MTL - How To Wear a Goddess Statue-Chapter 17 Captain's request

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Two young birds were placed on the table.

One of the right legs was injured, it was not serious, and he was still looking around, his neck turned around, and from time to time he opened his wings that had never grown at all;

The other one was obviously much quieter, hunched its head beside its companion, and closed its eyes as if it was sleeping, but as long as you look carefully, you will find that it is squinting and squinting.

Lotus tied the injured leg of the former, and fed them a little water one by one, Eleuil sat and watched with a curious expression.

With the passage of time, the two young birds are hungry, whether they were watching lively or quietly before, this will raise their heads and open their mouths uniformly, and send out the standard chatter of the young begging for food .

Birds, no matter whether you are a chicken, a bird or a golden eagle, they were all the same when they were young, with their mouths wide open.

The little princess suddenly showed a look of disgust and said, "They seem to be hungry."

"Would you like to try feeding something?" Luo Das noticed her gaze and said gently.

The little princess said uncertainly: "They eat meat, any kind of meat?"

"Yes. But tear it into small pieces and feed it little by little."

"Got it, I'll go get the meat."

Eleuil got up and ran out. When he came back, he was accompanied by the captain of the Guards, Mortis.

As soon as this person entered the door, he asked enthusiastically, "Her Royal Highness said that you picked up two small golden eagles? Are they good-looking, let me take a look."

"..." Mortis looked back angrily.

Eliuil meticulously tore the raw meat into small pieces and fed them to the two chicks in turn, until they shut up and stopped calling, then stopped their hands and tentatively used their fingertips touch their heads.

The lively one hummed away immediately, and the quiet one didn't dodge, but with her eyes closed, it seemed like she was suffering.

Luodasi supported her chin and smiled: "Little princess, how about you take care of them in the future?"

Eleuil: "Me? I still don't—"

"Don't, for the safety of the little golden eagle." Mortis shook his head solemnly, "The late king told me about the little things raised by His Royal Highness, the peacocks presented by other countries, None of the hounds carried by the guards, and the fish in the pond, can survive a month under the queen's hands."

"So it is." Luo Tus gave the little princess a sympathetic look, what kind of animal killer's physique is this.

Eleuil glared at Mortis: "It used to be an accident!"

The captain of the personal guard received the warning look from the princess, shrugged, and changed the subject: "Stop talking about the golden eagle, Her Royal Highness, I'm here to ask what are your plans recently?"

The little princess removed her fingers from the head of the little golden eagle, folded her hands, and looked at Mortis calmly. When it comes to business affairs, her naive curiosity just now faded away, leaving only the light of thinking, which faintly flashed in her golden eyes.

"To stay here, of course, until my thirteenth birthday, and I won't act rashly until then."

Thirteen years old - this age is of great significance in the eyes of the ancient Solan, second only to the rite of passage at the age of eighteen.

Most of the children of this age have successfully completed their basic education, and can go home to become their parents' helpers, or leave home to find a more desired industry, starting as an apprentice.

From then on, they are no longer regarded as children who have no right to speak, but have stepped into "juveniles".

Eleuil's thirteenth birthday was that winter, less than six months from now.

Mortis understands that Her Royal Highness wants to start moving after that. After all, in the eyes of some supporters, there is a gap between the age of twelve and the age of thirteen. After this Hom, only the little princess can take off the word "small", and only then can they really take it seriously.


"If the city lord of Catiera strikes again during this period, we will probably have a harder time dealing with it. After all, the number of guards is small, and this is his base camp."

"He won't." Eleuil said firmly.

"How can you be sure?"

"Because the city lord of Catiera is such a person, he is probably too scared to sleep and eat now, I have been hanging on him, he may be scared by his own imagination and come to the door to plead guilty." Eleuil said, "If he has the guts to continue, you will be stopped by him before you enter the city."

Mortis thought about it too, and said helplessly: "Okay, we'll wait with you for a few months."

After he finished his business, he turned to look at Luodus, and suddenly said, "Miss scribe, can I chat with you alone?"

Eleuil frowned, subconsciously raised her hand to grab Luodus' wrist, and suddenly let go as if she realized what she had done.

Luodus smiled slightly: "Okay, let's go out and talk."

The little princess opened her eyes wide, trying to let Luodus see her dissatisfaction, but in the end she reluctantly gave way.

Luodus walked behind Mortis, and the captain of the Guards did not stop until he walked out of the courtyard gate.

He scratched his hair and said, "Sorry, I took the liberty to call you out, I just wanted to ask you something."

Luodus: "It's nothing, just ask."

"It's not a big deal... How has Her Royal Highness been in the past three years?"

Luodus was speechless for a while, how can people say such a broad question? Can only answer vaguely: "The little princess has always worked hard, secretly enriched herself, and forged a good friendship with the priests of the Katiera Temple."

