MTL - HP Dear Miss Freak-Chapter 35 Thirty-two, Malfoy and pure blood

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"I forbid you to speak of my family like that."

Sylvia promised Ron to accompany him to buy school supplies, but she wanted to run into Harry at Diagon Alley. In desperation, I had to go with the Weasley boys first, and then go on my own.

After she met Harry by chance, she had a new obsession - to check out all the famous scenes.

But as it turns out, she's expected to fall in the middle of the plan. What exactly do you have to do to get the timing just right! Wait online! Very urgent! Could Merlin take care of my poor child! Sylvia was sitting at a small table in Florin's cold drink shop, biting viciously at chocolate ice cream.

Fortunately, Andromeda is coming to Mrs. Primpinel's Beauty Potions Shop today, she excuses her to go out for a walk together. The mother and daughter agreed to meet at the Leaky Cauldron in the evening.

But today is not at all what Sylvia imagined, she seems to have successfully missed the plot of the robe shop and the wand shop.

Isn't that big Hagrid easy to find? Why is it so hard for the same thing to happen to me? Sylvia couldn't help rolling her eyes.

"Sylvia? Why are you here?" Percy appeared in front of her with a pile of textbooks, and Oliver followed him, watching the new textbooks in his hand wrinkled brow.

"I'll... eat ice cream." Sylvia held up the ice cream she had eaten almost as much as she smiled. She can't say that because the view here is suitable for observing if any acquaintances pass by. She even thought about how to talk to Pengci, but she didn't expect to meet these old acquaintances of Gryffindor.

"Come to Diagon Alley on purpose to eat ice cream?" Oliver showed a disbelieving expression, but he immediately put on an excited expression and shook Sylvia's shoulder, "Nimbus 2000! It's really out! You're too accurate!"

"Oh...Oh! Really!" Sylvia nodded with a smirk, she forgot about it.

"Let's go! Let's see!" Oliver jumped up with excitement.

"I don't... well, I have nothing to do anyway." Sylvia pursed her lips and followed Oliver gleefully to the Quidditch boutique. Percy took stock of his bibliography and followed suit after tidying up his coat.

"You compliment Percy, he has already hinted it clearly." Oliver whispered to Sylvia's ear. It was only then that she noticed that Percy had hung the Prefect's Medal around his neck, and it couldn't be more conspicuous.

"Hey! Percy! You've been elected prefect! Congratulations!" Sylvia patted Percy on the shoulder and said in surprise. She suddenly realized that if her talent in magic was really poor, she might as well go to the film and television industry to develop it.

"I think this is to be expected." Percy raised his head and pretended to be reserved, his eyes were full of pride.

"Hey! You didn't let Mrs. Molly reward you?" Sylvia looked at him suspiciously.

Percy pondered for a while and looked at the Ira Owl store. Oliver was already asking the Quidditch shop owner about the price, but his expression was that the bargaining failed.

"Maybe I could have an owl of my own, which would make it easier to send letters." Percy seemed to have made up his mind.

"Yeah, Errol in your family is living too hard. I really should let Brother Bird communicate with him, and he will know how good his treatment is." Sylvie Aya pursed her lips.

"Merlin's beard." Oliver walked back annoyed, "I started saving money two years ago, but I still can't afford it."

"It's alright, Oliver." Sylvia patted his shoulder in relief, "I dare say there will be a new model next year."

“How do you know?” Oliver looked at Sylvia.

"Guess." Sylvia said confidently. This feeling is really time and again.

"You may not be able to afford it next year." Percy spoke slowly. Are you actually a Tucao servant!

"According to the current trend of the Quidditch market, the replacement is very fast, and the price will only increase exponentially and wildly." Percy actually analyzed it in a proper manner.

"Not bad, Percy. Do you understand exponents now?" Sylvia snorted and patted Percy on the shoulder. The three of them went out together.

"I just know...Wait! You can function! Merlin knows how hard that is!" Percy's eyes widened.

"This... If you want me to teach you, I still have to review it." Sylvia laughed.

"What is that? Can you know anything more strange?" Oliver scratched the back of his head and said.

After waving goodbye to the two senior boys, a bright pale gold flashed in front of Sylvia's eyes. To be precise, she accidentally glanced in the direction of the window. Turning around, a pale, thin boy was lying on the window looking at the Nimbus 2000.

