MTL - HP Dear Miss Freak-Chapter 111 104. The showers have not stopped and are long

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"From choking to the bottom of the valley."

Fred did not know why he was so angry.

He was very embarrassed when he heard George say that Sylvia was going to see Hoddle off today. When he saw Sylvia coming back, he was indeed relieved.

Ginny said that traveling around the world sounded like something Sylvia would do, but Fred wanted to say that a sudden decision to venture out on a whim was more like something she would do. It was also because of this thought that Fred began to be afraid.

He was afraid. He didn't know when he didn't dare to say that he understood Sylvia's mind.

"You didn't know they had a good relationship, did you?"

"You don't know how much Ravenclaw has heard of them, do you?"

"You don't know that Searle actually thinks Woughlin is very important?"

When he heard Ginny's words, he didn't know the answer either. Does he not know? Or has he been fooling himself?

Who does Sylvia like?

He doesn't know. He has always wanted to know.

But doesn't he know how strong Hoddle is? Although that guy is so annoying.

But Sylvia said that there are not so many reasons to like someone.

What does she need a reason for? That cloudy little freak.

All in all, Fred's mind was in a mess, and he turned into Sylvia's room only to realize how crazy his actions were.

But he just wanted to see her all of a sudden.

A stormy night can always make people feel depressed and irritable. While waiting, Fred couldn't control his thoughts, and his mind was full of Sylvia and Hoddle. He found himself afraid, which only made him even more angry.

"Sometimes I really don't understand what you take me for." Fred's cold tone made Sylvia tremble. His eyes were on Comet 260, which seemed to have not been touched in a long time.

"What are you talking about? Fred." Sylvia spoke softly, for fear that Fred would explode in the next second. The ticking of his watch, mixed with the sound of the rain, was terrifying.

"I take you as my best friend, what do you take me for?" Fred stared straight at her with no emotion in his tone.

"Of course you're my best friend too."

"Then why didn't you tell me you were going to send him? Just tell George? Do you think I'm going to disrupt the game? Think I'm going to disrupt your last date?"

"What are you talking about? I thought George would tell you. I didn't think you would either... we're not dating!"

"You didn't tell me either..." Fred suddenly grabbed Sylvia's wrist and pulled her towards him, "You stayed with him the whole fifth grade ,yes?"


"I hate the feeling of... having to hear your message from someone else's mouth."

"I didn't think..."

"The smell of smoke is his, he is smoking, right?" Fred showed disgust, let go of her hand and took a step back. The smell is unusually pungent, "Why did you lie to me then?"

"I don't want to lie to you..."

"I should have thought of that." Fred turned around, no longer looking at Sylvia's expression, he picked up a few ancient books that Sylvia put on the bed, casually After flipping a few times, "After all, you stay together all day."

"I can't debunk his secrets! I didn't tell anyone! And we're just reviewing, there's nothing to hide from others." Sylvia looked at Fred flipping the book fingers, she always felt that the book would be torn to shreds in the next second.

How could she have imagined that her act of keeping Hoddle secret sounded like an excuse for deliberate concealment?

"Yeah yeah." Fred closed the book forcefully and threw it back on the bed, "There's nothing to hide, so why don't you say anything? You know you don't care what I say. will believe it!"

"That's not much to say, and..."

"Sylvia Tonks. We never talked to each other, before Waughlin showed up." Fred's eyes turned with disgust.

"Don't do this, Fred." Sylvia reached out and grabbed Fred's cuff, the cuff wet by the rain was so cold.

No matter what happens, one of them seems to be relatively sane. But at this moment, the two young children tried their best to control their trembling bodies and brains, unable to calm down.

"I thought we were best friends." Fred laughed as if laughing at himself, "Well, I took a step back, I, you, George, we Best friends. But what? Except your girls, Harry, Ron, Wafflenn, Diggory, and even a Malfoy? Heck."

"Fred, you've always been my best friend, you know." Sylvia shook his cuff, she could no longer speak in a calm tone .

"Really? Then why do you always push me out? Push me to Angelina?" Fred said, pulling his sleeves back, "I really want to ask you, Am I not good enough for you?"

You're not good enough for me?

Sylvia took a deep breath.

"I didn't mean that." The girl finally choked, she shook her head with difficulty, wondering if she could convey her remorse. This is what she regrets the most.

