MTL - HP Dear Miss Freak-Chapter 112 105. Romantic immortality and arrival

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"I want to plant a sea of ​​flowers for you all the way, from our West Street to the clouds, to the Milky Way, and back again."

Sylvia woke up feeling bad, like a hangover. Dora was lying on the bed beside her, taking the place of the original pillow doll, and sleeping soundly. But apparently when she got up, there was a lot of movement, which woke her sister up.

"Oh, good morning, did you sleep well?" Dora struggled to prop herself up to sit up, and it seemed that it was a great sin to be held as a pillow all night.

"I'm fine, Dora." Sylvia said softly, looking up at the position of the skylight, it seemed that the sky had cleared, and a few clear voices could be heard faintly. The bird chirped, "I'm fine."

"Oh, I think... Syl, how about we go on a picnic today?" Dora looked at Sylvia with a worried look. Sylvia understood almost immediately, rolled over and got out of bed and came to the full-length mirror.

Oh, I really don't want to see Dora like me in a few years.

Sylvia looked at herself with gray hair in the mirror and laughed dryly. It's really not a good thing for Disguise Magus to have such a role. Well, her complexion doesn't look good either, so I can't completely blame Disguise Magus.

"Hey, Searle, I think..." Dora struggled to find the words, she found that she was really hard at it.

"I think we should go to Sirius. Remember?" Sylvia controlled her magic to get her hair back to normal and gave Dora a smile, "We told him earlier OK."

"Yes, yes yes yes, so what are you waiting for." Dora thanked Sirius in her heart for giving this good opportunity to make Sylvia change her mood a little.

Well, maybe she shouldn't have any expectations for their uncle.

"Hey! Girls! Look what I found?" Sirius stuck his head out from the upstairs in a good mood and looked at his two nieces.

"I'm looking forward to it, Sirius." Sylvia said flatly, looking not at all looking forward to it.

"You'd better come up with something interesting." Before Dora finished speaking, Sirius had disappeared from their sight, and Dora had to pull Sylvia upstairs go up.

"Look! Boggart! I'm locked in this old closet." Sirius said excitedly, looking like a little boy showing off his new discoveries.

Boggart at 12 Grimmauld Place. Isn't this an old friend? Sylvia sneered. If you catch it now, don't show Mrs. Molly those bad pictures. For example, Fred and George.

Fred and George.

Sylvia's eyes suddenly dimmed a lot. When Dora saw that things were not right, she hurriedly stopped: "What did I think it was? Who hasn't seen Boggart? Let's go, Searle."

"I just want to see what my little niece is most afraid of?" Sirius said and waved his wand to open the closet.

"Stop it! Sirius! Searle..."

"Didn't your good brother Moonface tell you the story that I saw a huge caterpillar in his class and fainted on the spot?" Sylvia said casually , she never tire of laughing at herself. But she was stunned immediately, what appeared in front of her eyes was not some huge caterpillar.

It's Fred's body.

As written in the original book, it was the wound left by the Crackling Explosion Curse.

She opened her mouth, but couldn't say a word, huge tears kept falling down with the frequency of blinking. If what she felt last night was dull despair, now she is in pain like a heart attack. That kind of stinging feeling that the softest part of the heart has been brutally pushed open and rudely slashed with thousands of knives.

Like choking.

Dora and Sirius set off almost at the same time, the former hugged Sylvia to block her, the latter waved his wand and chanted a spell to take Boggart back.

"What's the matter?" Sirius was stunned. "Is that... Fred Weasley?"

"Look at what you've done!" Dora roared at Sirius.

"How would I know? How could it be that stinky boy? Hell, Searle, you like that stinky boy so much..." Before Sirius could finish speaking, Dora covered him mouth.

"It's not true. It's not!" Sylvia murmured and wiped away her tears, then turned and left the troubled room.

"Hey! Cyr!" Dora called after her.

"I'm going to find Rebecca." Sylvia left Twelve Grimmauld Place without looking back.

The first step to finding Rebecca is to call Ryan. Because Sylvia, as a minor, cannot use the patron saint to transmit information, Aibo's house has not installed a landline.

