MTL - HP Dear Miss Freak-Chapter 15 14. Bugs and Bugs

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"Sylvia is willing to replace her next Christmas wish with - please keep all the bugs in the world 100 meters away from her. Thank you for your cooperation."

When it was Fred and George's turn to go to Sylvia's house, the whole painting style was completely different. Sylvia had no idea that the two of them were so precious, that both Ted and Andromeda liked these two children very much.

"Merry Christmas! Mr. Tonks! Mrs. Tonks!" The two of them were about to sing a Christmas carol, "Merry Christmas! Miss Tonks." Even to Dora Also very polite.

"Merry Christmas, boys." Dora snorted, she knew exactly what Fred and George were like at school.

"Come on, play in my room," Sylvia said, and the two of them followed her upstairs.

"You live on the second floor?"

"Does your house only have two floors?" Fred and George asked as they jumped upstairs.

"It's really not like the structure of your house." Sylvia laughed at the strange structure of the Burrow. Eighty times, "I live in the attic."

She pointed to the wooden door leading to the stairs against the wall.


"That's where our ghouls live."

"Let's go up and see, Miss Ghoul." Fred patted Sylvia on the shoulder and laughed together with George.

"Believe it or not I'll screw your heads off?" Sylvia threatened through gritted teeth.

small world.

"Cool!" They both whistled as their heads emerged from the narrow passage.

"What about the two of you playing the two-headed Cerberus?" Sylvia couldn't be more amused when she saw the two of them trying to climb the stairs together and get stuck in the passageway.

"That's also a two-headed lion." I really don't know what Fred is correcting.

"Can't get up?" Sylvia said with her arms crossed, and the two of them looked at each other, and suddenly at the same time they jerked hard and got stuck, "Forget it, do whatever you want." Sylvia smiled helplessly and sat on the carpet.

"Nice, such a big room." Fred still got a head start and got in.

"It's all yours." George got up and covered the board.

"And his own bathroom!" Fred opened a door with wide eyes, Syr quickly waved his wand, and the door slammed shut and locked automatically.

"That's cool too," said George in surprise.

"It's nothing, let's show you a really powerful one." Sylvia waved her hand to let them go away, she stepped on the low stool and opened the skylight, and after two or three clicks Climbed up on the roof.

"Come up, don't I need to pull you?" Sylvia squatted on the roof and looked at them both, Fred and George stepped on the low stool with happy smiles, "Brother Bird! Let's make room!" Sylvia urged Brother Bird to lean over, and Brother Bird flew to the tree with a disgusting expression.

"Cool." The two of them were stuck in the skylight again.

"Is this your traditional art?" Sylvia smiled and made room for them.

"The view here is great."

"Although not as good as our house." The two of them got out of the skylight and sat beside Sylvia.

"There are better ones." Sylvia climbed to the big tree along a sturdy branch that climbed the roof, "Brother Bird! Please let me go!" Sylvia urged again, and Brother Bird slapped his master's forehead with his wings before flying away.

"Stinky bird! You don't want to eat today!" Sylvia covered her forehead and walked to the end of the branch to sit down. Fred and George also walked to her side and sat down.

"How is it?" Sylvia looked at the distant mountain peaks, "Here at night, looking up at the starry sky, it's beautiful!"

"Maybe we should plant one at home too."

"Fifty years from now we'll be able to climb up like this." They both laughed.

"I slipped out of here when I used to cause trouble." Sylvia said with a smile, "They didn't know, they thought I was shutting myself in the room by myself."

"We should find a way too, George."

"Yeah, we always get taken back by mom." They both sighed, holding their heads.

"Eh! What is that?" Fred pointed to the position of the tree trunk, Sylvia instinctively looked at it, and suddenly her pupils dilated and she retreated and almost fell.

"Hey!" Fred held Sylvia's shoulders so she didn't fall down.

"Get that thing away." Sylvia covered her eyes and screamed, but she didn't dare to move.

Merlin! Why is that caterpillar so fat! Why is my eyesight so good!

"It's alright, it's alright." George said, picking up the caterpillar and throwing it to the other side.

"Really?" Sylvia didn't dare to move.

"Really." Fred tried his best to hold back his smile.

"If you dare to lie to me, I will beat you." Sylvia waved her fist fiercely, her other hand still covering her eyes and dare not put it down.

"Who are you threatening? George, get that bug." Fred and George exchanged a wicked look.

"No!" Sylvia screamed, her eyes still tightly closed.

"I'm going deaf, Searle." Fred was startled.

"It's all right, really." George laughed and patted her shoulder.

Sylvia slowly lowered her hand and opened her eyes carefully. Fred couldn't stop laughing.

"It's too dangerous, I'm leaving." Sylvia stepped on the trunk and returned to the room in shock.

"Are you really Gryffindor?" Fred followed briskly.

"Who bet I was in Gryffindor?" Sylvia glared at him, pretending to close the skylight.

"How did you know then." Fred quickly grabbed the handle of the skylight and quickly jumped into the room.

"Stop making trouble, what's the fun?" George followed closely and closed the skylight.