"You don't mean that? I don't understand why you always want me to play with Angelina? Why do you have to match us? Why don't you ever ask me how I feel? Or you don't at all Care what I think?" Fred stared at her, "If not, can you tell me what you mean by that?"

Sylvia was speechless, just shook her head. Fred took a small step back and laughed self-deprecatingly: "Then why didn't you introduce Waughlin to play with your girl friends? Oh, no one can disturb the two of you, I remember. No. 12, Mo Square, two people, staying together, a summer vacation? Hey, I almost forgot to count this summer vacation."

"It's not the same thing, Fred." Sylvia tried to pull out a smile.

"I finally figured it out." Fred turned around and turned his back, "Your Mr. Waughlin is so handsome, so knowledgeable, and so worth cherishing, right? ” Sylvia shook her head with difficulty, blinking for fear of falling into tears. "But what about Fred?" Fred turned to look at her, his eyes full of emotions Sylvia couldn't understand, "A big idiot with no heart." Sylvia shook her head vigorously. "Even that little **** Malfoy, you say he's just ignorant, just uneducated! Ha! You're so kind, Sylvia. You can find good in everyone, but me."

"How can you say that!" Sylvia felt a strong sourness spread from her nostrils to her brain, this feeling was too uncomfortable, "Fred, I Never thought of it this way, don't..."

"Stop it. Yeah." Fred took Sylvia's words, although she didn't mean to say, "Sylvia, if I'm not mad at this time, , then you should feel uncomfortable."

"It's not like that..."

"What a wonderful meeting of prefects across the house, isn't that what you said? Sylvia Tonks of Gryffindor and Hoddle of Ravenclaw Waughlin's a natural fit. You know how often I hear that annoying phrase? Even Hufflepuff and Slytherin... Slytherin? Huh?" Fred has long been out of the logic of his language, and now he just wants to pour out all the irritability in his head, "Yeah, yeah. Everyone thinks that. But I never care what people think, I I never care what you think! Tell me, what do you think?"

"What the **** are you talking about? Fred." Sylvia felt like she was about to collapse. She prides herself on being articulate and no one can beat her in an argument. But it seems that the rain is too noisy, which affects her logical thinking ability.

"I'm saying you value Waughlin more than me, which makes me want to smash that guy's head with a bat!" Fred seemed to finally Like an explosion, Brother Bird fluttered his wings in the cage on one side, and it seemed that he was as frightened as Sylvia, "I'm saying that we are obviously the closest friends, but I don't know when it started! I started looking for I won't hear from you without you!"

"I never thought of that." Sylvia's voice trembled, and she saw that Fred's face was flushed, like his shoulder-length hair. This year's Fred was what she expected to see the most, but she never thought that Fred with long hair would have such a dialogue with herself.

"I don't know what you think, but that's what I saw." Fred's tone became cold again, "Sylvia, you really..." He was like He turned around as if he couldn't go on, panting heavily to try to calm himself down.

"Fred, you know, no one can take your place in my heart." Sylvia took a deep breath, trying to keep her voice from shaking.

"You can't do this to me!" Fred looked back at her like a momentary breakdown, "You always say we are the best! You say knowing me is your greatest Lucky! You also said that I was your most precious gift! You said that, but how did you do it? You know how important you are to me!"

"You think about when we were together!" Sylvia grabbed Fred's arm tightly. She knew that he was now suppressed by negative emotions, and would only become more and more intrusive.

Fred just shook his head with a wry smile, unable to find any happy memories in his mind for a moment: "It was like a dream." His smile couldn't be more ugly.

"What?" Sylvia was a little surprised.

"Those things, thinking about it now, look like fakes."


"You say that you have the best relationship with me, but you stay with him!" Fred took a step closer, he didn't smell the fruit he liked, only that lingering on the tip of his nose The infuriating smell of smoke, "You've been with him the whole fifth grade, or even earlier." Fred seemed unable to accept the fact, his fist raised and lowered heavily, it seemed It was his way of calming himself down. "How long has it been since we went out together at night? How long have we gone out together? How many times have you turned down my invitation to see him? Yes! After all, he can help you get the O in the potion, giving you a chance to become a proud hero. Luo made his dream come true. What do I do?" Fred shook his head as if laughing at himself, "You told your mother that it's great to bring happiness to everyone. Maybe it will bring you happiness. You didn't hesitate to choose between the happy Fred and the Wafflin who can bring you results. I don't know how I'm going to deal with what you said! You don't know how uncomfortable I am! I have been Trying to make yourself more capable! I thought you must see it! You clearly said that before..."