"Hi? Syr?" Ryan's voice sounded on the other end of the phone, and he was in a good mood today, "I was trying to ask you for help. But I just called you At home, your mother said you went out. I still feel pity."

"Oh, Ryan." Sylvia leaned against the phone booth and her mind was still buzzing, "I actually wanted to ask you if Betty was with you, do you have anything to do with me?"

"Can you come to me? Well, I think this time you can perform magic and suddenly appear again?" Ryan's tone sounded no ordinary happy.

"I'll be right here." Sylvia turned back to Black's ancestral house, not paying attention to Dora and Sirius who were on the side, wondering if they should approach or not, and thought for a moment about Ryan The nearest fireplace there, a handful of Floo powder sent me over there.

51 West Street. Every time Sylvia came to the flower shop, she couldn't help but complain about the shop name again. But here is indeed No. 51 West Street. This sense of righteousness is indeed what Sylvia likes.

"Sylvia! You didn't ride your little battery?" Ryan drove towards Sylvia, pushing the big wheels on his wheelchair.

"I'll go back and get the car very quickly. Is there anything I can help?" Sylvia shrugged and followed Ryan into the store.

"Well, do you have any plans for today? Are you going to find Betty?" Ryan said as he cleaned up his shop, as if it was about to close.

"No, no, I just want to find something for myself to do. It would be great if you need me to do something." Sylvia helped him lock the glass door.

"I want to confess to Betty today."

Ryan said softly, and Sylvia looked at the expression on his face when he talked about Rebecca, and was suddenly touched. Even the gentle person said this sentence sounded like a beautiful confession.

"What can I help you with?" Sylvia looked at the happy smile on Ryan's face and suppressed a little loneliness in her heart.

"Can you help me take Betty to my flower field at twelve o'clock? It's where you helped me with flowers before, remember?" Ryan looked expectantly Looking at Sylvia, "I have to go there now to prepare."

"Of course." Sylvia looked up at the gradually clearing sky and took a deep breath, "It's been raining all over the UK these days, but the weather is pretty good at this time."

"Isn't this your Merlin's magic too?" Ryan laughed, a beam of sunlight shining on his face, making his amber eyes sparkle.

"It's your magic, Ryan." Sylvia laughed too. She didn't know why, but she felt warm in her heart. It was the warmth that the happiness of the two little suns gave her.

"You are a girl, look at this, does it look good?" Ryan suddenly remembered something and took out a small box from his pocket. When I opened it, it was a finely crafted brooch with a lifelike sunflower on it.

"Good-looking." Sylvia expressed her admiration sincerely, "Your eyesight is really good, Ryan. Just why sunflowers? Isn't Betty's favorite hyacinth?"

"Didn't she switch with you?" Ryan laughed as if thinking of some funny joke.

"What are you talking about?" Sylvia remembered what she had said before and was also happy.

"Betty said her best friend said she was like a sunflower." Ryan smiled at Sylvia, "She said I was like her sun."

"What else did she say?"

"She also said that you taught her to say that."

Sylvia smiled and shook her head, averting her eyes: "Ryan, both of you are bright and gentle people."

"She is also my sun, Searle." Ryan's eyes were full of clear sky, "You let us find each other's sun."

"Where are you taking me by covering my eyes?" Rebecca sat in Sylvia's back seat and hugged her waist tightly. This friend of hers drives like a broomstick and wants to take off on the spot.

"Take you to find your sun, Betty." Sylvia enjoyed this windward state very much, which made her whole person feel a lot more energetic.

"Ryan? Then why are you covering my eyes? What surprise have you prepared for me?" Rebecca made no secret of her joy, every time she heard Ryan's name Can have such a smile.

"I'm just an ordinary driver." Sylvia said with a smile, "Boss Ryan only asks me to lead people, and our workers never guess what the boss means."

"Did he pay you?"


"Then you are always helping him, shouldn't you be blackmailing him with your character?"

"I'm doing this for the love of my little angel Betty." Sylvia said and was pushed hard by Rebecca, "I don't ask for anything in return."

"Has Wafflin gone abroad?" Rebecca rested her head on Sylvia's back.

"Well, he left yesterday." Sylvia nodded slightly, although Rebecca couldn't see it now.

