MTL - HP Dear Miss Freak-Chapter 117 110, adulthood and unwillingness to become

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"This is not a man's rite of passage."

September 22, 1994.

Sylvia looked at the calendar in disbelief. She is an adult from today.

Hoddle said that the maturity of the mind does not matter age.

But Sylvia doesn't think so.

Her thoughts are of course mature in advance. But a person still has to experience those bad things honestly all his life, and solve every trouble in a down-to-earth way, only then can he really grow up. She had started all over, but she was still a novice in the world.

Stumbled up to seventeen years old here—

She sighed as she opened the gift.

Girls' gifts, boys' gifts are laid out so clearly. And the leg straps under her skirt are a grown-up gift from her. For so many years, the skirt of Sylvia's school uniform has always been above the knee, and has never moved up, and the height can be said to be quite stable. So much so that a leg strap with a dagger can be covered tightly.

Mainly - very handsome!

While dining in the auditorium, Brother Bird rushed over aggressively with a gift. Sylvia wanted to dodge, but the stink bird seemed to have taken this into account, and after throwing the large package on the table, turned her head and slammed into her arms.

"Half-Life is gone." Sylvia pulled the owl off, "Which guy gave it to me?" She suddenly raised her head to meet Rebecca's gaze, The little Hufflepuff badger was grinning and winking.

"Betty sent you to run errands? Okay, Brother Bird, are you tired of seeing beautiful women?" Sylvia patted Brother Bird's head with a smile while opening the gift He took two bites mercilessly, "I really don't know who it looks like."

"Can't that be like you?" Ginny smiled unceremoniously. Brother Bird has rubbed into Ginny's arms.

"Like me like me—" Sylvia raised her voice, "Let me see what a good thing this is—Damn it!"

"Merlin's beard! It's so pretty!" Ginny's eyes were shining.

Sylvia covered her mouth with excitement as she looked at the large bouquet of carefully prepared hyacinth bouquets in front of her. She jumped up and down on the bench for a while, then patted Ginny on the shoulder fiercely, but still didn't say a word.

"Woooo...Jin, it's the first time someone gave me flowers in my long life." Sylvia almost cried and let out a whimpering sound, her right hand still covering her mouth.

Ginny took the card above and read it out with a smile: "Blue hyacinth means seeing you and knowing you is enough to make me happy. Yellow hyacinth means I can get along with you, I'm so happy. Love you Betty and Ryan."

"This is the love the Gonzalez couple gave me." Sylvia fired a string of finger hearts at Rebecca, picked up the big bouquet and ran to Hedge Patch long table.

"Hey, Ginny."

Fred watched from a distance for a long time, and Sylvia took her place as soon as she walked away: "Who sent those flowers?"

"You know you're in a hurry now?" Ginny snorted, thinking about it, "Did you notice? I haven't seen Searle so happy for a long time."

"Of course I'm from Searle's side." Ginny looked as she should, "How about you? Did you send your gift?"

"I have my own plans." Fred was a little depressed when he saw Sylvia's silly smile, "I can tell you, every year on Bunny's birthday, I The gifts are the most amazing.”

"How is it? Who sent it?" George also came over and sat beside Fred, "Who is it? Boy?"

"It's a boy's name." Ginny's eyes rolled around.

"Who?" Fred asked again.

"I don't know, I don't know that person." Ginny blinked her eyes helplessly.

"Whoops? Who likes Syr? So generous? Isn't that big bunch of flowers cheap?" George smiled and stood up and pretended to look around, but was pushed by Fred and almost fell .

"What other boy does Bunny know that I don't know? Are you fooling me?" Fred seemed to see through his sister's thoughts at a glance.

"What's the use of you calling Bunny in front of us? You calling in front of her!" Ginny snorted, "Fred, you two have been secretly poking around all day. Seeing each other care about each other, but no one is willing to take a step forward."

"I said I have plans..." Fred said, staring blankly as an owl flew to Sylvia again and dropped a smaller gift.


The three brothers and sisters stopped talking instantly, focusing on Sylvia who was opening the gift. But this time, the girl didn't scream in surprise, nor did she cry exaggeratedly, she just looked at the thing in her hand, turned her head and said something to Rebecca.

"She likes this." Fred said firmly, and his tone was much softer.

"How do you know?" George asked, poking his head. "I can't hear anything. I think we should invent something to eavesdrop."

"I don't know her yet?" Fred smiled, his tone full of loneliness, "I know what she wants with one look, and I know whether I should be joking or not. It's time to hug her quietly. It's always been that way."