He couldn't go on. The unwillingness and self-doubt of the time seemed to overwhelm him all at once.

"It's not the same thing! Calm down!" Sylvia covered her face and growled, she couldn't calm down, let alone Fred.

"Do you like him?" Fred asked in a low voice.

Sylvia shook her head.

Fred was silent.

"We're just friends."

"Just a friend." Fred twitched the corners of his mouth, "Is this the best explanation you can find?"

"If we liked each other, we would have been together, Fred." Sylvia paused, and her sudden reason made her speak lightly, but Fred seemed to suddenly got **** off.

She didn't realize this sentence, and it alluded to them both.

If they liked each other, would they be together long ago?

"So you don't like me so you can push me out?"

"I don't want to! Fred! I never wanted to push you out! I didn't mean that!" .

"I'll never know what you mean, only your clever Mr. Waughlin can understand." Fred remembered that Sylvia and Hoddle always said that only If the two of them can understand, the anger is even greater.

"I don't want to fight with you, Fred, not at all."

"Did you think I wanted to?" Fred's gnashing teeth and clenched fists showed his emotions that he had nowhere to vent, "The only time we fought was because of that Waughlin? He It's better to just leave and not come back, I can't promise I'll be merciful the next time I see him. Oh, if he doesn't come back, you'll be sad, right?"

"He's my friend, Fred." Sylvia was trying to keep her cool, because Fred had lost his mind.

"Of course he is your friend! What about me? What am I? You tell me what do you think of me?" What kind of answer did he want, but it was definitely not the embarrassed look of Sylvia with red eyes.

"Fred, I can never give up another friend for a friend, it's not a matter of who is more important." Sylvia's eyes no longer dodged, straight stare at him.

"You don't talk to me about your big truth." Fred frowned, "I know I can never tell you. I'll never try to get a little bit of you. Inexpensive, I'm always going to be shriveled."

"You...why are you questioning me like this?" Sylvia tugged at her cuff, she could no longer control her emotions, "Who are you, you can do this Come to accuse me? Why do you interfere with my life and my friends?"

Why are you saying this?

Why do you come to my house in the middle of the night and get angry at me?

Why do you want the right to be a lover with me as a friend?

But Sylvia immediately regretted what she said.

"Yeah, I'm not you." Fred snorted coldly, turned and stepped on the small bench and reached out to open the skylight.

"Wait! Fred! I didn't mean that!" Sylvia quickly grabbed his wrist. She didn't know what happened to herself just now, maybe her brain was hot, and she suddenly couldn't say anything nice.

Perhaps neither of them are mature emotionally.

"You look so good today, Sylvia." Fred opened the skylight and let the wind and rain hit his angular face, "I've known you for six years and never saw each other. You dress up. Never."

"Don't go! Fred! I beg you! I don't want to quarrel with you!" Sylvia couldn't help shouting hysterically. All the suppressed emotions suddenly poured out and could not be stopped.

"You're right, I don't have the right to be angry about this." Fred said softly.

"I didn't mean that! You know you've always been my best friend! Fred! I can't lose you!"

"Let go."

Fred is actually very good at such arrogance, but he never shows it in front of his girls.

"Fred, I admit I went too far, but I never meant to hurt you."

"Sylvia Tonks!" Fred's increased volume shocked the girl in front of her, she lowered her head and dared not look at him, but still held his wrist tightly . But Fred's mind was so cluttered right now that he would be extremely irritable if he listened to any more words. After being silent for a while, he said softly, "I should have known that you still prefer reading books to Quidditch."

The boy shook off the girl's hand, jumped on the roof, followed the plane tree to another short tree, and returned to the land smoothly.

All of this is as difficult as an idol drama, as incomprehensible as a suspense drama.

Sylvia quickly stepped on the stool and climbed up to the sky window to stick her head out, she saw Fred jump back to the ground from the lower branches, but he did not look back, quickly left.

It ends like a horror movie.

I prefer reading books to Quidditch.

But I like you more than anything.

"Ciel! What happened?" It was Dora knocking on the clapboard door. Letting the family hear the farce undoubtedly put more pressure on Sylvia.

"I'm fine! Dora!" Sylvia retracted her head and shouted to the partition door. But when she closed the sunroof, she couldn't bear it any longer. As soon as her legs loosened, she fell to the ground and immediately curled up and hugged herself. She looked at Brother Bird who was still fluttering, and her face was instantly filled with tears.

