MTL - HP Dear Miss Freak-Chapter 129 One, two, two, spare no effort to go

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"You will only be my baby."

"Dude, I have something to tell you." George sat down beside Sylvia mysteriously.

"You said." Sylvia closed the potions notebook in her hand and looked at him.

"The Calvin you met recently, he has dated a lot of girls." George lowered his voice, as if he was talking about an unknown secret.

"I know." Sylvia said disapprovingly.

"You know what?" Fred jumped out of nowhere and sat on George's lap, forcing him to move away.

"I know." Sylvia nodded, "It's none of my business how many girls he asks? I don't care about my friends' shit? Unless he dares to my little angels Start."

"That guy is very scary, he smiles at everyone." George rolled his eyes, "He still looks a lot like..."

"Wulflin." Sylvia took George's words, "Isn't it? Hogwarts has the role of Norman, that's really interesting."

"He's interesting?" Fred narrowed his eyes.

Very old-fashioned, okay? It’s still a central air conditioner. If it’s not good-looking, I think I’ll be beaten often, right?”

"Bunny, how are your preparations for tomorrow's game?" Fred looked at the girl's reaction and seemed to let go of some worries, and immediately changed the subject and asked briskly.

"Very well, it's going well." Sylvia looked at the twins, who seemed to wish they could help.

"I knew you'd be fine." Fred patted her on the shoulder and George elbowed his brother and gave him a look.

Fred took a deep breath and asked: "I actually want to ask, are you still angry with me? I said so many things. I should tell you..."

"Don't apologize!" Sylvia interrupted him quickly, "It's been a long time ago, and neither of us will mention it?" She didn't want Fred to apologize, she I know that I have done too much and said too much. Apologies come and go, she doesn't want more useless apologies in their memories.

"Um...I see." Fred seemed to deny a possibility he had guessed before. That's all - she doesn't want to say things herself that will break the relationship. But he didn't know if it needed time and opportunity, or if the girl didn't want to go any further.

"Why do you two seem to..." Sylvia noticed the depression of the two boys, when Angelina returned to the lounge and came to them.

"Professor McGonagall is looking for you." Angelina pointed to Fred and George.

"We didn't do anything wrong!" They both suddenly looked at Sylvia and said in unison, "Really!"

"I know." Sylvia couldn't help but feel very funny, "You guys go." She knew why Professor McGonagall was looking for them, some poor guy will be sent to the bottom of the lake tomorrow .


I won't save two!

Sylvia suddenly looked at the back of the twins leaving, feeling her pupils tremble.

The sun was especially good on the day of the competition. Too bad it's still cold in February at Hogwarts.

And Sylvia has always been afraid of the cold.

Why winter swimming? No, it's winter diving!

"Hey! How are you preparing?" Percy suddenly came to Sylvia and patted her on the shoulder, interrupting her daze, "You were behind in the last match. too much."

"Percy, are you my supporter?" Sylvia looked at him and laughed silly.

"Don't talk nonsense! I'm the referee today." Percy frowned, "I won't be biased against any player, even if I'm your former superior."

"It's disappointing, Percy—" Sylvia sighed, "Are we just a subordinate relationship? I thought we were friends."

"Have you seen Harry?" Percy asked sharply, looking back constantly, "What's the matter with him? Can games forget time?"

"No." Sylvia shook her head, "Sit down, our dear referee." Before he finished speaking, Percy sat down at the referee's table, as if this did not Not because of Sylvia's proposal, but because he wanted to do it.

Harry arrived minutes before the game. Sylvia had long expected this to be the case, so she just gave him a smile.

"I...I'm coming..." Harry said breathlessly, slipping in the mud and stopping, accidentally splashing the mud on Fleur's robes.

"Where have you been?" said Percy in his domineering voice. "The competition is about to begin!"

"Okay, okay, Percy!" Bagman looked relieved. "Let him catch his breath!"

"How are you preparing?" Sylvia came to Harry and asked in a low voice.

"I think... no problem." Harry gave Sylvia a smile.