"But you guys are still fighting! Fred, hurry up!" Ginny patted Fred's shoulder hard, "If Seale doesn't marry us! Look at this! Can you stay at home?"

"Ginny." George spoke slowly, looking at Fred and then at Ginny, "Some things are unclear. Fred knows Searle's temper, he knows How much she values ​​the people around her. You know what happens to the guys who dare to mess with us, but we've never had any trouble with Wulflin. He wants Searle to be an Auror, even if she chooses him the most He'd be fine with the nasty Wulflin coming to give her make-up lessons. But they're rivals in love."

"You understand?" Fred said lightly, "I always think that Bunny is a prefect, she has to prepare for such an important exam, I can't affect her work and Study. It turns out she's with other men when I miss her? Who can take it?"

"You took a step back, but Waughlin didn't. You thought Woughlin would tutor Seale, but he took almost all of Seale's time. The relationship is gradually warming up?" Ginny said sharply, "He's taking your Bunny bit by bit, and your emotions will burst out after you slowly build up. How is it? Do you regret it?"

"No regrets." Fred sighed, "I really can't help her with tutoring, I don't have the skills. I want to support her in fulfilling her dreams, just like she supports us Same. But I just…”

"I'm scared." George took over the conversation naturally, "Don't talk about Fred, I'm scared. Fred said that she would no longer like to be with us, that she would find out I actually prefer being with Waughlin. I didn't understand it at first until I asked her the other day if we could make an age-enhancing agent, and she hesitated. I felt uncomfortable, not to mention Fred."

"It's really nothing. It's just that she always says we can, no matter how ridiculous we come up with. She's suddenly like this... a little bit lost. But she's the only one who has been supporting us without hesitation. Fred scratched the back of his head, looked away from Sylvia, got up and left the long table, "It's all my mess."

How can someone's relationship be so smooth? Ginny pouted as she watched the backs of her two brothers leave. She was convinced that Sylvia and Fred's friendship would not dissipate so easily. Just because Fred left, Sylvia looked in the direction of the door for a long time, because they still missed each other.

And ten minutes ago,

Sylvia opened the package and saw that it was a familiar conch. She just smiled helplessly and shook her head: "Didn't I tell him not to buy it?" She played with the conch in her hand amusingly, "I told him that I lied to tourists."

"Wavlin sent it?" Rebecca looked curiously, "There is also a letter... It's quite mysterious? The envelope says that it must be opened when you are alone."

"Betty." Sylvia rewrote the thing in her arms, "I'm lucky to have a friend like Hoddle Waughlin. It's true. I have a lot of friends. But every friend is unique to me and they are just as important."

"I know." Rebecca said softly, rubbing Sylvia's head, "We all know."

"You said, Fred, can he understand?" Sylvia glanced at Fred beside Ginny.

"Of course he understands." Rebecca laughed, "Sir, we are all your friends, but why is it only Fred who can't stand a big fight with you? Why me No? Why doesn't Qiu? Because he cares about you! He wants more!"

"I want more too. I'm the one who keeps throwing tantrums for no reason, but he always thinks it's okay. I screwed up." Sylvia lowered her head and smiled He smiled, "Actually... I think it may be because our feelings are very strong. But it is also a raging fire, even if it devours the other party, it will be accepting and tolerant of the other party, right?"

She looked up and saw Fred disappearing at the door of the auditorium.

I want to catch up—

Hook him by the shoulders like before, how good?

At night, Sylvia climbed up the Astronomy Tower with the scrapbook and sat alone for a long time. She has always liked the Astronomical Tower. At first, she liked this small view of the mountains. Later, she had too many memories here. Here she tries the Weasley Brothers trick for the first time, blows the cauldron here, sets off fireworks here...

This year is not as inseparable as she used to be with the twins, she happens to have a full stomach and nowhere to say. When I started writing about that gift, I just started writing and writing endlessly like I was on drugs.

Oh yes, I almost forgot there was a letter from Waughlin. Sylvia took the letter out of her pocket and opened it.

"Nothing written..."

Sylvia just muttered, and the letter shook as if she suddenly woke up and flew into the air. Hoddle's singing came from somewhere, and Sylvia was really startled.




"I'm pretty sure. He's Trelawney's best student, right?" Sylvia laughed a lot when she heard the line 'in "Memory" Lonely' sneered. The gift she was most looking forward to today has not been received, nor has the gift-giver arrived.

The singing ended abruptly, and he sang a short paragraph, and the letter paper disappeared like ashes. Sylvia has not said much about the praise, he sings very well. They happen to both like the same lyric, and they all think of the person they like here.


