MTL - HP Dear Miss Freak-Chapter 115 108. Righteousness and Debt

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"Sylvia still believes that good and evil will pay off."

Sylvia knew she was going to have a tough semester, especially Potions. She avoided Snape's disgusting gaze when she stepped into the familiar basement room, and sat down in a corner.

"He mustn't have thought you would come again." Robert sat down beside Sylvia, looked at Snape's ugly face and shook his head helplessly.

Only Sylvia and Robert are eligible to continue Snape's Potions for their Gryffindor this year.

"If I don't come, you will have to take his class alone." Sylvia nudged him with her elbow, "Thank me."

"It's still mostly Ravenclaw and Slytherin students." Robert looked around, pushed his glasses and opened his textbook. And Sylvia waved at Rebecca and Cedric at the door, and her two Badger House friends also came here to sit down.

"Sir, you happen to be here." Rebecca glanced at Cedric and looked at Sylvia, "We were just talking about the Triwizard Tournament."

"Are you old enough?" Robert stuck his head out of the textbook.

"Ced's birthday soon!" Rebecca patted Cedric on the shoulder, "But this guy is still hesitating."


Snape said in a long tone, his sinister eyes fell on Sylvia, "This course is advanced potion making, we have no time to waste on fools. So, Now, open your textbook, page ten."

Sylvia knew that Snape was warning her secretly that if she dared to have fun in his class like before, it would probably end very ugly.

Living Hell Decoction.

Sylvia took a deep breath while looking at the contents of the textbook.

Isn't this an old friend too?

What do I get if I add narcissus root powder to wormwood infusion?

Sylvia wanted to witness the scene when Snape asked Harry this sentence in person.

Of course, this wasn't just a question Snape asked Harry in his first year. It's the same potion that Harry used to get Slughorn's Flux in sixth grade using the Half-Blood Prince's textbook.

"It is made of narcissus root powder and wormwood and heated together. It is a powerful sleeping pill..." Sylvia murmured while looking at the textbook, and opened it. The Potions Notebook that Hoddle left her, "so it's called the Water of Life and Death."

"You know a lot, Miss Tonks." Snape said sarcastically, it was obviously a whisper that was hard to detect, but he just heard it, "Then tell me What is the antidote to the water of life and death?"

"I don't know, Professor." Sylvia didn't get to see the famous confrontation between Snape and Harry, but she answered like Harry. At this point Slytherin's Purse raised his hand, and Snape motioned him to speak with satisfaction.

"The answer is the Boosting Potion, Professor Snape." The Slytherin snake said proudly, "The Boosting Potion is a healing potion that awakens those who have been magically slumbered. "

"Very good." Snape motioned him to sit down, "Slytherin plus ten points. Some houses don't even have a role for prefects." He was pleased to see Searle Via did not have a very good-looking face.

Snape didn't seem to want to say more, and let the students start making potions. He saw Cedric and Rebecca go to get the required materials one by one according to the textbook, and Robert also used a knife neatly.

And Sylvia turned her head, and the piece of Slytherin gathered was soon filled with thin steam. Snape gave her a sneer as he looked around and didn't know what to do. When the girl met his gaze, she lowered her head resentfully.

What else? I'm useless even as the student council president in your class! What else does it do? I'm fine if I don't play the deduction role!

Snape seemed pretty sure that this guy just had some **** luck to get the o in Potions, obviously just didn't have the ability to stay in his class.

And Sylvia felt the same way. In particular, everyone handled the materials in their hands with ease, and she even wondered if Sirius had paid the marking teacher at the time.

How to do it?

Chop narcissus root or moon dew flower into powder and add to wormwood infusion. Robert's cauldron has been steaming light blue successfully. The medicine has also reached the ideal state, which is a well-mixed, dark brown liquid. He slowed down his movements very reliably, and calmly reminded Sylvia to do as he did.

"If you stir again, your potion will be completely useless, Mr. Foley." But Snape reminded Robert on purpose. And Robert had to continue the work at hand, and gave Sylvia a concerned look.

Sylvia returned a firm look, but the tension in her heart was beyond words.

Ha! Handling materials with a knife isn't that easy for me? But the valerian roots made her hands tremble like a curse.

This is Chinese cabbage! This is a cabbage! Nervous about what? Cut it and you're done!

But when Snape's footsteps sounded behind Sylvia, the blade of the knife suddenly slanted and cut a gap in her finger. She sucked her fingers hastily, and only took a deep breath when she felt Snape walk away at a slightly cheerful pace.

