MTL - HP Dear Miss Freak-Chapter 114 One hundred and seven, lingering and arrogant

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"Reynolds found the girl who was turning the astrolabe, and her trajectory began to move in more interesting places."


Sylvia yawned as she packed her bags and brought them to the door. Not sleeping in this weather is simply the greatest desecration of these raindrops.

"Come on, Searle." Sirius patted the **** the shoulder excitedly, "I'll take you to King's Cross Station."

"Are you not very good at your brain?" Sylvia narrowed her eyes, "Isn't it like a fool to go out on a motorcycle in this weather? Besides, isn't it more comfortable to ride in a car?"

"You're right." Sirius nodded thoughtfully, "How about I buy a sports car sometime?"

"I will take the knight bus myself, you don't have to take me there." Sylvia lifted the suitcase with one hand, took out her wand with the other, and took Brother Bird's cage with her elbow, pressing it with her elbow. He pushed down the door handle and went out, "I'm leaving! Goodbye, Mom and Dad!"

"Hey! Where is the comfort of the Knight Bus?"

Sirius shouted, and as soon as he opened the door, he saw that his little niece had already boarded the knight bus and waved to him at the door.

The Tonks and Sirius often talk about Sylvia these days, and they all agree that this little madman has become a little different from before, but they can't say what it is. more obedient? more sensible?

More independent.

Sylvia also felt her own transformation. As she had told Rebecca a long time ago, she was afraid of failure, of not going the way she expected. If something bad happened to her, she would go crazy.

She was so sad.

She has to face other things besides this one.

She let out a long sigh as she passed between platforms nine and ten to platform nine and three quarters. The train's whistle was no longer for a period of joy, and she didn't know how much trouble it would have to solve.

Neither Sirius nor Harry mentioned to Sylvia that the scar was hurting again. But Sylvia knew that Mad-Eye would attract the attention of the Ministry of Magic today, that Voldemort was eyeing the wizarding world, and that misfortune was likely to happen this year.


"Ah!" Sylvia was startled by Cedric who suddenly appeared beside her, "I just thought of you, you just..."

"Thinking of me? Thinking of me?" Cedric took the owl cage in her hand and handed it to the conductor.

"Think about it...Why don't you and Qiu come to play with me?" Sylvia blinked quickly and patted his arm.

"Holder is gone, are you bored?" Qiu appeared out of nowhere, "I think of us now? Why don't you remember us when you were with Hodl? these friends?"

"You're right." Sylvia smiled and shook her head, "I did make a mistake, I forgot I had other friends."

"You really connected?" Qiu covered her mouth and laughed.

"You should have said, but you didn't come to me!" Cedric said in Sylvia's usual tone, and by the way helped the girls make a way through the crowd, to board the train.

"How can I blame you?" Sylvia put on her usual exaggerated tone, "It's Wafflin's fault! It's him! If it wasn't for me, I couldn't write to him. Trust me, I'll scold him to death!"

"I'm glad your relationship is still so good." Qiu stopped in front of the prefect's carriage and waved to them. Qiu knew that Sylvia could still joke about Hoddle as usual, which meant that he didn't say anything.

Sylvia doesn't want to know. Even a ticket and an ocean can't be the gap between them, and she can still joke about Hoddle as usual. But why did it only take a few words to cause a rift between her and Fred. She was no longer able to joke about Fred with impunity.

But Sylvia knew that some words would never return to the way they were.

As Ryan said: If one day he finds that his efforts have not been rewarded as expected, that kind of blow is very cruel.

Isn't Fred a better face than Ryan?

Young people are too emotional, too easy and too willing to give. That is the enthusiasm that is unique to that age, and it is also the burning that that age cannot bear.

"Aren't you listening?" Rebecca nudged Sylvia's arm, the newly appointed student council president had just finished his speech, and obviously Sylvia had In a daze.

"No." Sylvia even yawned.

"The new female student council president is Joanna." Robert said, carrying his suitcase and preparing to leave.

"That's Joanna—" Sylvia looked at the tall girl with short hair again, "Kenneth has a good eye. To be honest, the new male president speaks more than Percy still needs an official voice, but this senior makes people very comfortable."

"Aren't you going? Who said I was impersonal in front of them before?" Robert paused at the door.