Let the memories come back.


A slight greeting sounded at the entrance of the stairs, and Sylvia was frightened and closed the booklet in her hand.

"George? Scared me to death." After she saw the visitor clearly, she pulled the booklet to her side. .

"Are you disappointed not to see our gift?" George smiled and came to Sylvia and sat down.

"Yes." Sylvia narrowed her eyes and raised her chin, "I thought you wouldn't prepare gifts for me."

"How come?" George said in disbelief, "This is your coming of age gift, and it took us a long time to prepare. "

"Then I'm welcome." Sylvia stretched out her hand in front of him, "Give it to me."

"Dangdangdangdang!" George took out the gift box as if playing music to himself, "Let me first say, I wish my good buddy Seale a happy seventeenth birthday!"

"What is this?" Sylvia opened the gift box and took out a plush lion doll from it, "You gave me a doll? My God."

"Don't you always sleep with something in your arms? We've planned it for a long time, remember when you saw a little bear doll in the window? If you don't say it's like Wolf Lin, the one in your hand is probably that." George explained enthusiastically.

"My God, this thing..." Sylvia smiled and turned the doll to George, "It looks so much like Fred!"

"Give him a name?" George was happy to see her reaction, "We've been fighting for too long over Joe Red and Forge. if…"

"Then call it a bastard!" Sylvia gritted her teeth and kneaded the doll in her hand.

"As long as you like." George couldn't hold back his laughter, his whole body was shaking, but he quickly restrained his laughter and took out his wand, "Of course, of course, we must give more than So simple."

He just poked his wand on the little lion's forehead and chanted a spell of their own making. Sylvia stared at it for a long time, but nothing miraculous happened.

"Are you kidding me?"

"No! How dare I?"

They both stared. After a while, George laughed and pointed to the lion: "Our trick is to let this lion answer your questions and chat with you. It was Fred's habit at the time. But I said Not sure how long it will last.”

"You made me a voice assistant?" Sylvia burst into laughter.

"Try it." George was used to hearing all kinds of strange words from her mouth, "Just talk."

"I don't know what to say so suddenly." Sylvia rubbed the lion's head, "I ask you, why didn't Fred come? Is he still angry? "

George did not expect her to say such a thing, and unnaturally reached out and rubbed his nose.

"How can you not be angry?"

The lion really made Fred's voice, so frightened Sylvia let go, and the poor lion fell to the ground.

"How did you do it? Artificial intelligence into Hogwarts?" Sylvia looked at George with astonishment.

"But...he's not so angry anymore, already..."

Fred's voice came again. Sylvia looked at the little lion, as if it was trying to say something to save her situation, and it also succeeded in making Sylvia smile and hug it back on her lap.

"I still have things," George said. Sylvia felt some noise from the doll in her arms, but after thinking about it, it should be an illusion.

"What?" Sylvia asked with winking eyes.

"I stole it from Fred." George suddenly raised his voice, "I just want you to take a look." He took out a small box and opened it, with several Silver Sic.


"Fred won these from you." George said and quickly closed the box, just to see Sylvia's eyes follow, "He can Not a single one. Do you want to guess what he was going to buy some tricks when I asked him in first grade and what did he say to me?"

"What to play? Go away."

The doll suddenly made a noise, which startled Sylvia again. The same voice and the same tone, it was almost as if Fred himself was answering.

"This is what Fred didn't tell you." George shook the rattling box in his hand, "There is also a photo of you two, but I really don't know where he is hiding. Now. You still have a separate group photo?"

"Of course we have."

The doll spoke again.

"It's really answerable, good guy." Sylvia patted the lion's head, "I know that photo was taken in the fourth grade, but I did forget it. This issue."

"I told you all about Fred." George said and patted his **** and stood up, "You already know what I know about Fred, plus what you know Fred, you know Fred better than I do now."

"George." Sylvia was moved, "Can I hug you?"

"Of course!" George laughed and raised his voice again, and accepted the girl's hug happily.

"Thank you, George." Sylvia knows that their bickering affects George as well, and he's been doing everything he can to remedy this hard-earned friendship.

"Happy birthday, Syl. Remember—" George released Sylvia and pressed her shoulders, "must be happy."

George left the astronomical tower dashingly, as if everything was under control and left with a cheerful pace. It can even be said that it is as joyful as an unexpected joy.

"So—Fred and George sent you over for my birthday? You bastard?" Sylvia turned her attention back to the lion.

"Bastard? Your name... Forget it, I didn't expect you to have any serious name for this little lunatic."