In the end, she still did not dare to breathe after finishing the process, then quickly put down the knife and rubbed the palm of her hand, and also looked at the faint scars on her fingers. She let herself relax and calm down, and repeatedly reminded herself not to pay attention to Snape wandering around.

Next...Sleepy Beans.


She remembered then. In the potions textbook in the cabinet, the Half-Blood Prince once wrote that this step should be squeezed with the side of the knife, which will make it easier to juice.


Snape is a genius.

If she hadn't tried it herself, Sylvia wouldn't have believed that it was more than half the effort? This is clearly the correct solution! What is written in the textbook?

She poured the juice into the cauldron and watched with delight as the potion turned a nice pale snow-blue. But she quickly sensed the pressing air pressure behind her and swallowed nervously.

"Miss Tonks." Snape's tone was filled with extreme disgust. If Sylvia turned around, she could still see doubt and resentment on his face.

"Yes, Professor." Sylvia never dared to look back and replied in a low voice.

"Only your potion turned the right color—" Snape squeezed the words out of his teeth, "Should I boast—ah—" He looked at the table The notebook, full of familiar handwriting, was instantly in a good mood, and took it in his hand: "I've often wondered what allowed you to pass the O.W.Ls exam without cheating—Mr. Waughlin is such a kind hearted man."

"You're right." Silvianane nodded.

"Wafflin's success lies in his ability to grasp every word of what is taught in class." Snape flipped through the notebook with a hint of relief, but more Still disdain for Sylvia. He apparently thought Hoddle had told the stupid girl the clever way.

"Professor Snape." Cedric said, "What did we do wrong?"

"This is a lesson I'm going to teach you today." Snape let the notebook fall straight in front of Sylvia, turned and walked quickly to the podium, "Going to the advanced potion The first step is to learn to question the textbook. You should learn to think for yourself—" He looked at Sylvia deliberately when he said this: "Do it? That's not my class."

Sylvia looked at Snape's blackboard, the revised steps seemed to open up the dusty memories of a long time ago, which made her a little stunned.

She found she couldn't remember all the details either. Thinking of this, her hands clasped together again. And this year has been a year of attention to detail!

"Look at your cauldrons." Snape waved his wand but did not cast any spells. "Well—the last one done, stay and clean up the classroom." He looked The almost messy desktop sneered as if he could have expected the result.

Everyone then proceeded in an orderly manner following Snape's revised steps.

As the brilliant potions professor expected, Sylvia was the one who made it last. But she still laughed with delight as she watched the potion in the cauldron become as clear as water. Although she still stepped on the bell to finish.

"Sylvia..." Rebecca glanced at Sylvia worriedly before leaving.

"Come on, let's go." Sylvia packed up her textbooks and hurriedly urged her good friend to leave the classroom.

"It's not a day or two that he has targeted Searle." Robert whispered dissatisfiedly, shaking his head at the two Hufflepuff prefects. Then they slowly moved out of the basement classroom.

"You haven't made any progress after so many years of fines? It's better to move faster." Snape raised his head from the pile of papers and stared at Sylvia who was cleaning up the mess. "I really don't know what you can learn at Hogwarts."

"I see, Professor." Of course Sylvia was wronged. But she didn't respond as gag as before. This is the teaching plan that she destroyed the professor's original desire to promote first, and it is also the bitter fruit she has forged over the years.

If she could use the time shifter once, she really wanted to go back and pat little Sylvia on the shoulder and say: The road is narrow, buddy.

"Let's go when you're done." Just as Sylvia was cleaning the last table, Snape impatiently ordered the eviction. As if she couldn't stand her being in his classroom for an extra second.

And Sylvia seemed to feel the same way, and quickly escaped from this unpleasant classroom.

Funny? Sylvia recalled Snape's smirk as she walked towards the auditorium. It's ridiculous.

Sylvia herself felt that she did not deserve to be in the so-called advanced potions class. She reluctantly learned the potion by relying on Hoddle, but it was only in the superficial sense. Now, like entering a university and needing to specialize in a subject, she has become overwhelmed.

With Sylvia's heavy steps, what appeared in front of her eyes was not a crowd that should have been crowded, but a moving white figure. The moment she looked intently, she rushed up to catch the gadget that was about to fall from midair without any hesitation.