"You go first." Sylvia took out a textbook from her carry-on suitcase and turned it over, and stopped at the place with a letter in between, Libe beside her Ka was stunned.

"Letter from Wafflin." Sylvia took the letter out of the envelope and slowly unfolded it, "He's been in China for a few days."

"You put his letter in the textbook?" Rebecca asked after being silent for a few seconds.

"The letter I received a few days ago when I was studying." Sylvia pursed her lips, "It's mainly because he wrote this sentence..."

"If you have read "Theory of Magic" well..." Rebecca read out the sentence accordingly, "You should know the first rule of the basic rules of magic written by my wonderful grandparents : To tamper with the deepest secrets at will—the source of life, the very essence of the self—must be prepared for the most extreme and dangerous consequences." But apparently this little Hufflepuff didn't understand: "Why? Why do you say this? "

"He's reminding me." Sylvia closed the letter and re-folded it in the book, turned her head to look out the window at the pouring rain, this scene was no different to her experience The day the Dementors attacked.

"He's afraid that you will go into trouble by studying those forbidden magic alone?" Rebecca tilted her head.

"He is reminding me that I should grasp a degree." Sylvia wrote something on the glass window with her fingertips and quickly erased it, "The curse of research is good, the usual Either way, he can do everything just right. And that's something I've never been able to do. I'm always in a rush, and I'm always trying to get everything right at the moment."

Clearing the grievances of Sirius, finding a solution to the Horcrux curse, O.W.Ls exams... Everything came down. Those who were expected and unexpected simply ruthlessly asked her to stand there alone.

I can't count.

It is not difficult for Rebecca to find that what she had just drawn on the glass was the trajectory of "W".

"Fred and George can do well too." Sylvia patted the textbook on her lap, then looked out the window, "Everyone always said I was protecting They, as if they are so bad, but still able to be a good child in front of teachers and parents is my credit. Only I know that even without me, they are still the same, they are still illegal but popular Wei Wei The Sly twins." She looked through the small area she had erased, and the outside world was still gray, with no light to be seen.

"So...are you going to stay?" Rebecca sat closer, Cedric left the prefect car early to find his girlfriend, "You don't Fred and George? Or do you have any special plans?"

"We had a fight."

Sylvia's tone was flat. It's like saying they forgot to eat breakfast or they forgot to do their homework. She also wrote this sentence in that scrapbook.

We had a fight.

I don't know how you feel when you see this. If I could, I hope we both laughed out loud at the same time and scoffed at such childish behavior.

This matter Fred gave Sylvia a long time to think about, no matter how complicated his mood was like George said, she boiled down to one answer:

Not necessary.

"You quarreled?"

"Exactly, Fred and I had a fight."

Not necessary. But it's based on the long-term lack of communication, and the accumulated displeasure, plus they are emotional and stubborn children. that is it.

"You and Fred quarreled?" Rebecca couldn't believe it. She lowered her voice, but her eyes widened.

"It will definitely be noisy." Sylvia sighed and shook her head with a wry smile, "But he's right, we never talk to each other. No matter what makes us They all began to hide their hearts, and they were all preparing fuel for the fuse."

"No matter what contradiction you have, just say it." Rebecca said slowly, considering her words.

"It's not that easy." Sylvia smiled again, "I know it won't be a complete failure. But it's a rift, Betty."

Rebecca subconsciously wanted to hug Sylvia, but the girl in front of her stopped her from doing so.

"Don't hug me, don't comfort me. I can't help crying." Sylvia waved her hand, "I'm too comfortable, now it's time to calm down and learn to grow big."

It's time to calm down and wait for the storm after this storm.

When Sylvia got off the carriage, a flash of lightning flashed across the dark sky, and a dull thunder came from a distance. She focused on the weather along the way, and the intensifying thunder was always more and more disturbing. Just when she was in a daze, a big red balloon exploded not far in front of Sylvia, which startled her. It is not difficult to find out that the victim is our little Ron.

"Hey! Old friend! Want a meet and greet?" Peeves stuck his tongue out at Sylvia twenty inches above his head. The children stepped aside one after another, and no one wanted to be the next unlucky one.


"Let me go today, old friend." Sylvia made a 'Wadi Vasi' mouth shape, waved her wand and took Libe Card walks through the foyer.

