MTL - How to Feed an Abyss!-Chapter 71 Abyss 0

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Shi Yuan cried so sadly that his knotted tail curled up again. He hugged Lu Tinghan, tears flowed uncontrollably, wet a lot of Lu Tinghan's military uniform.

He really wanted to apologize, and wanted to explain the ins and outs clearly, but he was never a glib abyss.

He could only hug Lu Tinghan tightly, thinking that he might lose his human forever.

He didn't know how long he had been crying.

Until Lu Tinghan stretched out his hand, wiped the corners of his eyes, and said helplessly, " can you cry so much?"

Shi Yuan cried even harder.

He was so sad that he didn't notice that Lu Tinghan's gun was never pointed at him from the beginning to the end, he didn't notice when the law enforcement team under the tower left, and he didn't notice how Lu Tinghan brought him up car.

The black car started silently, just like countless times before, heading towards the silent street. In the car, Shi Yuan was tired from crying and buried himself in Lu Tinghan's arms.

All the way silent.

When the car stopped, Lu Tinghan finally reached out and patted his head: "Get out of the car."

Shi Yuan: "" His voice was hoarse from crying.

He stubbornly tugged at Lu Tinghan's cuff, and only after entering the house did he realize that this was not their usual home.

Lu Tinghan turned on the light, the living room was quite small, barely put down the sofa and coffee table, and there was only one bedroom.

He said: "It's very remote here, and there are no other people around. It's better for you not to be seen by others." He touched Shi Yuan's hand, which was bitingly cold, and he sighed, "You sit down first. , I'll go to a beaker of hot water."

Out of prudence and safety considerations, Lu Tinghan has different residences in Fengyang City in case of emergency, and this small house is the most secluded place. He hadn't been here a few times, rolled up his cuffs, opened the kitchen locker, and found the electric kettle and two clean glasses.

The water was filled up, the electricity was turned on, and just as it started bubbling, he had two more hands around his waist.

Shi Yuan hugged him from behind, and said in a muffled voice, "Lu Tinghan, I'm sorry."

Lu Tinghan remained silent. When the water boiled, he filled two cups and said, "Shi Yuan, let me go to the sofa."

Shi Yuan didn't let go.

Lu Tinghan was helpless: "Shi Yuan."

There was still no movement, and in the corner of his vision, the knotted tail curled up even more.

Lu Tinghan had no choice but to bring two cups of hot water, and dragged the little monster back to the sofa step by step. Only this time was Shi Yuan willing to let go, sitting on the sofa, holding the hot water that Lu Tinghan handed him with both hands.

"Tell me about it." Lu Tinghan looked at him, "What's going on? What are you...?"

Shi Yuan gripped the glass tightly, his fingertips turned slightly white.

"I'm 0," he said.

Lu Tinghan: "..."

Lu Tinghan: "...I know this."

"Oh no, that's not what I meant." Shi Yuan realized something was wrong.

He put down his glass, sniffled, and mustered up the courage to say, "I am the abyss. Abyss 0."

Hearing Shi Yuan's personal confession at this moment, even though Lu Tinghan had already guessed it, he still froze.

It's too unbelievable, thousands of words merged into one sentence, he asked: " did you become a human?"

"Because I'm sad." Shi Yuan recalled the past, and was even more heartbroken, "You left suddenly one day and never came back. I was so sad that I was so sad that I deformed and became an adult."

Lu Tinghan hesitated, "So sad that you lost your shape? Is it because of this that you became a human?"

There were tears in Shi Yuan's eyes again: "Look, you don't even know how sad I am. If you like someone enough and are sad enough, you can also be so sad that you lose shape."

Lu Tinghan said, "No, I'm pretty sure I can't."

Shi Yuan's tears fell down, and he hugged his tail.

Lu Tinghan really couldn't figure it out, how could he make Shiyuan cry when he said he couldn't change shape?

Probably the thinking of the abyss is very strange. Seeing that Shi Yuan was about to cry again, he had no choice but to use his trump card, stretched out his hand, and rubbed Shi Yuan's head violently.

This trick works anytime.

Leaning against him, Shi Yuan slowly withdrew his tears.

"I've cried so much, drink some water." Lu Tinghan handed over the cup, "Let's continue."

Shi Yuan sipped hot water and continued talking.

He said that after he became a human, he didn't know where to go, and he met Xie Qianming after walking for several months.

Xie Qianming thought he was also infected, so he got him into the car, and the two traveled together for five days. Until the queen bee appeared, Shi Yuan killed the queen bee to protect Xie Qianming, but the eggs of the parasitic Xie Qianming were catalyzed by the queen bee and hatched ahead of time, so he failed to save Xie Qianming.