"When did that Weasley come?" Dora was still banging on the partition, "Did you quarrel? What happened? Mom and Dad are worried about you! Me too!"

"I said I'm fine!" Sylvia's cry revealed her out-of-control emotions. The end of the partition fell silent, and the whole world was drowned out by the sound of rain again.

"Searle." Dora's voice softened, "Searle, open the door, okay?"

"You leave me alone for a while, I beg you." Sylvia's voice seemed to be blocked by the sound of rain, and Dora couldn't hear her answer at all. But she didn't want to care anymore. Sylvia shrank herself even smaller, burying her chin in her knees, hugging herself tightly with both hands.

She needs someone to think about it.

Think about it.

Think about what Hermione said to her, what Rebecca said to her, and what Ginny said to her.

The scrapbook on the table is only partially finished, and the twins' tricks are hidden in the cupboard. She needs to think about how she will face these memories and how she will face herself.

"Searle, will Searle open the door and let mom come up?" Andromeda knocked on the door panel and said softly.


The last thing Sylvia likes is her weakness being seen by those closest to her. Don't bother me, I can't take it. Sylvia buried her face deeper, and the tears continued to flow after the rain dried.

I'm bored.

Suddenly, the skylight opened and Dora jumped off the roof. She almost lost her footing, but shook her body and found her balance.

"Merlin's beard!" Seeing her little sister curled up on the carpet, Dora hurriedly knelt down beside her and gently brushed her wet bangs. "What's the matter, my darling?" Dora took out her wand and gave Sylvia a drying spell, but her sister didn't look any better.

"When did that Weasley come? What did he say to you?" Dora wanted to take Sylvia into her arms, but she was sobbing silently there. . Dora also double-checked that her sister wasn't petrified by the Weasley.

"Don't let me catch him, or I'll let him taste the power of an Auror." Dora slammed her fist on the floor with one hand. Sylvia raised her hand and put it lightly on her shoulder, as soft as she was suffering from a serious illness.

"Stop talking, Dora." Sylvia shook her head, wiped her tears hard, and barely raised her head. She knew that she must be ugly now, but fortunately, Fred didn't let Fred see her ghostly appearance.

"It's alright, Sylvia, don't cry. We don't care what that **** said, okay?" Dora finally took Sylvia into her arms . There was a smell of smoke on her body, and a damp smell, as strange as rolling through the mud while smoking a cigarette.

"I just think...I screwed everything up." Sylvia struggled to control her emotions and regulate her breathing. Weird feeling, she just felt it couldn't get any worse.

"Honey, what did you say?"

"I screwed everything up."

"Did you quarrel? Oh, how could that kid really be angry with you?" Dora patted Sylvia on the back. She found that if her mother came over at this time, Sylvia's condition should be better. Comforting people really wasn't her domain, but beating Fred was definitely her job.

"I screwed everything up." Sylvia shook her head again, "Both of my friends left me, Dora."

"I bet that kid will regret it soon. How dare he sneak into your room? I have to teach him a lesson." Dora clenched her fist and made a threat Actions.

"He's mad, Dora. Fred never gets mad at me." Sylvia ruffled her messy hair irritably.

"Stop crying, Searle, how dare that brat get angry with you?"

"I screwed up." Sylvia shook her head, "He's right, he's been good to me, I take it for granted. It's all my fault ."

"Honey, you never screwed up, never." Dora hugged her sister tightly. "That brat isn't worth your heartbreak."

"I love him, Dora."

Sylvia's face was calm, but the next second she couldn't stop sobbing again, and it sounded very terrifying with the roaring rain.

"Ciel?" Dora looked at her sister, who was out of control, in astonishment, for fear that a sudden thunder would scare the trembling little girl.

"I love him, I love Fred." Sylvia covered her face and twitched, "But I screwed everything up."

Fuck Fred.

Dora thought angrily but didn't dare to say it, and finally turned into a gentle sentence: "You are very good, Little Seale, I love you, and my parents love you too."

This seems to make the situation even worse. Sylvia was out of breath and lost her words, but she kept shaking her head, muttering something in a daze. Brother Bird also quieted down and looked at his master quietly, which seemed to be the greatest tenderness he could do.

"Okay, okay, let's not talk, let's not talk, Syl." Dora hugged Sylvia tightly and rested her chin on her head. Just like when she was a child, Sylvia was still soft and small when she hugged her, and she still stubbornly held back tears while pursing her lips in her arms. How dare that **** Weasley hurt my lovely sister?