"They're already there." Rebecca gestured to the Gryffindor table as she walked to the door of the auditorium.

The auditorium was as bustling as ever, with long tables filled with resplendent plates to greet all the excited students, including the always-high-spirited twins.

"I'm leaving. See you." Sylvia patted Rebecca on the shoulder and walked to the Gryffindor table alone. She noticed that there was still an empty seat between Fred and George, as usual.

"Hi Searle!"

Her good friends greeted her warmly when she sat down, and she smiled and said a few words. Everything was the same as before, except that neither Fred nor Sylvia looked at each other nor said a word to each other. But almost everyone exchanged a look, and it is estimated that they have a general understanding of the quarrel. At least, understand the results.

"We've all read the article you wrote about Lin Qi." Angelina excitedly took Sylvia's hand and shook it, "Too cruel! Are you a fan?"

Sylvia just raised her eyebrows at her to show her approval.

"Just why don't you keep writing?" Lee was clearly excited, too, "Troy, Mallette and Moran! The Irish Chasers are all great! If you don't write me Going to try it."

"Forget it." Patricia laughed and patted the table, "Good eloquence doesn't mean good writing. Your Quidditch commentary is largely atmospheric commentary, okay? "

"Speaking of this." Robert took over, "Besides Searle, there is a newcomer in the literary world who has just emerged recently."

"I know I know!" Kenneth was so excited that his whole body was shaking, "What's it called?"

"Ambassador of Hogwarts Civilization." Emily shook her head with a smile, "Who the **** gave me this name?"

"Sounds like Hogwarts students." George laughed, "Percy didn't like that article at all. You know how much I like to see him go straight Jump feet and pretend to be very tolerant."

"Is there anyone in school with such a sharp style of writing?" Kenneth asked and began to look around.

"It's so interesting to write." George said casually, "When I find that friend, I'll give him half-price privileges for life on the Weasley Brothers magic tricks."

Sylvia raised the corner of her mouth calmly when she heard this. Fred just gave her a sideways glance, then looked away again.

"Sylvia, do you have any new tricks this semester?" Angelina suddenly looked at Sylvia.

"Searle told me in the letter, what did she write, the script kill?" Emily spoke slowly, as if recalling this strange term.

"What is that?" Almost everyone asked at the same time.

"Searle will know when he says it." Emily showed a sweet smile.

"Remember to call us." Li said eagerly, "How many interesting games have you all played behind our backs?"

"That's quite a lot." Arya laughed wickedly.

"Why do you have to bring your boys?" Patricia raised her head arrogantly and said, "We had a lot of fun ourselves."

Or is it more interesting to have these naive boys around?" He didn't know what he was trying to find out, the answer to this question was obvious to everyone.

"That's it." George quickly chimed in, "I know that I dislike us all day long. Are there any more interesting boys than us?"

"Yo?" Arya narrowed her eyes, "Are you proud?"

"The current situation is that you are begging us to show you." Emily showed a rare sinister smile, "See the situation clearly."

"Hey hey hey." Robert was obviously frightened by Emily's remarks, "But this is Seale's fun, shouldn't you listen to her?"

"Me?" Sylvia said with her usual tone with a smile, "Independent women in the new era don't need men." She didn't know why, but the little character in her heart began to press Can't stand it anymore.

The cheers of the girls seemed to lift the atmosphere to the highest level. Fred glanced at Sylvia sharply, and he found that the words that only the two of them could notice were not so wonderful.

They are very smart, how can they not understand that this is a statement made by each other after a quarrel?

George also looked at Sylvia sharply. Are you really not married? The thought reappeared in his mind again. This was the only conversation between Fred and Sylvia, cleverly shielding everyone's news and hiding it from everyone.

"Searle, don't do this." George showed a pleasing smile, "You make me very scared—"

Sylvia just gave an intractable smile and patted George on the shoulder.

At this point, Professor McGonagall had placed a three-legged stool and sorting hat in front of the freshman.

"Aren't you going to bet this year?" Kenneth just asked, his expression changed immediately. It seemed that Patricia had stomped her foot hard.


Fred and Sylvia replied in unison, and secretly sighed in their hearts that the tacit understanding over the years is really lingering.

And this year, unsurprisingly, Sylvia lost again. She took a silver civet from her pocket and tossed it up again, and Fred caught it firmly again.