Lu Tinghan said: "That queen bee that you killed is the 'Black Queen'?"

"Yes." Shi Yuan's voice was still hoarse, "I didn't know at the time, I killed it, which meant it was infected. I have never infected any creature, I didn't know it would happen, I just wanted to save Xie Qianming."

Lu Tinghan asked: "How did you kill it? How long did it take?"

"Ah... Kill it if you want, isn't it a very simple thing?" Shi Yuan tilted his head in confusion, "I don't know how long it took, maybe a few seconds. But it should have stayed in the black crystal It took a long time to resume activities.”

Lu Tinghan was silent for a few seconds.

Such a terrible infection, such an ascension of species beyond imagination, to Shi Yuan, it was only a matter of a few seconds.

Then, the dead monsters silently evolved in the crystal, becoming the city's... no, the catastrophe of this world.

The old guys in the research center were right. For monsters, Abyss 0 is their god.

Shi Yuan drank a little more water, his mood stabilized a little, but he still kept close to Lu Tinghan, and continued: "Later, I followed the convoy to find you. I always thought you were an ordinary soldier, but I didn't expect you to be an admiral. There are also such terrifying mutant warriors. I am so scared that my tail is knotted. But, I don't think I can miss you."

So, with timidity and courage, with a knotted tail and the smell of potato soup, he threw himself into Lu Tinghan's arms.

Shi Yuan said: "Later, according to Xie Qianming's wish, I went to the Wild Rose Theater to act. I only cared about you, but I met those people and things, saw the stage and the wheat field, and understood why you like this city. During the peak period, I went out of the city once, thinking about killing a monster and bringing it back to show you, to prove my ability, and then...defend Gleaner City."

Lu Tinghan recalled that the alliance had just announced the arrival of the peak period, and once again detected the infection signal of No. 0 Abyss.

Infection signs appeared and disappeared, twice in total, at both ends of the city. Professor Guan from the research center was devastated and cursed, is this abyss lost?

Lu Tinghan tentatively asked, "Are you lost?"

"How do you know!" Shi Yuan's eyes widened, "I went to the wrong place when I came back, and I walked home after being drenched in the rain."

Lu Tinghan: "..."

Really lost!

I don't know what expression those old professors should have when they know the truth.

Lu Tinghan said again: "Yin Zhou also died at that time, is it related to you?"

"Yeah." Shi Yuan said, "The convoy was attacked, and they thought Yin Zhou was dead. When I passed by, he still breathed a sigh of relief, recognized my voice, and knew that I was a monster."

Lu Tinghan: "And then? Did you shoot him?"

When he asked this question, he didn't even realize that he was nervous.

"Yin Zhou was infected and was dying. Let me give him relief with a pistol." Shi Yuan said, "That's what I did, and I built a stone tomb for him. Then I found a dying one. Blue Butterfly, kill it, and bring it back to the city to show you."

Thinking of this, his tail curled up again: "I found out about the Queen Bee before I could show you.

I thought I could do something and save the city, but I-I just knew I could only make things worse. At first, I really just wanted to save Xie Qianming. "

Lu Tinghan asked: "The records of Xie Qianming and Yin Zhou's incidents have been damaged, and there are no witnesses, so it is impossible to confirm what happened. Do you have any evidence? It can prove what you said."

"No." Shi Yuan said lightly, "I don't have any evidence."

Lu Tinghan was silent.

During this period, Shi Yuan nestled beside him, not daring to look at him, as if he was waiting for his final judgment.

After a long time, Lu Tinghan said slowly: "...When Gleaming City evacuated for the last time, did you drive away the monster?"

"Let's drive some away." Shi Yuan said, "I failed to save many people."

Lu Tinghan's expression softened a little: "Does 'Overview' have anything to do with you?"

Shi Yuan replied: "Well, I went to Iron City. There is another person living in Iron City. His name is Edward. He used to be a sergeant. His family members have passed away, and he is also crazy. He just wants to jump on the communication tower for a while." The first waltz. I was able to scare away other monsters, and I went up to the communication tower with Edward. He helped me find a backup power supply and sent back the data of 'Looking'. It's a pity...'Looking' didn't succeed in the end."

Lu Tinghan asked again: "The rock snake, were you the one who saved me?"

"Yeah." Shi Yuan said, "When I found you, the 'Heavy Hammer' had already fallen, and other rock snakes wanted to come over, but I scared them away. I watched the rescue team come and put you on the aircraft. let's go."

"..." Lu Tinghan rubbed Shi Yuan's head and said, "Thank you. Thank you for saving me."