"Is there anything you want to tell me?"

"Huh? What?"

"I made a bet with Qiu, and it looks like I won." Rebecca laughed arrogantly, "She bet Woughlin will confess to you. Did she bet right? ?"

"Don't talk nonsense." Sylvia showed a helpless smile, she felt the girl in the back seat cheering for victory, "Don't bet on this kind of thing in the future."


Sylvia stopped in front of a large sea of ​​flowers. The sunflowers swayed in the warm breeze, and the refreshing floral fragrance lingered in the whole world. Ryan was sitting in a wheelchair, holding a bouquet of carefully trimmed sunflowers, waiting for his **** the path among the flowers.

"Ryan's flower field, right?" Rebecca showed a smug smile, "Well, and it's his second flower field, the one with a log cabin."

Sylvia didn't know how Rebecca found out, but all she had to do was hold the little girl's hand and give her to the boy she had long admired.

Rebecca ripped off the blindfolded ribbon when she found a bouquet of flowers tucked into her hands. Sylvia could see a different light flashing in her eyes from a distance. Rebecca covered her mouth and laughed after looking around.

It seems that Rebecca was moved to tears. This guy was moved like this even before he confessed. Sylvia couldn't help laughing, even though her eyes were also red. The soft wind blew over the girl's skirt, over the boy's shoulder, and blew into the softest pure land in Sylvia's heart, nourishing the most splendid sunflower.

Fortunately, the girl with a clear mind was not let down by the long wait. There is really a boy who can be gentle with her all her years. From childhood, to the present, to the future.

"Betty, I like you." Ryan's soft words drew Sylvia's eyes back to them, "I want you to be my boss."

I want you to be my boss.

Sylvia covered her mouth and turned to look at the small battery parked in the distance. She pursed her lips tightly and frowned tightly, revealing an extremely strange smile.

I want to hear him say that to me too.

Sylvia couldn't control her thoughts and kept reminding her of this fact like a little devil in her heart.

"I told everyone a long time ago that Betty was like a girl from a fairy tale. And you did surprise me by telling me that's where you came from. So this time , let me surprise you, I think I can hold your hand and walk together on the next road." Ryan said softly. Sylvia raised her head and blinked, and swayed around to look at Rebecca who was crying and laughing, still sincerely happy for her.

"What else do you want to do?" Rebecca never acted like a spoiled child, but in front of Ryan she was the playful and cute little girl.

"I also want to plant a sea of ​​flowers for you all the way, from our West Street to the clouds, to the Milky Way, and back again."

Sylvia watched Rebecca plunge into Ryan's arms, she took a deep breath and laughed heartily in the sea of ​​flowers.

Thanks Ryan for letting me witness this grand confession.

Thanks to Betty, for making me believe that long-lasting love is the best form of love.

"Merlin above, please send Ryan Gonzalez and Rebecca Abbott all the best wishes I can think of or can't think of." Sylvie Ya put her hands together and prayed softly. But she didn't know that the smile on the corner of her mouth was the most touching wish at the moment.

At least Ryan and Rebecca thought so.

Sylvia heard Rebecca say that the flower language of sunflower is "silent love". She once sighed that such a sunny flower has such a low-key meaning. Rebecca said that because it chases the sun all day long, just like the eyes of those who are always chasing the people in their hearts.

Yeah, never said it, but all the love is in action.

Like Ryan to Rebecca.

Like Rebecca to Ryan.

Sylvia parked the small battery in her yard and watched all kinds of indescribable ping ping pong noises coming from the brightly lit house.

Why does Sirius make such a fuss every time he comes to eat? He won't be dueling Dora in the living room again, will he? Mom and Dad didn't stop.

Sylvia sighed and took out the key to open the house, but she was quickly taken aback by the sight in front of her. Sirius was chasing a red-haired boy with a wand around the living room to the dining room to the living room. Dora stood on the stairs and propped her chin to watch the farce. Even Ted and Andromeda sat there unresponsive.

"What is this doing?" Sylvia frowned and walked in front of everyone, "George?"

"Sylvia, you're finally back!" George rushed behind Sylvia like a life-saving straw, clutching her shoulders tightly.

