MTL - HP Dear Miss Freak-Chapter 116 109. Murderers and Impossible

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"You've seen me before? Have."

When Sylvia returned to the lounge, she felt that the atmosphere was not right. Fred, who was sitting in the armchair, just glanced at her, made sure she was all right, and then turned his attention to the matter at hand.

The girl did not pause, and slowly moved to the dormitory. George glanced at Fred and then at Sylvia, and then at Hermione who was on the side, she stood up knowingly and followed Sylvia.

"Are you okay?" Hermione followed into Sylvia's dormitory.

"I'm fine. Draco still has some skills, I'll save Madam Pomfrey." Sylvia beckoned Hermione to sit down on her bed. Gryffindor's little lions wouldn't have nested in the dormitory so early. There were only two girls in the huge room, and the atmosphere was a little too quiet.

"Um...I mean..." Hermione moved closer, "I just heard you and Fred had a fight."

"Does he think..." Sylvia's eyes were dodged, "I turned my elbow out again?" Did you say anything?"

"Merlin's beard, why do you think so?" Hermione frowned and said worriedly, "He's worried about you! He didn't say a word in the auditorium just now!"

"Where are Ron and Harry?" Sylvia met Hermione's eyes, "Are they mad at me?"

"What's the matter with you?" Hermione's eyes widened, "Why are you angry? Searle! We are friends! And you just saw students being punished inappropriately by professors There's nothing wrong with defending the students in the school as a prefect."

"Hermione." Sylvia shook her head helplessly, "Although Ron and Harry are mortal enemies with Draco, they never pick things up on their own. They look like this Can't I guess that Draco was at fault first, watching the show happily?"

"But...the professors at Hogwarts are not allowed to punish students with Transfiguration!" Hermione nodded vigorously, as if that would make it more believable.

"I've questioned Draco, and he won't betray me. I...I'm..." Sylvia covered her face, "I just thought he said Weasley Those unpleasant words from the family..." She didn't regret it, but she fell into a situation of dilemma and uneasy conscience again: "But I just can't watch it! I just can't stand by!"

"Everyone is complimenting you on your courage, Syr." Hermione patted Sylvia on the back in relief, "So did Harry and Ron, and so did Fred and George, No one will blame you."

"It's not that no one told me..." Sylvia sighed, "I just get soft-hearted easily. I always remember the good of others."

If it's the first Defence Against the Dark Arts class, Moody didn't even notice Gryffindor, the female prefect. So in this class, he almost completely focused on this girl.

"Sylvia Tonks."

Moody looked at the list of students and nodded thoughtfully. "You just caught Peter Pedirou?" He seemed to realize that the girl might not only have **** luck, but she wasn't a good guy.

"It's not just me." Sylvia looked up in the corner of the classroom.

"I've heard all about your wonderful deeds." Moody pushed her step by step, "Very good, very good, good girl. Dumbledore chose you as a class. It must be because you are very capable? Right?"

"Yes." Sylvia only felt that she couldn't bow her head at this point, since he said so, she should accept it calmly. She could even hear many people around her gasp when they heard this answer.

"Very good!" Moody turned sharply to face the other students, "I told you about my experience of arresting the dark wizard in the last class, today..."

"God, he looks like he's going to use a spell on you again." Rebecca, who was sitting next to Sylvia, whispered, "I thought you knew each other no matter what, He shouldn't have..."

Suddenly, Moody turned his head sharply, and the magic eye was spinning fast. Rebecca was obviously taken aback, and Sylvia patted the back of her hand, hoping she would feel more at ease.

"I just said we need a classmate on stage to help me—" Moody's normal eyes narrowed, "I'm probably most familiar with you here, Tonks. We Have you seen it before?"

"Yes." Sylvia stood up and nodded. She could feel Moody's eyes turn fierce when she said yes. She is like a lamb to be slaughtered, and like a chicken that is only to be slaughtered for monkeys.

"The three unforgivable spells I mentioned last class, repeat." Moody motioned for Sylvia to stand on the edge of the podium.

"Imperial Curse, Cruciatus, and Unforgivable Curse." Sylvia answered eloquently.

"Out of the Body!"

Unexpectedly, Moody's wand was pointed at Sylvia. She just felt that all the thoughts and concerns in her head had been taken away by the wand. In the trance, there is an illusion of detaching from this body and escaping from this world.

Go ahead.

Moody's voice was an inviolable command. Sylvia felt her right leg stretched out inexplicably. She felt like everyone was staring at her, but there was so much noise around her that she couldn't hear anything but Moody's voice.

"Professor Moody! You said that these spells are not allowed to be used on people!" Rebecca was the first to shout, before the twins who suddenly stood up. . And Cedric also stood up and expressed his position. The Gryffindor students also stood up, especially the girls, chattering against it.

"Professor Dumbledore wants to teach you to feel." Moody was still facing Sylvia, but the magic eye turned to the other students, "If you're willing to learn in a more brutal way—wait Someone chanted this spell for you, keeping you completely in the palm of your hand—that's fine, I agree. You can leave my class now."