Shi Yuan was so sad today that he couldn't even grunt. He raised his head and looked at Lu Tinghan: "So, I just want to stay with you. I'm here for you."

Lu Tinghan: "Why me? What's so special about me?"

"Because I like you very much. You have been with me for ten years before I woke up from a deep sleep." Shi Yuan said, "The abyss needs company and gaze. You are watching me, and I am also secretly watching you ah."

Lu Tinghan couldn't help imagining the scene.

He patrolled the abyss, thinking that there was only him, the watchtower, and the cypress forest in the world, but Shi Yuan wagged his tail frantically in the black mist, and looked at him with bright eyes.

He asked: "Just because of this? Just because of companionship?"

"Well. That's the whole reason." Shi Yuan thought for a while, "After coming to the city, you showed me so many things, and everything made me like you even more."

Lu Tinghan: "..."

At this moment, his expression moved slightly.

Shi Yuan said: "I don't know where I come from. Things like the universe are too far away for me. You are my human being. I have to be with you and be patted by you." He again Looking at Lu Tinghan, looking at those familiar eyes, he mustered up the courage to ask, "This is the whole story. So, are you going to drive me away? Are you going to... kill me?"

Lu Tinghan said: "No, Shi Yuan, I won't kill you. I—" He paused, "I need some time to think about how to deal with this matter. This is an unprecedented situation, I am willing to believe You, but I also have a lot of worries. I am also confused, I don’t know how to deal with it, and I can’t guarantee what will happen later. But no matter what, you won’t die.”

Hearing this, Shi Yuan finally relaxed his curled tail a little, and said, "As long as I don't die, I still want to be with you." He said sincerely again, "I'm sorry, I lied to you for so long, You still want to believe what I say."

"I have the ability to make judgments, at least to see people accurately." Lu Tinghan said, "If we get along for so long, I still can't see what kind of person you are, and I don't deserve to be this general."

He squeezed Shi Yuan's face: "So stop crying."

Shi Yuan finally felt less sad, and rubbed Lu Tinghan's hand.

What a bad abyss he was, he thought.

Obviously he was the one who wanted to apologize, but ended up crying like that, and in the end it was Lu Tinghan who coaxed him again.

Shi Yuan couldn't help asking: "How about

What would the story have been like if I had met you as my real identity in the first place? will you kill me Will you still like me? "

"I don't know." Lu Tinghan said, "To be honest, I don't know. We can't go back in time, and we can't imagine another possibility." He looked at Shi Yuan, "I don't know what happened in the past, and I don't know. I don't know the future, and I can't even make sure that we will still be together. All I know is that after hearing so many incredible stories, I still like you." He smiled, "I still love you."

He hugged Shi Yuan. Shi Yuan's center of gravity was unstable, and his knotted tail couldn't maintain his balance, so he leaned on the sofa and straddled Lu Tinghan's lap. Shi Yuan bowed his head—

They rubbed each other's ears and exchanged the first lingering and fiery kiss of the day.

"Let's set off at six o'clock and go to the scientific research center." Lu Tinghan whispered in his ear, "Go to sleep for two hours first, I'll accompany you."

Shi Yuan asked, "Can I still sleep with you?"

Lu Tinghan stroked his temples: "As long as you don't infect me."

Shi Yuan smiled.

Although the eye sockets were still red, and the smile was a bit forced, it was a smile anyway.

Lu Tinghan untied his tail. The two huddled together on a small plank bed in the bedroom and slept for two hours. Shi Yuan hugged Lu Tinghan tightly, with sore and stinging joy, as if reborn after a catastrophe.

Fortunately, his humans still trust him.

Lu Tinghan is the best human being in the world.

At six o'clock in the morning, they set off on time and went to the Fengyang City Research Center.

It was Professor Guan who met them.

Shi Yuan was sitting in the professor's office, while Lu Tinghan and Professor Guan met in private, and Lu Tinghan told Professor Guan about the cause and effect.

Professor Guan opened his mouth wide, and his glasses flew out in fright.

He said: "I have studied Abyss all my life, but it doesn't mean that Abyss will come into my office one day!" He glanced at Shiyuan, "He's still eating my mung bean cake!"

"It's almost expired, and it's a waste if you don't eat it." Lu Tinghan's tone made sense.

Professor Guan rubbed the center of his eyebrows frantically, feeling his blood pressure rise suddenly.

He leaned against the wall and waited for more than ten minutes before he cleared his mind and said, "So, you want me to confirm two things first. First, will he attract monsters to approach the city; second, will contact with him be will be affected."