Bagman came among the warriors and ordered them to line up on the shore, ten feet apart. Sylvia took off her robe, she didn't like wearing a swimsuit at all, especially with a hibiscus beside her.

She added a layer of heat preservation spell to herself in advance, or repeated several layers, and even learned to control the temperature by virtue of her talent in controlling flames.

Bagman pointed his wand to his throat and cast a loud voice spell. So his voice, like thunder, passed over the dark lake to the stands: "Listen, everyone, our warriors are in their places. As soon as I whistle, the second project begins. They have a full hour. , take back what was stolen from them. I count to three! One...two...three!"

The audience burst into cheers with a sharp whistle. Sylvia took a deep breath, kicked off the casually worn leather shoes, and entered the water smoothly. At the same time, wave your wand and apply the Bubble Head Charm to yourself.

Even the fake moody is complimenting, Sylvia's silent spell is particularly good.

Anyway, can't copy homework? I'm sorry, Seid, I'll just steal your way this time.

The bottom of the lake is darker than Sylvia expected, which is not a good thing. She kept swimming deeper and deeper, but she felt that there was no end and no hope. The jungle composed of black water plants, the wide and flat sand, and the more treacherous depths of the lake. Sylvia clenched her wand and leaned forward a little bit.

A well-grown water plant appeared in front of me, and looked two feet deep, like a lush lawn. And Sylvia knew that there were Grindylo in ambush, and all she had to do was stay away from them.

Avoid unnecessary fights and end the game quickly. This is what Sylvia wants to do. After all, the order of the final match is determined by the points of the players. And she had to get to the portkey before Harry.

Sylvia only thought that she swam for a long time before she finally heard the mermaid singing.

Only one hour,

To find and retrieve what we took...

Sylvia came to the rough stone dwelling, which was stained with algae, and looked uncomfortable. She also finally saw the merman, and understood why these creatures were called merfolk and not mermaids.

These iron-grey skinned mermaids, with spears in their hands, looked at Sylvia who came from afar. They slapped the water with their thick and powerful silver tails, as if they had been waiting for a long time.

When Sylvia continued to swim forward and came to the square that seemed to be a small mermaid village, she realized that she was the first to arrive. Some mermaids in the middle sang in unison, calling for the warriors to come over.

Behind them stood a crude statue: a giant mermaid carved from a boulder. On the tail of the mermaid statue, four people are firmly bound.

Sylvia saw Fred, who stood out among the hostages, at a glance. He seemed to be sleeping soundly, his head drooping, nothing like he would, and tiny bubbles kept coming out of his mouth.

Ron was chained between Hermione and Fred. There was also a little girl who was at most eight years old, and Sylvia knew that she was Fleur's sister.

Sylvia hardly thought about it, took a dagger from her leg pocket and started cutting the rope that tied Fred. She knew the merfolk would not attack her. This is indeed not an easy task. The rope that ties the hostages to the statue is made of water and grass, thick, slippery, and very strong.

She heard some new movement behind her and turned around warily. Harry was swimming in her direction with his strange gills and flippers. After Sylvia nodded, she continued to solve those annoying ropes.

Finally, the rope is untied. Sylvia patted Harry on the shoulder, pointed upward, nodded, put Fred's arm on her shoulder and led him away.

Sylvia unilaterally stated that she hated the project.

She didn't want to see Fred look pale and lifeless.

Ugly! so ugly!

It's annoying!

Why this link?

And then the whole world knows that Fred is her baby!

The more Sylvia thought about it, the more angry she wanted to beat the guy who made the project.

And she was so small to save a boy so big as Fred. Is this reasonable? This is not reasonable! Krum is so strong to save Hermione, isn't this overkill?

When Sylvia's head came out of the water, she took the bubble head spell and cast a spell to make them float on the water. There were earth-shattering cheers from the audience, and she looked at the big clock to the side, well, it didn't exceed the time.

Something is wrong.

Sylvia turned her head sharply to look at Fred with her head still resting on her shoulder.