"I think you can change a student to help you." Fred suggested with a blank expression.

"You will all have a chance." Moody's magical eyes stared at Fred, "Let our Miss Prefect set an example."


Sylvia felt very uncomfortable. Just very upset. She really wanted to get her consciousness back, she wanted to go back to the crowd that belonged to her, instead of standing in this empty area.

Her resistance made her stop her right leg, but her left leg still stepped forward, her center of gravity was unstable and she almost fell.

What is that? Take the things out of your pockets.

Sylvia took out the silver dagger in her pocket.

Give me.

This sentence was like touching some mechanism, and Sylvia's eyes immediately changed.


Sylvia clenched the dagger tightly, trembling, roaring in her heart, preventing herself from continuing to obey him.

Give it to me!


Sylvia's eyes were red.


Sylvia snapped back to her senses as Moody's voice became less ethereal. Due to inertia, the dagger was protected by her in her arms, and she almost stumbled over it.

"You resisted my Imperius Curse." Moody's tone was approving, "It's like this, classmates, you have to learn how to resist the curse!"

And Sylvia's attention was not there. She just put the dagger back in her pocket, thinking about another way to equip it with herself.

Find time to get a leg strap.

Different from Harry. Sylvia knew Moody would train him all the time. And for her daring girl, there is no need to make her become more and more courageous, and there is no need to make her better.

"Are you okay?" Rebecca asked with concern when Sylvia returned to her seat.

"I'm fine, I'll have a good class." Sylvia made a silent gesture and said: The magic eye.

"Have you volunteered for the second one?" Moody asked, and Fred and George both raised their hands. But George looked at Fred and made a gesture for Moody to pick his brother first.

"That's right." Moody seemed to suddenly remember, "Tonks, stay after class. You're doing well, and I'll add it to Gryffindor. Five points."

"Okay, Professor Moody." Sylvia pulled out a smile. Fred looked up at her as he approached the podium. And she just stared at him until he looked away.


This year may be a detention year? Sylvia sat obediently in the classroom again and watched everyone leave. Now she was left by Snape to clean up every Potions class.

"You're a very good witch," said Moody casually, as he sorted out the cluttered classroom with his wand, "I didn't realize that the first time I saw you. Hmm. , I've seen too many people..."

"After all, we only have one side." Sylvia accepted his temptation and gave a reassuring answer, "I often hear my sister talk about you, and you just often Heard I wasn't?"

"Tonks." He seemed to regret that he hadn't paid attention to the details. "Tonks—" It was a Muggle surname, of course Barty Crouch Jr. won't pay attention.

"I thought Andromeda Black had a bad relationship with her sister after she got kicked out." He raised his head and winked as if recalling something from the past, "You kind of take care of your Damn cousin."

"I beat him." Sylvia said without reservation, "Four years ago, Rita Skeeter personally slandered me for the magic riot at school."

"Idiot." Moody laughed. "Four years ago? Your second year? How can a twelve-year-old wizard still be a magician? What a fool."

"Yeah. Only the Big Malfoy would find this very trustworthy?" Sylvia also sneered.

"He really is not a good thing." Moody's magic eyes stared straight at Sylvia, without blinking. Sylvia knew that he really hadn't detected her meaning in this one. "By the way, you do look like a Blake—" he sneered quite emotionally.

"They all said I was more like Sirius." Sylvia said, "I have a good relationship with him." persimmon.

"Sirius Black?" Moody turned his head sharply, pointing his wand straight at the bridge of her nose, "You look like that damned Regulus Black."

"He?" Sylvia thought about it carefully before realizing that he was indeed more like Regulus in his eyes. This year, she likes to sit in the corner and look at her things. She likes to go to the library alone. She has many friends but she doesn't seem to be very close, and she always keeps her back straight in the face of wizards who are stronger than herself.

"You don't know him because he's dead." Moody pulled his wand back and smiled reassuringly, "Don't be nervous, girl. It's hard to be called a Death Eater, right? "

"Regulus, he... Death Eaters... Death Eaters are capable of bringing earth-shaking changes to the world." "Look at what you compare me to them." She couldn't say it at all if she had to admit that comparing herself to Regulus was uncomfortable.

"What do you think is appropriate?" Moody seemed interested.

"Smart?" Sylvia pondered, "Ambition? Pursuit of power? Isn't that a good word? Everyone has their own aspirations, even if they want to violently rule the wizarding world is hateful. They are too Living people, that's their choice."

"It seems?" Moody's prosthetic leg stepped forward with a horrific noise. "You know the Death Eaters well?"

"I just heard Sirius say something." Sylvia admitted she was flustered.

"Then who else have you heard of?" His fake eyes rolled quickly, his wand in his hand. "Like, Barty Crouch?" He was done With a plan to forget everything.

"I don't know, who is that?" Sylvia thought to herself when she realized that she had asked again in a guilty conscience. But she tried to comfort herself, of course she didn't need to know, or she didn't understand.

Isn't it Percy's boss?