"Yes." Lu Tinghan said, "First figure out these two points, and we'll talk about other things later."

"If it's a general result, we can figure it out soon." Professor Guan put one hand in his pocket and looked at the ceiling. "I can experiment in private, but what are you going to do in the future? Do you want to tell others?"

Lu Tinghan: "I have my own considerations."

"...Okay, I definitely don't believe what other people say, but I believe you." Professor Guan said, "However, first tell him not to eat my mung bean pancakes."

For the following week, Shi Yuan stayed in the research center almost every day.

Under Lu Tinghan's instigation, he ate all of Professor Guan's mung bean cakes.

The scientific research center has housed many living monsters. As the manager with the highest authority, Professor Guan is very easy to come into contact with them.

He let the monster contact Time Abyss through the containment glass, and after hundreds of rounds of experiments, he came to a conclusion.

The wind on the roof was blowing comfortably. Professor Guan and Lu Tinghan stood side by side and told him: "Most monsters are afraid of Shi Yuan and are afraid of being killed by him. Very few monsters are afraid of Shi Yuan out of their desire to ascend. He showed fanaticism and wanted to approach him because of this. However, the range is not large, beyond 800 to 1,000 meters, no monsters will actively approach him. I guess, they cannot always feel the existence of Time Abyss."

Lu Tinghan held a half-smoked cigarette and asked, "That is to say?"

"In other words, he will not attract monsters to approach the city." Professor Guan replied, "More experiments are needed for detailed conclusions, but it is basically certain that those attacks have nothing to do with him. And didn't you also say that he Before and after the city, the actions of monsters

Neither is out of the ordinary—at this point, you can't go wrong. "

Lu Tinghan didn't answer.

Professor Guan turned his head to see that Lu Tinghan was looking at the sky. Only then did he notice that the half of the cigarette had already been crooked by Lu Tinghan, which showed how nervous he was just now.

It was the first time he saw Lu Tinghan unable to control himself, he couldn't help being surprised.

"That's great." Lu Tinghan still looked at the sky and murmured, "...that's great."

The sky was as blue as a wash, and he crushed out the cigarette and stopped smoking.

Professor Guan also said: "As for whether he will affect the people around him... When he was in human form, he didn't have any infection wavelength at all. You have been checking him before, and you have done many inspections, and there is nothing abnormal. In our opinion If there is no wavelength in the knowledge, it will not be affected and will not be infected."

He looked at Lu Tinghan: "I entrusted my students to check the records - of course, I didn't tell them why. In short, other people who have been in contact with Shi Yuan for a long time, in the records of the medical system, no matter how old or weak There is nothing wrong with sickness and disability. You are also a living example, and you have been in contact with him for so long, and there is no change at all."

"It's still the same sentence, further experiments are needed to have conclusive results, but it can basically be confirmed that this is the correct conclusion."

Lu Tinghan smiled lightly.

Professor Guan: "However, I would like to ask one more question. How close have you guys come into contact with each other? Live together and sleep together?"

Lu Tinghan: "Yes."

Professor Guan suddenly felt something was wrong: "Wait, what else?"

Lu Tinghan: "I've touched her head, held hands, and kissed her."

Professor Guan's eyes widened, and he stammered: "Is there any more?"

Lu Tinghan looked at him.

This kind of gaze is called "you must understand that they are all men".

Professor Guan's glasses were frightened again, this time, they fell to pieces.

He tried his best to maintain the quality of a scientific researcher: "How many, how many times?"

Lu Tinghan: "Well, there are a lot, I don't remember."

The main reason is that Shi Yuan is so much fun that he can't stop once he plays.

Professor Guan was shocked, and murmured: "Yuan must be safe at that time, too **** safe, too safe for his grandma, 10,000% safe."

Before Professor Guan left, holding broken glasses in one hand, he muttered about "safety", "mung bean cake" and "worthy of being an admiral".

And Lu Tinghan went to the office to take Shi Yuan away.

Shi Yuan asked, "Have you finished all the experiments?"

"It's over for now." Lu Tinghan replied him.

"is there any problem?"

"Not yet." Lu Tinghan patted his head.

They went home and ate noodles with eggs and vegetables at night.

A rare ordinary day, as if nothing happened.

After eating, Lu Tinghan looked at Shi Yuan and said, "Shi Yuan, I have something to tell you."

"What?" Shi Yuan's tail bent into a question mark.

Lu Tinghan: "For more than a week, I have thought about our relationship."

Shi Yuan: "..." He suddenly became nervous and hugged his tail.

Lu Tinghan continued: "After so many things have happened and I know the truth, I can't pretend that I don't care about anything. So, I want to ask you a question."