And Dumbledore also stood up as expected, and with an order, the long table was instantly covered with food. Without a word, Fred handed a small plate of mashed potatoes in front of him to Sylvia, and Sylvia quietly moved a glass of pumpkin juice to Fred's hand. Afterwards, their meal was also integrated into a symphony of knives and forks colliding, which was timely and business as usual.

"..." George didn't make a move, he patted his forehead dejectedly, put his head away, and enjoyed his dinner on the other side.

Fred hasn't let go, so he still can't let go, and he doesn't know how to solve the contradiction smoothly.

Sylvia's heart is still complicated. Aggrieved, regretful, awkward, lost and complaining. She still can't untie the knot.

Suddenly, there was a thunderous sound, making Sylvia almost miss the knife and fork in her hand. She shuddered violently, causing both Fred and George to startle. They both looked at the glass windows rattled by the thunder. The long table had been looted, Sylvia was stunned, and slowly put down the knife and fork that she was inadvertently clutching tightly.

"What's the matter with you?" George asked Sylvia with a bad expression.


The man is going to bring a fake skin to warn me, a traveler who is in the last stand.

"I hate thunderstorms." Sylvia just replied. Fred's eyes drooped, and his face became ugly. Just as he was about to say something, Sylvia spoke again: "Nothing good happens." He swallowed the words, and didn't want to say a word.

"Okay!" Dumbledore looked at his students with a smile, "Now that we've all eaten and drank, I'm going to announce a few announcements." Sylvia When he raised his head, he met his gaze, the kind old man's smile was always so reassuring.

"Mr. Filch wants me to tell everyone that this year, there are several more items that are prohibited from being used in the castle. They are..." Dumbledore's mouth twitched a few times. Sylvia has already started to lose her mind when she heard this. As an old friend of Mr. Filch, doesn't she "know" his bottom line better? Fred and George sneered at the same time.

"I also regret to inform you that there will be no House Cup Quidditch this year."

"What?" Harry's surprised voice reached Sylvia's ears, and she raised her head again. And Fred and George also opened their mouths in disbelief, as if they were about to blurt out some nasty words.

Dumbledore explained patiently: "This is because a big event will start in October and continue throughout the school year. But I'm sure you'll all have a lot of fun with it. I'm very Happy to announce that this year at Hogwarts…”


A deafening sound of thunder startled Sylvia again, and she took a deep breath and looked at the door that was knocked open. The indifferent look was her welcome to this uninvited guest.

This Mad-Eye Moody is exactly the same as the one who was at Tonks' house that day. He just put on a travel cloak, and his shoes were covered with damp soil. The most shocking thing was the scary scars and the weird magic eyes. Sylvia couldn't help shivering in her heart. Yeah yeah, isn't that how he deceived everyone?

Barty Crouch Jr.

Sylvia watched this fake Mad-Eye shake hands with Dumbledore eagerly, and the hands under the table couldn't help but clench together tightly.

"Allow me to introduce our new Defence Against the Dark Arts teacher," Dumbledore happily broke the silence, "Professor Moody." They were all terrified, and all stared at him intently.

The author has something to say:

Grade 6 officially kicks off! !

This year has been really exciting friends! The old man is innocent! It's a year of double cultivation in the sense of industry! !

They are still awkward, but they still have to move forward.

Suddenly I don't know what to talk about in this chapter, the first few chapters are all my nonsense hahahahahaha

The sixth grade is much longer than I expected, you can rest assured to eat hahahaha

Here comes the fake moody and here comes Barty Jr. I like Barty Jr so much, though in large part it's because I like his actor so much. (I love him so much!!) So in my place, Barty will have a lot of roles, there will be a lot, and even, I plan to make Barty an important male supporting role in the next book. Oh I really love him!

New characters will be unlocked throughout the year! You can trust my ability to write original characters, like Searle and Hugo, right? (wink

Anyway, start the Goblet of Fire script! Thank you to the little angel who voted or irrigated nutrient solution for me during 2021-08-16 13:04:03~2021-08-1821:20:40~

Thanks to the little angel who irrigated the nutrient solution: cheesecake with milkshake, 10 bottles of chocolate draft beer; 6 bottles of three-year-old grass ball;

Thank you very much for your support, I will continue to work hard!