"Sirius? Put the wand down." Sylvia scolded the angry Sirius, "I told you to put the wand down!"

"Are you sure this guy isn't Fred's brat?" Sirius didn't trust his shrewd niece, but put his wand down anyway.

"I'm pretty sure." Sylvia put George behind her, and she didn't quite believe that her uncle would be so obedient to stop and stop.

"Oh, I thought that kid lied to me." Sirius shrugged and sat back on the sofa.

"Even Fred, you can't point your wand at him!" Sylvia looked at the room in disbelief, "Can someone explain to me? Mom and Dad? "Ted and Andromeda didn't say anything, and Sirius said: Obviously, I wouldn't really do anything with a child.

"Mr. Redhead is no longer welcome in our house." Dora stared straight at George, "George Weasley."

"Oh, I'm sorry to disturb your family dinner. But I think I need to have a chat with Seale." people.

Sylvia didn't say anything, took George's arm and walked upstairs. The two of them stopped at the landing on the second floor, and Sylvia leaned against the wall with her arms folded, signaling that he could speak.

"What happened to you and Fred?" George didn't beat around the bush and went straight to the point. He probably suppressed this question for too long.

"He didn't tell you?" Sylvia kept staring at the side window, she didn't really want to face this face now, "We had a fight."

"I know you guys quarreled, but why? What did you say?" George really didn't understand, "He knew that when you were going to send Wafflen Worried that you would follow him. But you didn't go, why is he so... angry?"

"You don't even know me, George." Sylvia sighed softly, "Merlin's beard, I don't even know what to do with school."

"Actually you may not know, he has been up and down for a while. Whispered to you, he is just a little jealous of your good relationship..." George looked away slightly with a guilty conscience, "Okay , Searle, it's probably my fault. I've talked a lot about it, I thought Fred would be nervous... I was wrong, Searle, I didn't expect it to turn out like this..."

"Can we just stop talking about him?" Sylvia cut him off with a sullen mouth. The arrival of George made her already confused thoughts even more confused, "Don't say anything sorry, this is my conflict with him."

Fred, Fred, it's hard to even say the name.

"Okay. But, listen, I dare say he regrets it." George patted Sylvia on the shoulder, "He went home last night and lost his temper, Almost tearing down our room. I've never seen him like that."

"I've never seen him like that." Sylvia thought of Fred's indifferent eyes and felt a stinging electric current surge through her body.

"He must have regretted it." George didn't know who he was reassuring. "He won't speak today, do you know how terrifying it is? Fred doesn't speak!"

"George, I said I don't want to talk about him." Sylvia whispered, returning her eyes to George's face.

Fred may never look at me like that again.

Sylvia starts to feel sour again when she thinks of this.

"Hey hey, don't do this..." George was a little panicked, obviously he was not good at comforting others either. I've been deflated at Fred's during the day, I thought Sylvia would speak better. What's more, he can't see girls crying, let alone Sylvia, who has always been too strong in front of him.

"If he says something stupid, I apologize for him, or you beat me? I look like him anyway, don't I?" George tried to liven up the mood, but Sylvie Ya's eyes were red, he knew he had failed.

"I really don't want to talk about him...George..." Sylvia's tone was a little crying.

Dora rushed up and hugged Sylvia, she had been eavesdropping for a long time. "Please leave, Weasley." Dora stared at George as if she was about to take out her wand in the next second.

"Don't do this, Dora." Sylvia gently broke free from Dora's embrace and looked at George again, "You've been out for so long, Aunt Molly will be very worried, right? Go back quickly. Bar."

George hesitated for a moment, and then left the depressing house again after disturbing her. The fact that his best friend quarreled with his best brother was undoubtedly a big blow to him as well.

Sylvia sat at the table, because of Sirius' visit, two special dishes were added today. But the joy of the past was gone, and the dullness of the present made Sylvia at a loss.

"Guess what?" Sylvia smiled at her sullen family, "I went to help Ryan today. He confessed to Betty today! Merlin's beard! They are finally together!"

Andromeda and Ted looked at each other and put down the knife and fork gently. Dora also stopped chewing the tender steak in her mouth and frowned slightly.