"What are you doing?" Sylvia came to her senses and took out her wand and pointed at Mad-Eye Moody in front of her. She found that her impulse was not from Moody's surprise, but from the students standing beside and behind Moody, whose schadenfreude grins hadn't completely dissipated.

At that moment, Sylvia felt that the whole world was against me. She felt the ferret in her arms gripping her shirt tightly, almost digging the claws directly into her flesh.

How desperately helpless is this?

Sylvia remembered the embarrassing experience by the Black Lake that year. The feeling of wanting to beat all these guys in front of me came back into my heart.

And Draco was eager to prove himself later, and wanted to slap the faces of those who looked down on him. Was it influenced by this moment?

Are those mortal enemies who don't like him waiting to see him in a mess? And those followers who are scrambling to cling to him on weekdays, do they also want to see this little young master in desperation?

And whether he is also seeing clearly at this moment, although everyone has a different look, they all think he is ridiculous.

Funny? sad.

Sylvia didn't know if this was the right answer, but she knew that Moody's eyes seemed to tear her apart.

"Ciel!" Hermione shouted eagerly from the crowd, "You—"

"That's Malfoy!" Ron shouted in a high voice. The relieved look on his face made Sylvia's heart sink hard, and she didn't even dare to look in the eyes of Fred and George. Are they sure I'll just drop Draco when they come to this conclusion?

"You said—" but Sylvia gritted her teeth and glared at Moody, "Is this Draco Malfoy? Are you casting a Transfiguration spell on the students?"

"Get out of the way, girl." Moody's wand circled, as if looking for a place to strike, "I'm teaching this vile student." Sylvia knew he was okay with herself impression. The Defense Against the Dark Arts class before the Potions class, she just listened quietly to the dark magic she told him.

"You cast a spell on the students!" Sylvia raised her volume and put the ferret in her pocket in case he really scratched himself, "I will Report to Professor Dumbledore what the Defence Against the Dark Arts professor he's looking for is doing to the students with his ability! Do you think he will fire you?" Perhaps she was impulsive again, and she spoke her heart out.

Suddenly, a spell struck, and the atmosphere became even more anxious after Sylvia successfully blocked it. Only then did all the students stop watching the show with their hilarious faces, all showing nervous expressions. The ferret was also frightened and clutched the lining of the pocket tightly, not daring to move at all, as if it was all petrified.

Sylvia looked at Moody's increasingly ugly face, and quickly found the moment when he wanted to cast a spell according to the battle prediction that Sirius taught her. The first time he faced a child who underestimated the enemy, she didn't have the confidence to take the next move.

Within five steps, a fist is faster than a gun.

The girl put away her wand and rushed towards Moody, which was absolutely unexpected. He didn't even think that the girl lifted his arm up, and the spell hit the ceiling. With an explosion and the exclamations and screams of everyone, a lot of stones and dust fell.

But in the commotion, Sylvia heard her familiar voice, which appeared as early as the moment she set off. Fred shouted: Stop!

"You're crazy!" Sylvia couldn't be distracted, she just stared at Moody in disbelief, "How dare you use a blasting spell in a crowded area?" She quickly Taking a step back, he touched the ferret in his pocket to confirm that he was in good condition.

"What are you doing?" Professor McGonagall was still late, but also quite timely, "Professor Moody, you caused the explosion just now?"

"This level is just to scare these children." Moody's eyes at Sylvia were not hostile, but murderous.

"Why are you—" Professor McGonagall looked at Sylvia again, "What's in your hand? Miss Tonks?"

Sylvia had taken Draco out of her pocket: "I was in the hall after being detained by Professor Snape and saw Professor Moody turning Draco into a A ferret, punishing him!" She explained the matter in one breath. And the expressions of others told Mag that she was telling the truth.

"Moody, we never use transfiguration as punishment! Professor Dumbledore must have told you?" Professor McGonagall said, trying to release Draco's spell, but this little ferret is Tugging on Sylvia's shirt tightly was never a good time to get him back into shape.

"He probably mentioned it." Moody scratched his chin casually and said, "Okay, can I change him back?" When Sylvia wanted to pull the ferret down, the little guy was obviously frightened and threw himself at the girl again.

"Hiss!" Sylvia's neck was scratched by him, she bent down in pain, "I, I, I will solve it, Professor McGonagall." She endured the pain He trotted out of the foyer all the way, and didn't stop until he came to the edge of the black lake. That is, at this point, the ferret is no longer in a state of fried fur.