"A movie?" Sylvia walked over to the shelf where she put the tapes.

"What is a movie?" Fred and George asked at the same time.

"Of course it's a good thing." Sylvia said, picking out a video tape.

It was a great holiday, maybe because Sylvia succeeded in impressing everyone with the impression of eating meat with Sylvia, maybe because Fred and George were so funny and even Even the Tonks liked them both, or perhaps Sylvia had a warm welcome at the Weasleys.

Although the three of them are a little naughty, lively children are always not annoying.

Well, except Snape.

"You really haven't improved at all, Miss Tonks." Snape said behind Sylvia in his usual sarcastic tone.

"I hate polychaetes." Sylvia covered her eyes with one hand, looked at the bugs on the cutting board through her fingers, and held a knife in one hand.

Snape sneered: "If you want to fail this class, please continue." Turning to leave, Slytherin burst into low jeers again.

Why cut it again!

"Brother Li! Help me!" Sylvia looked at Li with pleading eyes.

"Snape is watching! Fred and George can't save you, what can I do?" Li said bitterly.

"Mr. Weasleys, if you keep busy, there are still a lot of frogs in my office that need to be peeled." Snape seemed to have eyes behind his back, Fred and George slightly He put away his twitchy hands. "There are quite a few floors in Filch that need to be scrubbed, Mr. Jordan." Lee shook his head helplessly at Sylvia.

This is definitely a hurdle that Sylvia cannot overcome in her life.

Sylvia shook their heads.

"I suggest you help Professor Sprout more. It's the season of the plague of insects recently, and I will ask her that Miss Tonks is willing to help." Snape sneered. said.

"It's winter! Infested with insects?" Sylvia said, staring.

"You've been at Hogwarts for a semester and you still don't realize you're a wizard? What a pity." Snape sneered, and Slytherin laughed again.

"Okay okay." Sylvia rolled her eyes.

"It's the season of Dihyon bugs." Robert showed a sigh.

"What is that?" Sylvia looked at him.

"The last herbal medicine class mentioned that a kind of insect that proliferates in the cold season, and you also received a word about an out-of-season insect." Robert said with some doubts.

"I said so?" Sylvia didn't remember at all.

"I really don't know why you are so quick to pick up things, why your brain is not very smart." Robert sighed.

"The enemy of life, invertebrates." Sylvia slapped the table viciously. Just now, she was blocked by a pine caterpillar dropped by the Slytherins.

To be honest, she was very fortunate that she was chatting with the twins and didn't see the appearance of the pine caterpillar carefully.

That's alive! Almost sent me away. Sylvia was gasping for breath.

"I've taught them a lesson."

"Mont and Purse of Slytherin," said Fred and George beside her.

"They're just jealous of what you've been doing in Charms and Magic History." Angelina comforted her.

"They laughed out loud every time Snape got you down in Potions." Arya was a little indignant.

"I think Fred and George harassed them, so they are suspected of revenge." Robert looked through.

"What did you do to them?" Sylvia asked, looking at Fred and George.

"That's our boy's beam."

"Never mind! Would you like some more mashed potatoes?" They both threw a bowl of mashed potatoes from the top of Sylvia's head and slammed it in front of her.

"Remember the last flying lesson?" Angelina said, "The four boys had to compete with each other, and they were all thrown off by broken brooms."

"Oh, what's the point of this?" Sylvia was a little puzzled.

"They both think they fly better than us."

"You two idiots, don't let them see how good we are?" They both winked and said.

Well, this may be the joy of men.

"Sylvia, what is a perpetual motion machine?" Oliver looked at his Muggle studies textbook and scratched his head in distress.

"You're a perpetual motion machine when you play Quidditch, Oliver." Sylvia said with a smile.

Rarely did I make such a cool joke and only Percy laughed? !

"What do you mean?" Oliver looked at her.

"It's clearly written in the book." Percy took his book and pointed it to him.

"It's all in English, I understand each word separately, but why can't I understand it together?" Oliver said in distress.

"You haven't read Muggle math problems." Percy folded his arms, "That's not understanding at all." Sylvia laughed.

"What are you laughing at?" Oliver looked at her.

"I'm thinking I'll see Percy deflated academically in my lifetime." Sylvia said, unable to restrain her laughter, Fred and George also laughed up.

"I'll figure it out soon." Percy raised his head arrogantly.

"Of course."

"You are a model student Percy." The twins looked up after Percy's example, and Percy gave him a stern look.

"Sylvia, your labor service is in the afternoon." Charlie walked over to Sylvia and handed a parchment.

"Damn it! How can it be considered a labor service! Don't you mean to help?" Down.

"Professor Snape said this to Professor Sprout." Charlie shrugged and placed the parchment on the table in front of her.

It must be a revenge shampoo! This cheapskate!

"Come on." Li patted her shoulder with a regretful expression.

"It's all right, Searle." Fred looked at her sympathetically.

"Those bugs are much cuter than pine caterpillars." George comforted.

“Why do I feel bad for things you think are cute?” Sylvia frowned slightly.

Nothing good.

These bugs are disgusting.

Mrs. Mrs. Mrs. Mrs. is disgusting!