"Oh, that makes me happy, doesn't it?" Sirius laughed, but the atmosphere was just as dull.

"Of course!" Sylvia smiled sincerely, "Do you know how much I look forward to this day?"

"Ciel, I discussed it with your father." Andromeda put her hand over her little daughter's hand and patted it twice, "I remember you like traveling. If you want to Wherever you go, you can leave tomorrow."

"Yeah." Ted nodded in agreement, "I remember you haunting me and your mother all day long when you were little to take you two girls on a trip." He seemed to remember a pleasant past Looking at his wife, he laughed: "I always like to go to strange places. Remember when she wanted to climb Mount Everest when she was a child? Domida?"

"Yes, yes." Sirius also echoed, "And it happens that Hoddle has this plan too, we are very relieved if you follow him out." But Dora stepped on it hard under the table He kicks.

"You are already quite a good wizard." Andromeda gently pinned Sylvia's messy hair behind her ear, and then stroked her round face, "Although soon School starts, but we think you've mastered a lot with your studies at Hogwarts, haven't you? We can give Professor Dumbledore a break first."

"We want you to be happy more than being a good wizard. Don't delay going out and having fun." Ted looked at his little daughter lovingly and said in the gentlest voice .

"You... are not..." Sylvia looked at a table of family members who were worried about her and couldn't help laughing, "What are you doing? It's Sirius's ghost idea. ."

"Ciel?" Dora looked at her worriedly. Her little sister has been cloudy and sunny all day.

"I quarreled with Fred, so I can't even stay in the UK?" Sylvia said with a smile. She doesn't know what amused her. Maybe it's your weak self? She actually made her closest people worry about her like that.

"Of course not, Searle." Andromeda gave an embarrassed smile, "We mean, we want you to be happy. It's more important than anything."

"I don't want to go out, I want to stay here. Mom." Sylvia whispered, "I want to be with you more than anything."

The table was quiet for a while, but soon there was a slightly pleasant laughter. The sound of the knife and fork colliding again was like a beautiful symphony, interweaving the happiest movement for Sylvia at this moment.

How lucky am I to have so much love?

Sylvia raised the goblet, as if to hold up her own expectations, and the sake poured into her throat, as if she had precipitated a period of growth.

The author has something to say:

Have you been deceived by the title again? sorry! Not them! So I reminded in the previous chapter that it's not that fast!

First of all, let's talk about Boggart, it's no longer a Frobe caterpillar, except that she just broke up, it's mainly Peter Pettigrew who escaped. In the same way as the previous Dementor influence, her thinking was pulled back to the fear of the original book. Next semester was the year of the Goblet of Fire, so what she feared the most was that she could not save everything. Reid's death. (To be honest, it's also the least acceptable to me.

Fred and Seale would quarrel. There must be external factors. To tell the truth, George and Ginny who hit the nail on the head are definitely the major contributors, plus various public opinions from the outside world. And neither Fred nor Seale are good-natured, right? Fred wanted face, and Sear also wanted face. So it's still, not so fast, friends (don't scold, don't scold

Rebecca and Ryan, this couple is finally together! ! As a gentle emotional line interspersed in the vigorous love between the two protagonists, as a little sweetness supplement. It might be cruel for Searle to have them together at this juncture, but I think there must be something good to cheer her up (I'm not qualified to say, after all, I did it all)

Side by side, holding hands. It's such a simple sentence, accompanied by a nice melody, which makes me very fond and heart-warming. The two of them also interpret the sentence I like very much: Accompanying is the longest confession of love (from Eason Chan's "Accompanying You Through Long Years"

Remember the long time ago when Seale said he would exchange his favorite flower with Rebecca? Is it early? It is the friendship of very childish girls. I like it too. Actually Rebecca is Seale's best best friend in my setting. Searle shares many things on her mind with Rebecca. Maybe it's because in different colleges, I'm not afraid of being gossip, right? Hahahaha. But in fact, they are in a state that I like very much. Although I didn't say that they often play together, they have endless things to say when they meet, and they always care about each other in my heart.

Today is Qixi Festival, Rebecca and Ryan's love is dedicated to everyone!