The lion's piercing eyes and this disgusting tone couldn't be more discordant.

"You look down on me? Why can't I have a good name? Like..."

"Brother Bird."

One man and one lion were silent. What broke the silence was the lion's laughter, and it was getting more and more rampant.

"You really did it from the two of them." Sylvia punched it hard in the face, "Today is my birthday, say something nice to make me happy, understand? ?"

"What do you want to hear?"


"Don't you see who did this trick?"

"Then... was there anything embarrassing about Fred when he was a kid?"

"Then... must have."

"Come on then."

Sylvia now feels that Fred and George gave her a story machine. Although the thinking of this story machine is very jumpy, and the professional ethics is not very good, he always laughs when he talks. But what does it matter? Sylvia likes to hear Fred's stories.

"It's so nice to be growing up at Weasleys."

"Of course."

"Mainly being able to grow up with Fred George."

"Didn't I tell you that long ago?"

"What are you proud of? Are you Fred Two?"

"Fred has no number two, Fred is unique."

"It sounds like my word."

"Why don't you say it again?"


Sylvia opened her mouth and punched the lion baby in the face again: "You're not too brave! Dare to trick me?"

"Are you happy? Are you satisfied?" The lion coughed as if he was tired, "I don't even have a pair of underwear left."

"Happy." Sylvia replied meanly, "But I haven't heard enough."

"I'll think about it then."

"Don't think about it." Sylvia laughed, "Who do you look like when you spoil me so much."

"What do you say?"

"I don't say."

Sylvia pouted and looked at the starry night sky. She didn't know what her eyes were looking for, but her arms tightened, wrapping the lion doll tightly in her arms.

"Today's flowers... who sent you?"

"How can you still ask me questions?" Sylvia was frightened again, and held the doll in front of her, looking at each other, as if to see what the trick was.

"Isn't it normal that the Weasleys' tricks surprise you?"

"You convinced me." Sylvia stood up holding the doll, "I'm going back to the dormitory. I don't want to be caught by Filch today."


The doll actually kept it out.

"Fred wants to know, can you forgive him?" asked the little lion, somewhat aggrieved.

"Fred wants to know or George wants to know?" Sylvia pursed her lips.

"Are you mad at him?"

"Of course angry! But...not so angry." Sylvia returned the answer intact, "I'm just sad. I think we can never be the same again It's the same."


"No." Sylvia shrugged, "He also knows that there is a rift between us. No matter what, it will not be as careless as before. "

" you have anything else to ask me?" The lion asked in a low voice, as if I was leaving.


Sylvia blurted out the name she was thinking of, wrapped the doll in her arms again, and relaxed and leaned against the pillar.

"Can you call me Bunny?"


The silence came too suddenly, but fortunately it ended quickly.

"Happy birthday, Bunny."

Fred, who was in the screaming shack, put down the bunny doll in his hand, pointed his wand at the bunny's forehead, and said the end spell in his mouth. He sighed and rubbed his head.

Young people in love can't say a simple I love you, but they try their best to test each other's mood.

Fred walked all the way to the castle, keeping his eyes on the direction of the Astronomy Tower.

Damn George, how dare you protest with me while hugging Bunny? Dare to expose my old bottom!

Fred doesn't want to be known by Sylvia now, he can keep his temper and collect those coins for so many years, of course, so that he can scare her personally in time.

He will not miss any chance to surprise her.

Add one now, no more regrets.

But he didn't know that just a few seconds after he uttered the spell to end the company, Sylvia murmured on the astronomical tower:

"I missed you."

The author has something to say:

Congratulations Searle on coming of age! !

I always wanted to give my daughter a whole leg. During melee combat, a dagger was suddenly pulled out from under the skirt! How handsome! Just arrange the most handsome for your daughter!

Isn't this the story of Xiao Huo? I promise again and again that Brother Huo, as a real male No. 2, will never lose his face!

I also love "Memory"! Do you remember that when Searle and Brother Huo finished watching "Cat", Brother Huo didn't sing to her? After all, isn't it here?

It’s time for the birthday party again, according to the previous rules, this year is a year of no rollover! !

That box of silver cigars should be unexpected. Inspired by my friend and I won a dollar coin in a bet. This coin is still in my pencil case. It's not a fun gamble, nor a very close friend, but every time I see that coin I'm reminded of my teenage years, and the way I tried to provoke him with that coin. So I asked Fred to put it all away, and I was pretty impressed anyway, as was Searle.

I think everyone will like this chapter a lot?

Stop talking! As you can see, things are getting better and better!