"Draco...Malfoy!" Sylvia blurted out the other person's given name and added the last name without a pause. The boy has already looked over, and Sylvia is very grateful that her reaction speed is so fast.

"How do you know my name?" Draco frowned slightly, raised his chin slightly, and said in a long tone. He probably thought that anyone who could say his name would be a young lady from a pure-blood family, so he didn't show an overly bored expression. Although he wasn't happy just looking at the broom, being a Malfoy taught him to be a little polite at the moment.

"You can guess Malfoy by the color of your hair." Sylvia just finished speaking, Draco immediately showed a smug look. The little guy acted complacent because the other party had heard of him.

"What's your name?" Draco asked reservedly.

"Sylvia Tonks." Sylvia said briskly. The platinum young master was stunned for a moment, then his expression changed immediately.

"Tonks?" An uncomfortable voice came from behind Sylvia, and a sneer.

Sylvia looked back, and the speaker also had pale blond hair, cold gray-blue eyes, and a pale pointed face. This must be Mr. Big Malfoy. Sylvia was very clear. The lady beside him had long blond hair. That was Mrs. Narcissa, whom Sylvia particularly liked.

"Mr. Malfoy, Mrs. Malfoy, good day." Sylvia smiled calmly. Lucius narrowed his eyes and pulled out an unintelligible smile.

"Are you here with your family?" Narcissa showed a faint smile. Sylvia's eyebrows were very similar to Andromeda, and she recognized it at a glance.

"I came by myself, ma'am." Sylvia gave Narcissa a smile. She secretly sighed again about her acting skills and her ability to lie without changing her face.

"I don't want to see your unfortunate father and your fallen mother here." Lucius sneered fiercely.

"Is this the etiquette of the Malfoy family? To speak ill of her parents in front of the child?" Sylvia answered immediately, staring straight at Lucius. She likes Narcissa, and even thinks Draco is a funny little villain, but that doesn't mean she likes Lucius.

"Who do you think you're talking to?" Lucius' tone was obviously heavier, and his hand holding the cane tightened. Narcissa put her hand on her husband's shoulder.


Andromeda appeared a few steps away. Her daughter was standing in front of the Malfoys in a tense posture, which was not what she wanted to see. Sylvia didn't expect her lie to be exposed on the spot. Let Andromeda and Narcissa meet in this situation is not what she wants to see.

"Mom." Sylvia slowly retracted the look of disdain she just had. She is a little confused now, this is the first time she has been in the Shura field.

"It looks exactly like your arrogant cousin." Lucius said to Narcissa slightly, "It's ridiculous."

"Sirius is not funny at all!" Sylvia looked at Lucius sharply. The latter was slightly taken aback by her sharp eyes.

"Good to meet you, three. But I think the small talk can be over." Andromeda came to Sylvia, took her hand, turned and was about to leave.

"Isn't it funny? I think you are more ridiculous than him. The Tonks family really doesn't disappoint." Lucius sneered again. Draco stood aside with a smug smile.

"Use your brain well and you will find that you are the most ridiculous! You shameless villain! Smelly lackey!" Lucius. Andromeda was stunned by Sylvia's move, but she quickly pulled her little daughter behind her and stretched out her hand to protect her.

"Mrs. Tonks, how can you have such a vulgar daughter?" Lucius's tone softened, but from his expression, it was more like the calm before the storm.

"When others are not polite, you should first reflect on yourself!" Sylvia stuck her head out behind Andromeda, but her mother wouldn't let her go forward.

"Andromeda, that's it for today." Narcissa stood up.

"Should go back and let Tonks see his daughter, but that's it." Lucius said and turned to leave, "He's still complacent in the ministry that his eldest daughter has entered the Auror office? Little Is your daughter smart and cute? How enviable?"

"It's enviable! Dora is the best and coolest witch!" Sylvia snapped, "My parents are excellent wizards! I'm so proud of this! Sirius…"

Andromeda looked at her daughter, who was out of control. Sylvia's eyes were red, her chest kept heaving, she was trying to control her breath.

"Sirius isn't funny at all! He's so talented and funny! He's a pretty good wizard!"