Moody's wand was pointed at Sylvia, and she shuddered, only to feel that something was trying to get into her mind and failed. She understands-


"You learned Occlumency?" Moody looked even more incredible, and the corners of his mouth lifted into an extremely distorted smile, "Why does a sixth grader learn Occlumency? Sirius Black taught you?"

"Yo! Professor Moody!"

Fred suddenly appeared at the door, patting the door just opened with one hand, panting but showing a smile. "I've got something here. Isn't the detention over yet? I thought it was really just 'stay for a while' as you said. Dinner is about to start."

Sylvia looked at the boy and was not afraid at all. He slammed open the door and stood alone at the door, behind him was the radiance he brought, and in front of her was the gloomy and dark classroom she was in.

"Oh." Moody pouted and shrugged. "Forgot the time. I think it's because we got along so well, didn't we? Miss Tonks?"

"Yes, Professor Moody." Sylvia's voice trembled uncontrollably, "I'll go first."

When Sylvia came to the door, Fred clapped the gadget in his hand as if he had taken something out of his seat. He was much taller than Sylvia, and within a few steps he caught up with the girl. And Sylvia reached out and grabbed the wide sleeves of his robe.

"..." Fred slowed down and let her pull like this. He always felt uneasy just walking, looked at the time on his watch and ran back to the Defense Against the Dark Arts classroom without saying a word to George.

You don't know how timely you are.

Sylvia remembered the question she asked years ago.

"Why do you always appear by my side every time I am in danger?"

And Fred's answer.

"What nonsense are you talking about? Because we are best friends."

It's okay, it's still working today. Sylvia breathed a sigh of relief.

"I thought you weren't afraid of him." Fred said softly, more helpless than complaining. Mad-Eye Moody acts without any rules and in most cases indiscriminately. Fred remembered the trash can incident his dad had dealt with at the start of school. Of course he thought Moody was cool and a connoisseur. But if the new professor would target his girl, it would undoubtedly disgust him.

Sylvia didn't say anything, just pulled his sleeve and walked beside him.

"Don't be afraid of him." Fred frowned, his girl was the fearless little lunatic, "He used to be an Auror, you are the proud of the future Luo."

"If..." Sylvia suddenly raised her head to look at him, "If there is an unsure and difficult matter. You want to solve it yourself, but it is very likely that you can't solve it, what should you do?"

"..." Fred's eyes widened and he opened his mouth again, but was unable to speak. He even wondered if Sylvia knew that they were looking for Bagman to collect debts.

Sylvia wanted to tell Dumbledore that this Moody was fake, but she didn't have any proof. And she can't ask for help, and with the sharpness of Barty Crouch Jr., it is likely to hurt innocents. And she was a little anxious to protect herself, how could she ensure the safety of others?

"An uncertain thing, saying it may hurt others, and the result may be unsatisfactory, should it be said?"

"You shouldn't have said that." Fred said, looking at the frames that were stepping back one by one with their pace, but ignored the noisy greetings from the portraits.

"Shouldn't I say?"

"You care about hurting others. So you shouldn't say it." Fred lowered his eyes.

He didn't care that much, and at first even wanted to go straight to Bagman for trouble. But George said to stay a line, and a person as big as Bagman can't owe their two children money, right? Besides, no one thought at the time that the leprechaun gold coins he used to pay back the money would be fake. He found that he was not as careful as George, and he was not as considerate of other people's feelings as George.

Why should I be considerate of others? But Fred was willing to understand Sylvia's mood. Although he didn't do well enough, even though he knew he would regret it, he quarreled.

You asked me. But as long as it will hurt others, you will not choose that side. Fred is clear.


Sylvia loosened Fred's sleeves, wrapped her hands around the textbook and withdrew a short distance to the side. The two of them silently accompanied each other as they walked to the auditorium.

The author has something to say:

Family, it’s cookies!

I looked at the recent comment area, everyone is getting more and more brave! One by one such a big courage! Hahahahaha!

The biggest premise for Searle to save lives is that she must not reveal that she is the perspective of God. At the earliest time, I also thought about asking Searle to say that she was born with the skills of divination or something. It should be written like this in many transmigrations, right? In the end, I dismissed the idea and let Searle intervene. Sure, Searle is great but definitely not perfect, she can't be everything and she can't be the best at everything.

I have to admit that Barty Jr. is really powerful. He barely left any handle on the whole Goblet of Fire, so Searle has no evidence. Moreover, he is an extremely loyal Death Eater, and he is also a fanatical lunatic. He can't act rashly, or what if he kills himself? right?

I still like this chapter very much, it can be regarded as the two of them finally breaking the ice, right? I think you will like it too!

"Why do you always appear by my side every time I am in danger?"

Now think about those throbbing when I was young, it is really beautiful! Thank you to the little angel who voted or irrigated nutrient solution for me during 2021-08-2120:15:52~2021-08-2315:50:46~

Thanks to the little angel who irrigated the nutrient solution: Say31 bottles; 444468948 bottles; Cheesecake with milkshake 5 bottles;

Thank you very much for your support, I will continue to work hard!