"I'm not asking this, I'm talking about spirituality and mood." Mortis was obviously not good at this kind of conversation, and he scratched his hair irritably again, "Her Royal Highness The Queen is very close to the past. It's different, since I saw her this time, I haven't seen her smile."

Luodus finally understood what he wanted to ask, she thought for a while, and replied: "My lord will be low-spirited when encountering a sudden change, not to mention that the little princess is still young, danger will make people grow, That's not necessarily a good thing."

Mortis sighed: "Oh, what you said makes sense, but we watched her grow up, she used to be so flamboyant and wanton, now..."

There will always be regrets and disappointments.

Luodus lowered his eyes and said nothing.

For a long time, Mortis saluted Luodus solemnly.

"I can tell that Her Royal Highness likes and relies on you very much. You must have helped her a lot when we were not able to come. Thank you."

"If possible, I would like to ask you to stay by the Queen's side all the time, please."


Eleuil was absent-mindedly teasing the little golden eagles, while pretending to look out the window casually, she could see Luodus and the captain of the guards talking, but couldn't hear what they said.

After a while, Mortis suddenly saluted Luotas, chanted a bunch of words solemnly, and then turned to leave.

With a creak, Luodus pushed the door back.

The little princess immediately greeted her and said, "What did he tell you? It's not that he spoke ill of me."

Luodus was about to give a brief introduction when he heard the words: "Why do you think so?"

Eleuil bowed her head and said nothing, poked the head of the little golden eagle, poked people back and murmured, and then said: "I believe in his loyalty, but I also believe in him -And those who are loyal to my father, don't like me very much."

Luodus: "...because the queen came first?"

She remembered that when Mortis first arrived, he did say "more and more like the annoying Serena".

"Yes, I have heard the female officials chatting in private. In fact, when the father and the queen got married, they were opposed by almost all ministers. Among them, the generals who followed the father were the most troubled, but in the end they did not prevent success."

Eleuil's tone was relaxed, but her drooping eyelashes revealed a little lowness, "Afterwards, they showed that they liked me very much in front of the father and respected the mother, but the father was not there. When the time comes, those people are too lazy to act like that.”

Lotus: "And Mortis?"

"..." Aileu paused for a while, as if recalling, and after a while said expressionlessly, "That's not it, whether the father is here or not, he doesn't bother to pretend, see The mother rolled her eyes. Her attitude towards me was okay."

"Actually, he still cares about you."

"Caring must be caring, after all, I have become their only hope." Eleuil was listless.

Luodus continued: "He was worried about your psychological condition and said he hoped I would always be with you."

Little Princess: "Did he say that?"

Lotus nodded.

The lowness on the face of the little princess was instantly swept away, she grabbed Luodus' right hand with both hands, and said sincerely: "I believe it now, Mortis is worthy of being a loyal captain, I thank you he."

Lotus: "…"

You don't have to change your attitude so quickly.

But looking at the beautiful eyes of the little princess that seemed to be shining with stars, she couldn't help but smile.

But soon, the smile faded with the thoughts.

Lotus did not answer Mortis' request.

Can she always be with the little princess?

The image of the modern city flashed by in his memory, Luo Das closed his eyes, ignoring Eleuil's slightly expectant eyes, and lightly changed the subject.

In the next few days, just as Eleuil said, the city lord of Katiera didn't make any more shots, and even from the news from the city, the city lord hadn't been out for several days.

The Assassination of the Little Princess.

In simple terms, it is bullying the soft and fearing the hard, and loves brains.

A week after the royal guards were stationed at the temple, the city lord finally came to visit. This time he brought a generous gift.

"I know all about the assassination of Her Royal Highness the Queen. It is indeed my fault for you to encounter such a thing in the city under my jurisdiction. Please accept my apology. "

The city lord of Katiera said, carefully glanced at Mortis, who was wearing armor beside the little princess, and then went to greet her daughter who was hiding behind him: "Talsa, you and your highness the princess. Not a classmate? Come and say hello to His Highness."

Eleuil chuckled: "So Talsa is your child, she took care of me a lot in the school."

Talsa flinched, still holding her head high.

The lord of Katiera breathed a sigh of relief after receiving the permission of the princess.

After the visitor left, Mortis said unwillingly: "This face is really disgusting, just let him go?"

"How is it possible." The little princess smiled, but the smile did not reach her eyes.


The seasons in Solanchia rotate, from the hot summer to the late autumn, from the pale green to the dazzling golden yellow everywhere.

Eleuil's birthday is on the second day of November.

The author has something to say:

Little Princess: So will you stay with me?



Thanks to this little cutie for throwing mines, okay?

deos threw a mine Throwing time:2021-04-0108:19:39