"Is there something wrong with you?" Sylvia couldn't help scolding when the ferret shivered and rubbed against the grass, "You treat your savior like this?" She Looking at the faltering little guy, he pulled out his wand, but it took him two spells to turn him back.

"What do you want me to say to you?" Sylvia touched her neck to make sure the wound wasn't deep, and then looked at Draco. The young master's pale blond hair was scattered on his face, and his cheeks were flushed. He had never suffered such humiliation before.

"Thank you..." Draco spat out a few words, and glared fiercely in the direction of the castle.

"You really..." Sylvia sighed and waved her wand to help him straighten his hair, "Are you okay?"

"What do you say?" Draco tutted angrily.

"What are you putting on me?" Sylvia unceremoniously punched him on the arm, "I haven't asked you yet! Did you say something ugly? Why is Moody's targeting you?"

"I just read the report from the Daily Prophet!" Draco shouted in disapproval, "The fathers of the red mole rats are in the newspaper! The names are all wrong. I thought it was funny. What's wrong?"

"What else?" Sylvia looked at him with her arms folded.

"And?" Draco's eyes became disgusting, "Yes, I laughed at their family's predicament! But Potter also insulted my mother! He dared to insult me Mother!"

"Listen to yourself what nonsense you are talking about?" Sylvia said mercilessly, "I told you, if you want others to treat you kindly, you should first learn to be polite to others! "

"I want you to teach... well! Yes! It's all my fault!" Draco wrinkled his nose and turned his face to the other side, "He's always like that! There's always someone for him Get out!"

"Did you forget who stood up for you without knowing it?" Sylvia pulled his arm and made him face herself again, "Will you help me think How can I explain to my friends when I go back? I want to save my life to save someone who insulted their parents?"

" said thank you..." Draco had a rare expression of knowing he was wrong, he looked at Sylvia's neck and noticed that she was holding his hand But he put his index finger up unnaturally, "I also scratched your finger? When?"

"This is not." Sylvia took her hand back, "This is cut by Potions."

"...How can you have a fool like you at Hogwarts?" Draco seemed to be shocked by her stupidity and opened his mouth.

"Yeah! I'm the only one at Hogwarts who is an idiot!" Sylvia snorted coldly, "I'm the only idiot on your side! Dare to hold a wand! Pointing at Mad-Eye! For an incompetent young master!"

"..." Draco drew out his wand, whispered a spell, and the scar disappeared when the tip of the wand touched Sylvia's neck. He gestured to Sylvia to stretch out his hand again and removed the scar on the finger pulp: "Mom taught me."

"Not bad." Sylvia looked at her hand and blinked.

"I said it. Malfoy will not forget the goodwill of others, and Malfoy will treat the interests of partners well." Draco said sternly, and raised his chin slightly, "I never break my promise. "

"Me too, Draco." Sylvia smiled lightly, patted Draco on the shoulder and turned away.

"I will be your best interest partner."

The author has something to say:

I haven't seen Snape for a long time, have you? Do you miss the professor very much? Did you miss potions class?

Look, Brother Huo will still have some scenes and will be mentioned often.

Draco's renovation plan is officially launched! ! Like I said before, I never intended to 100% teach this young master, some things in my bones are impossible to change completely, I think it is the best result so far.

I didn't expect that I turned into a rabbit on Searle's birthday in the third grade to pave the way for this moment? Has anyone guessed it? Raise your hands!

En's family, Harry immediately opened his mouth to insult Narcissa, causing a dispute.

I know Draco deserves it.

But it's like whether I should beat him up before, I'm pretty sure I want to stand up for him.

It was also because at this moment I started to think he was really pathetic. The Slytherins prided themselves on not being in the company of others, and they could not tolerate others joining their group, but at a critical moment, no one dared to stand up. Maybe it's because they are all egoists, or they all choose to protect themselves, but this is the warm and cold side of human feelings, right?

Not that Slytherins are ruthless, Slytherins have their own unique way of camaraderie and affection. But Draco didn't have a friend who dared to stand up for him, so sad. I still remember this scene in the movie everyone at the academy was grinning, including Cedric. Everyone is watching his liveliness, and this is his retribution.

In short, the Sylvia camp is proud of a petite dragon

Thanks to the little angel who irrigated the nutrient solution: Say13 bottles; Nancheng 10 bottles; 444468946 bottles;

Thank you very much for your support, I will continue to work hard!