"Fred?" Sylvia was stunned, "What's the matter with you? It doesn't make sense..." She patted Fred's face, but the guy still didn't react at all No.

"Why..." Sylvia's mind was suddenly confused, and she hurriedly swam to the shore with Fred, "Why didn't you wake up? Why...don't scare me..."

But Fred still didn't respond, and Sylvia didn't know what went wrong.

"Percy!" she shouted, and Percy hurried to the shore and pulled his brother up. She saw Fleur on the shore, the warrior woman who failed to rescue her sister. Others are still keeping a close eye on what's going on in the lake.

"Miss Tonks, hurry..." Madam Pomfrey brought her her robe and blanket, but the girl pulled her to Fred.

"What's wrong with him? Why hasn't he woken up yet?" Sylvia spoke with a weeping voice, clasping Fred's hand tightly.

"It shouldn't be like this." Madam Pomfrey also looked puzzled, "Let me think about it, drink a bottle..."

Suddenly, Fred bounced off Percy, coughed a few times, and laughed as if he could finally stop acting. Although he has been having fun since being called by Professor McGonagall to the office to learn about the format.

"Perhaps there is a delay in the spell?" Percy said blankly, looking at Fred who patted his shoulder and covered his mouth with a smile.

"Oh, I think my spell is still very reliable." Dumbledore turned his head and looked at the two young children with a smile, his eyes full of joy.

"Bunny..." Fred just started a sentence, and Sylvia punched him **** the chest, "Ah! Calm down! This time I really dying!"

"You dare to try." Sylvia gritted her teeth and roared, her eyes were red, and her whole body was shaking.

"Don't don't don't do this, everyone is watching." Fred seemed to be unable to control his smile at all.

"Is it funny? Is it funny? Fred Weasley! You're mad at me!" Sylvia didn't care how many people were watching, she raised her fist again and smashed it hard. On Fred.

"Calm down! Hey! Sylvia!" Percy hurriedly stepped forward and grabbed Sylvia, he always felt that this girl was killing his brother.

"Extremely boring!" Sylvia snorted fiercely, shook off Percy's hand, waved her wand to apply a drying spell on herself, put on her robe, put on her shoes, and walked out .

"Miss Tonks!" Madam Pomfrey glanced anxiously at Dumbledore, but the old headmaster smiled brightly. She could only stare at Fred, not knowing where to start. And Fred obediently took the blanket and towel, as well as a bottle of potion, and quickly caught up with Sylvia.

"Wait for me! Bunny!"

"Is it funny? I ask you am I funny?"

"It's not funny." Fred took Sylvia's arm with a smile, "I was wrong, don't be angry."

"You're still laughing!" Sylvia got angry when she saw the smirk on Fred's face, took the bottle of potion and took a sip, and suddenly hot steam came out of her ears Come on, look more **** off. This made Fred's smile, which he managed to hold back, come out again.

"Sick!" Sylvia glared at him and shoved the potion into his hand, "Now! Immediately! Drink it!"

"I really knew I was wrong! I didn't mean to play dead! I just made a bet with George!" Fred grabbed her again after drinking the potion.

"Bet if I play dead and you'll beat me." Fred tried hard to hold back his smile, "I bet."

"How boring you two are!" Sylvia said in disbelief, "It's been a long time since you've been beaten, haven't you?"

"Don't be mad, Bunny. I'm so wrong, I'm not laughing. I'm not laughing at you." Fred threw the blanket over Sylvia flatteringly, But was pushed away.

"You laugh." Sylvia snorted angrily and punched Fred again, "Yeah! You should be happy! Now everyone knows you It's my baby! And you're still! Pretend! Die! Even if you get it cheap, you still sell it!"

"It really hurts." Fred drooped his eyebrows and gestured to the referee table and the stands behind him, "Everyone is watching. You don't want to do this, do you?"

"Sharing a cold knowledge, Fred Weasley." Sylvia punched and hammered again, "Sylvia Tonks is so bullying! No! Be reasonable! If I want to scold you, I will scold you! If I want to beat you, I will beat you!"