Mainly still alive!

Sylvia had one hand over her eyes—to prevent more out of the corner of her eye—and struggled with the special spray to kill these worms.

"What are you doing?" A voice came from behind her. When Cedric walked into the conservatory, he saw this funny scene and couldn't help laughing. Sylvia turned her head sharply and pointed the spray at the visitor. But Cedric's good-looking face made Sylvia stunned hopelessly.

"I'm not a Dihyon bug." Cedric explained with a smile.

To be honest, this silly big man is really cute, especially with this handsome face. Sylvia loves contrasting cuteness.

"I know, these worms can't look so handsome when they become sperm." Sylvia said and put the spray down, but the other hand was still stubbornly blocking it. To the outskirts of Dihyon Worm.

", I'm here to help." Cedric seemed embarrassed by her straight ball.

"That's great!" Sylvia almost wanted to give him a hug, "You're my savior! Cedric!"

"How do you know my name?" Cedric was a little surprised.

"You are quite famous." Sylvia smiled.

"But I think you're more famous." Cedric picked up another bottle of spray and came to the shivering girl, "Are you and Rebecca friends?"

"Yes!" Sylvia nodded vigorously, "She's so pretty! Isn't she?"

"She must be very happy to know you said that." Cedric's smile was so gentle!

"She knows. I say she's beautiful every day I see her." Sylvia said with a smile.

"So what are you doing?" Cedric asked, imitating Sylvia's left hand.

"In order to prevent my peripheral vision from seeing more of these disgusting things and reduce the direct damage to my soul." Sylvia explained.

Cedric couldn't help laughing again. This boy is so handsome when he smiles, Sylvia sighed in her heart.

"Stop laughing, I know it's stupid." Sylvia said gloomily.

"I think you are very interesting, like your sister." Cedric said with a smile.

"Dora? Then she's far from me." Sylvia said proudly.

"Why are you so afraid to help?" Cedric asked.

"Can you believe me when I said I was adding points for the college?"

"Yes." Cedric nodded.

He must have heard of my stupid deeds in Potions class? But he was the one who targeted me a lot of the time."

"I think Professor Snape is a very good professor, and we can learn a lot from him, can't we?"

"Yeah. But I want him to be gentle with me, too much? Well, I think it's too much." Sylvia sprayed the insecticide spray depressedly.

"You go back, there's not much left here, I'll just come." Cedric said with a smile.

"Are you an angel? Cedric." Sylvia looked at him, Cedric scratched the back of his head and seemed a little embarrassed, "Then I'm welcome?"

"Well, go back." He smiled and waved.

"I would be happier if our acquaintance wasn't because of these worms." Sylvia took off her gloves and put down the spray and waved him, leaving the greenhouse one step at a time.

"Look who came to save you?" Sylvia saw Fred and George as soon as they came out of the greenhouse.

"Huh? Only now?" She raised her fists to beat them.

"Brought you a present." Fred pulled a chubby bug from his pocket. Sylvia yanked George in front of her without looking closely.

"Fred Weasley!" Sylvia roared with her eyes closed and hid behind George, listening to the hilarious laughter of Fred and George.

"It's fake, man." George slapped his thighs with laughter.

"You should take a closer look." Fred smiled and shook the "bug" in his hand.

"Is it funny?" Sylvia shoved George away and strode to Fred.

"No, no." Fred didn't realize the seriousness of the problem.

"Is it fun?" Sylvia grabbed his sleeve and shook her fist.

"No, no! I'm just, I'm not afraid that you're in a bad mood to make a joke with you?" Fred's smile still couldn't be restrained.

"It's funny, isn't it?" Sylvia went around behind him and put her arms around his neck tightly.

"No, no! Wrong! I was wrong! I know I was wrong!" Fred immediately begged for mercy.

"It's too late! I don't accept the apology." Sylvia said and dragged him towards the Black Lake.

"George! Help me!" Fred exclaimed and held out his hand. George couldn't help laughing not far behind them.

Sylvia released Fred suddenly, punched him **** the arm, and walked towards the castle.

"It's too ruthless, are you really a girl?" Fred covered his arms and followed her.

"It can't hurt more than mom's beating, right?" George happily stepped forward, and Sylvia unceremoniously gave him a punch. "I was wrong, Mom is still too gentle." George covered his arms and grinned.

"Boring." Sylvia rolled her eyes and continued towards the castle.

"Don't be mad, don't be mad."

"Come on, let's go to the kitchen to find something to eat." The two of them took her shoulders and led her to the kitchen.

The author has something to say:

Our little Sier is definitely an output player, and the setting of the force value is full. It's a pity that there are still those soft bugs in the world hahahaha (Sylvia is very scared)

That bug was created by me, don't worry too much

I really like Seid senior

In the next chapter our male number two is finally coming! I'm so excited, everyone! Thanks to the little angel who voted or irrigated nutrient solution for me during 2020-11-18 19:58:27~2020-11-2212:32:00~

Thanks to the little angel who irrigated the nutrient solution: Han Chuxi 1 bottle;

Thank you very much for your support, I will continue to work hard!