"Sylvia, we love you. We all love you." Dora patted Sylvia on the back, thinking about how to tell Mom and Dad about this, but it was urgent How to calm down her sister. She even forgot to put a drying spell on herself.

Damn the weather.

Dora raised her head to look at the skylight, how could her sister sleep well in this horrible weather?

The author has something to say:

In order to avoid the tone that I usually jump out of when I see the words, you can take a moment and then look down

Sorry, it's not over yet, they won't be reconciled in the next chapter, not so fast

Knife? I actually don't know much about my own skills, because it's the first time we've written an article, and it's the first time we've made a big sword, right? If everyone thinks about knives, then I will learn from the experience. If you don’t think about knives, I will not be able to write bigger knives! (That's a good thing! Right!

I also finished this chapter last December, which means I was ready for them to fight.

I think it must be noisy.

Because Fred has accumulated the jealousy of the entire fifth grade, if some things and knots are not made clear, they will only accumulate more and more, and eventually become the capital of the fuse. Didn't Fred know that Hoddle was an ideal match for Sylvia? I don't know and often hear others talk about it, right? And Searle likes handsome guys, and also likes the history of magic. Besides Hoddle, only Hermione and Percy can talk to her about profound topics, right?

If you like someone, you will feel inferior, you will be cranky, and you will doubt yourself.

"You said to your mother that it's great to bring happiness to everyone. But between Fred who can bring you happiness and Waughlin who can bring you results, you Choose without hesitation. I don't even know how I should face what you said!" My tears are here. Maybe it's a big deal, maybe it's just an irrational sentence under anger. But think about fifth grade, and think about some of what Searle said. Maybe it's just because Searle is growing up that she has to take into account some realities and she's no longer the happy-go-lucky girl. Maybe it was a little blow to Fred. Of course Fred knew how important the Auror dream was to Searle, but he couldn't help it. His happiness doesn't seem so important to the girl he likes anymore. (Who knows?) Boys may love face, but they absolutely do not allow themselves to appear incompetent in front of the girl they like. Actually, I am quite, I don't know how to say it, but when I write this, my mood is quite complicated.

And, isn't Fred good enough for Searle? I know a lot of people are knocking on Horsey, but think about it, isn't Fred good enough for Searle? Fred was willing to give a lot more than anyone else. They may have crossed the step of being friends long ago, and have long reached the relationship of mutual support and warmth. Is there a time when my love for you becomes a matter of course? Everyone will be sad, right?

Does Ciel know that Hoddle likes her?

She can't feel it, can she? But with her character, it is even more impossible to speculate whether a person likes her, let alone think in that direction. Not to mention it was Hoddle, especially after she found out she liked Fred. If it was true she would be afraid of Hoddle saying it because she didn't want to lose the friend. It may be selfish, but people are selfish. If you say you have someone you like, will you alienate your opposite-sex friends? If you're just friends, what's there to avoid?

Do you remember Seale asking Rebecca if she was using Hoddle?

Of course, Sirke never had an intimate act with Hoddle. Yes, maybe for now, she doesn't want to be alienated from her friends because of the person she likes, after all, they haven't been together yet. Maybe she hasn't found the balance yet. Maybe she is just thinking! But she doesn't tea, and she doesn't bother.

Go back to what I said last time, because I believe in pure friendship of the opposite sex.

Anyway, Hoddle and Fred, she could tell herself very clearly that it was Fred, and it was always Fred.

Although I always write that they are buddies and not ambiguous, but think about it carefully, they actually have a lot of very youthful throbbing.

They may be concerned about their face, or they may be immature, but their feelings are left to them to solve

The reaction of the Tonks family, I love to write the family part, and their family has always been the setting of the youngest daughter, so it will be very nervous. (Interjection, in order to satisfy my family scene, my next book is going to write a big family comparable to Weasleys

I'm actually very nervous, I've saved the manuscript for this chapter a long time ago, I'm too nervous, give me some comments to make me count, okay friends? Thank you to the little angel who voted for me or irrigated nutrient solution during 2021-08-0908:49:53~2021-08-1108:49:53~

Thanks to the little angel who irrigated the nutrient solution: cheesecake with milkshake 20 bottles; zero seven 7 bottles; 444468946 bottles; 418637485 bottles;

Thank you very much for your support, I will continue to work hard!