"Then you..." Freda stopped her hands, "Can you be unreasonable by my side?"

Sylvia stared at him, didn't say anything, just pulled her hand back and took a few steps in the direction of the castle.

"Bunny, if I were a warrior, it would be you at the bottom of the lake." Fred said softly, caught up with Sylvia in a few steps, put the blanket over her, and said Wrap her up.

"It's not me!" Sylvia pouted, "Your baby is not me, it's George."

"It's not...little madman..." Fred couldn't help laughing again, "I'm confessing, you want me to say it well? Please."

Sylvia still didn't speak, she raised her chin to let him continue.

"Bunny, I like you, would you like my girlfriend?"

Fred thought about a lot of grand confessions, but in the end he chose the most common one. He tasted all the joys and sorrows, walked through the clutch, and finally chose a straightforward and powerful way, just like his love, simple and pure.

You, my feelings, my wishes.

This should probably not be separated by a comma, but replaced by an equals sign.

"I do."

Yes, Ido.

Sylvia now understands why the oath says I do. This is the best response to expectations and love, impartial and just right.

"Then can I kiss my girlfriend now?" Fred wrapped his arms around Sylvia's waist and wrapped her around him.

"No." Sylvia leaned back, avoiding his head.

"Why?" Fred blinked.

"Because I said no." Sylvia involuntarily pulled off the towel and put it over Fred's head, helping him dry his wet hair.

Fred just smirked and looked at the girl in front of him, opened his mouth but said nothing, as if he didn't want to spoil the scene. But Sylvia rolled her eyes, threw the towel directly on his face, broke free of his hands, and pulled out her wand to give him a drying spell.

"You don't want to kiss your dear boyfriend?" Fred still insisted, "And it's our turn to take revenge on those guys who kiss me all day long?"

"It makes sense." Sylvia nodded, "Speaking of which, I have to think of a way..."


Sylvia took out a lipstick she was carrying from her robe pocket, painted it carefully and pulled it over Fred's neckline, leaving an orange lip print on it .

"Find a way to claim sovereignty." She seemed satisfied with the lip print, which made her realize that her lip shape was still beautiful.

"You..." Fred was stunned, lowered his head and covered his mouth and laughed, looking back towards the lake, he didn't expect that he was the first to be shy, "Everyone already knows that I am your baby."

"You are my baby." Sylvia stared at her big round eyes, "But now you remember, this means that you will only be my baby. . Do you understand?"

"Understood." Fred nodded with a smile, he watched Sylvia turn around and continue walking towards the castle and hurriedly stopped her, "Are you going back? The result of the game has not been announced yet. Woolen cloth."

"Otherwise, what's the use of your brother?" Sylvia just turned her head to look at him and quickly turned back, "If George doesn't help me remember the score, I'll beat him . Let him bet with you! He is used to you all day long!"

"You're right, you can't get used to it." Fred quickly followed her footsteps and said flatteringly.

"Get used to it! Who said you can't!" Sylvia raised her head arrogantly, "I'll get used to you in the future!"

Sylvia put her pockets in her pocket and walked towards the castle without giving Fred a chance to see her flushed face and snickering expression. And Fred just smirked, followed her around, and took her hand when she wasn't paying attention.

The author has something to say:

One, two, three, ok, let's scream

Hahahahaha confession is coming! Isn't this waiting!

In my eyes, I prefer such a show of sincerity to a grand scene. Simple confessions can be very exciting!

"Bunny, I like you, would you like my girlfriend?"

You, my feelings, my wishes.

(Wait for my next book to write about each other's daily life hahahahahaha!)

We are finally together! It is truly a celebration!

I also wish you a happy National Day here! ! Thanks to the little angel who voted or irrigated nutrient solution for me during the period of 2021-09-24 21:31:58~2021-09-28 21:21:24~

Thanks to the little angel who irrigated the nutrient solution: 2 bottles of vinyl chloride; 1 bottle of small watermelon;

Thank you very much for your support, I will continue to work hard!