe outlined again and again. At that time, the performance will not end, the men are in suits and leather shoes, the women are exquisite and graceful, and there is the fragrance of snowflakes in the air.

The last dropship takes off with the Eastside survivors.

"At least we are all alive." Said the people on the spaceship.

"Will there be stage plays in the future?" the child asked with his head held high.

"There will be, one day there will be." The man replied, "As long as you live, there is hope."

The transport ship left the sea of ​​flowers and flew to the wilderness and the endless night.