Sylvia gripped the silver dagger in her pocket. She suddenly made up her mind that she must clear her grievances for Sirius this year.

"Excellent wizard who lives in Azkaban?" Lucius laughed disdainfully. "You know what you're talking about, young man?"

"I just know I won't let you talk about my family like that." Sylvia said, holding her mother's hand tightly, turning her head and leaving the Quidditch boutique without hesitation door. She wanted to hold back, but she found that on some issues she simply couldn't hold back.

After returning home, mother and daughter were silent. Andromeda and Sylvia sat on the sofa in the living room, both a little heavy.

"I'm sorry, Mom..." Sylvia whispered. If there was anything she was worried about, it was because the incident just now made the relationship between Andromeda and Narcissa even more tense.

"Do you remember Sirius?" Andromeda rubbed Sylvia's head, "I remember he hurt you the most before."

"Of course I remember." Sylvia's fingers rubbed the carvings on the dagger. In fact, she always expected that this dagger would also have the same function as Sirius, but unfortunately it didn't.

"You do like your uncle very much." Andromeda sighed softly, "But do you remember? He did a terrible thing, he was imprisoned in Azkaban You cried so hard that day."

"I don't really remember...Did I cry?" Sylvia scratched her head, "But I do like Sirius. Mom, you always say he's very talented, don't you? He's a pretty good wizard, and I'm in his academy right now. You think he'd be very happy if he knew!"

"But he failed all those who believed in him." Andromeda's eyes dimmed, "You were young at that time, and you probably didn't know that much..."

"But I get it now. The boy who survived is going to Hogwarts this year, isn't he? Those old stories have been turned up and told again. Although I have heard Too many versions." Sylvia pursed her lips, "but I don't think...he wouldn't do it."

"Mom! You didn't believe it at the time! Didn't you!" Sylvia said, looking at Andromeda who was speechless. Her mother just sighed softly, took her stubborn little daughter into her arms, and kissed her temples.

"Mom, do you believe me? The wizards in our family will be the best wizards." Sylvia leaned against Andromeda's chest.

"Of course, my little Sil is the best."

The author has something to say:

He's coming he's coming! The much-anticipated brother is finally here! !

The author I am a Slytherin, so I will have some preference for the Snake House character more or less

I love Draco as a character. Looking at the movie, aside from the looks of the actors (I love sweet soup so much!) Draco's role can also be quite attractive to me! He is such a rich character! Especially in Half-Blood Prince, it brought me so many ideas that I wrote a small composition in the mobile phone memo late at night (bushi hahahaha)

He is so real.

The scene of crying in the bathroom still hurts me now. When a conceited person expresses frustration, helplessness, and fear, forgive me for temporarily forgetting that he is an annoying little villain, and just want to hug this child.

He can be a prefect, attend an advanced class in potions, and complete the tasks given to him by Lao Fu alone. He has always been proud but also excellent. It's just that these pure-blooded surnames are too heavy, whether it is protection or responsibility, it is too heavy for Draco.

He is very bad, but also very distressing, isn't he?

No one told him how to love.

Luckily for him, the Malfoys ended up in a normal life intact.

Like I like what Lao Deng said: what kind of person we become is not our ability, but our choice.

Including Sirius's sentence: The world is not divided into good people and bad people, everyone has light and darkness inside, what really matters is how we choose and know who we are.

A hundred causes will have consequences, good and evil will eventually pay off

Overall, he ended up being what he wanted to be.

Then let’s talk about Narcissa, every day I want to make Daddy Lu the stepfather of Xiaolong hhhh Sissy is my favorite female character. The love of my parents really touched me so much. The three sisters of 5555 Heijia are undoubtedly very assertive, and once they make a choice, they will never regret it (I like them very much!) She is very shrewd, good at weighing the pros and cons and judging the situation. I've always thought Cissy was a typical Slytherin (I don't think being prudent is a derogatory term, and it's the same for ambition and interests) I admire such women.

Of course, keep the principle of no black and no washing! Thank you to the little angel who voted for me or irrigated nutrient solution during 2021-01-16 23:11:13~2021-01-2022:04:23~

Thanks to the little angel who irrigated the nutrient solution: 10 bottles of Lou Xi; 4 bottles of Nanzhi;

Thank you very much for your support, I will continue to work hard!