MTL - How To Practice Fast Through the White Moonlight-Chapter 755 Do not return, such as scattered flowers (40)

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  Chapter 755 The Return of the Road, Lonely Flowers (40)

   Zhou Wenying knew that she couldn't break free, and the tears she had been holding back finally flowed down. With tears in her eyes, she almost implored: "I beg you...let me go..."

   But her plea did not cause Tian Yu to soften his heart, but instead, it was a more excessive move.

   Just when Zhou Wenying was extremely panicked and overwhelmed, a cold and shallow voice sounded suspiciously: "What are you doing?"

   Zhou Wenying didn't know where the strength came from when she heard this voice, so she pushed Tian Yu away immediately, and Tian Yu even staggered a few steps by her push.

   As soon as he turned his head, he saw the face that turned all beings upside down. From a distance, it looked like a Clivia, with a straight waist, a straight back, and beautiful and elegant eyebrows.

   She didn't look at Tian Yu, but said to Zhou Wenying, "Will we go back together?"

   Zhou Wenying wiped her eyes indiscriminately, and didn't bother to take the wooden barrel. She hurried to Wen Xien's side, nervously pulling the corner of her clothes, and her voice was crying: "Go back, we want to go back together."

   Wen Xien paused for a while, took Zhou Wenying's hand as if to appease him, glanced at Tian Yu who was stunned in place, and left.

She was still leaning on a stick in her hand and carrying a bamboo basket on her back. There were some medicinal herbs, wild vegetables and wild fruits in it. Her steps were deep and shallow, but it made Zhou Wenying feel extra secure. She looked back and saw that Tian Yu was still Standing on the spot, quietly and a little weirdly stared at them leaving.

   It wasn't until he left Tian Yu's sight and determined that he would not catch up, Zhou Wenying was really relieved.

   She turned to look at Wen Xien, her mouth opened, but she didn't know how to speak.

   Wen Xien felt her eyes, turned his head, and looked at her calmly and restrained with beautiful eyes.

   The eyes are clear and soft, like a glimpse of light in the afternoon, the clear lake surface.

   Looking at these eyes, Zhou Wenying felt an indescribable feeling in her heart. Wen Xien's hand was still holding her. The hand was soft and cold, and it was very... comfortable to be pulled.

   "Don't come to the mountain alone in the future."

  's worried words interrupted Zhou Wenying's thinking. She blinked and smiled forcefully. It turned out that Wen Xien had seen it all.

   The other hand grabbed the corner of the clothes, Zhou Wenying lowered her head, and her delicate face still wiped away the tears, "You, you will keep the secret for me, right?"


   In addition to being embarrassed, Zhou Wenying even had the urge to cry. She didn't know whether to be lucky or what to do. She was glad that Wen Xien could come over and take her away, but Wen Xien saw such an ugly side.

   Even asked Wen Xien to keep this secret. Zhou Wenying almost didn't dare to look into her eyes, for fear of seeing disgust or disgust from it.

   Wen Xien stopped, the little girl didn't dare to look up, as if she was afraid, Wen Xiyu knew what she was afraid of.

   raised his hand and touched the little girl's head. The movement was very light, as warm as the sun and as soft as the lake water.

   Zhou Wenying was stunned for a moment, she raised her head cautiously, and saw the smile at the corner of Wen Xien's mouth, the slight smile was seen from the arc of the light-colored mouth.

   In his calm and soothing clear voice, there is a softness that seems to be absent.

   "Don't be afraid, no one will know, you will be more careful in the future, you will have a company at the end, don't be alone."

   Especially when a girl came to the mountain, if she was bullied, she couldn't even find anyone to tell her.

   Zhou Wenying's face was flushed red, and her heart was churning up and down like boiling water.

  Wen Xien pulled her and walked forward, "I won't tell anyone, you should believe me."

If Wen Xien didn't come, the consequences would be unimaginable. Zhou Wenying didn't dare to think about it, her heart hurt as if she had been slammed. Zhou Wenying lowered her head and bit her lip. Tears of grievance almost burst out from her eyes, and a series of tears flowed from her face. It flowed down silently, without the slightest cry, just let the tears keep flowing down.

Wen Xien didn't look back, because she can't do anything now, what can a lame person do, and even if she gets into trouble with Tian Yu, she can hardly fight back. She was originally an outsider in this village, even if she died outside No one found out.

   And Tian Yu didn't do anything.

   After coming down the mountain, Wen Xien let go of Zhou Wenying's hand, after all, it would not be good if others saw it.

   Zhou Wenying's fingers moved, and for some reason she suddenly felt a sense of loss.

   However, Wen Xien had already distanced herself from her. The two were not too far away, and they happened to meet Guo Zhenfei on the road.

   The man was holding a turkey in his hand, and it wasn't dead yet. His rough and powerful fingers grabbed the turkey's two wings, and the turkey flicked twice before pretending to be dead.

   His dull gaze stuck to Wen Xien's body almost immediately, and the thick and intense gaze was almost overwhelming.

   Wen Xien's heart tightened, and he was a little unsure if Guo Zhenfei had seen them holding hands just now. He probably hadn't, and they were quite far away at the time.

   Afraid that the atmosphere would get out of hand, Wen Xien left one step ahead.

  Guo Zhenfei watched her leave with no expression on his face, but his eyes were still glued to her back, like a snake spitting out letters, which made Wen Xien break out in cold sweat.

   Fortunately, Guo Zhenfei didn't say anything he shouldn't say.

   Zhou Wenying originally wanted to say something, but was stopped by the man's deep, cold eyes, she was stunned, and before she could react, she just listened to his question.

   "What were you doing just now?"

   Zhou Wenying's mind subconsciously froze, " didn't do anything?"

  The man lowered his eyes slightly, covering the dark light and violence in his eyes, his jawline was sharp and smooth, and his voice was low: "You two hold hands."

   The questioning words came out of his mouth without any waves.

Zhou Wenying was happy when she reacted, her face was a little red, it turned out that Guo Zhenfei was really a person who looked cold on the outside and hot on the inside. Although she didn't seem to care at all on the surface, when she saw her holding hands with others, she felt heartbroken. Still uncomfortable, still jealous.

   The more she thought about it, the more she felt that this was the case. Zhou Wenying lowered her head shyly, and she said vaguely: "Brother Guo, Xien and I are just on good terms... We just met on the road and said something..."

  The man's eyes became darker and darker, his thin lips were pursed tightly, and his slightly dull eyebrows and eyes were stained with haze.

   Zhou Wenying, who kept her head down, didn't notice it. If she looked up now, she would definitely be frightened by the man's eyes, but unfortunately she didn't look up, and naturally she wouldn't notice.

   "In the future, stay away from Wen Xien."

  's too ferocious tone made Zhou Wenying aware that something was wrong, she raised her head, the man's expression was the same as usual, except that his eyes were a little darker than usual.

   I have a typo, I may not have time to correct it today



   (end of this chapter)